#!/bin/sh pacman -Qi >./all_files if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo -e "\033[0;37mNo repo given!" echo " usage: scriptname reponame" fi reponame=$1 list=$1_list pacman -Sl $reponame >./$list sed -i "s|\$reponame |g|" ./$list repo=`cat ./$list | cut --fields 2 --delim " "` for pkg in $repo ; do if [[ $(cat ./all_files | grep -w "$pkg") ]] ; then echo -e "\033[0;34m$pkg\033[0;37m is installed" echo "$pkg" >>./installed_files elif [ "$2" == "all" ] ; then echo -e "\033[0;31m$pkg\033[0;37m is NOT installed" fi done echo echo -n "Would you like to save the names of these pkgs to a file? (Y/n) " read choice if [ "$choice" == "Y" -o "$choice" == "y" ] ; then echo "Currently in `pwd`" echo -n " Save as: " read filename if [ -z $filename ] ; then echo "No name given saved as ./installed_files_$reponame" cp -u ./installed_files ./installed_files_$reponame else cp -u ./installed_files $filename fi rm ./installed_files else rm ./installed_files fi rm ./$list ./all_files