diff options
authorIsaac David <>2017-10-14 00:54:20 -0500
committerIsaac David <>2017-10-14 00:54:20 -0500
commit313d1ee619363eca0b8b0742a2d58c9ce18877fd (patch)
parent2a7b161e6aa234aa5d434f47d3aedbe48ff7b251 (diff)
blacklist get-rep: re-implement to query repos instead of blacklist.txt
Rationale: This makes get-rep a general-purpose tool for finding replacements and providers of any package, not just blacklisted-ones. It works equally well reading from full blacklist.txt lines, just pkgname lines, and unwittingly; a single line with many pkgnames. Some caveats for further discussion: - This changes behavior from showing just one replacement/provider to _all_ replacements and providers (including pkgname itself) in the repos. - By "repos" I mean the repos the executing machine is configured to access. This could be changed in the future with `expac --config` if more package databases are desired (e.g. different architecture). - Results are shown using the "repo/pkgname ..." format rather than just "pkgname ...". I think this makes the program more useful. - Results aren't reordered to ensure that the first provider of pkgname is pkgname itself. Order will be as expected otherwise, by virtue of expac parsing repos in order.
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index e3d976b..c092ed3 100755
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -93,7 +93,24 @@ blacklist-get-pkg() {
# Usage: blacklist-cat | blacklist-get-rep
# Prints only the replacement package field of the blacklist line(s) on stdin.
blacklist-get-rep() {
- blacklist-normalize | cut -d: -f2
+ local -a targets=($(blacklist-get-pkg))
+ expac -Ss '%r/%n %n %P %R' | awk -v arr="${targets[*]}" '
+ {
+ gsub("[=<>]+[^[:blank:]]*", "", $0) # discard versioning
+ # build pkg -> providers table from pkg -> provides
+ for (provided = 2; provided <= NF; ++provided) {
+ if (! seen[$1 " " $provided]++) {
+ providers[$provided] = providers[$provided] $1 " "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ split(arr, targets, " ")
+ for (pkg in targets) {
+ sub("[ \t]+$", "", providers[targets[pkg]])
+ print providers[targets[pkg]]
+ }
+ }'
# Usage: blacklist-cat | blacklist-get-url
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 1f8c518..7b88b72 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ _blacklist_url=
it_works_with_just_pkgname() {
v="$(libreblacklist normalize <<<skype)"; [[ $v == 'skype::::' ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-pkg <<<skype)"; [[ $v == skype ]]
- libreblacklist get-rep <<<skype | equals $'\n'
+ libreblacklist get-rep <<<irreplaceable | equals $'\n'
libreblacklist get-url <<<skype | equals $'\n'
libreblacklist get-reason <<<skype | equals $'\n'
it_works_with_everything_set() {
- line='linux:linux-libre:parabola:id:[semifree] blobs and firmware'
+ line='linux:conflict:parabola:id:[semifree] blobs and firmware'
v="$(libreblacklist normalize <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == "$line" ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-pkg <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'linux' ]]
- v="$(libreblacklist get-rep <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'linux-libre' ]]
+ v="$(libreblacklist get-rep <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'libre/linux-libre' ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-url <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == '' ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-reason <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == '[semifree] blobs and firmware' ]]
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ it_normalizes_correctly() {
it_works_with_colons_in_reason() {
- line='package:replacement:parabola:id:my:reason'
+ line='package:conflict:parabola:id:my:reason'
v="$(libreblacklist normalize <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == "$line" ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-pkg <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'package' ]]
- v="$(libreblacklist get-rep <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'replacement' ]]
+ libreblacklist get-rep <<<"$line" | equals $'\n'
v="$(libreblacklist get-url <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == '' ]]
v="$(libreblacklist get-reason <<<"$line")"; [[ $v == 'my:reason' ]]