path: root/scripts
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2016-06-15 16:53:59 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2016-06-15 16:53:59 -0400
commitc10faa5b2b617d5d62407567cd8d495d7ddddeb6 (patch)
tree6181f3a1e71403cc1e54c32ca244c819040c9562 /scripts
parent1a435c0f4b41904025d0f263734cb9aea6a03b13 (diff)
git mv bin scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
9 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/common.rb b/scripts/common.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e14be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/common.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require 'yaml'
+def cfg
+ @cfg ||= YAML::load(open("parabola-hackers.yml"))
+def load_user_yaml(filename)
+ user = YAML::load(open(filename))
+ groups = user["groups"] || []
+ user["groups"] = groups.concat((groups & cfg["groupgroups"].keys).map{|g|cfg["groupgroups"][g]}.flatten)
+ return user
+def load_all_users
+ users = {}
+ Dir.glob("#{cfg["yamldir"]}/*.yml").map{|filename|
+ uid = File.basename(filename).sub(/^([0-9]*)\.yml$/, "\\1").to_i
+ user = load_user_yaml(filename)
+ users[uid] = user
+ }
+ return users
diff --git a/scripts/meta-cat b/scripts/meta-cat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6b9edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/meta-cat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: meta-cat
+load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/common.rb"
+print load_all_users.to_yaml
diff --git a/scripts/meta-check b/scripts/meta-check
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a2981e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/meta-check
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+. libremessages
+mydir="$(dirname "$0")"
+check-yaml() {
+ file=$1
+ msg 'Inspecting %q' "$file"
+ norm=$(mktemp --tmpdir)
+ trap "rm -f -- $(printf '%q' "$norm")" RETURN
+ meta-normalize-stdio < "$file" > "$norm" || return $?
+ colordiff -u "$file" "$norm" || return $?
+main() {
+ declare -i ret=0
+ yamldir="$(ruby -e "load '$mydir/common.rb'; print cfg['yamldir']")"
+ # Check the user YAML files
+ for file in "$yamldir"/*.yml; do
+ check-yaml "$file" || ret=$?
+ done
+ msg 'Checking for duplicate usernames'
+ dups=($(sed -n 's/^username: //p' -- "$yamldir"/*.yml| sort | uniq -d))
+ if (( ${#dups[@]} )); then
+ error 'Duplicate usernames:'
+ plain '%s' "${dups[@]}"
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ msg 'Checking PGP keys'
+ if pgp-list-keyids | grep -Ev '^(trusted|secondary|revoked)/[a-z][a-z0-9-]* [0-9A-F]{40}$'; then
+ error 'Bad pgp keys ^^^'
+ ret=1
+ fi
+ return $ret
+main "$@"
diff --git a/scripts/meta-normalize-stdio b/scripts/meta-normalize-stdio
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5611ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/meta-normalize-stdio
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# First we define a bunch of code-generators, then at the end is a
+# very neat and readable definition of the format of the YAML files.
+require 'yaml'
+def error(msg)
+ $stderr.puts "ERROR: #{msg}"
+ @err = 1
+def warning(msg)
+ $stderr.puts "WARNING: #{msg}"
+# Generic validators/formatters
+def semiordered_list(cnt, validator)
+ lambda {|name,ary|
+ if ary.class != Array
+ error "`#{name}' must be a list"
+ else
+ ary.each_index{|i| ary[i] ="#{name}[#{i}]", ary[i])}
+ ary = ary.first(cnt).concat(ary.last(ary.count-cnt).sort)
+ end
+ ary
+ }
+def unordered_list(validator)
+ semiordered_list(0, validator)
+def _unknown(map_name, key)
+ error "Unknown item: #{map_name}[#{key.inspect}]"
+ 0
+def unordered_map1(validator)
+ lambda {|name,hash|
+ if hash.class != Hash
+ error "`#{name}' must be a map"
+ else
+ order = Hash[[*]]
+ hash = Hash[hash.sort_by{|k,v| order[k] || _unknown(name,k) }]
+ hash.keys.each{|k|
+ if validator[k]
+ hash[k] = validator[k].call("#{name}[#{k.inspect}]", hash[k])
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ hash
+ }
+def unordered_map2(key_validator, val_validator)
+ lambda {|name,hash|
+ if hash.class != Hash
+ error "`#{name}' must be a map"
+ else
+ hash = Hash[hash.sort_by{|k,v| k}]
+ hash.keys.each{|k|
+"#{name} key #{k.inspect}", k)
+ hash[k] ="#{name}[#{k.inspect}]", hash[k])
+ }
+ end
+ hash
+ }
+string = lambda {|name,str|
+ if str.class != String
+ error "`#{name}' must be a string"
+ else
+ str
+ end
+# Regular Expression String
+def restring(re)
+ lambda {|name,str|
+ if str.class != String
+ error "`#{name}' must be a string"
+ else
+ unless re =~ str
+ error "`#{name}' does not match #{re.inspect}: #{str}"
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ }
+# Specific validators/formatters
+year = lambda {|name, num|
+ if num.class != Fixnum
+ error "`#{name}' must be a year"
+ else
+ if (num < 1900 || num > 3000)
+ error "`#{name}' is a number, but doesn't look like a year"
+ end
+ num
+ end
+# This regex is taken from
+_email_regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!\#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
+email_list = lambda {|name, ary|
+ if ary.class != Array
+ error "`#{name}' must be a list"
+ elsif not ary.empty?
+ preserve = 1
+ if ary.first.end_with?("") and ary.count >= 2
+ preserve = 2
+ end
+ ary = semiordered_list(preserve, restring(_email_regex)).call(name, ary)
+ end
+ ary
+shell = lambda {|name, sh|
+ if sh.class != String
+ error "`#{name}' must be a string"
+ else
+ @valid_shells ||= open("/etc/shells").read.split("\n")
+ .find_all{|line| /^[^\#]/ =~ line}
+ unless @valid_shells.include?(sh)
+ warning "shell not listed in /etc/shells: #{sh}"
+ end
+ end
+ sh
+# The format of the YAML files
+format = unordered_map1(
+ {
+ "username" => restring(/^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*$/),
+ "fullname" => string,
+ "email" => email_list,
+ "groups" => semiordered_list(1, string),
+ "pgp_keyid" => restring(/^[0-9A-F]{40}$/),
+ "pgp_revoked_keyids" => unordered_list(restring(/^[0-9A-F]{40}$/)),
+ "ssh_keys" => unordered_map2(string, string),
+ "shell" => shell,
+ "extra" => unordered_map1(
+ {
+ "alias" => string,
+ "other_contact" => string,
+ "roles" => string,
+ "website" => string,
+ "occupation" => string,
+ "yob" => year,
+ "location" => string,
+ "languages" => string,
+ "interests" => string,
+ "favorite_distros" => string,
+ })
+ })
+@err = 0
+user ="user", YAML::load(STDIN))
+if @err != 0
+ exit @err
+print user.to_yaml
diff --git a/scripts/pacman-make-keyring b/scripts/pacman-make-keyring
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..589984d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pacman-make-keyring
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -rRf
+# Usage: pacman-make-keyring V=$(date -u +%Y%m%d)
+ifeq ($(origin V),undefined)
+$(info Usage: pacman-make-keyring V=$$(date -u +%Y%m%d))
+$(error You must set V= on the command line)
+bin := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
+yamldir := $(shell ruby -e "load '$(bin)/common.rb'; print cfg['yamldir']")
+cachedir := $(shell ruby -e "load '$(bin)/common.rb'; print cfg['keyring_cachedir']")
+outputdir = $(cachedir)/$(KEYRING_NAME)-keyring-$(V)
+KEYRING_NAME = parabola
+all: $(KEYRING_NAME)-keyring-$(V).tar.gz
+.PHONY: all
+export SHELL = /bin/bash -o pipefail
+dirs = \
+ $(outputdir) \
+ $(cachedir) \
+ $(cachedir)/gpghome \
+ $(cachedir)/keys/trusted \
+ $(cachedir)/keys/secondary \
+ $(cachedir)/keys/revoked
+ mkdir -p $@
+$(cachedir)/var.%: FORCE | $(cachedir)
+ @$(file >$(@D)/tmp.$(@F),$($*))
+ @sed -i 's|^|#|' $(@D)/tmp.$(@F)
+ @if cmp -s $(@D)/tmp.$(@F) $@; then \
+ rm -f $(@D)/tmp.$(@F) || :; \
+ else \
+ mv -f $(@D)/tmp.$(@F) $@; \
+ fi
+-include $(wildcard $(cachedir)/var.*)
+$(cachedir)/txt.%: $(cachedir)/var.%
+ sed 's|^#||' < $< > $@
+keyring-files = \
+ $(outputdir)/Makefile \
+ $(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}.gpg \
+ $(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}-trusted \
+ $(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}-revoked
+$(KEYRING_NAME)-keyring-$(V).tar.gz: %.tar.gz: $(keyring-files)
+ bsdtar --format=ustar -cf - -C $(cachedir) $(addprefix $*/,$(notdir $^)) | gzip -9 > $@
+prefix = /usr/local
+PREFIX = $$(prefix)
+ install -dm755 $$(DESTDIR)$$(PREFIX)/share/pacman/keyrings/
+ install -m0644 @KEYRING_NAME@{.gpg,-trusted,-revoked} $$(DESTDIR)$$(PREFIX)/share/pacman/keyrings/
+ rm -f $$(DESTDIR)$$(PREFIX)/share/pacman/keyrings/@KEYRING_NAME@{.gpg,-trusted,-revoked}
+ rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $$(DESTDIR)$$(PREFIX)/share/pacman/keyrings/
+.PHONY: install uninstall
+$(outputdir)/Makefile: $(cachedir)/ $(var)V $(var)KEYRING_NAME | $(outputdir)
+ sed $(foreach v,$(patsubst $(var)%,%,$(filter $(var)%,$^)), -e 's|@$v@|$($v)|' ) < $< > $@
+users := $(sort $(shell find $(yamldir))) $(var)users
+# Assemble the list of .asc files needed to generate the keyring
+$(cachedir)/ ${users} $(var)outputdir $(var)cachedir $(var)KEYRING_NAME| $(cachedir)
+ { \
+ echo $(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}.gpg: $$($(bin)/pgp-list-keyids | sed -r 's|(\S+) .*|$$(cachedir)/keys/\1.asc|') && \
+ echo $(cachedir)/stamp.ownertrust: $$($(bin)/pgp-list-keyids | sed -rn 's|^(trusted/\S+) .*|$$(cachedir)/keys/\1.asc|p') && \
+ $(bin)/pgp-list-keyids | sed -rn 's|^trusted/(\S+) (.*)|keyid.\1 = \2|p' && \
+ $(bin)/uid-map | sed 's|.*|trusted:&\nsecondary:&\nrevoked:&|' | sed -r 's|(.*):(.*):(.*)|$$(cachedir)/keys/\1/\3.asc: $$(yamldir)/\2.yml|' && \
+ :; }> $@
+-include $(cachedir)/
+# The remainder of file is mostly just a translation of the shell
+# script `update-keys`.
+export LANG=C
+KEYSERVER = hkp://
+GPG = gpg --quiet --batch --no-tty --no-permission-warning --keyserver ${KEYSERVER} --homedir $(cachedir)/gpghome
+define gpg-init
+%echo Generating Parabola Keyring keychain master key...
+Key-Type: RSA
+Key-Length: 1024
+Key-Usage: sign
+Name-Real: Parabola Keyring Keychain Master Key
+Name-Email: parabola-keyring@localhost
+Expire-Date: 0
+%echo Done
+$(cachedir)/stamp.gpg-init: $(cachedir)/txt.gpg-init $(var)GPG | $(cachedir)/gpghome
+ ${GPG} --gen-key < $<
+ touch $@
+# The appropriate ${uid}.yml file is added as a dependency to
+# ${username}.yml by
+keyid=$(keyid.$(patsubst %.asc,%,$(notdir $@)))
+# In 'update-keys', this is the 'master-keyids' loop
+$(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}-trusted: ${users} | $(outputdir)
+ $(bin)/pgp-list-keyids | sed -rn 's|^trusted/\S+ (\S+)|\1:4:|p' > $@
+$(cachedir)/keys/trusted/%.asc : $(cachedir)/stamp.gpg-init | $(cachedir)/keys/trusted
+ ${GPG} --recv-keys ${keyid} &>/dev/null
+ printf 'minimize\nquit\ny\n' | ${GPG} --command-fd 0 --edit-key ${keyid}
+ printf 'y\ny\n' | ${GPG} --command-fd 0 --lsign-key ${keyid} &>/dev/null
+ ${GPG} --armor --no-emit-version --export ${keyid} > $@
+$(cachedir)/stamp.ownertrust: $(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}-trusted $(cachedir)/
+ ${GPG} --import-ownertrust < $< 2>/dev/null
+ touch $@
+# In 'update-keys', this is the 'packager-keyids' loop
+$(cachedir)/keys/secondary/%.asc: $(cachedir)/stamp.ownertrust | $(cachedir)/keys/secondary
+ ${GPG} --recv-keys ${keyid} &>/dev/null
+ printf 'clean\nquit\ny\n' | ${GPG} --command-fd 0 --edit-key ${keyid}
+ ${GPG} --list-keys --with-colons ${keyid} 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^pub:f:' # make sure it is trusted
+ ${GPG} --armor --no-emit-version --export ${keyid} > $@
+# In 'update-keys', this is the 'packager-revoked-keyids' loop
+$(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}-revoked: ${users} | $(outputdir)
+ $(bin)/pgp-list-keyids | sed -rn 's|^revoked/\S+ ||p' > $@
+$(cachedir)/keys/revoked/%.asc : $(cachedir)/stamp.ownertrust | $(cachedir)/keys/revoked
+ ${GPG} --recv-keys ${keyid} &>/dev/null
+ printf 'clean\nquit\ny\n' | ${GPG} --command-fd 0 --edit-key ${keyid}
+ ! ${GPG} --list-keys --with-colons ${keyid} 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^pub:f:' # make sure it isn't trusted
+ ${GPG} --armor --no-emit-version --export ${keyid} > $@
+$(outputdir)/${KEYRING_NAME}.gpg: $(cachedir)/ | $(outputdir)
+ cat $(filter %.asc,$^) > $@
diff --git a/scripts/pgp-list-keyids b/scripts/pgp-list-keyids
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9682b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pgp-list-keyids
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: pgp-list-keyids
+load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/common.rb"
+load_all_users.each do |uid,user|
+ if user["groups"]
+ if user["groups"].include?("keyring-trusted")
+ puts "trusted/#{user["username"]} #{user["pgp_keyid"]}"
+ elsif user["groups"].include?("keyring-secondary")
+ puts "secondary/#{user["username"]} #{user["pgp_keyid"]}"
+ elsif user["pgp_keyid"]
+ #puts "revoked/#{user["username"]} #{user["pgp_keyid"]}"
+ end
+ end
+ if user["pgp_revoked_keyids"]
+ user["pgp_revoked_keyids"].each do |keyid|
+ puts "revoked/#{user["username"]} #{keyid}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/postfix-generate-virtual-map b/scripts/postfix-generate-virtual-map
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5c2d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/postfix-generate-virtual-map
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: postfix-show-virtual-map > ${file} && postmap hash:${file}
+load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/common.rb"
+users = load_all_users.values.find_all{|u|u["groups"].include?("email")}
+users.each do |user|
+ if user["email"] and user["email"].length > 0
+ if user["email"][0] =~ /.*$/
+ if user["email"].length > 1
+ puts "#{user["username"]} #{user["email"][1]}"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "#{user["username"]} #{user["email"][0]}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/ssh-list-authorized-keys b/scripts/ssh-list-authorized-keys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fb1ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ssh-list-authorized-keys
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: ssh-list-authorized-keys [username]
+load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/common.rb"
+all_users = load_all_users.values
+groupnames = ARGV & cfg["ssh_pseudo_users"]
+usernames = ARGV &{|u|u["username"]}
+users = all_users.find_all{|u|
+ # [ username was listed ] or [ the user is in a listed group ]
+ usernames.include?(u["username"]) or not (u["groups"] & groupnames).empty?
+# Buffer the output to avoid EPIPE when the reader hangs up early
+users.each do |user|
+ if user["ssh_keys"]
+ user["ssh_keys"].each do |addr,key|
+ output+="#{key} #{user["fullname"]} (#{user["username"]}) <#{addr}>\n"
+ end
+ end
+print output
diff --git a/scripts/uid-map b/scripts/uid-map
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10c3fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/uid-map
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: uid-map
+load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/common.rb"
+load_all_users.each do |uid,user|
+ puts "#{uid}:#{user["username"]}"