# Maintainer: Luke R. GPG: rsa4096/3EAE8697 pkgname=samhain pkgver=4.1.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="file integrity / intrusion detection system" arch=(i686 x86_64) url="http://www.la-samhna.de/" license=('GPL') makedepends=('gcc' 'openssl' 'procps-ng') source=("http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/${pkgname}-current.tar.gz" 'PKGBUILD.sig' 'PKGBUILD') validpgpkeys=('CB6E213A349B8DF9E96B622AC3F4FFCF3EAE8697' # PKGBUILD Maintainer's key 'EF6CEF54701A0AFDB86AF4C31AAD26C80F571F6C') # Rainer Wichmann sha512sums=('d71517890ca24eaf27053760b35bd06e566b18b14b7439f81067ff1ec6f1fcad0a7f4eb2d6d1fd2f30f198b3ce6638a1a2fda462b5a13bf6e532606cbf765ad1' 'SKIP' 'SKIP') pkgver() { tar -ztvf samhain-current.tar.gz | head -n1 | awk '{print $6}' | sed "s/samhain-//" | sed "s/.tar.gz//" # get latest version number } build() { gpg --verify PKGBUILD.sig PKGBUILD echo "Note: If the GPG verification fails, import the PKGBUILD maintainer's GPG key. See: https://wiki.parabola.nu/GnuPG#Import_key" whirlpoolsum=('2860728405365baee040d9f4ed9fa2967a8f3402ccf3e2b0c3e8b6a0c1fe58189cb658e93a864474234e018300e2db166adc13c6df3dfcb9d514c3b029634d16') [[ "$(openssl dgst -r -whirlpool samhain-current.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}')" = ${whirlpoolsum} ]] && echo "Whirlpool checksum passed." || { echo "Whirlpool checksum failed!!" ; exit 1; } # This is an added security layer. If SHA512 for some unlikely reason fails, whirlpool will check and abort if it too fails to match. gpg --verify samhain-${pkgver}.tar.gz.asc samhain-${pkgver}.tar.gz echo "Note: If the GPG verification fails, import the Samhain GPG key: http://www.la-samhna.de/samhain/s_rkey.html" tar -zxvf "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-current.tar.gz" -C "${srcdir}"/. cd "${srcdir}" tar -zxvf ${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --with-trusted=0 --sbindir=/usr/bin # see samhain documentation, lots of other options available. e.g. use --enable-network=server to run in server mode. } package() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" make || return 1 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install }