load ../lib/common shopt -s extglob @test "librestage displays usage text" { rm -rf "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" LC_ALL=C librestage -h >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr [[ "$(sed 1q "$tmpdir/stdout")" =~ Usage:.* ]] empty "$tmpdir/stderr" } @test "librestage fails with 0 args" { librestage >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr || status=$? [[ $status != 0 ]] empty "$tmpdir/stdout" not empty "$tmpdir/stderr" } @test "librestage fails with invalid args" { librestage -q >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr || status=$? [[ $status != 0 ]] empty "$tmpdir/stdout" not empty "$tmpdir/stderr" } # bats test_tags=network,sudo @test "librestage guesses the repo" { mkdir -p -- "$tmpdir/reponame/libretools-hello" cp fixtures/librestage/PKGBUILD-hello "$tmpdir/reponame/libretools-hello/PKGBUILD" cd "$tmpdir/reponame/libretools-hello" testsudo libremakepkg -l "$BATS_TEST_NAME" librestage find "$tmpdir" -not -type d -exec ls -ld -- {} + globfile $tmpdir/workdir/staging/reponame/libretools-hello-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar?(.!(sig|*.*)) globfile $tmpdir/workdir/staging/sources/parabola/libretools-hello-1.0-1-any.src.tar?(.!(sig|*.*)) } # bats test_tags=network,sudo @test "librestage stages packages without PKGDEST" { cat >> "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pacman/makepkg.conf" <<-eot PKGDEST='' SRCPKGDEST='' eot cp fixtures/librestage/PKGBUILD-hello "$tmpdir/PKGBUILD" cd "$tmpdir" testsudo libremakepkg -l "$BATS_TEST_NAME" librestage repo1 find "$tmpdir" -not -type d -exec ls -ld -- {} + globfile $tmpdir/workdir/staging/repo1/libretools-hello-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar?(.!(sig|*.*)) globfile $tmpdir/workdir/staging/sources/parabola/libretools-hello-1.0-1-any.src.tar?(.!(sig|*.*)) }