path: root/configs
diff options
authorbill-auger <>2017-10-17 23:05:58 -0400
committerbill-auger <>2018-01-01 00:53:07 -0500
commit9699ecdf11572a3cdcb34ae022320a1fd18ad129 (patch)
tree48825ab6cf1b073d332509cdda034667f77f00f8 /configs
parent4ba74645423192072cb2c603a261d89081f3a4e7 (diff)
add rebuild helper and qemu boot scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'configs')
2 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/profile/ b/configs/profile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15d1123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ISOS_DIR=$(dirname $0)/out
+ISO="$(ls -t $ISOS_DIR/*.iso | head -n 1)"
+VIRTIO_NET_DEV="-netdev user,id=vmnic,hostfwd=tcp::$SSH_FWD_HOST_PORT-:22 \
+ -device virtio-net,netdev=vmnic"
+QEMU="qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm"
+MEM="-m 1G"
+VIDEO="-vga std"
+AUDIO="-soundhw hda "
+WM_HIMTS="-display sdl -no-frame" # -show-cursor"
+[ "$ISO" ] && CD="-cdrom $ISO -boot d" || CD=''
+[ "$HD_IMG" ] && HD="-drive file=$HD_IMG,format=raw,cache=writeback" || HD=''
+[ ! "$ISO" ] && echo "no ISO found in ISOS_DIR: '$ISOS_DIR'" && exit
+echo "$CMD" ; $CMD ;
diff --git a/configs/profile/ b/configs/profile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f212c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/profile/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+readonly MODE='wipe' # total wipe of work dir preserving package cache
+# readonly MODE='rebuild' # full update rebuild preserving work dir
+# readonly MODE='tweak' # chroot customization tweaks only
+readonly TARGET='dual' # dual-arch (default)
+# readonly TARGET='i686' # i686 target only
+# readonly TARGET='x86_64' # x86_64 target only
+# readonly EDITION='OpenRC/CLI' # OpenRC/CLI init/WM-DE pair
+# readonly EDITION='OpenRC/LXDE' # OpenRC/LXDE init/WM-DE pair
+readonly EDITION='SystemD/CLI' # SystemD/CLI init/WM-DE pair (default)
+# readonly EDITION='SystemD/LXDE' # SystemD/LXDE init/WM-DE pair
+readonly CACHE='' # net-install (default)
+# readonly CACHE='-O' # offline install
+readonly VERSION="`date +%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M`-alpha" # ISO filename like: parabola-<EDITION>-<TARGET>-<VERSION>.iso
+((`id -u`)) && echo "This script must be run with root privileges." && exit
+# cleanup in case of previous aborted run
+while pids=$(pidof ./ || pidof sudo ./ && pids=${pids/$PPID/} && [ "$pids" ]
+do for pid in ${pids/$PPID/} ; do sudo kill -9 $pid ; done ; sleep 1 ;
+for work_dir in "$PWD/work/i686" "$PWD/work/x86_64"
+do declare -a mountpoints=()
+ for mnt in dev/pts dev/shm dev proc run sys tmp; do
+ mountpoint=$(findmnt --noheadings --output="TARGET" "${work_dir}/root-image/${mnt}" || true)
+ if [[ "${mountpoint}" != "" ]] ; then mountpoints=( ${mountpoints[@]} "${mountpoint}" ) ; fi ;
+ done
+ for mountpoint in ${mountpoints[@]} ; do umount "${mountpoint}" ; done ;
+if [ "$MODE" == 'wipe' ]
+then for arch in i686 x86_64
+ do isorepo=./work/${arch}/root-image/isorepo
+ [ -d $isorepo -a ! -d ./isorepo-${arch} ] && mv $isorepo ./isorepo-${arch} 2> /dev/null
+ done
+ rm -rf ./work/ 2> /dev/null
+ for arch in i686 x86_64
+ do if [ -d ./isorepo-${arch} ] && [ "$TARGET" == 'dual' -o "$TARGET" == "${arch}" ]
+ then mkdir -p ./work/${arch}/root-image
+ mv ./isorepo-${arch} ./work/${arch}/root-image/isorepo
+ fi
+ done
+elif [ "$MODE" == 'rebuild' ]
+then rm -v ./work/build.make_*
+elif [ "$MODE" == 'tweak' ]
+then rm work/build.make_customize_root_image_$TARGET \
+ work/build.make_prepare_$TARGET \
+ work/build.make_iso* 2> /dev/null
+if ${CMD}
+then echo "success" ; rm ./ 2> /dev/null
+else echo -e "failure - continue with: ./"
+ echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n${CMD}" > ./
+ chmod a+x ./