# environment vars from build.sh: # ISO_TITLE # ISO_INIT # ISO_GUI # ENABLE_OFFLINE_INSTALL readonly LOCALES="en_US\.UTF-8 \ eo \ es_ES\.UTF-8 \ fr_FR\.UTF-8 \ gl_ES\.UTF-8 \ it_IT\.UTF-8 \ pt_BR\.UTF-8 \ pl_PL\.UTF-8 " readonly SYSTEMD_DELETE_FILES="/etc/conf.d/agetty.tty1 \ /etc/conf.d/hostname \ /etc/init.d/pacman-init \ /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config" readonly OPENRC_DELETE_FILES="/etc/hostname \ /etc/systemd/scripts/choose-mirror \ /etc/systemd/system/choose-mirror.service \ /etc/systemd/system/etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount \ /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf \ /etc/systemd/system/pacman-init.service " readonly SYSTEMD_SERVICES_ALL="choose-mirror.service \ multi-user.target \ pacman-init.service " readonly SYSTEMD_SERVICES_GUI="NetworkManager.service" readonly OPENRC_SERVICES_ALL="dbus \ haveged \ NetworkManager \ pacman-init " readonly OPENRC_SERVICES_GUI="alsasound \ elogind " readonly SYSTEMD_SERVICES="${SYSTEMD_SERVICES_ALL}" readonly OPENRC_SERVICES="${OPENRC_SERVICES_ALL}" [[ "${ISO_GUI}" != 'cli' ]] && readonly SYSTEMD_SERVICES+=" ${SYSTEMD_SERVICES_GUI}" [[ "${ISO_GUI}" != 'cli' ]] && readonly OPENRC_SERVICES+=" ${OPENRC_SERVICES_GUI}" readonly DEFAULT_SHELL=/bin/bash readonly NETINSTALL_MSG="To install Parabola, the system must be connected to the internet." readonly COMPLETE_MSG="This ISO is capable of installing a complete Parabola system\n\ without a connection to the internet.\n\ To fetch packages from the internet, enter this command first:\n\ # cp /etc/pacman-online.conf /etc/pacman.conf" if [[ "${ENABLE_OFFLINE_INSTALL}" == 'true' ]] then readonly INSTALL_TYPE='Complete' ; readonly NETWORK_MOTD_MSG=${COMPLETE_MSG} ; else readonly INSTALL_TYPE='NetInstall' ; readonly NETWORK_MOTD_MSG=${NETINSTALL_MSG} ; fi readonly ROOT_SKEL_FILES="/etc/skel/.bash_logout \ /etc/skel/.bash_profile \ /etc/skel/install-openrc-lxde.sh \ /etc/skel/install-systemd-mate.sh" readonly LIVE_USER=parabola readonly LIVE_USER_GROUPS="adm,audio,floppy,log,network,rfkill,scanner,storage,optical,power,wheel" readonly OPENRC_USER_GROUPS="disk,sys" [[ "${ISO_INIT}" == 'openrc' ]] && readonly USER_GROUPS="${LIVE_USER_GROUPS},${OPENRC_USER_GROUPS}" || readonly USER_GROUPS="${LIVE_USER_GROUPS}" readonly OS_PRETTY_NAME="$(echo ${ISO_TITLE} | cut -d ' ' -f -5) - (${INSTALL_TYPE})" readonly OS_VERSION=$( echo ${ISO_TITLE} | cut -d ' ' -f 6 ) readonly OS_VERSION_ID=$( echo ${ISO_TITLE} | cut -d ' ' -f 6 ) readonly OS_VARIANT="$( echo ${OS_PRETTY_NAME} | cut -d ' ' -f -3 --complement )" readonly OS_VARIANT_ID=${ISO_INIT}-${ISO_GUI}