diff options
6 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87eddd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# The idea here is to be able to re-generate the exact Javascript
+# files as they exist in git. This means munging whitespace in weird
+# ways, using specific versions of various JS minimizers...
+# Where are we?
+dl-cache = ../download-cache
+www = $(dl-cache)/www
+bin = $(dl-cache)/bin
+# What versions of 3rd party libraries are we using?
+targets = \
+ sitestatic/rss.png \
+ sitestatic/rss@2x.png \
+ sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js \
+ sitestatic/homepage.js \
+ sitestatic/jquery-$(jquery-ver).min.js \
+ sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).js \
+ sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).min.js \
+ sitestatic/konami.min.js \
+ visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).js \
+ visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).min.js
+# The base rules
+all: $(targets)
+.PHONY: all
+js-basenames = $(sort $(patsubst %.min,%,$(patsubst %.js,%,$(filter %.js,$(targets)))))
+generated = $(sort $(targets) $(foreach f,$(js-basenames),$f.js $f.min.js))
+ rm -f -- $(generated)
+.PHONY: clean
+# Make directories
+$(dl-cache) $(bin):
+ mkdir -p '$@'
+# Don't have non-minimized .js stick around unless we asked for them.
+.INTERMEDIATE: $(filter-out $(targets),$(generated))
+# Turn on sane error handling
+# How to download files
+ mangle = $(subst %,^25,$(subst :,^3A,$(subst =,^3D,$(subst ^,^5E,$1))))
+unmangle = $(subst ^5E,^,$(subst ^3D,=,$(subst ^3A,:,$(subst ^25,%,$1))))
+ mkdir -p '$(@D)'
+ wget 'http://$(call unmangle,$*)' -O '$@'
+ test -f '$@' && touch '$@'
+ mkdir -p '$(@D)'
+ wget 'https://$(call unmangle,$*)' -O '$@'
+ test -f '$@' && touch '$@'
+ mkdir -p '$(@D)'
+ gitget checkout 'git://$(call unmangle,$*)' '$@' || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; }
+ test -d '$@' && touch '$@' || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; }
+# Downloaded images
+$(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/%: $(www)/https/^3A//
+ mkdir -p '$(@D)'
+ bsdtar xfO $< 'Feedicons v.2/$*' > '$@'
+sitestatic/rss.png: $(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/RSS_16.png
+ cp $< $@
+sitestatic/rss@2x.png: $(dl-cache)/unzip/Feedicons_v.2/RSS_32.png
+ pngcrush $< $@
+# Non-minimized .js files
+sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/https/$(bootstrap-ver)/js/% Makefile.d/%.patch
+ cp $< $@
+ patch -i Makefile.d/$*.patch $@
+sitestatic/jquery-$(jquery-ver).js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/http/
+ cp $< $@
+sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).js: $(www)/https/$(tablesorter-ver)/js/jquery.tablesorter.js
+ cp $< $@
+sitestatic/konami.js: sitestatic/%: $(www)/https/$(konami-ver)/% Makefile.d/%.patch
+ cp $< $@
+ patch -i Makefile.d/$*.patch $@
+sitestatic/homepage.js: sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js sitestatic/konami.min.js Makefile.d/
+ { \
+ cat sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js && \
+ echo && \
+ sed -e 's,^\s*,,' -e 's,^return.*,&;,' sitestatic/konami.min.js && \
+ echo && \
+ cat Makefile.d/ ; \
+ } > $@
+visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).js: %: $(www)/https/$(d3-ver)/d3.js
+ cp $< $@
+# The crazy minimization processes
+# Any of the UglifyJS 1.3.x releases will produce the same output for these inputs
+$(bin)/uglifyjs-1.3: $(www)/git/\#tag=v1.3.5 | $(bin)
+ printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'exec $</bin/uglifyjs --no-copyright --ascii --max-line-len 0 "$$@"' | install -m755 /dev/stdin '$@'
+# Any of the UglifyJS 2.2.x releases will produce the same output for these inputs
+$(dl-cache)/uglifyjs-2.2: $(www)/git/\#tag=v2.2.5 | $(dl-cache)
+ cp -r $< $@ || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; }
+ cd $@ && npm install || { rm -rf -- '$@'; false; }
+$(bin)/uglifyjs-2.2: $(dl-cache)/uglifyjs-2.2 | $(bin)
+ printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'exec $</bin/uglifyjs --mangle --compress -- "$$@"' | install -m755 /dev/stdin '$@'
+# Closure compiler 20121212 produces the same output
+$(dl-cache)/unzip/compiler-20121212/%: $(www)/https/^3A//
+ mkdir -p '$(@D)'
+ bsdtar xfO '$<' '$*' > '$@'
+$(bin)/closure-compiler: $(dl-cache)/unzip/compiler-20121212/compiler.jar | $(bin)
+ printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'exec java -jar $< "$$@"' | install -m755 /dev/stdin '$@'
+# Which minimizer to use for each
+sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.min.js: %.min.js: $(bin)/uglifyjs-1.3 %.js
+ $^ > $@
+sitestatic/jquery-$(jquery-ver).min.js: sitestatic/%.min.js: sitestatic/%.js Makefile.d/%.min.js.preamble
+ { cat Makefile.d/$*.min.js.preamble && $(bin)/uglifyjs-1.3 $<; } > $@
+sitestatic/jquery.tablesorter-$(tablesorter-ver).min.js: sitestatic/%.min.js: sitestatic/%.js Makefile.d/%.min.js.preamble $(bin)/closure-compiler
+ @# The tr/sed is to turn all of the newlines except for the last one into spaces
+ { cat Makefile.d/$*.min.js.preamble && $(bin)/closure-compiler $< | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's, $$,\n,'; } > $@
+sitestatic/konami.min.js: %.min.js: $(bin)/uglifyjs-2.2 %.js
+ @# The sed is to insert newlines and whitespace at the correct places; presumably to match Dan copy/pasting into an editor.
+ $^ | sed -r -e 's:e\.iphone\.stop_x|s=this\.tap===:\n\t&:g' -e 's,return"string",\n&,' | sed -e 's,;$$,,' -e '$$s,$$,\n,' > $@
+visualize/static/d3-$(d3-ver).min.js: %.min.js: $(bin)/uglifyjs-2.2 %.js
+ $^ > $@
diff --git a/Makefile.d/bootstrap-typeahead.js.patch b/Makefile.d/bootstrap-typeahead.js.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfbab80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.d/bootstrap-typeahead.js.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+commit f3e23371fa0473c82c28932e85570d94e5fc232a
+Author: Dan McGee <>
+Date: Mon Sep 24 20:21:15 2012 -0500
+ Don't auto-select the first item in typeahead
+ This assumption was baked into the Twitter bootstrap JS; kill it so it
+ is still easy to do a freeform search if wanted.
+ Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
+diff --git a/sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js b/sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js
+index c2ccdea..3d355ae 100644
+--- a/sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js
++++ b/sitestatic/bootstrap-typeahead.js
+@@ -45,9 +45,11 @@
+ , select: function () {
+ var val = this.$menu.find('.active').attr('data-value')
+- this.$element
+- .val(this.updater(val))
+- .change()
++ if (val) {
++ this.$element
++ .val(this.updater(val))
++ .change()
++ }
+ return this.hide()
+ }
+@@ -141,7 +143,6 @@
+ return i[0]
+ })
+- items.first().addClass('active')
+ this.$menu.html(items)
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/Makefile.d/ b/Makefile.d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d6f7910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function setupTypeahead() {
+ $('#pkgsearch-field').typeahead({
+ source: function(query, callback) {
+ $.getJSON('/opensearch/packages/suggest', {q: query}, function(data) {
+ callback(data[1]);
+ });
+ },
+ matcher: function(item) { return true; },
+ sorter: function(items) { return items; },
+ menu: '<ul class="pkgsearch-typeahead"></ul>',
+ items: 10,
+ updater: function(item) {
+ $('#pkgsearch-field').val(item);
+ $('#pkgsearch-form').submit();
+ return item;
+ }
+ }).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
+ $('#pkgsearch-field').keyup(function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 13 &&
+ $('ul.pkgsearch-typeahead').size() === 0) {
+ $('#pkgsearch-form').submit();
+ }
+ });
+function setupKonami(image_src) {
+ var konami = new Konami(function() {
+ $('#konami').html('<img src="' + image_src + '" alt=""/>');
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $('#konami').fadeIn(500);
+ }, 500);
+ $('#konami').click(function() {
+ $('#konami').fadeOut(500);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/Makefile.d/jquery-1.8.3.min.js.preamble b/Makefile.d/jquery-1.8.3.min.js.preamble
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae08a973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.d/jquery-1.8.3.min.js.preamble
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/*! jQuery v1.8.3 | */
diff --git a/Makefile.d/jquery.tablesorter-2.7.min.js.preamble b/Makefile.d/jquery.tablesorter-2.7.min.js.preamble
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6e11689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.d/jquery.tablesorter-2.7.min.js.preamble
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+* TableSorter 2.7 min - Client-side table sorting with ease!
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach
diff --git a/Makefile.d/konami.js.patch b/Makefile.d/konami.js.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6df91c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.d/konami.js.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+--- ..//web-cache/www/https/ 2015-04-14 17:46:09.372597458 -0400
++++ sitestatic/konami.js 2015-04-14 22:39:28.549281737 -0400
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ load: function(link){
+ this.orig_keys = this.keys;
+ konami.addEvent(document,"touchmove",function(e){
+- if(e.touches.length == 1 && konami.iphone.capture==true){
++ if(e.touches.length == 1 && konami.iphone.capture===true){
+ var touch = e.touches[0];
+ konami.iphone.stop_x = touch.pageX;
+ konami.iphone.stop_y = touch.pageY;
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ }
+ });
+ konami.addEvent(document,"touchend",function(evt){
+- if (konami.iphone.tap==true) konami.iphone.check_direction(link);
++ if (konami.iphone.tap===true) konami.iphone.check_direction(link);
+ },false);
+ konami.addEvent(document,"touchstart", function(evt){
+ konami.iphone.start_x = evt.changedTouches[0].pageX
+@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
+ });
+ },
+ check_direction: function(link){
+- x_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_x-this.stop_x)
+- y_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_y-this.stop_y)
+- x = ((this.start_x-this.stop_x) < 0) ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT";
+- y = ((this.start_y-this.stop_y) < 0) ? "DOWN" : "UP";
+- result = (x_magnitude > y_magnitude) ? x : y;
+- result = (this.tap==true) ? "TAP" : result;
++ var x_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_x-this.stop_x)
++ var y_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_y-this.stop_y)
++ var x = ((this.start_x-this.stop_x) < 0) ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT";
++ var y = ((this.start_y-this.stop_y) < 0) ? "DOWN" : "UP";
++ var result = (x_magnitude > y_magnitude) ? x : y;
++ result = (this.tap===true) ? "TAP" : result;
+ if (result==this.keys[0]) this.keys = this.keys.slice(1,this.keys.length)
+ if (this.keys.length==0) {
+@@ -99,4 +99,4 @@
+ }
+ return konami;
+\ No newline at end of file