path: root/data/skel/.zshrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/skel/.zshrc')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/skel/.zshrc b/data/skel/.zshrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8695b4dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/skel/.zshrc
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# Filename: /etc/skel/.zshrc
+# Purpose: config file for zsh (z shell)
+# Authors: (c) grml-team (
+# Bug-Reports: see
+# License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2 or any later version.
+# Nowadays, grml's zsh setup lives in only *one* zshrc file.
+# That is the global one: /etc/zsh/zshrc (from grml-etc-core).
+# It is best to leave *this* file untouched and do personal changes to
+# your zsh setup via ${HOME}/.zshrc.local which is loaded at the end of
+# the global zshrc.
+# That way, we enable people on other operating systems to use our
+# setup, too, just by copying our global zshrc to their ${HOME}/.zshrc.
+# Adjustments would still go to the .zshrc.local file.
+## Inform users about upgrade path for grml's old zshrc layout, assuming that:
+## /etc/skel/.zshrc was installed as ~/.zshrc,
+## /etc/zsh/zshrc was installed as ~/ and
+## ~/.zshrc.local does not exist yet.
+if [ -r ~/.zshrc -a -r ~/ -a ! -r ~/.zshrc.local ] ; then
+ printf '-!-\n'
+ printf '-!- Looks like you are using the old zshrc layout of grml.\n'
+ printf '-!- Please read the notes in the grml-zsh-refcard, being'
+ printf '-!- available at:\n'
+ printf '-!-\n'
+ printf '-!- If you just want to get rid of this warning message execute:\n'
+ printf '-!- touch ~/.zshrc.local\n'
+ printf '-!-\n'
+## Settings for umask
+#if (( EUID == 0 )); then
+# umask 002
+# umask 022
+## Now, we'll give a few examples of what you might want to use in your
+## .zshrc.local file (just copy'n'paste and uncomment it there):
+## Prompt theme extension ##
+# Virtualenv support
+#function virtual_env_prompt () {
+#grml_theme_add_token virtual-env -f virtual_env_prompt '%F{magenta}' '%f'
+#zstyle ':prompt:grml:left:setup' items rc virtual-env change-root user at host path vcs percent
+## ZLE tweaks ##
+## use the vi navigation keys (hjkl) besides cursor keys in menu completion
+#bindkey -M menuselect 'h' vi-backward-char # left
+#bindkey -M menuselect 'k' vi-up-line-or-history # up
+#bindkey -M menuselect 'l' vi-forward-char # right
+#bindkey -M menuselect 'j' vi-down-line-or-history # bottom
+## set command prediction from history, see 'man 1 zshcontrib'
+#is4 && zrcautoload predict-on && \
+#zle -N predict-on && \
+#zle -N predict-off && \
+#bindkey "^X^Z" predict-on && \
+#bindkey "^Z" predict-off
+## press ctrl-q to quote line:
+#mquote () {
+# zle beginning-of-line
+# zle forward-word
+# zle end-of-line
+#zle -N mquote && bindkey '^q' mquote
+## define word separators (for stuff like backward-word, forward-word, backward-kill-word,..)
+#WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>' # the default
+# just type '...' to get '../..'
+#rationalise-dot() {
+#local MATCH
+#if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '(^|/| | |'$'\n''|\||;|&)\.\.$' ]]; then
+# zle self-insert
+# zle self-insert
+# zle self-insert
+#zle -N rationalise-dot
+#bindkey . rationalise-dot
+## without this, typing a . aborts incremental history search
+#bindkey -M isearch . self-insert
+#bindkey '\eq' push-line-or-edit
+## some popular options ##
+## add `|' to output redirections in the history
+#setopt histallowclobber
+## try to avoid the 'zsh: no matches found...'
+#setopt nonomatch
+## warning if file exists ('cat /dev/null > ~/.zshrc')
+#setopt NO_clobber
+## don't warn me about bg processes when exiting
+#setopt nocheckjobs
+## alert me if something failed
+#setopt printexitvalue
+## with spelling correction, assume dvorak kb
+#setopt dvorak
+## Allow comments even in interactive shells
+#setopt interactivecomments
+## compsys related snippets ##
+## changed completer settings
+#zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _correct _approximate
+#zstyle ':completion:*' expand prefix suffix
+## another different completer setting: expand shell aliases
+#zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand_alias _complete _approximate
+## to have more convenient account completion, specify your logins:
+# {grml,grml1}@foo.invalid
+# grml-devel@bar.invalid
+# {fred,root}@foo.invalid
+# vera@bar.invalid
+#zstyle ':completion:*:my-accounts' users-hosts $my_accounts
+#zstyle ':completion:*:other-accounts' users-hosts $other_accounts
+## add to your list of hosts
+#zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' hosts $hosts
+## telnet on non-default ports? ...well:
+## specify specific port/service settings:
+# user1@host1:
+# user2@host2:
+# @mail-server:{smtp,pop3}
+# @news-server:nntp
+# @proxy-server:8000
+#zstyle ':completion:*:*:telnet:*' users-hosts-ports $telnet_users_hosts_ports
+## the default grml setup provides '..' as a completion. it does not provide
+## '.' though. If you want that too, use the following line:
+#zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true
+## aliases ##
+## translate
+#alias u='translate -i'
+## ignore ~/.ssh/known_hosts entries
+#alias insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive"'
+## global aliases (for those who like them) ##
+#alias -g '...'='../..'
+#alias -g '....'='../../..'
+#alias -g BG='& exit'
+#alias -g C='|wc -l'
+#alias -g G='|grep'
+#alias -g H='|head'
+#alias -g Hl=' --help |& less -r'
+#alias -g K='|keep'
+#alias -g L='|less'
+#alias -g LL='|& less -r'
+#alias -g M='|most'
+#alias -g N='&>/dev/null'
+#alias -g R='| tr A-z N-za-m'
+#alias -g SL='| sort | less'
+#alias -g S='| sort'
+#alias -g T='|tail'
+#alias -g V='| vim -'
+## instead of global aliase it might be better to use grmls $abk assoc array, whose contents are expanded after pressing ,.
+#$abk[SnL]="| sort -n | less"
+## get top 10 shell commands:
+#alias top10='print -l ${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10'
+## Execute \kbd{./configure}
+#alias CO="./configure"
+## Execute \kbd{./configure --help}
+#alias CH="./configure --help"
+## miscellaneous code ##
+## Use a default width of 80 for manpages for more convenient reading
+#export MANWIDTH=${MANWIDTH:-80}
+## Set a search path for the cd builtin
+#cdpath=(.. ~)
+## variation of our manzsh() function; pick you poison:
+#manzsh() { /usr/bin/man zshall | most +/"$1" ; }
+## Switching shell safely and efficiently?
+#bash() {
+# NO_SWITCH="yes" command bash "$@"
+#restart () {
+# exec $SHELL $SHELL_ARGS "$@"
+## Handy functions for use with the (e::) globbing qualifier (like nt)
+#contains() { grep -q "$*" $REPLY }
+#sameas() { diff -q "$*" $REPLY &>/dev/null }
+#ot () { [[ $REPLY -ot ${~1} ]] }
+## get_ic() - queries imap servers for capabilities; real simple. no imaps
+#ic_get() {
+# emulate -L zsh
+# local port
+# if [[ ! -z $1 ]] ; then
+# port=${2:-143}
+# print "querying imap server on $1:${port}...\n";
+# print "a1 capability\na2 logout\n" | nc $1 ${port}
+# else
+# print "usage:\n $0 <imap-server> [port]"
+# fi
+## List all occurrences of programm in current PATH
+#plap() {
+# emulate -L zsh
+# if [[ $# = 0 ]] ; then
+# echo "Usage: $0 program"
+# echo "Example: $0 zsh"
+# echo "Lists all occurrences of program in the current PATH."
+# else
+# ls -l ${^path}/*$1*(*N)
+# fi
+## Find out which libs define a symbol
+#lcheck() {
+# if [[ -n "$1" ]] ; then
+# nm -go /usr/lib/lib*.a 2>/dev/null | grep ":[[:xdigit:]]\{8\} . .*$1"
+# else
+# echo "Usage: lcheck <function>" >&2
+# fi
+## Download a file and display it locally
+#uopen() {
+# emulate -L zsh
+# if ! [[ -n "$1" ]] ; then
+# print "Usage: uopen \$URL/\$file">&2
+# return 1
+# else
+# FILE=$1
+# MIME=$(curl --head $FILE | \
+# grep Content-Type | \
+# cut -d ' ' -f 2 | \
+# cut -d\; -f 1)
+# MIME=${MIME%$'\r'}
+# curl $FILE | see ${MIME}:-
+# fi
+## Memory overview
+#memusage() {
+# ps aux | awk '{if (NR > 1) print $5;
+# if (NR > 2) print "+"}
+# END { print "p" }' | dc
+## print hex value of a number
+#hex() {
+# emulate -L zsh
+# if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
+# printf "%x\n" $1
+# else
+# print 'Usage: hex <number-to-convert>'
+# return 1
+# fi
+## log out? set timeout in seconds...
+## ...and do not log out in some specific terminals:
+#if [[ "${TERM}" == ([Exa]term*|rxvt|dtterm|screen*) ]] ; then
+# unset TMOUT
+# TMOUT=1800
+## associate types and extensions (be aware with perl scripts and anwanted behaviour!)
+#check_com zsh-mime-setup || { autoload zsh-mime-setup && zsh-mime-setup }
+#alias -s pl='perl -S'
+## ctrl-s will no longer freeze the terminal.
+#stty erase "^?"
+## you want to automatically use a bigger font on big terminals?
+#if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] && [[ "$LINES" -ge 50 ]] && [[ "$COLUMNS" -ge 100 ]] && [[ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]] ; then
+# large
+## Some quick Perl-hacks aka /useful/ oneliner
+#bew() { perl -le 'print unpack "B*","'$1'"' }
+#web() { perl -le 'print pack "B*","'$1'"' }
+#hew() { perl -le 'print unpack "H*","'$1'"' }
+#weh() { perl -le 'print pack "H*","'$1'"' }
+#pversion() { perl -M$1 -le "print $1->VERSION" } # i. e."pversion LWP -> 5.79"
+#getlinks () { perl -ne 'while ( m/"((www|ftp|http):\/\/.*?)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* }
+#gethrefs () { perl -ne 'while ( m/href="([^"]*)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* }
+#getanames () { perl -ne 'while ( m/a name="([^"]*)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* }
+#getforms () { perl -ne 'while ( m:(\</?(input|form|select|option).*?\>):gic ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* }
+#getstrings () { perl -ne 'while ( m/"(.*?)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $*}
+#getanchors () { perl -ne 'while ( m/«([^«»\n]+)»/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* }
+#showINC () { perl -e 'for (@INC) { printf "%d %s\n", $i++, $_ }' }
+#vimpm () { vim `perldoc -l $1 | sed -e 's/pod$/pm/'` }
+#vimhelp () { vim -c "help $1" -c on -c "au! VimEnter *" }
+## END OF FILE #################################################################