diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2018-09-25 00:24:01 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2018-09-25 00:28:00 -0400
commit4136b2e3a6d3892298b188d677c834b0946c24ef (patch)
parent1dff5a4284daed3b65722e008456a21b19e3960f (diff)
Add a 'db-import-keyring' program
It is a bit similar in spirit to the old 'any-to-ours' program. When db-import-pkg imports archlinux32-keyring, it is only released to core-i686, but we need it to be available on all architectures. Currently, this is a manual process. So, add db-import-keyring which imports *only* the -keyring packages, and releases them to [libre] on each architecture.
4 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db-import-keyring b/db-import-keyring
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28903ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-import-keyring
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Imports to [libre] specific packages from upstream Arch repos.
+# License: GPLv3
+set -euE -o pipefail
+shopt -s extglob globstar nullglob
+source "$(librelib messages)"
+# usage: expac_file <file.db> <expac_args>
+# Uses the ${WORKDIR} global
+expac_file() {
+ local dbfile=$1
+ local args=("${@:2}")
+ local reponame=${dbfile##*/}
+ reponame=${reponame%%.*}
+ mkdir -p -- "${WORKDIR}/expac/root"
+ cat >"${WORKDIR}/expac/pacman.conf" <<-EOT
+ [options]
+ RootDir = ${WORKDIR}/expac/root
+ DBPath = ${WORKDIR}/expac/root
+ [${reponame}]
+ Server = file://$(realpath --no-symlinks -- "${dbfile%/*}")
+ fakeroot pacman --config="${WORKDIR}/expac/pacman.conf" -Syy >/dev/null
+ # expac exits with non-zero on emtpy databases, so ignore errors
+ expac --config="${WORKDIR}/expac/pacman.conf" --sync "${args[@]}" || true
+# usage: get_repo_rsync_dir <upstream> <tag>
+get_repo_rsync_dir() {
+ if ! grep -q ARCHMIRROR -- "/etc/dbscripts/config.local.$1"; then
+ msg "db-import-keyring.conf: Doesn't look like an upstream: %s" "$1" >&2
+ fi
+ (
+ source "/etc/dbscripts/config.local.$1" >&2
+ printf '%s\n' "${ARCHMIRROR}/$(repo=${2%-*} arch=${2##*-} envsubst '$repo $arch' <<<"$ARCHPATH")"
+ )
+main() {
+ if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
+ msg 'usage: %s' "${0##*/}"
+ fi
+ local config_dir
+ config_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")"
+ source "${config_dir}/config" # for FTP_BASE
+ source "${config_dir}/db-import-keyring.conf" # for KEYRINGS
+ WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
+ readonly WORKDIR
+ trap "rm -rf -- ${WORKDIR@Q}" EXIT
+ ##############################################################
+ local fromspec upstream tag pkgname repo repo_rsync_dir from_pkgver to_pkgver filename
+ for fromspec in "${KEYRINGS[@]}"; do
+ msg "Processing %s" "$fromspec"
+ IFS=/ read -r upstream tag pkgname <<<"$fromspec"
+ repo_rsync_dir=$(get_repo_rsync_dir "$upstream" "$tag")
+ repo=${tag%-*}
+ # Download the upstream database
+ msg2 'Downloading %s' "${repo_rsync_dir}/${repo}.db"
+ mkdir -p -- "${WORKDIR}/dbs/${upstream}"
+ rsync --no-motd -mrtLH --no-p "${repo_rsync_dir}/${repo}.db" "${WORKDIR}/dbs/${upstream}/${tag}.db"
+ # Compare it against the libre database
+ from_pkgver=$(expac_file "${WORKDIR}/dbs/${upstream}/${tag}.db" '%v' "$pkgname")
+ to_pkgver=$(expac_file "${FTP_BASE}/libre/os/x86_64/libre.db" '%v' "$pkgname")
+ # And download a new keyring if necessary
+ if [[ "$from_pkgver" == "$to_pkgver" ]]; then
+ msg2 "Up to date: %s == %s" "$from_pkgver" "$to_pkgver"
+ else
+ msg2 "Updating: %s != %s" "$from_pkgver" "$to_pkgver"
+ filename=$(expac_file "${WORKDIR}/dbs/${upstream}/${tag}.db" '%f' "$pkgname")
+ mkdir -p -- "${WORKDIR}/staging/libre/"
+ rsync --no-motd -mrtLH --no-p "${repo_rsync_dir}/${filename}" "${WORKDIR}/staging/libre/"
+ fi
+ done
+ ##############################################################
+ msg "Running db-update..."
+ STAGING=${WORKDIR}/staging db-update
+main "$@"
diff --git a/db-import-keyring.conf b/db-import-keyring.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e78ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-import-keyring.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ archlinux32/core-i686/archlinux32-keyring
+ archlinuxarm/core-armv7h/archlinuxarm-keyring
diff --git a/systemd/db-import-keyring.service b/systemd/db-import-keyring.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96ec7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systemd/db-import-keyring.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/systemd/db-import-keyring.timer b/systemd/db-import-keyring.timer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3818733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systemd/db-import-keyring.timer
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=Daily db-import-keyring