#!/bin/bash #Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot pacman -Sy parabola-keyring --noconfirm pacman-key --populate parabola pacman-key --refresh-keys partition(){ #Search and show the Hard Disks to select aux=$(ls /dev/sd?) index=0 for i in $aux; do hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off" index=$((index+1)) done hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Select Hard Disk" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]}) #If exist the line delete if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null then sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal fi #And add the new line with new parameter echo "hdd=$hdd" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Partitioning method" 20 70 50 \ 1 "Use all disk with swap (1GB) and /" \ 2 "Use gparted to customize" ) case $selection in 1) umount /mnt &> /dev/null #Create msdos partition table parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos #Create partition swap and / parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s #Boot option partition / parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on #Format and partitions and mount / (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd mkswap ${hdd}1 mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2 mount ${hdd}2 /mnt ;; 2) gparted $hdd #Search and show the partitions that select before. aux=$(ls $hdd?) index=0; for i in $aux; do partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off" index=$((index+1)) done partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount / Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) #Mount partition / umount /mnt &> /dev/null mount $partition /mnt #Ask if you want mount other partitions other=0 while [ $other != 3 ]; do other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Mount other partition?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "No") case $other in 1) umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /home Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home ;; 2) umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Mount /boot Partition" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot ;; *) other=3 ;; esac done ;; esac } option=0 while [ option != 7 ]; do option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Parabola Installation CLI" 20 70 50 \ 1 "Format and Mount Partitions" \ 2 "Install Base System" \ 3 "Install GRUB" \ 4 "System Configure" \ 5 "(Optional) Install Live DVD Desktop/Applications" \ 6 "Create User Account" \ 7 "Exit" ) case $option in 1) partition ;; 2) #Install base system pacstrap /mnt pacstrap /mnt dialog ;; 3) #Install grub pacstrap /mnt grub grub2-theme-gnuaxiom #Enable Parabola theme for grub sed -i 's|[#]GRUB_THEME=["]/path/to/gfxtheme["]|GRUB_THEME="/boot/grub/themes/GNUAxiom/theme.txt"|' /mnt/etc/default/grub ;; 4) #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/systemConfig.sh /mnt chmod +x /mnt/systemConfig.sh arch-chroot /mnt /systemConfig.sh rm -r /mnt/systemConfig.sh ;; 5) #Packages to the X11 live packages=( "xorg-server" "xf86-input-evdev" "xf86-input-synaptics" "xf86-video-amdgpu" "xf86-video-ati" "xf86-video-dummy" "xf86-video-fbdev" "xf86-video-intel" "xf86-video-nouveau" "xf86-video-openchrome" "xf86-video-sisusb" "xf86-video-vesa" "xf86-video-vmware" "xf86-video-voodoo" "xf86-video-qxl" "xorg-xinit" "sudo" "gst-plugins-good" "gst-libav" "mate" "mate-extra" "caja" "volumeicon" "zenity" "octopi" "octopi-cachecleaner" "octopi-notifier" "octopi-repoeditor" "ambiance-radiance-colors-suite" "rave-x-colors" "pulseaudio-alsa" "alsa-utils" "networkmanager" "network-manager-applet" "ath9k-htc-firmware" "gnome-keyring" "iceweasel" "icedove" "pidgin" "linphone" "qtox" "gparted" "smplayer" "epdfview" "gpicview" "abiword" "gnumeric" "leafpad" "galculator-gtk2" "xarchiver" "dmidecode" "lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings" "grub2-theme-gnuaxiom" "p7zip" "unar" "unzip" "zip" "ttf-dejavu" ) #Install packages pacstrap /mnt ${packages[@]} user=$(cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName" ) #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/ cp -a /etc/wallpaper.png /mnt/etc/wallpaper.png #Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command sed -i 's|[#] [%]wheel ALL=[(]ALL[)] ALL|%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL|' /mnt/etc/sudoers #Enable services cp -a /root/.install-systemd-mate/x11.sh /mnt #Enable services with systemd chmod +x /mnt/x11.sh arch-chroot /mnt /x11.sh rm /mnt/x11.sh ;; 6) #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after if (cat /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null then sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal fi echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Enter an User Name" 8 40)" >> /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal cp /root/.codecheck /mnt cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/temporal /mnt cp /root/.install-systemd-mate/userAccount.sh /mnt chmod +x /mnt/userAccount.sh arch-chroot /mnt /userAccount.sh rm -r /mnt/userAccount.sh ;; *) #Delete temporal file and umount partitions rm -r /mnt/.codecheck rm -r /mnt/temporal umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null umount /mnt &> /dev/null exit ;; esac done