# Maintainer (Arch): Kyle Keen # Contributor (Arch): Dominik Heidler # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos # it looks like the release model has gotten better # keeping it more modular for now though # parabola changes and rationale: # - removed semifree firmware and image blobs. we can't build them because # proprietary toolchains and libraries are required. pkgname=bladerf _libver=2.0.2 _CLIver=1.5.1 _FPGAver=0.10.2 _firmver=2.3.2 pkgver=$_libver pkgrel=1 pkgrel+=.par1 pkgdesc="Driver, userspace for the bladeRF SDR." url="https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF" # https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF/tags arch=('x86_64') arch+=('i686' 'armv7h') license=('GPL2') depends=('libusb') makedepends=('cmake' 'help2man' 'doxygen') #backup=("etc/bladerf.cfg") source=("https://github.com/Nuand/bladeRF/archive/libbladeRF_v$_libver.tar.gz") md5sums=('ac1ace151d1039c5a88d59b155e17e02') sha256sums=('87ed1ce383d9536602b2a7bbff1c780903bac90c815df9cb286c9217bf421adb') # bladeRF-cli is bundled with libbladeRF # bladeRF-cli can use libtecla (aur)? prepare() { cd "$srcdir/bladeRF-libbladeRF_v$_libver" # FS#47168 sed -i 's|MODE.*$|TAG+="uaccess"|' host/misc/udev/88-nuand.rules.in # todo, report warning sed -i '94i add_definitions(-Wno-error=format-truncation)' host/CMakeLists.txt # FS#55326 sed -i '44s/^else/#&/' host/misc/udev/CMakeLists.txt } build() { cd "$srcdir/bladeRF-libbladeRF_v$_libver" mkdir -p build cd build CFLAGS+=" -Wno-error=stringop-truncation" cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON \ -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=lib \ -Dusb_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/libusb-1.0.so \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../ make # ENABLE_FX3_BUILD needs cypress toolchain # really really wants to put files in /usr/lib64 } package() { cd "$srcdir/bladeRF-libbladeRF_v$_libver/build" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # FS#54105 cd "$pkgdir/etc/udev/rules.d/" mv 88-nuand.rules 70-nuand.rules }