#!/hint/bash # shellcheck disable=2034 # The full path to the chroot is of the form: $CHROOTDIR/$CHROOT/$COPY, # where $COPY is set at runtime, with $CHROOT as the default. # See `librechroot help` for details. CHROOTDIR=/var/lib/archbuild CHROOT=default # Extra packages to have installed on the chroot, # in addition to CHROOTPKG (standard 'base' + 'base-devel') CHROOTEXTRAPKG=() #CHROOTEXTRAPKG+=(distcc-nozeroconf socat) # for BUILDENV+=(distcc) #CHROOTEXTRAPKG+=(ccache) # for BUILDENV+=(ccache) #CHROOTEXTRAPKG+=(libretools) # for running libremakepkg inside the chroot