path: root/src/lib/librexgettext
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/librexgettext')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/librexgettext b/src/lib/librexgettext
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db575d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/librexgettext
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Luke Shumaker <>
+# License: GNU GPLv2+
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+export TEXTDOMAIN='librelib'
+export TEXTDOMAINDIR='/usr/share/locale'
+ --keyword={eval_,}{gettext,'ngettext:1,2'}
+ --keyword={_,print,term_title}
+ --keyword={msg,msg2,warning,error,stat_busy,die}
+ --keyword={lock,slock}:3
+readonly default_simple default_prose
+if ! type gettext &>/dev/null; then
+ gettext() { echo "$@"; }
+errusage() {
+ if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
+ fmt="$(gettext "$1")"; shift
+ printf "${0##*/}: $fmt\n" "$@"
+ fi
+ usage >&2
+usage() {
+ . libremessages
+ print 'Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILES...' "${0##*/}"
+ print 'Generates .pot files for programs using libremessages'
+ echo
+ prose 'In librexgettext, there are 2 types of keywords:'
+ bullet 'simple: Simple keywords are just like normal xgettext'
+ bullet 'prose: Prose keywords are similar, but the text is
+ word-wrapped'
+ prose 'The keyword format is the same as in GNU xgettext.'
+ echo
+ prose 'The libremessages `flag` command is also handled
+ specially, and is not configurable as a keyword.'
+ echo
+ prose 'The default simple keywords are: %s' "${default_simple[*]#--keyword=}"
+ echo
+ prose 'The default prose keywords are: %s' "${default_prose[*]#--keyword=}"
+ echo
+ print 'Options:'
+ flag \
+ '--simple=KEYWORD' 'Look for KEYWORD as an additional simple keyword' \
+ '--prose=KEYWORD' 'Look for KEYWORD as an additional prose keyword' \
+ '-k' 'Disable using the default keywords' \
+ '-h, --help' 'Show this text'
+xgettext-sh() {
+ xgettext --omit-header --from-code=UTF-8 -L shell -k -o - "$@"
+xgettext-flag() {
+ {
+ # Stage 1: Generate
+ #
+ # Get all of the arguments to `flag`. Because `flag`
+ # takes an arbitrary number of arguments, just iterate
+ # through arg1, arg2, ... argN; until we've come up
+ # empty 3 times. Why 3? Because each flag takes 2
+ # arguments, and because we don't keep track of which
+ # one of those we're on, waiting for 3 empties ensures
+ # us that we've had a complete "round" with nothing.
+ #
+ # Why can't I just do i+=2, and not have to keep track
+ # of empties? Because, we also allow for arguments
+ # ending in a colon to be headings, which changes the
+ # offsets.
+ declare -i empties=0
+ declare -i i
+ for (( i=1; empties < 3; i++ )); do
+ local out
+ out="$(xgettext-sh --keyword="flag:$i,\"$i\"" "$@")"
+ if [[ -n $out ]]; then
+ printf -- '%s\n' "$out"
+ else
+ empties+=1
+ fi
+ done
+ } | whitespace-collapse | sed '/^\#, sh-format/d' | {
+ # Stage 2: Parse
+ #
+ # Read in the lines, and group them into an array of
+ # (multi-line) msgs. This just makes working with
+ # them easier.
+ local msgs=()
+ declare -i i=-1
+ local re='^#\. ([0-9]+)$'
+ IFS=''
+ local line
+ while read -r line; do
+ if [[ $line =~ $re ]]; then
+ i+=1
+ fi
+ msgs[$i]+="$line"$'\n'
+ done
+ # Stage 3: Sort
+ #
+ # Now, we have the `msgs` array, and it is
+ # sorted such that it is all of the arg1's to `flag`,
+ # then all of the arg2's, then all of the arg3's, and
+ # so on. We want to re-order them such that it's all
+ # of the args for the first invocation then all of the
+ # args for the second; and so on.
+ #
+ # We do this by simply sorting them by the location
+ # that they appear in the file. Then, when we see the
+ # argument number go back down to 1, we know that a
+ # new invocation has started!
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local locations=($(
+ local i
+ for i in "${!msgs[@]}"; do
+ declare -i arg row
+ local lines=(${msgs[$i]})
+ arg=${lines[0]#'#. '}
+ row=${lines[1]##*:}
+ printf '%d.%d %d\n' "$row" "$arg" "$i"
+ done | sort -n
+ ))
+ # Stage 4: Output
+ #
+ # Now, we prune out the arguments that aren't
+ # localizable. Also, remove the "#." comment lines.
+ # As explained above (in stage 3), when we see $arg go
+ # to 1, that's the beginning of a new invocation.
+ local expectflag=true
+ local location
+ for location in "${locations[@]}"; do
+ IFS=' .'
+ local row arg i
+ read -r row arg i <<<"$location"
+ local msg="${msgs[$i]#*$'\n'}"
+ # Now we operate based on $row, $arg, and $msg
+ if [[ $arg == 1 ]]; then
+ expectflag=true
+ fi
+ if $expectflag; then
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local lines=(${msg})
+ if [[ ${lines[1]} == *':"' ]]; then
+ # We expected a flag, but got
+ # a heading
+ printf -- '%s\n' "$msg"
+ else
+ # We expected a flag, and got
+ # one!
+ expectflag=false
+ fi
+ else
+ printf -- '%s\n' "$msg"
+ expectflag=true
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+whitespace-collapse() {
+ tr '\n' '\r' | sed 's/"\r\s*"//g' | tr '\r' '\n' | # This removes the awkward word-wrapping done by xgettext
+ sed -r -e 's/(\\n|\\t|\t)/ /g' -e 's/(^|[^.!? ]) +/\1 /g' -e 's/([.!?]) +/\1 /g' # This collapses whitespace
+main() {
+ local simple=()
+ local prose=()
+ local files=()
+ local use_defaults=true
+ local error=false
+ declare -i i
+ for (( i=1; i <= $#; i++ )); do
+ case "${!i}" in
+ --simple) i+=1; simple+=(--keyword="${!i}");;
+ --simple=*) simple+=(--keyword="${!i#*=}");;
+ --prose) i+=1; prose+=(--keyword="${!i}");;
+ --prose=*) prose+=(--keyword="${!i#*=}");;
+ -k) use_defaults=false;;
+ --help|-h) usage; return 0;;
+ --) i+=1; break;;
+ -*) errusage "unrecognized option: %s" "${!i}"; error=true;;
+ *) files+=("${!i}");;
+ esac
+ done
+ files+=("${@:$i}")
+ if [[ ${#files[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
+ errusage "no input file given"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ if "$error"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if "$use_defaults"; then
+ simple+=("${default_simple[@]}")
+ prose+=("${default_prose[@]}")
+ fi
+ # Main code
+ {
+ xgettext-sh "${simple[@]}" -- "${files[@]}"
+ xgettext-sh "${prose[@]}" -- "${files[@]}" | whitespace-collapse
+ xgettext-flag -- "${files[@]}"
+ } | sed '/^\#, sh-format/d' | msguniq -Fi --to-code=UTF-8
+main "$@"