AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-07-10testing2x: Discover correct repos based on the DBEXT files, not SVNlukeshu/pyalpmLuke Shumaker
testing2x needs to: 1. Verify that the new version of the package is found in TESTING_REPO 2. Determine which of STABLE_REPOS the old version of the package is in Currently, to do those things, it checks for the existence of PKGBUILD files in SVN. That information is already stored in the DBEXT files; get it from there, instead of talking to SVN. "Ignore space change" might be useful when viewing this diff.
2018-07-10db-move: Clarify the flow of the preflight checkLuke Shumaker
This should have the same result, but be a bit less confusing to read. Also, have a slightly more specific error message on a missing PKGBUILD.
2018-07-10db-move, db-remove: Don't parse PKGBUILD filesLuke Shumaker
Don't try to parse PKGBUILD files from SVN; all of the information we need is already in the DBEXT files. Several programs use [[ -f PKGBUILD ]] or [[ -r PKGBUILD ]] on files from SVN; those checks can stay, just remove all instances of actually trying to *parse* those files. As an exception, don't modify (which is called by, which is called by cron-jobs/integrity-check). Most of the attributes we need have been present in the DBEXT files for as long as `repo-add` has been part of pacman: attribute | git | git date | ver | ver date ----------+----------+------------+-------+----------- FILENAME | aa1c0ba9 | 2006-11-20 | 3.0.0 | 2007-03-25 NAME | aa1c0ba9 | 2006-11-20 | 3.0.0 | 2007-03-25 VERSION | aa1c0ba9 | 2006-11-20 | 3.0.0 | 2007-03-25 ARCH | aa1c0ba9 | 2006-11-20 | 3.0.0 | 2007-03-25 BASE | 4b21504f | 2009-07-22 | 3.3.0 | 2009-08-02 However, `BASE` for split packages is slightly newer, and its presence relies not only on the `repo-add` version, but also the `makepkg` version used to build the package. As of 2018-06-15, the oldest package in any of the Arch Linux repos is community/gimp-refocus, built on 2013-07-22; I don't believe it is necessary to handle packages from before that change was made (before `BASE` was set). "Ignore space change" might be useful when viewing this diff.
2018-07-10test: db-move: Verify that it works on single-arch packagesLuke Shumaker
2018-07-08Don't parse .db files ourselves; use pyalpm insteadLuke Shumaker
In a patchset that I recently submitted, Eli was concerned that I was parsing .db files with bsdtar+awk, when the format of .db files isn't "public"; the only guarantees made about it are that libalpm can parse it. I wasn't too concerned, because `ftpdir-cleanup` and `sourceballs` already parse the .db files in the same way. Nonetheless, I think Eli is right: we shouldn't be parsing these files ourselves. So, add a `dbquery` function that uses pyalpm to parse the .db files: - It takes as arguments Python 3 expressions; 1. one that that returns a bool deciding whether we want to print information on a package, and 2. another that returns the string to print for a package. Currently, all callers use "True" for the decider expression, as ftpdir-cleanup and sourceballs operate on *every* package. However, I'm including a way to filter packages because, I'm coming at this from the context that I want to parse .db files in other places too. - libalpm doesn't offer an easy way to say "parse this DB file for me"; instead, we must construct a configuration that has a syncdb pointing to that file, which we then have it sync in to a temporary directory. As a final note, when re-writing the bit of sourceballs to use dbquery instead of AWK, I realized that it does not correctly handle licenses that have a space in them (as of 2018-07-07 there are 67 packages in the Arch repos that have license containing a space). I did not fix this bug; I merely translated it from AWK to Python, as the program would also need to be adjusted elsewhere.
2018-07-03test: Fix typoed variablesarchlinux/2018060320180603Luke Shumaker
- ftpdir-cleanup: ${pkg[0]} -> ${pkgs[0]} This mistake was introduced in 7628525156110022fa70ad91e4bc13ee8a3cceb0 - test: common.bash: $pkgarches[@] -> ${pkgarches[@]} This mistake was introduced in 7628525156110022fa70ad91e4bc13ee8a3cceb0
2018-06-27hoist $tarch handling above $pkgname, since it is more efficientEli Schwartz
2018-06-27db-move: Don't store filepaths as a string with whitespace splittingEli Schwartz
Use arrays via nameref, since makepkg does not support multidimensional arrays, and assigning to/retrieving from an array variable with an unknown name requires this. Requires bash 4.3, requires that architectures never contain chars that are invalid in a variable name -- which makepkg explicitly requires in order to support architecture-dependent sources/dependencies, and also incorporates into linting checks which forbid anything but [[:alnum:]_] so that's all good.
2018-06-19test: BUILDDIR must be owned by build userEli Schwartz
pacman 5.1 enforces this restriction. OTOH it is a simpler setup to set this as the user homedir directly in account creation (just like makechrootpkg has always done) than to create an additional, world-writable, directory. dockerfile: don't use tmpfs for /build
2018-05-28pacman 5.1 compatibilityEli Schwartz
The print_all_package_names function changed its behavior, adapt
2018-04-08devlist-mailer: Make LIST and FROM configurableLuke Shumaker
2018-04-08Consistently use "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")"Luke Shumaker
This does correct handling of - executing a program by symlink - any weird characters in the full path - I'm sure there's another case I thought about when I originally did this.
2018-04-08Fixup quoting around variables, especially arraysLuke Shumaker
Search for unquoted variables using the command: grep -Prn --exclude-dir=.git '(?<!["=]|\[\[ |\[\[ -[zn] )\$(?!{?#|\(|\? )' and ignore a bunch of false positives. You may verify that the only differences between the lines removed and lines added are double-quotes: diff -u \ <(git show|sed -n 's/^-//p'|grep -v '^-- a/'|sed 's/"//g') \ <(git show|sed -n 's/^+//p'|grep -v '^++ b/'|sed 's/"//g')
2018-04-08test/: Verify that db-update won't release duplicate packages in the same ↵Luke Shumaker
transaction This is a leftover change from the patch that became 0432cff; v2 of that patch broke db-functions:getpkgfiles, but the testsuite didn't catch it. This patch adds a testcase that catches this type of breakage. Write an overview of the programs includedLuke Shumaker fix spelling mistake: "overriden"->"overridden"Luke Shumaker
2018-03-21Clean up printf-formatters for user messagesLuke Shumaker
- db-functions: getpkgfile: The .sig file extension should be part of the filename parameter, not part of the message format string. - db-functions: arch_repo_modify: Shouldn't use ${action} string-interpolation in the message format string. Since the entire message is a command, and we're using @Q to escape arguments anyway, go ahead and just construct the entire command as a single string that way, and feed it to '%s'.
2018-03-21Fixups near unquoted variablesLuke Shumaker
Using the following command to find unquoted variables (and ignoring more than a a few false positives), grep -Prn --exclude-dir=.git '(?<!["=]|\[\[ |\[\[ -[zn] )\$(?!{?#|\(|\? )' one is lead to find a few cleanups that are something other than "add double-quotes". That's what these are. We'll leave dumb adding of double-quotes for another commit. Most of these are still fixing quoting issues, just with a better fix. - Avoid having to escape quotes in `eval` strings by using `declare -p`. Updates the logic copied from makepkg, with the latest logic copied from makepkg. See - sourceballs: Avoid using ary=($string) to do field separation by using `read` and test that multiple licenses actually work as expected. - sourceballs: Replace `[[ -z ${ary[*]} ]]` with test for the array length - db-functions: Replace mangling echo field separators using sed, with printf formatters - db-functions: Replace for/echo loop to print an array line by line, with `printf '%s\n'` - db-functions: set_repo_permissions: Line up error messages, quote "$group" - db-move: Replace `$(echo ${array[@]})` with `${array[*]}` - testing2x: Use `"$@"` instead of `$*` when looping over an array Also, not really quoting related but on the same line as a quoting issue, optimize: - db-functions: Replace [[ -n "$(... | sort | uniq -D)" ]] with ! ... | awk 'a[$0]++{exit 1}'
2018-03-19Remove uses of the "v=true; if $v ..." anti-patternLuke Shumaker
Instead, compare the value of $v to 'true'.
2018-03-19Don't use `grep -q` when operating on piped stdinLuke Shumaker
(By default, prefer `grep &>/dev/null`) `grep -q` may exit as soon as it finds a match; this is a good optimization for when the input is a file. However, if the input is the output of another program, then that other program will receive SIGPIPE, and further writes will fail. When this happens, it might (bsdtar does) print a message about a "write error" to stderr. Which is going to confuse and alarm the user. In one of the cases (in common.bash, in the test suite), this had already been mitigated by wrapping bsdtar in "echo "$(bsdtar ...)", as Bash builtin echo doesn't complain if it gets SIGPIPE. However, that means we're storing the entire output of bsdtar in memory, which is silly. Additionally, the way it was implemented is also wrong; because it was being used with `grep -qv` instead of just `grep -q`, it *always* found a non-matching line (even something inconsequential like `%NAME%`), and *never* triggered a test failure. Looking at a few of these cases, it might also make sense to switch to using `bsdtar tf` instead of `bsdtar xf` when checking membership, but that's work for another day.
2018-03-19Add "#!/hint/bash" to the beginning of several filesLuke Shumaker
It is a method of notifying text-editors that a file is in Bash syntax without giving it a propper shebang (which would be confusing, as it would suggest that the file should be executable), as well as working across virtually all text-editors (unlike "-*- Mode: Bash -*-" or whatever).
2018-03-19Normalize to tab indentLuke Shumaker
2018-03-19Export TMPDIR, and use mktemp -t instead of making it part of the templateLuke Shumaker
2018-03-16fixup! Update messages to make fuller use of printf formattersEli Schwartz
pkgs should be passed as a single argument
2018-03-15test: Fixup glob matchingLuke Shumaker
- ftpdir-cleanup.bats: Glob expansion does not occur in [[ -f ]] tests. The [[ ! -f .../${pkgname}-*${PKGEXT} ]] checks were checking that there were no files containing a literal '*' for that part of their name. Obviously, this isn't what was intended. - sourceballs.bats: [ -r ] checks explode if the glob returns >1 file. Avoid using them if the path being checked contains a glob.
2018-03-15test: common.bash:__getCheckSum: Don't rely on IFSLuke Shumaker
I managed to stumble across a bug in BATS where the run() function screwed with the global IFS. The bug has been fixed in git, but isn't in a release yet. Anyway, this bug breaks __getCheckSum(). Fortunately, we have avoided tripping it so far because luck has it that we never call __getCheckSum() after run() in the same test. So, there's nothing actually broken here, but it makes me nervous. So go ahead and modify __getCheckSum to not rely on IFS. And, while we're at it: declare the result variable and set it as separate commands. Doing both in the same command masks the exit code of the subshell expansion. We don't explicitly check the exit code, but BATS runs the test suite with `set -e`, so splitting it does mean that BATS will now detect errors from sha1sum. We don't really expect that to happen, but if BATS will give us error checking on it for free, why not?
2018-03-15Update messages to make fuller use of printf formattersLuke Shumaker
These are things that were (IMO) missed in 5afac1e. I found them using: git grep -E '(plain|msg|msg2|warning|error|die) "[^"]*\$' I went a little above-and-beyond for escaping strings for the error messages in db-functions' arch_repo_add and arch_repo_remove. The code should explain itself, but I wanted to point it out, as it's more than the usual "slap %s in there, and move the ${...} to the right".
2018-02-26db-functions: unify the repo-add/repo-remove callerEli Schwartz
Use less duplicated logic, opening the way to more elegantly change the interface for the repo-add/repo-remove scripts which are themselves symlinked together and mostly have the same interface.
2018-02-22Globally set $PKGEXT to a bash extended glob representing valid choices.Eli Schwartz
The current glob `*.pkg.tar.?z` is both less restrictive and more restrictive than makepkg, as it accepts any valid unicode character. To be more exact, it's almost completely orthogonal to the one in makepkg. makepkg only accepts .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lzo, .tar.lrz, and .tar.Z and most of those fail to match against a two-char compression type. dbscripts accepts .pkg.tar.đź’©z which incidentally is what I think of cherry-picking xz and gz as supported methods. Since this can be anything makepkg.conf accepts, it needs to be able to match all that, unless we decide to perform additional restrictions in which case we should still explicitly list each allowed extension. Using bash extended globbing allows us to do this relatively painlessly. Document the fact that this has *always* been some sort of glob, and update the two cases where this was (not!) being evaluated by bash [[ ... ]], to use a not-elegant-at-all proxy function is_globfile() to evaluate globs *before* testing if they exist.
2018-02-20ftpdir-cleanup,sourceballs: replace external find command with bash globbingEli Schwartz
This fully removes the use of find from the codebase, leads to a micro-optimization in a couple cases, and ensures that $PKGEXT is consistently treated as a shell globbing character (which is important because it is used as one). Of the eight instances in these files: - One was unnecessary as `cat` can natively consume all files passed to it and no directory traversal was in use. - Two were unnecessary as they were hardcoded to read a single file.... - Another four were only being used to strip leading directory paths, and can be replaced by globstar and ${filepath##*/} - The final two were checking the modification time of the files, and can be replaced with touch(1) and [[ -nt ]]. Although this introduces an additional temporary file, this is not such a big deal.
2018-02-20db-update: replace external find command with bash globbingEli Schwartz
Don't bother emitting errors. bash doesn't show globbing errors if it cannot read a directory to try globbing there. And the former code never aborted on errors anyway, as without `set -o pipefail` the sort command swallowed the return code.
2018-02-20test: db-update: verify that PKGEXT(S) is treated as a globLuke Shumaker
Commit b61a714 introduced a regression that in a db-functions function called by db-update, config:PKGEXT is treated like a fixed string, instead of as a glob. Because of inadequacy of the test-suite, this did not cause a test failure. The broken function checks if the repo already contains a package that matches the one being released. This did not trigger a test-suite failure because right after the broken check there is another check that checks for the exact filename of the new package file. In the test-suite, all package files have the same extension, so the latter check always "saved" us. So, modify a relevant test case (a test case that verifies that we can't release the same package twice) such that the second time we release the package, we set PKGEXT to something different (.gz, instead of the normal .xz). This way, we can be sure that when db-update rejects the operation, it's because of the glob check, not the exact-filename check. This is made slightly tricky because the __buildPackage() test helper routine tries to cache builds, to speed up the tests. Without modification, this means that it will just ignore the new PKGEXT. So, modify it to only use the cache if it can successfully copy build artifacts out, in a way that respects PKGEXT.
2018-02-20Fix overloading PKGEXT to mean two things.Eli Schwartz
PKGEXT is a makepkg variable referring to a fixed filename suffix, but we were also using it to mean a bash glob referring to candidate filenames. This is wrong, so rename it to PKGEXTS which is more descriptive of its purpose. Exclude the testsuite from this change, as the testsuite actually uses PKGEXT for its intended purpose. Fix the testsuite to consistently use PKGEXT, as it hardcoded the file extension in several cases, and pin its value to .pkg.tar.xz
2018-02-20Use even more bashisms.Eli Schwartz
Catch some cases that were missed in the previous run.
2018-02-15Add usage testsPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15PR-2: Default to x86_64 for check_packagesPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15PR-2: Allow i686 for testsPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15Remove i686 from configFlorian Pritz
We dropped it long ago and this should be reflected here rather than being changed on our servers only. Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
2018-02-15db-functions: deduplicate some repeated logicEli Schwartz
reuse getpkgfile() in getpkgfiles()
2018-02-15Use more bashismsEli Schwartz
Fix numerous instances of POSIX `[ ... ]`, including reliance on ugly deprecated constructs like POSIX `-a`. Since we require bash regardless, it makes sense to take full advantage of it. bash `[[ ... ]]` does not require quoting variables as the shell natively recognizes them as variables rather than expanded strings. Use shell arithmetic rather than test, when checking numerical values.
2018-02-15Use modern bash to append to strings/arrays.Eli Schwartz
Rather than using ugly hacks like arr[${#arr[*]}]="foo", bash 3.1 has the += operator. Update strings to use the same operator while we are at it.
2018-02-15ARCHES is an array, do not attempt to call it as a stringEli Schwartz
This meant only the first array element was checked in check_repo_permission(). Although arguably this should never cause real issues as something else would have to be broken if multiple architectures have different permissions, we should catch this now anyway.
2018-02-15Update messages to make full use of printf formattersEli Schwartz
libmakepkg messaging functions provide automatic access to gettext (which we do not currently make use of) in addition to cleanly separating data from message strings. In order for this to work properly, pass argv correctly from die() to libmakepkg's error()
2018-02-15Use return codes properly when checking for failed commands.Eli Schwartz
Rather than doing a test(1) on the numerical value of the return code, use the `if !` and `||` operators during control flow.
2017-11-01Install required packages for testingPierre Schmitz
2017-07-11Use archlinux/base imagePierre Schmitz
2017-05-30config: add GPL3/LGPL3 to ALLOWED_LICENSESJohannes Löthberg
Signed-off-by: Johannes Löthberg <>
2017-04-23Add travis build status to README.mdPierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Add initial README filePierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Document test cases in a more readable formatPierre Schmitz