This repository contains information about Parabola contributors. It previously contains programs for working with that information; they now live at [parabola-hackers][], and programs for use with `git-shell`; they now live at [git-meta.git/git-shell-commands][git-shell-commands]. [parabola-hackers]: [git-shell-commands]: Adding users ============ Users ("hackers") are added by creating a file in the `users/` directory. The file should be named `users/${UID}.yml` where UID is the numeric POSIX user ID for that user. See [meta-normalize-stdio][] (part of the `parabola-hackers` package) for a listing of all the properties you can put in the users file; or look at the existing files as examples. [meta-normalize-stdio]: *NOTICE* Before pushing, you should run `meta-check` to verify that the syntax is correct. However, when pusing to master, the server will also run `meta-check`, and will reject the push if it fails. Run `meta-check` by installing the `parabola-hackers` package and running PARABOLA_HACKERS_YAMLDIR=/path/to/hackers/users /lib/parabola-hackers/meta-check To add a profile image of a user, add it to the `dev-imgs/` folder. Images in `dev-imgs/`: - MUST be named `${username}.png` - SHOULD be 125x125 px - SHOULD be run through pngcrush Doing things with the documentation =================================== The `parabola-hackers` package contains several programs for doing things with the data in this repository. You should install it. For fuller documentation, see the README of [parabola-hackers][]. But, here some simple commands that you are likely interested in. Firstly, before using any of these commands, you need to tell them where to find the files: export PARABOLA_HACKERS_YAMLDIR=/path/to/hackers-git/users where `/path/to/hackers-git` is the directory containing this README file. Alternatively, you may set `yamldir` in `/etc/parabola-hackers.yml` (the environment variable takes precedence over the config file). Check the integrity and formatting of the files: /usr/lib/parabola-hackers/meta-check PLEASE, PLEASE, OH PLEASE: run the above command before committing to this repository. Create a tarball to be the source of the parabola-keyring package: /usr/lib/parabola-hackers/pacman-make-keyring V=$(date -u +%Y%m%d)