#!ipxe {% regroup mirrorurls by country as mirrors_by_country %} # Figure out if client is 64-bit capable cpuid --ext 29 && set cpuarch x86_64 || set cpuarch i686 # allow only trusted images imgtrust # initial options set bootarch ${cpuarch} set release {{ releases.0 }} set mirrorurl set extrabootoptions ip=dhcp set countrycode :main menu Arch Linux Netboot item --gap Settings item set_architecture Architecture: ${bootarch} item set_release Release: ${release} isset ${mirrorurl} && item set_mirror Mirror: ${mirrorurl} || item set_mirror Choose a mirror item set_options Boot options: ${extrabootoptions} item isset ${mirrorurl} && item boot Boot Arch Linux || item --gap Boot Arch Linux item shell Drop to iPXE shell item reboot Reboot item exit Exit iPXE isset ${mirrorurl} && choose --default set_options selected || choose --default set_mirror selected || goto shell goto ${selected} || goto main :shell echo Type 'exit' to get the back to the menu shell goto main :reboot reboot :exit exit :set_architecture menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Architecture item back back item item --gap Available architectures: iseq ${cpuarch} x86_64 && item x86_64 x64_64 || item i686 i686 choose selected || goto main iseq ${selected} back && goto main || set bootarch ${selected} goto main :set_release menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Release item back back item item --gap Available releases: {% for release in releases %}item {{ release }} {{ release }} {% endfor %} choose selected || goto main iseq ${selected} back && goto main || set release ${selected} goto main :set_mirror goto select_mirror_country :select_mirror_country menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Mirror item back back item item --gap Custom Configuration: item custom Enter mirror URL item item --gap Select Mirror By Country: {% for mirrorgroup in mirrors_by_country %} {% if mirrorgroup.grouper == '' %} item 00 Global {% else %} item {{ mirrorgroup.grouper }} {{ mirrorgroup.grouper.name }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} isset ${countrycode} && choose --default ${countrycode} selected || choose selected || goto main iseq ${selected} back && goto main || iseq ${selected} custom && goto enter_mirror_url || set countrycode ${selected} goto select_mirror_url :enter_mirror_url set countrycode echo Enter the mirror URL including the trailing slash. echo Example: http://some.host/archlinux/ echo echo -n Mirror URL: ${} && read mirrorurl || goto select_mirror_country goto main :select_mirror_url goto select_mirror_url_${countrycode} || goto select_mirror_country {% for mirrorgroup in mirrors_by_country %} {% if mirrorgroup.grouper == '' %} :select_mirror_url_00 set countryname Global {% else %} :select_mirror_url_{{ mirrorgroup.grouper }} set countryname {{ mirrorgroup.grouper.name }} {% endif %} menu Arch Linux Netboot: Select Mirror item back back item item --gap Available mirrors in ${countryname} {% for mirror in mirrorgroup.list %}item {{ mirror.url }} {{ mirror.mirror.name }} {% endfor %} choose selected || goto select_mirror_country iseq ${selected} back && goto select_mirror_country || set mirrorurl ${selected} goto main {% endfor %} :set_options echo -n Boot options: ${} && read extrabootoptions || goto main :boot echo Booting Arch Linux ${bootarch} ${release} from ${mirrorurl} echo kernel ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/vmlinuz || goto failed_download imgverify vmlinuz ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/vmlinuz.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify initrd ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/intel_ucode.img || goto failed_download imgverify intel_ucode.img ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/intel_ucode.img.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify initrd ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/archiso.img || goto failed_download imgverify archiso.img ${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/arch/boot/${bootarch}/archiso.img.ipxe.sig || goto failed_verify imgargs vmlinuz initrd=intel_ucode.img initrd=archiso.img archiso_http_srv=${mirrorurl}iso/${release}/ archisobasedir=arch verify=y ${extrabootoptions} boot || goto failed_boot :failed_download echo echo Failed to download a file. goto failed :failed_verify echo echo Failed to verify a file. goto failed :failed_boot echo echo Boot failed. goto failed :failed echo Press a key to return to the menu. prompt imgfree goto main