diff options
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/db-import-pkg b/db-import-pkg
index c1dffe0..6dff6bf 100755
--- a/db-import-pkg
+++ b/db-import-pkg
@@ -83,29 +83,6 @@ filter_blacklisted() {
<(libreblacklist cat | libreblacklist get-pkg | sort -u)
-# usage: filter_duplicates <FULL_LIST >FILTERED_LIST
-# Given a list of packages in the format:
-# pkgname [epoch:]pkgver-pkgrel
-# filter out arch=(any) packages present elsewhere, as it confuses
-# parabolaweb, librechroot, and who-knows-what-else. This only
-# filters exact pkgname/epoch/pkgver/pkgrel matches.
-filter_duplicates() {
- sort -u | comm -23 - <(
- for pool in "${INHERIT[@]}"; do
- for f in "${FTP_BASE}/${pool}"/*-any${PKGEXTS}; do
- f=${f##*/}
- f=${f%-any$PKGEXTS}
- pkgname=${f%-*-*}
- fullpkgver=${f#"${pkgname}-"}
- printf '%s %s\n' "$pkgname" "$fullpkgver"
- done
- done | sort -u
- )
# usage: sync_pool <from> <path-to-whitelist> <into>
# Sync excluding everything but whitelist
@@ -118,7 +95,7 @@ sync_pool() {
mkdir -p -- "$_into"
- msg2 "Retrieving %d packages from %s pool" \
+ msg "Retrieving up to %d files from %s pool" \
"$(wc -l < "$_whitelist")" \
"$(basename "$_into")"
@@ -133,97 +110,6 @@ sync_pool() {
-# usage: poolify <arch>
-# Given a list of packages in the format:
-# pkgname [epoch:]pkgver-pkgrel
-# Resolve each to a file in `${FTP_BASE}/pool/`. The output is
-# relative to `${FTP_BASE}/pool/`. That is, something along the lines
-# of:
-# poolname/pkgname-[epoch:]pkgver-pkgrel-arch.pkg.tar.xz
-# archlinux32/zip-3.0-7-i686.pkg.tar.xz
-# packages/rhino-
-poolify() {
- local -r arch=$1
- local pkgname fullpkgver
- local restore paths path
- while read -r pkgname fullpkgver; do
- paths=()
- for pool in "${INHERIT[@]}" "$PKGPOOL"; do
- paths+=(
- "${FTP_BASE}/${pool}/${pkgname}-${fullpkgver}-any"${PKGEXTS}
- "${FTP_BASE}/${pool}/${pkgname}-${fullpkgver}-${arch}"${PKGEXTS}
- )
- done
- path="${paths[0]:-}"
- if ! [[ -f "$path" && -f "${path}.sig" ]]; then
- error "No file was found for %q=%q, aborting" "$pkgname" "$fullpkgver"
- exit 1
- fi
- printf '%s\n' "${path#"${FTP_BASE}/pool/"}"
- done
-# usage: make_repo_symlinks TAG <POOLFILELIST
-# Uses the ${WORKDIR} global
-make_repo_symlinks() {
- local -r tag=$1
- local -r repo=${tag%-*}
- local -r arch=${tag##*-}
- local -r repodir=${WORKDIR}/staging-rsync/${repo}/os/${arch}
- msg2 "Putting symlinks in %s" "${repo}/os/${arch}"
- mkdir -p -- "${repodir}"
- local poolfile
- while read -r poolfile; do
- ln -sfvT "../../../pool/${poolfile##*/pool/}" "${repodir}/${poolfile##*/}"
- ln -sfvT "../../../pool/${poolfile##*/pool/}.sig" "${repodir}/${poolfile##*/}.sig"
- done
-# usage: make_repo_dbs <repo> <arch>
-# Uses the ${WORKDIR} global
-make_repo_dbs() {
- local -r from=${WORKDIR}/staging-rsync/${1}/os/${2}
- local -r into=${FTP_BASE}/${1}/os/${2}/
- local -r db_file=${from}/${1}${DBEXT}
- local -r files_file=${from}/${1}${FILESEXT}
- # create fresh databases to reflect actual `any.pkg.tar.xz` packages.
- # this also avoids corrupt upstream metadata (ALARM)
- msg2 "Adding whitelisted packages to clean DBs ..."
- pushd "${from}"
- local -r UMASK=$(umask)
- umask 002
- repo-add "${db_file##*/}" *${PKGEXTS}
- umask "$UMASK" >/dev/null
- popd >/dev/null
- mkdir -p -- "$into"
- # This bit is based on db-functions:set_repo_permission()
- local -r group=$(/usr/bin/stat --printf='%G' "${into}")
- chgrp "$group" "${db_file}"
- chgrp "$group" "${files_file}"
- chmod g+w "${db_file}"
- chmod g+w "${files_file}"
- msg2 "Updating %s-%s databases" "$2" "$1"
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlpH --no-t \
- --delay-updates \
- --delete-after \
- --links \
- "$from/" "$into"
# Main function. Process the databases and get the libre packages
# Outline:
# 1. Fetch package info
@@ -234,32 +120,30 @@ make_repo_dbs() {
# blacklist.txt) the desired repo state, and how to get from one
# to the other.
# 3. Fetch the packages we want
-# * Create sync whitelist (based on package blacklist)
-# * Call sync_pool to fetch packages and signatures
-# 4. Put the packages in the repos
-# * Create new repo.db with them (repo-add)
-# * rsync scratch directory => repos
+# * Symlink to files with the same name in INHERIT pools
+# * sync_pool to download the others
+# 4. Modify the repos
+# * db-move
+# * db-update
+# * db-remove
# Files:
# (misc)
# - ${WORKDIR}/expac/ : Scratch directory for expac_file()
# (download)
# - ${WORKDIR}/rsync/ : Where we download '.db' files to
-# - ${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL} : Where we download packages to
-# - ${FTP_BASE}/${SRCPOOL} : Where we download sources to
+# - ${WORKDIR}/staging/${repo} : Where we download packages to
+# - ${WORKDIR}/staging/${SRCPOOL} : Where we download sources to
# (analysis)
# - ${FTP_BASE}/${INHERIT} : Where we look for duplicate files
# - ${FTP_BASE}/.../${repo}.db : Where we generate ${WORKDIR}/old/ from
# - ${WORKDIR}/old/ : .txt files describing the way the repos are
# - ${WORKDIR}/new/ : .txt files describing the way we want them to be
# - ${WORKDIR}/dif/ : .txt files describing how to make it happen
-# - ${WORKDIR}/all.whitelist : Glob list of (source-)package filenames to download
-# - ${WORKDIR}/${tag}.whitelist : Glob list of (source-)package filenames to download
-# - ${WORKDIR}/${tag}.pool : See poolify()
+# - ${WORKDIR}/${repo}.pkg.whitelist : List of package filenames to download
+# - ${WORKDIR}/all.src.whitelist : Glob list of source-package filenames to download
# (release)
-# - ${WORKDIR}/staging-rsync/ : .db files and symlinks we'll rsync in to ${FTP_BASE}
-# - ${FTP_BASE}/ : Where we rsync ${WORKDIR}/staging-rsync/ to
-# - ${FTP_BASE}/lastupdate : Timestamp file of last repo change
+# - ${WORKDIR}/staging/ : STAGING= directory for db-update
main() {
# 0. Initialization #
@@ -279,7 +163,7 @@ main() {
source "$config_file"
local ret=0 varname varref
if [[ -z ${!varname:-} ]] || is_array "$varname"; then
print "Configure '%s' as a non-empty string in %q (or %q):" "$varname" "$config_file" "$LOCAL_CONFIG"
@@ -299,15 +183,6 @@ main() {
- if [[ -n ${ARCHSRCPOOL:-} && -z ${ARCHPKGPOOL:-} ]]; then
- print '%s requires that %s is also set' ARCH{SRC,PKG}POOL
- fi
- if (( ret != 0 )); then
- exit $ret
- fi
WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
readonly WORKDIR
trap "rm -rf -- ${WORKDIR@Q}" EXIT
@@ -388,98 +263,78 @@ main() {
# 3. Fetch the packages we want #
- # OK, now we have ${WORKDIR}/old/ describing the way the repos
- # are, ${WORKDIR}/new/ describing the way we want them to be,
- # and ${WORKDIR}/dif/ describing how to get from `old` to
- # `new`. We should (TODO) now use db-move, db-update, and
- # db-remove to apply that diff.
- #
- # But,
- # - db-move is broken
- # - The code that populates /dif/ isn't finished
- # So, just nuke the current repos and entirely re-create
- # everything from /new/.
- local whitelists=()
- for _tag in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
- msg "Processing %s" "$_tag"
- _repo=${_tag%-*}
- _arch=${_tag##*-}
- # Create a whitelist, add * wildcard to end.
- #
- # FIXME: due to lack of -arch suffix, the pool sync
- # retrieves every arch even if we aren't syncing them.
- #
- # IMPORTANT: the . in the sed command is needed
- # because an empty whitelist would consist of a single
- # * allowing any package to pass through.
- filter_duplicates \
- <"${WORKDIR}/new/${_tag}.txt" \
- | sed -e 's/ /-/' -e 's|.$|&*|g' \
- > "${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.whitelist"
- if [[ -n ${ARCHPKGPOOL:-} ]]; then
- # Append to whitelists array so that we can
- # later sync_pool() all packages
- whitelists+=("${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.whitelist")
- else
- # Upstream doesn't use an $ARCHPKGPOOL
- sync_pool \
- "${ARCHMIRROR}/$(get_repo_dir "${_repo}" "${_arch}")/" \
- "${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.whitelist" \
- poolify "${_arch}" \
- <"${WORKDIR}/new/${_tag}.txt" \
- >"${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.pool"
- make_repo_symlinks "$_tag" \
- <"${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.pool"
- fi
+ # For some packages, "fetch" means to create a symlink to a
+ # pool we INHERIT from. For others, it means to actually
+ # download it from arg_upstream with rsync.
+ for tag in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}";do
+ msg "Processing %s" "$tag"
+ repo=${tag%-*}
+ arch=${tag##*-}
+ mkdir -p -- "${WORKDIR}/staging/${repo}"
+ local pkgname filename pgpsig
+ while read -r pkgname filename pgpsig; do
+ local pool staged=false
+ for pool in "${INHERIT[@]}"; do
+ filepath=("${FTP_BASE}/${pool}/${filename}")
+ if [[ -f $filepath && ! -h $filepath ]]; then
+ ln -srT -- "$filepath" "${WORKDIR}/staging/${repo}/${filename}"
+ ln -srT -- "$filepath".sig "${WORKDIR}/staging/${repo}/${filename}".sig
+ staged=true
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $staged; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$filename"{,.sig} >> "${WORKDIR}/${repo}.pkg.whitelist"
+ printf '%s\n' "${filename%$PKGEXTS}*.src.tar*" >> "${WORKDIR}/all.src.whitelist"
+ fi
+ done < <(
+ mapfile -t pkgnames < <(cut -d' ' -f1 <"${WORKDIR}/dif/update:${tag}.txt")
+ db_file="${WORKDIR}/rsync/$(get_repo_dir "${repo}" "${arch}")/${repo}.db"
+ expac_file "$db_file" '%n %f %g' "${pkgnames[@]}"
+ )
- if (( ${#whitelists[@]} > 0 )); then
- # Concatenate all whitelists, check for single *s just in case
- cat "${whitelists[@]}" | grep -v "^\*$" |
- sort -u > "${WORKDIR}/all.whitelist"
- # FIXME: make_whitelist() wildcards should be narrowed
- # down to respect the architecture of the tag
- msg "Syncing package pool"
+ for whitelist in "${WORKDIR}"/*.pkg.whitelist; do
sync_pool \
- "${WORKDIR}/all.whitelist" \
- for _tag in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
- _repo=${_tag%-*}
- _arch=${_tag##*-}
- poolify "${_arch}" "${PKGPOOL}" \
- <"${WORKDIR}/new/${_tag}.txt" \
- >"${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.pool"
- make_repo_symlinks "$_tag" \
- <"${WORKDIR}/${_tag}.pool"
- done
- if [[ -n ${ARCHSRCPOOL:-} ]]; then
- msg "Syncing source pool"
- sync_pool \
- "${WORKDIR}/all.whitelist" \
- fi
+ "${ARCHMIRROR}/${ARCHPKGPOOL:-$(get_repo_dir "${_repo}" "${_arch}")}/" \
+ "$whitelist" \
+ "${WORKDIR}/staging/${repo}/"
+ done
+ if [[ -n ${ARCHSRCPOOL:-} ]]; then
+ sync_pool \
+ "${WORKDIR}/all.src.whitelist" \
+ "${WORKDIR}/staging/${SRCPOOL}/"
- # 4. Put the packages in the repos #
+ # 4. Modify the repos #
- msg "Putting databases back in place"
+ msg "Modifying the actual repos"
- # FIXME: all repo DBs should be replaced at once (per architecture)
- ln -srT "$FTP_BASE/pool" "${WORKDIR}/staging-rsync/pool"
- for _tag in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
- _repo=${_tag%-*}
- _arch=${_tag##*-}
- make_repo_dbs "$_repo" "$_arch"
+ # db-move
+ for tag_from in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
+ repo_from=${tag_from%-*}
+ arch_from=${tag_from##*-}
+ for tag_to in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
+ repo_to=${tag_to%-*}
+ arch_to=${tag_to##*-}
+ [[ $tag_from != $tag_to ]] || continue
+ [[ $arch_from == $arch_to ]] || continue
+ < "${WORKDIR}/diff/move:${tag_from}:${tag_to}.txt" \
+ cut -d' ' -f1 | \
+ xargs -r0 -d $'\n' db-move "$repo_from" "$repo_to"
+ done
+ done
+ # db-update
+ STAGING=${WORKDIR}/staging db-update
+ # db-remove
+ for tag in "${ARCHTAGS[@]}"; do
+ < "${WORKDIR}/diff/remove:${tag}.txt" \
+ cut -d' ' -f1 | \
+ xargs -r0 -d $'\n' db-move "$repo_from" "$repo_to"
- date +%s > "${FTP_BASE}/lastupdate"
main "$@"