# Contributor (Arch) : Brice Waegeneire < brice dot wge at gmail dot com > # Contributor (Arch) : Alexander Lam # Maintainer (Parabola) : Aurélien DESBRIÈRES # parabola changes and rationale: # - no longer maintained by Arch / AUR pkgname=devmem pkgver=2 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="A small utility to access /dev/mem and read/write to any memory location" arch=('x86_64' 'i686' 'armv7h') url="http://free-electrons.com/pub/mirror/devmem2.c" license=('GPL2') source=("http://free-electrons.com/pub/mirror/${pkgname}${pkgver}.c") sha256sums=('3b15515693bae1ebd14d914e46d388edfec2175829ea1576a7a0c8606ebbe639') build() { cd "$srcdir/" gcc devmem2.c -o devmem2 } package() { install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/devmem2 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/devmem2 }