diff options
authorAngel Velasquez <>2016-05-26 05:26:37 +0000
committerAngel Velasquez <>2016-05-26 05:26:37 +0000
commit042763555885986a64c06e340b98da595f27d0e1 (patch)
parentf62ef05d3c325635020e668d12e0aa0df9d6aecd (diff)
Add netboot ipxe environment to archwebrelease_2016-05-29
Signed-off-by: Angel Velasquez <> Signed-off-by: Thomas Bachler <>
3 files changed, 182 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/releng/ b/releng/
index ca76eb25..0e87de48 100644
--- a/releng/
+++ b/releng/
@@ -22,9 +22,14 @@ releases_patterns = patterns('releng.views',
'release_torrent', {}, 'releng-release-torrent'),
+netboot_patterns = patterns('releng.views',
+ (r'^archlinux\.ipxe$', 'netboot_config', {}, 'releng-netboot-config')
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^feedback/', include(feedback_patterns)),
(r'^releases/', include(releases_patterns)),
+ (r'^netboot/', include(netboot_patterns)),
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:
diff --git a/releng/ b/releng/
index dbb65c2e..7db469cd 100644
--- a/releng/
+++ b/releng/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from .models import (Architecture, BootType, Bootloader, ClockChoice,
Filesystem, HardwareType, InstallType, Iso, IsoType, Module, Source,
Test, Release)
+from mirrors.models import (Mirror, MirrorUrl, MirrorProtocol)
def standard_field(model, empty_label=None, help_text=None, required=True):
return forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=model.objects.all(),
@@ -280,4 +280,23 @@ def releases_json(request):
response = HttpResponse(to_json, content_type='application/json')
return response
+def netboot_config(request):
+ release_qs = Release.objects.filter(available=True).order_by('-release_date')
+ releases = [ release.version for release in release_qs ]
+ mirrorurls = MirrorUrl.objects.filter(protocol__protocol='http',
+ active=True,
+ mirror__public=True,
+ mirror__active=True,
+ mirror__isos=True)
+ mirrorurls = sorted( mirrorurls,
+ key=lambda x:
+ mirrorurls = sorted( mirrorurls,
+ key=lambda x:
+ context = {
+ 'archs': [ 'i686', 'x86_64' ],
+ 'releases': releases,
+ 'mirrorurls': mirrorurls,
+ }
+ return render(request, "releng/archlinux.ipxe", context, content_type='text/plain')
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:
diff --git a/templates/releng/archlinux.ipxe b/templates/releng/archlinux.ipxe
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87f9c83b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/releng/archlinux.ipxe
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+{% regroup mirrorurls by country as mirrors_by_country %}
+# Figure out if client is 64-bit capable
+cpuid --ext 29 && set cpuarch x86_64 || set cpuarch i686
+# allow only trusted images
+# initial options
+set bootarch ${cpuarch}
+set release {{ releases.0 }}
+set mirrorurl
+set extrabootoptions ip=dhcp
+set countrycode
+menu Arch Linux Netboot
+item --gap Settings
+item set_architecture Architecture: ${bootarch}
+item set_release Release: ${release}
+isset ${mirrorurl} && item set_mirror Mirror: ${mirrorurl} || item set_mirror Choose a mirror
+item set_options Boot options: ${extrabootoptions}
+isset ${mirrorurl} && item boot Boot Arch Linux || item --gap Boot Arch Linux
+item shell Drop to iPXE shell
+item reboot Reboot
+item exit Exit iPXE
+isset ${mirrorurl} && choose --default set_options selected || choose --default set_mirror selected || goto shell
+goto ${selected} || goto main
+echo Type 'exit' to get the back to the menu
+goto main
+menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Architecture
+item back back
+item --gap Available architectures:
+iseq ${cpuarch} x86_64 && item x86_64 x64_64 ||
+item i686 i686
+choose selected || goto main
+iseq ${selected} back && goto main ||
+set bootarch ${selected}
+goto main
+menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Release
+item back back
+item --gap Available releases:
+{% for release in releases %}item {{ release }} {{ release }}
+{% endfor %}
+choose selected || goto main
+iseq ${selected} back && goto main ||
+set release ${selected}
+goto main
+goto select_mirror_country
+menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Mirror
+item back back
+item --gap Custom Configuration:
+item custom Enter mirror URL
+item --gap Select Mirror By Country:
+{% for mirrorgroup in mirrors_by_country %}
+{% if mirrorgroup.grouper == '' %}
+item 00 Global
+{% else %}
+item {{ mirrorgroup.grouper }} {{ }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+isset ${countrycode} && choose --default ${countrycode} selected || choose selected || goto main
+iseq ${selected} back && goto main ||
+iseq ${selected} custom && goto enter_mirror_url ||
+set countrycode ${selected}
+goto select_mirror_url
+set countrycode
+echo Enter the mirror URL including the trailing slash.
+echo Example:
+echo -n Mirror URL: ${} && read mirrorurl || goto select_mirror_country
+goto main
+goto select_mirror_url_${countrycode} || goto select_mirror_country
+{% for mirrorgroup in mirrors_by_country %}
+{% if mirrorgroup.grouper == '' %}
+set countryname Global
+{% else %}
+:select_mirror_url_{{ mirrorgroup.grouper }}
+set countryname {{ }}
+{% endif %}
+menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Mirror
+item back back
+item --gap Available mirrors in ${countryname}
+{% for mirror in mirrorgroup.list %}item {{ mirror.url }} {{ }}
+{% endfor %}
+choose selected || goto select_mirror_country
+iseq ${selected} back && goto select_mirror_country ||
+set mirrorurl ${selected}
+goto main
+{% endfor %}
+echo -n Boot options: ${} && read extrabootoptions ||
+goto main
+echo Booting Arch Linux ${bootarch} ${release} from ${mirrorurl}
+kernel ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/vmlinuz || goto failed_download
+imgverify vmlinuz ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/vmlinuz.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify
+initrd ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/intel_ucode.img || goto failed_download
+imgverify intel_ucode.img ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/intel_ucode.img.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify
+initrd ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/archiso.img || goto failed_download
+imgverify archiso.img ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/archiso.img.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify
+imgargs vmlinuz initrd=intel_ucode.img initrd=archiso.img archiso_http_srv=${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/ archisobasedir=arch verify=y ${extrabootoptions}
+boot || goto failed_boot
+echo Failed to download a file.
+goto failed
+echo Failed to verify a file.
+goto failed
+echo Boot failed.
+goto failed
+echo Press a key to return to the menu.
+goto main