# Maintainer (aur): Fabio 'Lolix' Loli # Contributor: Zen Wen # Contributor: Felix Yan # Contributor: Antonio Rojas # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Maintainer: Parabola Hackers # Contributor: bill-auger # parabola changes and rationale: # - blacklist rescue for webengine clients which support webkit # - pin to strongly-coupled dependency versions # NOTE: for each qt5-base N.N.N release, re-build as a chain - build order: # (qt5-base-N.N.N) <- qt5-webkit <- python-pyqt5 <- qutebrowser pkgname=qt5-webkit _pkgver=5.212.0-alpha4 pkgver=${_pkgver/-/} pkgrel=22 pkgrel+=.parabola1 arch=(x86_64 aarch64) arch+=(armv7h i686) url="https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit" license=(GPL3 LGPL3 FDL custom) pkgdesc="Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API" source=("https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit/releases/download/qtwebkit-$_pkgver/qtwebkit-${_pkgver}.tar.xz" "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/qt5-qtwebkit/raw/rawhide/f/qtwebkit-cstdint.patch" icu68.patch glib-2.68.patch qt5-webkit-python-3.9.patch qt5-webkit-bison-3.7.patch) depends=(qt5-location qt5-sensors qt5-webchannel libwebp libxcomposite gst-plugins-base hyphen woff2 # namcap implicit depends glibc gcc-libs glib2 zlib libx11 sqlite gst-plugins-base-libs libjpeg-turbo icu libpng gstreamer libxml2 qt5-base qt5-declarative) # libxslt makedepends=(cmake ruby gperf python qt5-doc qt5-tools) optdepends=('gst-plugins-good: Webm codec support') options=(!lto) [[ "${CARCH}" == armv7h ]] && options+=(!debug) # reduce memory usage for armv7h sha256sums=('9ca126da9273664dd23a3ccd0c9bebceb7bb534bddd743db31caf6a5a6d4a9e6' '4c71c958eae45cae65c9f002024eb1369d06029b668e595158138ff7971e64f1' '0b40ed924f03ff6081af610bb0ee01560b7bd1fb68f8af02053304a01d4ccdf0' '4969dd03e482155e2490b50307dada81dda7bbc9e5398e3a53c20bc474f7c04e' '6e0cee08e4fa57b04752e80817f33562f48aa42608a3a620930b6040259b4932' '34f37b53ee0bc31c63ce85ebd1ae95543a8ba28483e387b20efd50574bd813be') ## dependency tweaks ## # FIXME: Could NOT find Sqlite (missing: SQLITE_LIBRARIES) [[ "${CARCH}" == armv7h ]] && makedepends+=( 'pkgconf<=2.1.0' ) # dustbin 2024-01-31 _version_constraint() # (dep_pkgname [precision]) { Log() { [[ "${FUNCNAME[2]}" == package ]] && echo "$@" >&2 || : ; } local dep_pkgname=$1 declare -i req_precision=$2 local full_version=$(pacman -S --print-format='%v' ${dep_pkgname} 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1) local n_dots=$(tmp=${full_version%-*} ; tmp=${tmp//[^\.]} ; echo "${#tmp}" ;) local def_precision=$(( n_dots + 1 )) local is_prec_valid=$(( req_precision > 0 && req_precision <= def_precision )) local precision=$((( is_prec_valid )) && echo ${req_precision} || echo ${def_precision}) local pkgver_rx='[0-9A-Za-z_]+' pkgver_rx=$(sed 's|\]|\+]|' <<<${pkgver_rx}) # according to the wiki, '+' is not allowed, # but some pkgver have it (eg: 5.15.10+kde+r130) local subver_rx='\.'${pkgver_rx} local pkgrel_rx='[0-9]+' local garbage_rx='[^0-9].*' local capture_rx=${pkgver_rx} for (( n_dots=1 ; n_dots < precision ; ++n_dots )) ; do capture_rx+=${subver_rx} ; done ; local version pkgrel has_dot_char version_min version_max constraint_string declare -i subver subver_inc pkgrel_inc if [[ "${full_version}" =~ ^(${capture_rx})(${subver_rx})*-(${pkgrel_rx}).*$ ]] then version=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # pkgver cut to the requested precision #unused=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # discarded pkgver segments pkgrel=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} # pkgrel with non-numerics right-trimmed has_dot_char=$([[ "${version}" =~ \. ]] ; echo $(( ! $? )) ; ) subver=$(sed "s|${garbage_rx}||" <<<${version##*.}) # right-trim from any non-numeric version=$( (( has_dot_char )) && echo ${version%.*}.${subver} || echo ${subver} ) subver_inc=$(( subver + 1 )) pkgrel_inc=$(( pkgrel + 1 )) version_min=$( (( ! is_prec_valid )) && echo ${full_version%-*}-${pkgrel} || \ echo ${version} ) version_max=$( ( (( ! is_prec_valid )) && echo ${full_version%-*}-${pkgrel_inc} ) || \ ( [[ "${version}" =~ \. ]] && echo ${version%.*}.${subver_inc} ) || \ echo ${subver_inc} ) constraint_string="${dep_pkgname}>=${version_min} ${dep_pkgname}<${version_max}" Log "Applied version constraint: '${constraint_string}'" else Log "ERROR: in _version_constraint() parsing: dep_pkgname='${dep_pkgname}' full_version='${full_version}'" exit 1 fi unset -f Log echo -n "${constraint_string}" } prepare() { cd "qtwebkit-${_pkgver}" patch -p0 -i ../icu68.patch # Fix build with ICU 68.x patch -p1 -i ../glib-2.68.patch # https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit/issues/1057 patch -p1 -i ../qt5-webkit-python-3.9.patch # Fix build with python 3.9 patch -p1 -i ../qt5-webkit-bison-3.7.patch # Fix build with bison 3.7 patch -p1 -i ../qtwebkit-cstdint.patch # gcc 11.1 } build() { local make_opts=() # reduce memory usage for armv7h if [[ "${CARCH}" == armv7h ]] then export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -fuse-ld=bfd" export LDFLAGS+=' -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads' make_opts=( '--' '-j4') fi cmake -B build -S "qtwebkit-${_pkgver}" -Wno-dev \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -DNDEBUG" \ -DPORT=Qt \ -DENABLE_XSLT=OFF \ -DENABLE_TOOLS=OFF cmake --build build ${make_opts[*]} # disabling XSLT to build https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit/issues/1097 } package() { # pin to strongly-coupled dependency versions depends+=( libicudata.so \ $(_version_constraint qt5-base 3) ) depends+=(libicuuc.so libicui18n.so) DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" cmake --install build # install 'qt5-base' licenses install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses ln -s /usr/share/licenses/qt5-base "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} }