#!/bin/bash DEFAULT_NICK='parabola-user' # ASSERT: as defined in ~/.purple/accounts.xml and ~/.purple/blist.xml if [ -z "$(grep $DEFAULT_NICK@irc.freenode.net ~/.purple/accounts.xml)" ] || \ [ -z "$(grep $DEFAULT_NICK@irc.freenode.net ~/.purple/blist.xml )" ] then if zenity --question --width=320 \ --title="Parabola IRC Login" \ --text="The default 'parabola-user' freenode IRC account has been modified. \ This desktop shortcut is only for that account. You can either restore Pidgin to it's default \ configuration (deleting any changes you have made); or delete this shortcut from the desktop." \ --ok-label="Reset Pidgin completely" \ --cancel-label="Remove this desktop shortcut" then cp ~/.purple/accounts.default.xml ~/.purple/accounts.xml cp ~/.purple/blist.default.xml ~/.purple/blist.xml else rm ~/Desktop/parabola-irc.desktop rm ~/parabola-irc.sh exit fi fi nick=$(zenity --entry --width=320 \ --title="Parabola IRC Login" \ --text="Choose a nick-name:" \ --entry-text=$DEFAULT_NICK ) nick=${nick// /} ; [ "$nick" ] || nick=$DEFAULT_NICK ; sed -i "s|$DEFAULT_NICK@irc.freenode.net|$nick@irc.freenode.net|" ~/.purple/accounts.xml sed -i "s|$DEFAULT_NICK@irc.freenode.net|$nick@irc.freenode.net|" ~/.purple/blist.xml pidgin