path: root/src/pkgbuild-summarize-nonfree
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-11-20refactor pkgbuild-summarize-nonfreebill-auger
2020-11-20allow building replacements for existing blacklist entriesbill-auger
libremakepkg will refuse to build a blacklisted package, if no libre replacement had been published before the next repo sync this change warns instead, and prompts for confirmation see note in src/chroot-tools/
2020-11-20update docsbill-auger
2020-11-20normalize `source` callsbill-auger
2018-01-02Change my email address -> lukeshu@parabola.nuLuke Shumaker
2017-05-25start moving things to use the libremessages exit codesLuke Shumaker
2017-05-04random tidy upLuke Shumaker
2017-04-20Variables inside of $((...)) don't need a $ in front of them.Luke Shumaker
These were found with the help of shellcheck.
2017-04-11fixup copyright for: `return $?` can be written simply as `return`Luke Shumaker
2017-02-13`return $?` can be written simply as `return`Luke Shumaker
2014-07-05quote calls to librelibLuke Shumaker
2014-06-20Fix some hard-coded shebangsLuke Shumaker
2014-03-21Do an audit of copyright and license claimsLuke Shumaker
2013-10-26Merge pkgbuild-check-{nonfree,licenses}, add a summarize tool for it.Luke Shumaker
This should fix a number of bugs in those two scripts, and the summarize script simplifies aur and