#!/bin/bash readonly DEV_RELEASE=1 # 1 for development builds - 0 for production builds source /root/customize_root_image-constants.inc set -e -u # configure timezone and locales ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime for locale in ${LOCALES} ; do sed -i "s/#${locale}/${locale}/" /etc/locale.gen ; done ; locale-gen # configure sudo chmod 750 /etc/sudoers.d chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel # configure pacman sed -i "s|#Server|Server|" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist if [[ "${enable_offline_install}" == 'true' ]] then cat /etc/pacman-offline.conf > /etc/pacman-online.conf for repo in ${REPOS} do echo -e "\n[${repo}]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman-online.conf done cp /etc/pacman-offline.conf /etc/pacman.conf else cp /usr/share/pacman/defaults/pacman.conf.${arch} /etc/pacman.conf rm /etc/pacman-*.conf fi # KLUDGE begin # TODO: https://labs.parabola.nu/issues/1527 echo "Server = https://parabola.isacdaavid.info:8081/\$repo/os/\$arch" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # KLUDGE end # configure services if [[ "${iso_init}" == 'systemd' ]] then # delete files that are specific to other init systems rm ${SYSTEMD_DELETE_FILES} # enable services systemctl enable ${SYSTEMD_SERVICES} elif [[ "${iso_init}" == 'openrc' ]] then # delete files that are specific to other init systems rm ${OPENRC_DELETE_FILES} # enable services for service in ${OPENRC_SERVICES} ; do rc-update add ${service} default ; done ; # create the dbus user and group if it does not exist if [[ "$(grep 'dbus' /etc/group )" = "" ]] ; then groupadd -g 81 dbus ; fi ; if [[ "$(grep 'dbus' /etc/passwd)" = "" ]] ; then useradd -r -s /sbin/nologin -g 81 -u 81 dbus ; fi ; else echo "invalid \$iso_init for services '${iso_init}'" exit 1 fi # configure root user usermod -s ${DEFAULT_SHELL} root 2> /dev/null # configure CLI login session sed -i "s|_EDITION_TITLE_|${iso_title}|" /etc/motd sed -i "s|_NETWORK_MOTD_MSG_|${NETWORK_MOTD_MSG}| ; s|^>>>>\(.*\)| \1|g" /etc/motd if [[ "${iso_gui}" == 'cli' ]] then cp ${ROOT_SKEL_FILES} /root/ sed -i "s|_DESKTOP_SESSION_||" /root/.bash_profile else # configure GUI login session and live user [[ -n "$(id ${LIVE_USER} 2> /dev/null)" ]] && userdel -r ${LIVE_USER} 2> /dev/null useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "${USER_GROUPS}" -s ${DEFAULT_SHELL} ${LIVE_USER} if [[ "${iso_init}" == 'systemd' ]] then sed -i "s|--autologin root|--autologin ${LIVE_USER}|" /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf else sed -i "s|--autologin root|--autologin ${LIVE_USER}|" /etc/conf.d/agetty.tty1 fi # configure desktop environment sed -i "s|_EDITION_TITLE_|${WELCOME_TITLE}|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.config/autostart/autostart.sh sed -i "s|--question|--info|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.config/autostart/autostart.sh sed -i "s|--cancel-label=.*|\&|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.config/autostart/autostart.sh if [[ "${iso_gui}" == 'lxde' ]] then rm -f /etc/xdg/autostart/octopi-notifier.desktop 2> /dev/null sed -i "s|_DESKTOP_SESSION_|LXDE|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.bash_profile sed -i "s|_DESKTOP_SESSION_|LXDE|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.dmrc elif [[ "${iso_gui}" == 'mate' ]] then sed -i "s|_DESKTOP_SESSION_|mate|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.bash_profile sed -i "s|_DESKTOP_SESSION_|mate|" /home/${LIVE_USER}/.dmrc else echo "invalid \$iso_gui for _DESKTOP_SESSION_ '${iso_gui}'" exit 1 fi fi # development builds - set DEV_RELEASE=0 for production builds (($DEV_RELEASE)) && source /root/customize_root_image-dev.sh 2> /dev/null