# GRUB2 gfxmenu Parabola GNU/Linux-libre theme. # Designed for 1024x768 resolution. # Forked from Axiom by Legendary Bibo (GPL) http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Axiom+Grub+2+Theme?content=146396 # Re-design and packaged by Gaming4JC. Parabola mascot by Coadde. # Global Property title-text: "" title-font: "Sans Regular 12" title-color: "#000000" message-font: "Fixed Regular 13" message-color: "#FFFFFF" message-bg-color: "#f6f6f6" desktop-image: "parabola-boot-menu.png" desktop-color: "#000000" terminal-box: "menu_bkg_*.png" terminal-font: "Fixed Regular 13" # Show the boot menu + boot_menu { left = 15% width = 70% top = 29% height = 42% item_font = "Sans Regular 12" selected_item_font = "Sans Regular 14" item_color = "#000000" selected_item_color = "#FFFFFF" item_height = 38 item_padding = 15 item_spacing = 5 icon_width = 38 icon_height = 38 item_icon_space = 20 selected_item_pixmap_style= "select_bkg_*.png" menu_pixmap_style = "menu_bkg_*.png" scrollbar = true scrollbar_width = 24 scrollbar_thumb = "sb_thumb_*.png" scrollbar_frame = "sb_frame_*.png" } # Show a styled horizontal progress bar + progress_bar { id = "__timeout__" left = 15% width = 70% top = 78% height = 12 show_text = true font = "Sans Regular 10" text_color = "255, 255, 255" text = "@TIMEOUT_NOTIFICATION_LONG@" bar_style = "progress_bar_*.png" highlight_style = "progress_highlight_*.png" } # Show an informational message. + hbox { top = 100%-20 left = 26% + label {text = "Enter: " font = "Sans 12" color = "black" align = "left"} + label {text = "Boot Selection " font = "Sans 12" color = "#6c7cce" align = "left"} + label {text = "E: " font = "Sans 12" color = "black" align = "left"} + label {text = "Edit Selection " font = "Sans 12" color = "#6c7cce" align = "left"} + label {text = "C: " font = "Sans 12" color = "black" align = "left"} + label {text = "GRUB Commandline" font = "Sans 12" color = "#6c7cce" align = "left"} }