This is a beta preview release featuring the calamares graphical installer (the "Install Parabola" desktop shortcut). As such, there may be some quirks with the appearance or behavior; but most normal functionality is expected to work properly. Please report any bugs that you may find to the Parabola "Installation Media" bug tracker (the "Report a Bug" desktop shortcut). If you are connected to the internet and have any other questions or comments, feel free to join the Parabola support chat (the "Parabola IRC Channel" desktop shortcut). This LiveISO is running the LXDE desktop environment that is as close as possible of an experience to a fully installed Parabola Operating System. The installed system will look much the same and have mostly all of the same programs installed. Standard installation requires 9GB of disk space and 1GB RAM (or swap space). Installation from the 'netinstall' ISOs requires an active connection to the internet; whereas the 'complete' ISOs contain everything necessary to install Parabola offline. The title of this window indicates the distinction. For computers with less than 1GB RAM, the command-line ~/ and ~/ scripts are provided; which can install either a minimal command-line system or a full graphical system. Caveats and Known Issues: The taskbar clock is set to UTC time.