path: root/skel
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-05-23use parabola-blackmate theme in LXDEbill-auger
2018-05-23autostart script to bin/bill-auger
2018-05-23misc panel and theme tweaksbill-auger
2018-05-05news from /usr/share/parabola-laf/newsbill-auger
2017-12-23change desktop icons fontv0.8bill-auger
2017-12-21add wbarv0.7bill-auger
2017-12-12dynamic welcome/news notices and desktop backgroundbill-auger
* script will display any new ~/news.txt * default desktop background is a symlink
2017-12-11add lxde logout bannerbill-auger
2017-12-09bug fixesv0.4bill-auger
2017-12-02add bug report shortcut and iconv0.3bill-auger
2017-11-23add user skelbill-auger