BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
GNUtoo/various-fixesAdapt to arch-nspawn replacement by chroot-run.Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli3 months
fauno/newrootAllow installation after the first passNicolás Reynolds12 years
fauno/recutilsABS to recutilsNicolás Reynolds12 years fix quotingIsaac David7 years
lukeshu/fmtmake formatLuke T. Shumaker2 months
lukeshu/librecheckWIPLuke Shumaker11 years
lukeshu/wipdocs: libremessages: Update for changes in makepkg/devtools-parLuke T. Shumaker2 months
masterlibrerelease: Get the tests to passLuke T. Shumaker5 weeks
merge-nonsystemd[maintenance-tools/parabola-dependents]: account for duplicate packages with ...bill-auger19 months
merge-nonsystemd-2022-09-19revert 'use fakeroot-tcp in ARM chroots' changebill-auger17 months
nonsystemdRevert "notify pbot after sccessful publish"David P3 years
ticgitorigin pullNicolas Reynolds13 years
wip-2020-11-20[parabola-dependents]: formatted and verbose outputbill-auger3 years
wip-2021-03wip - multiple concernsbill-auger3 years
wip-2022-01wip - multiple concernsbill-auger2 years account for pkgver epochbill-auger4 months
wip-2023-12-18wipbill-auger5 months
wip-2024-03-24bugfix mksource()bill-auger5 weeks
wip-pbot-announceadd remote pbot-say scriptbill-auger2 years