#!/usr/bin/env roundup describe libremakepkg . ./test-common.sh before() { _before libremakepkg mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/libretools echo "CHROOTDIR='$tmpdir/chrootdir'" > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/libretools/chroot.conf echo "CHROOT='default'" >> "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/libretools/chroot.conf echo "CHROOTEXTRAPKG=()" >> "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/libretools/chroot.conf } after() { _after } it_builds_a_trivial_package() { require network sudo || return 0 cp libremakepkg.d/PKGBUILD-hello "$tmpdir/PKGBUILD" cd "$tmpdir" libremessages msg 'Creating a chroot, may take a few minutes' &>/dev/tty testsudo libremakepkg [[ -f $(echo libretools-hello-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.?z) ]] } it_displays_help_as_normal_user() { rm -rf "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" libremakepkg -h >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr [[ "$(sed 1q $tmpdir/stdout)" =~ Usage:.* ]] [[ -z "$(cat $tmpdir/stderr)" ]] } it_otherwise_fails_as_normal_user() { # I do this to give it a chance of passing cp libremakepkg.d/PKGBUILD-hello "$tmpdir/PKGBUILD" cd "$tmpdir" libremakepkg >$tmpdir/stdout 2>$tmpdir/stderr || stat=$? [[ $stat != 0 ]] [[ -z "$(cat $tmpdir/stdout)" ]] [[ -n "$(cat $tmpdir/stderr)" ]] }