# Parabolaweb HACKING Things you should know: 1. You don't need to mess with the fixtures every time you want to add something. It's OK to just add it through the web-based admin interface. The fixtures are for setting up the inital data that things might not work without. 2. Please don't add new pages to the `legacy_urls` list in `urls.py`. It's for old, compatibility URLs. But once it's added there, it's there forever, don't remove it. Which branch you should use: - If it's a Parabola-specific change, put it on `master`. - If it's not Parabola-specific, put it on `archweb-generic`, then merge it into `master`. Following is Archweb's version of the HACKING file; you should follow it too. # Archweb HACKING Contributing ====================== Coding Style ------------ 1. All code should be indented with spaces. This is effectively the following VIM modeline: /* vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 et: */ 2. Recommend removing trailing whitespace. Here is an example for .vimrc autocmd BufWritePre *.py normal m`:%s/\s\+$//e `` 3. Wrap lines at 80 characters MAXIMUM vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 et: