path: root/HACKING
diff options
authorbill-auger <>2020-07-29 20:27:12 -0400
committerAndreas Grapentin <>2022-01-18 17:29:37 +0100
commitc274f52c9c23693031e402321ac03133c54657ce (patch)
tree3491ebe54e2a0adb9f956d290ce77b922e9f6a2a /HACKING
parentdcd5f626bbde37fdca785b039c5a0c83ea02e474 (diff)
update docs
Diffstat (limited to 'HACKING')
2 files changed, 100 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/HACKING/ b/HACKING/
index 6d17e31..ec83689 100644
--- a/HACKING/
+++ b/HACKING/
@@ -6,14 +6,12 @@ New code should (please) be licensed GPLv2+. I say v2 instead of v3
because some code from Arch is GPLv2 (no "or any later version"), and
having to worry about which programs can be combined is a huge pain.
-Copyright statements should look like
+Copyright statements for most code, should be of the form:
# Copyright (C) YEARS NAME <EMAIL>
-for most code, for 3rd-party code that has been imported, indent it a
+For 3rd-party code, which has been imported, indent it a bit:
# Copyright (C) YEARS NAME <EMAIL>
-Always put a line with `# License:` specifying the license of that
+Always put a `# License:` line specifying the license of that file.
diff --git a/HACKING/ b/HACKING/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09de59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HACKING/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Translations for programs are provided in files with the `.po` suffix. These are
+created by copying PO-template (`.pot`) files, and filling in the missing
+"msgstr" values.
+To add a translation, you'll first (1) need to create the `.pot` files if you
+don't already have them, and then (2) copy them and (3) fill them in.
+## 1. Create the `.pot` files
+If you are working from a release source tarball, you can skip this step (the
+`.pot` files are included in the tarball); if you are working from git, read on.
+libretools' .pot files are not tracked in git; they are created by running
+`make`. You'll need a checkout of both 'devtools-par' and 'libretools' to run
+`make` if building from git. The 'devtools-par' and 'libretools' source root
+directories should have the same parent directory.
+ $ git clone
+ $ git clone
+ $ cd libretools
+ $ make po/files.generate
+ $ cd po/
+ $ ls
+ gitget.pot
+ librelib.pot
+ libretools.pot
+NOTE: If you have modified the libretools source code, that may cause errors
+during translation; especially if you have modified any of the translatable
+strings. The failure will be evident by the error message:
+ msgcmp: found N fatal errors
+If you see this error, refer to the "Updating translations" section below.
+## 2. Create the `.po` Files
+Create a folder under `po/` with the two-letter language code[^1] you want to
+add. Then, copy the `.pot` files to that folder, changing the file extension to
+`.po`. Finally, link the `` file as the Makefile for that directory.
+For example:
+ $ mkdir es
+ $ for file in *.pot; do cp $file es/${file%t}; done
+ $ ln -s ../ es/Makefile
+[^1]: See the langauge code table: <>
+## 3. Fill the `.po` Files
+From there you can open each .po file in your favorite text editor, and fill in
+the `msgstr` values with translations of the associated `msgid` keys.
+## 4. Synchronizing/Updating Translations
+If you have modified the libretools source code, it is likely that the program
+will fail to compile, due to the translation files being mis-aligned with the
+latest changes. You will need to run `msgmerge` to merge the newly generated
+.pot templates into the existing .po files, as indicated by the `msgcmp` command
+trace in the build log.
+e.g. if the following error message appeers after this log trace:
+ msgcmp --use-untranslated --use-fuzzy po/es/libretools.po po/libretools.pot
+ ....
+ msgcmp: found 42 fatal errors
+then run:
+ $ msgmerge po/es/libretools.po po/libretools.pot
+Notice any red (fuzzy) lines. Those are relatively minor mis-matches, which the
+tool was able to reconcile, but may need correction. Also notice any green,
+commented-out, 'msgid'/'msgstr' line pairs. Those are unresolved mis-matches,
+which definitely need correction. They may correspond to a new 'msgid'/'msgstr'
+line pair in the `msgmerge` output, with the new text as 'msgid', and an empty
+'msgstr'; but the changes were too significant for the tool to determine the
+correlation. The standard output of `msgmerge` is the raw text for a new
+replacemnt .po file. Next, direct the output to a file, make the corrections
+to the replacemnt .po file, using the `msgmerge` output as a guide. A merge tool
+such as `meld`, is especially helpful for this task. A merge tool should
+highlight the same merge conflicts, shown in the the `msgmerge` output, as a
+side-by-side comparison. You want to merge all of the changes, including line
+numbers (eg: # src/chroot-tools/libremakepkg:42)
+ $ msgmerge po/es/libretools.po po/libretools.pot > po/es/libretools.po-merged
+ $ meld po/es/libretools.po{-merged,}
+Then delete the failed .po file, which is under sorce control, replace it with
+the new corrected file.
+ $ mv po/es/libretools.po{-merged,}
+Once `make clean && make` is able to complete successfully, commit the new .po
+file to the VCS.
+ $ git commit -m 'sync translations' po/es/libretools.po