#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2014 Michał Masłowski # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. # blacklist::check.sh Verify the blacklist entries are correctly formatted. readonly REF_REGEX='^[^:]*:[^:]*::[^:]*:.*$' readonly SYNTAX_REGEX='^[^:]*:[^:]*:(sv|debian|parabola|fsf|fedora)?:[^:]*:.*$' readonly CSV_CHAR=':' readonly SEP_CHAR='!' readonly LOG_FILE=./check.log ; rm ${LOG_FILE} 2> /dev/null exit_status=0 # TODO: the best sorting results are acheived when the field separator ($CSV_CHAR) # precedes any valid package name character in ASCII order # the lowest of which is ASCII 43 '+', and spaces are not allowed; # so ASCII 33 ('!') serves this purpose quite well # someday, we should re-write the tools to use parse on '!' instead of ':' # if that were done, then the `sort` command alone would yeild # the same results as this procedure, except for removing empty lines unsortable="$( for blacklist in *.txt do echo -n "sorting and cleaning: '${blacklist}' ... " >> ${LOG_FILE} if grep ${SEP_CHAR} ${blacklist} then echo "ERROR: can not sort - contains '${SEP_CHAR}' char" >> ${LOG_FILE} retval=1 else echo "OK" >> ${LOG_FILE} cat ${blacklist} | tr "${CSV_CHAR}" "${SEP_CHAR}" | sort | uniq | \ sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | tr "${SEP_CHAR}" "${CSV_CHAR}" > ${blacklist}.temp mv ${blacklist}.temp ${blacklist} fi done )" if [[ -n "$unsortable" ]] then printf "\n[Entries containing '%s' char]:\n\n%s\n\n" "${SEP_CHAR}" "$unsortable" >> ${LOG_FILE} echo -n "ERROR: one of the data files is unsortable - check can not continue" echo " - correct the malformed entries, then run this script again" exit 1 fi printf "\n\nchecking for entries with syntax errors: ... " >> ${LOG_FILE} invalid="$(egrep -v ${SYNTAX_REGEX} *.txt)" if [[ -z "$invalid" ]] then printf "OK\n" >> ${LOG_FILE} else printf "\n[Incorrectly formatted entries]:\n\n%s\n\n" "$invalid" >> ${LOG_FILE} exit_status=1 fi printf "\n\nchecking for entries without reference to detailed description: ... " >> ${LOG_FILE} unsourced="$(egrep ${REF_REGEX} *.txt)" if [[ -z "$unsourced" ]] then printf "OK\n" >> ${LOG_FILE} else printf "\n[citation needed]:\n\n%s\n\n" "$unsourced" >> ${LOG_FILE} exit_status=1 fi # summary totals=$(wc -l *.txt | sed 's|\(.*\)|\t\1|') n_unsourced=$(wc -l <<<${unsourced}) n_malformed=$(wc -l <<<${invalid} ) echo -e "summary:\n\t* number of entries total:\n${totals}" (( ${n_malformed} )) && echo -e "\t* number of entries improperly formatted: ${n_malformed}" (( ${n_unsourced} )) && echo -e "\t* number of entries needing citation: ${n_unsourced}" (( ${exit_status} )) && echo "refer to the file: '${LOG_FILE}' for details" exit $exit_status