path: root/extensions
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2014-05-05 15:30:48 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2014-05-05 15:30:48 -0400
commit3d86add3dfa5e0b3ead9859593d4a52cf7555a34 (patch)
tree453d8bd3fda4dbb3020017ea1a469291da5cdc71 /extensions
parent064cec79ca4c8201de0d06bbca6cb7a5345d11be (diff)
parent2e44b49a2db3026050b136de9b00f749dd3ff939 (diff)
Merge branch 'archwiki'
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 2069 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.gitreview b/extensions/Cite/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae9db41..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore b/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore
deleted file mode 100644
index df46ab97..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.jshintignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc b/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b356f81..00000000
--- a/extensions/Cite/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- "camelcase": true,
- "curly": true,
- "eqeqeq": true,
- "immed": true,
- "latedef": true,
- "newcap": true,
- "supernew": true,
- "shadow": true,
- "noarg": true,
- "noempty": true,
- "nonew": true,
- "quotmark": false, // sometimes double quotes make sense, e.g. "foo's" is better readable than 'foo\'s'
- "trailing": true,
- "undef": true,
- "unused": "vars", // we want to allow unused function parameters
- "laxbreak": true,
- "laxcomma": false,
- "onevar": false,
- "bitwise": false,
- "forin": false,
- "regexp": false,
- "strict": true,
- "scripturl": true,
- // Environment
- "browser": true,
- // Globals
- "predef": [
- "jQuery",
- "mediaWiki"
- ]
diff --git a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview b/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 780d35df..00000000
--- a/extensions/ConfirmEdit/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview b/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a8ead4..00000000
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php b/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c9332a6c..00000000
--- a/extensions/Gadgets/tests/GadgetTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * @group Gadgets
- */
-class GadgetsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- private function create( $line ) {
- $g = Gadget::newFromDefinition( $line );
- // assertInstanceOf() is available since PHPUnit 3.5
- $this->assertEquals( 'Gadget', get_class( $g ) );
- return $g;
- }
- function testInvalidLines() {
- $this->assertFalse( Gadget::newFromDefinition( '' ) );
- $this->assertFalse( Gadget::newFromDefinition( '<foo|bar>' ) );
- }
- function testSimpleCases() {
- $g = $this->create( '* foo bar| foo.css|foo.js|' );
- $this->assertEquals( 'foo_bar', $g->getName() );
- $this->assertEquals( 'ext.gadget.foo_bar', $g->getModuleName() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js' ), $g->getScripts() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.css' ), $g->getStyles() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js', 'Gadget-foo.css' ),
- $g->getScriptsAndStyles() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-foo.js' ), $g->getLegacyScripts() );
- $this->assertFalse( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->hasModule() );
- }
- function testRLtag() {
- $g = $this->create( '*foo [ResourceLoader]|foo.js|foo.css' );
- $this->assertEquals( 'foo', $g->getName() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $g->getLegacyScripts() ) );
- }
- function testDependencies() {
- $g = $this->create( '* foo[ResourceLoader|dependencies=jquery.ui]|bar.js' );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'Gadget-bar.js' ), $g->getScripts() );
- $this->assertTrue( $g->supportsResourceLoader() );
- $this->assertEquals( array( 'jquery.ui' ), $g->getDependencies() );
- }
- function testPreferences() {
- global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle;
- // This test makes call to the parser which requires valids Outputpage
- // and Title objects. Set them up there, they will be released at the
- // end of the test.
- $old_wgOut = $wgOut;
- $old_wgTitle = $wgTitle;
- $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( 'Parser test for Gadgets extension' );
- // Proceed with test setup:
- $prefs = array();
- $context = new RequestContext();
- $wgOut = $context->getOutput();
- $wgOut->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'test' ) );
- Gadget::loadStructuredList( '* foo | foo.js
-* bar| bar.js
-* baz [rights=embezzle] |baz.js
-* quux [rights=read] | quux.js' );
- $this->assertTrue( GadgetHooks::getPreferences( $wgUser, $prefs ), 'GetPrefences hook should return true' );
- $options = $prefs['gadgets']['options'];
- $this->assertFalse( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-remove-section&gt;'] ), 'Must not show empty sections' );
- $this->assertTrue( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-keep-section1&gt;'] ) );
- $this->assertTrue( isset( $options['&lt;gadget-section-keep-section2&gt;'] ) );
- // Restore globals
- $wgOut = $old_wgOut;
- $wgTitle = $old_wgTitle;
- }
diff --git a/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview b/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 2629c9d9..00000000
--- a/extensions/ImageMap/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview b/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d0c704d..00000000
--- a/extensions/InputBox/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview b/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index fcc03f61..00000000
--- a/extensions/Interwiki/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-defaultrebase=0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index da37d04d..00000000
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php b/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1112313c..00000000
--- a/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/tests/tokenTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-$IP = strval( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) !== ''
- ? getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' )
- : realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../../../" );
-require_once( "$IP/maintenance/" );
-function evalExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- eval( $php );
- return @$$varname;
-function confExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- try {
- $ce = new ConfEditor("<?php $php");
- $vars = $ce->getVars();
- $retval = @$vars[$varname];
- } catch( Exception $e ) {
- print $e . "\n";
- $retval = null;
- }
- return $retval;
-function quickTokenExtractArray( $php, $varname ) {
- $reader = new QuickArrayReader("<?php $php");
- return $reader->getVar( $varname );
-if( count( $args ) ) {
- $sources = $args;
-} else {
- $sources =
- array_merge(
- glob("$IP/extensions/*/*.i18n.php"),
- glob("$IP/languages/messages/Messages*.php") );
-foreach( $sources as $sourceFile ) {
- $rel = basename( $sourceFile );
- $out = str_replace( '/', '-', $rel );
- $sourceData = file_get_contents( $sourceFile );
- if( preg_match( '!extensions/!', $sourceFile ) ) {
- $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupExtensionFile( $sourceData );
- $items = 'langs';
- } else {
- $sourceData = LocalisationUpdate::cleanupFile( $sourceData );
- $items = 'messages';
- }
- file_put_contents( "$out.txt", $sourceData );
- $start = microtime(true);
- $eval = evalExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaEval = microtime(true) - $start;
- $start = microtime(true);
- $quick = quickTokenExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaQuick = microtime(true) - $start;
- $start = microtime(true);
- $token = confExtractArray( $sourceData, 'messages' );
- $deltaToken = microtime(true) - $start;
- $hashEval = md5(serialize($eval));
- $hashToken = md5(serialize($token));
- $hashQuick = md5(serialize($quick));
- $countEval = count( (array)$eval);
- $countToken = count( (array)$token );
- $countQuick = count( (array)$quick );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - eval\n", $rel, $hashEval, $countEval, $deltaEval * 1000 );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - QuickArrayReader\n", $rel, $hashQuick, $countQuick, $deltaQuick * 1000 );
- printf( "%s %s %d $items - %0.1fms - ConfEditor\n", $rel, $hashToken, $countToken, $deltaToken * 1000 );
- if( $hashEval !== $hashToken || $hashEval !== $hashQuick ) {
- echo "FAILED on $rel\n";
- file_put_contents( "$out-eval.txt", var_export( $eval, true ) );
- file_put_contents( "$out-token.txt", var_export( $token, true ) );
- file_put_contents( "$out-quick.txt", var_export( $quick, true ) );
- #die("check eval.txt and token.txt\n");
- }
- echo "\n";
-echo "ok\n";
diff --git a/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview b/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index c623aede..00000000
--- a/extensions/Nuke/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview b/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index decb9867..00000000
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php b/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 169a9cb4..00000000
--- a/extensions/ParserFunctions/tests/ExpressionTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-class ExpressionTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * @var ExprParser
- */
- protected $parser;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->parser = new ExprParser();
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideExpressions
- */
- function testExpression( $input, $expected ) {
- $this->assertEquals(
- $expected,
- $this->parser->doExpression( $input )
- );
- }
- function provideExpressions() {
- return array(
- array( '1 or 0', '1' ),
- array( 'not (1 and 0)', '1' ),
- array( 'not 0', '1' ),
- array( '4 < 5', '1' ),
- array( '-5 < 2', '1' ),
- array( '-2 <= -2', '1' ),
- array( '4 > 3', '1' ),
- array( '4 > -3', '1' ),
- array( '5 >= 2', '1' ),
- array( '2 >= 2', '1' ),
- array( '1 != 2', '1' ),
- array( '-4 * -4 = 4 * 4', '1' ),
- array( 'not (1 != 1)', '1' ),
- array( '1 + 1', '2' ),
- array( '-1 + 1', '0' ),
- array( '+1 + 1', '2' ),
- array( '4 * 4', '16' ),
- array( '(1/3) * 3', '1' ),
- array( '3 / 1.5', '2' ),
- array( '3 / 0.2', '15' ),
- array( '3 / ( 2.0 * 0.1 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 / ( 2.0 / 10 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 / (- 0.2 )', '-15' ),
- array( '3 / abs( 0.2 )', '15' ),
- array( '3 mod 2', '1' ),
- array( '1e4', '10000' ),
- array( '1e-2', '0.01' ),
- array( '4.0 round 0', '4' ),
- array( 'ceil 4', '4' ),
- array( 'floor 4', '4' ),
- array( '4.5 round 0', '5' ),
- array( '4.2 round 0', '4' ),
- array( '-4.2 round 0', '-4' ),
- array( '-4.5 round 0', '-5' ),
- array( '-2.0 round 0', '-2' ),
- array( 'ceil -3', '-3' ),
- array( 'floor -6.0', '-6' ),
- array( 'ceil 4.2', '5' ),
- array( 'ceil -4.5', '-4' ),
- array( 'floor -4.5', '-5' ),
- array( 'abs(-2)', '2' ),
- array( 'ln(exp(1))', '1' ),
- array( 'trunc(4.5)', '4' ),
- array( 'trunc(-4.5)', '-4' ),
- array( '123 fmod (2^64-1)', '123' ),
- array( '5.7 mod 1.3', '0' ),
- array( '5.7 fmod 1.3', '0.5' ),
- );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview b/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index f5eca40e..00000000
--- a/extensions/PdfHandler/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Poem/.gitreview b/extensions/Poem/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index aac78b2b..00000000
--- a/extensions/Poem/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview b/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d757141..00000000
--- a/extensions/Renameuser/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdecfa5..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e92679d..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
- * Internationalisation file for extension SimpleAntiSpam.
- *
- * @file
- * @ingroup Extensions
- */
-$messages = array();
-/** English
- * @author Ryan Schmidt
- */
-$messages['en'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Your edit triggered the anti-spam mechanism',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam check.
-Do '''NOT''' fill this in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adds a simple spam/bot check to forms',
-/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
- * @author Purodha
- * @author Shirayuki
- * @author The Evil IP address
- */
-$messages['qqq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Unused at this time.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Used as label for the input box in "Edit" page.
-The label and the input box are always hidden.',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '{{desc|name=Simple Anti Spam|url=}}',
-/** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
- * @author Naudefj
- */
-$messages['af'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'U wysiging het die anti-spam meganisme geaktiveer',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam kontrole.
-'''Moenie''' die veld invul nie!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Voeg 'n eenvoudige spam/robot-kontrole op vorms by",
-/** Gheg Albanian (Gegë)
- * @author Mdupont
- */
-$messages['aln'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Your redakto shkaktoi mekanizmi anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam kontrolloni. A'''''NUK' plotësoni këtë!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Shton një spam i thjeshtë / kontrolloni bot me format e',
-/** Aragonese (aragonés)
- * @author Juanpabl
- */
-$messages['an'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ista edición suya ha activato o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Preba anti-spam.
-'''NO''' replene esto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adibe una preba de spam/bot ta os formularios',
-/** Arabic (العربية)
- * @author Meno25
- */
-$messages['ar'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تعديلك نشط أداة منع السبام',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "اختبار ضد السبام.
-'''لا''' تملأ هذا!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'يضيف اختبار سبام/بوت بسيط للاستمارات',
-/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
- * @author Ramsis II
- */
-$messages['arz'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تعديلك نشط خاصية الانتي-سبام',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "اختبار انتي-سبام.
-'''ماتعبيش''' دا!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'بيضيف اختبار سبام/بوت بسيط للاستمارات',
-/** Assamese (অসমীয়া)
- * @author Gitartha.bordoloi
- */
-$messages['as'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'আপোনাৰ সম্পাদনাই এণ্টি-স্পাম কৌশল সক্ৰিয় কৰিলে।',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "এণ্টি-স্পাম পৰীক্ষা।
-এইখন পূৰণ '''নকৰিব'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "প্ৰপত্ৰত এটা সৰল স্পাম/ব'ট পৰীক্ষণ যোগ কৰে",
-/** Asturian (asturianu)
- * @author Esbardu
- */
-$messages['ast'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "La to edición activó'l mecanismu anti-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Control anti-spam.
-¡'''NUN''' rellenes esto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Amiesta al formulariu la comprobación de spam con un bot',
-/** Bashkir (башҡортса)
- * @author Assele
- */
-$messages['ba'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Һеҙҙең үҙгәртеүегеҙ спамға ҡаршы ҡоролманы тоҡандырҙы',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Спамға ҡаршы тикшереү.
-Быны '''ТУЛТЫРМАҒЫҘ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Формаларға ябай спамға/ботҡа ҡаршы тикшереү өҫтәй.',
-/** Southern Balochi (بلوچی مکرانی)
- * @author Mostafadaneshvar
- */
-$messages['bcc'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'شمی اصلاح یک ماکانیزم ضد اسپمی بنگیج کت',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "کنترل ضد اسپم.
-ای شیء پر ''مکن''",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'اضافه کنت یم ساده اسپم/روبوت چک په کنترل فرم آن',
-/** Bikol Central (Bikol Central)
- * @author Geopoet
- */
-$messages['bcl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'An saimong pagliwat nakapagkiblit kan anti-espam na mekanismo',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Narikisa kan anti-espam.
-"Dae" ka magkaag nin laman digde!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Minadugang nin simplihong rikisa kan espam/panalnga sa mga porma',
-/** Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography) (беларуская (тарашкевіца)‎)
- * @author EugeneZelenko
- */
-$messages['be-tarask'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша рэдагаваньне ўключыла мэханізм анты-спаму',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Праверка анты-спаму.
-'''НЕ''' запаўняйце тут нічога!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Дадае ў формы простую праверку на спам/робата',
-/** Bulgarian (български)
- * @author DCLXVI
- * @author Spiritia
- */
-$messages['bg'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Вашата редакция задейства механизма против спам',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Проверка за спам.
-Необходимо е да '''НЕ''' попълвате това поле!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Добавя прост формуляр за проверка за спам/роботи',
-/** Bengali (বাংলা)
- * @author Bellayet
- */
-$messages['bn'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "এন্টি-স্প্যাম যাচাই।
-এটা পূরণ করবেন '''না'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ফরমগুলো যাচাই করার জন্য একটি স্প্যাম/বট যোগ করুন',
-/** Breton (brezhoneg)
- * @author Fulup
- */
-$messages['br'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Gweredekaet eo bet ar wikefre eneb-strob gant ar c'hemmoù hoc'h eus degaset",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Taol gwiriañ eneb-strob.
-'''Arabat''' merkañ tra pe dra amañ !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Ouzhpennañ a ra taol gwiriañ ur bot strober d'ar furmskridoù",
-/** Bosnian (bosanski)
- * @author CERminator
- */
-$messages['bs'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaša izmjena je uključila mehanizam protiv spama',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Provjera protiv spama.
-'''NE''' popunjavaj ovo!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu provjeru od spama/botova u obrasce',
-/** Catalan (català)
- * @author Jordi Roqué
- * @author Paucabot
- * @author Ssola
- */
-$messages['ca'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'La vostra modificació ha activat un mecanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Comprovació anti-spam.
-'''NO''' ho ompliu!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Inclou un detector simple de spam o bots als formularis',
-/** Czech (česky)
- * @author Danny B.
- */
-$messages['cs'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše úprava spustila antispamový mechanismus',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamová kontrola.
-'''NEVYPLŇUJTE''' následující!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Přidává do formulářů jednoduchou kontrolu botů/spamu.',
-/** Welsh (Cymraeg)
- * @author Lloffiwr
- */
-$messages['cy'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Achosodd eich golygiad i'r teclyn gwrth-sbam ddechrau",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Prawf gwrth-sbam.
-'''Peidiwch''' â llenwi hwn!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Yn ychwanegu prawf sbam/bot syml i ffurflenni',
-/** Danish (dansk)
- * @author HenrikKbh
- */
-$messages['da'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Din redigering udløste anti-spam mekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam tjek.
-Udfyld ''' ikke ''' dette!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tilføjer en simpel spam/bot kontrol til formularer',
-/** German (Deutsch)
- * @author Kghbln
- * @author Raimond Spekking
- */
-$messages['de'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Deine Bearbeitung hat die Spamschutzprüfung ausgelöst.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamschutzprüfung.
-Hier '''NICHTS''' eintragen!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ergänzt eine Prüfung zum Schutz vor Spambots',
-/** German (formal address) (Deutsch (Sie-Form)‎)
- * @author Kghbln
- * @author MichaelFrey
- */
-$messages['de-formal'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ihre Bearbeitung hat die Spamschutzprüfung ausgelöst.',
-/** Zazaki (Zazaki)
- * @author Aspar
- */
-$messages['diq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'vuriyayişê şıma mekanizmaya anti-spami herikna',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "tehqiqatê Anti-spami.
-no '''de mekerê'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Forman re tehqiqatê spami/bot dano',
-/** Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski)
- * @author Michawiki
- */
-$messages['dsb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twója změna jo zapušćiła antispamowy mechanizm.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamowa kontrola.
-How '''NIC''' zapisaś!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pśidawa formularam jadnoru antispamowu kontrolu pśez bośik',
-/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
- * @author Dead3y3
- */
-$messages['el'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Η επεξεργασία σας ενεργοποίησε τον μηχανισμό anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Έλεγχος anti-spam.
-'''ΜΗΝ''' το συμπληρώσετε αυτό!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Προσθέτει έναν απλό έλεγχο spam/bot σε φόρμες',
-/** Esperanto (Esperanto)
- * @author Yekrats
- */
-$messages['eo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Via redakto spronis la kontraŭspamilon.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Kontrolo kontraŭ spamo.
-NE ENIGU ion ajn!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Aldonas simplan kontraŭspamilon/kontraŭrobotilon al paĝoj',
-/** Spanish (español)
- * @author Crazymadlover
- * @author Sanbec
- */
-$messages['es'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Su edición encendió el mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Comprobación anti-spam
-¡NO rellenes esto!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Añade un control simple de spam y bots a los formularios',
-/** Estonian (eesti)
- * @author Pikne
- */
-$messages['et'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Sinu muudatus päästis valla rämpspostivastase seadeldise.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Rämpspostikontroll.
-'''ÄRA''' täida seda välja!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lisab lihtsa rämpsposti- ja robotikontrolli vormiväljade jaoks.',
-/** Basque (euskara)
- * @author Kobazulo
- */
-$messages['eu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Zure aldaketak anti-spam mekanismoa abiarazi du',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam egiaztapena.
-Atal hau '''EZ''' bete!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Spam/bot baten egiaztapen sinple bat eransten du',
-/** Persian (فارسی)
- * @author Huji
- * @author Meisam
- */
-$messages['fa'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ویرایش شما مکانیسم ضدهرزنگاری را فعال کرد',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "بررسی ضدهرزنگاری.
-این قسمت را پر '''نکنید'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'یک بررسی ساده برای هرزنگاری/ربات به فرم‌ها اضافه می‌کند',
-/** Finnish (suomi)
- * @author Jack Phoenix
- * @author Nike
- */
-$messages['fi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Muokkauksesi laukaisi mainostentorjujamekanismin',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Mainostenvastainen tarkistus. '''ÄLÄ''' täytä tätä!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lisää yksinkertaisen mainos- ja bottitarkistuksen lomakkeisiin.',
-/** French (français)
- * @author Grondin
- * @author Verdy p
- */
-$messages['fr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Votre modification a déclenché le mécanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Vérification anti-spam.
-Ne '''RIEN''' inscrire ici !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ajoute au formulaire la vérification d’un bot spammeur',
-/** Franco-Provençal (arpetan)
- * @author ChrisPtDe
- */
-$messages['frp'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Voutron changement at dècllenchiê lo mècanismo anti-spame',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Contrôlo anti-spame.
-Enscrîde '''REN''' ique !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Apond u formulèro lo contrôlo d’un bot spamor.',
-/** Galician (galego)
- * @author Toliño
- */
-$messages['gl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A súa edición activou o mecanismo antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Comprobación antispam.
-'''NON''' encha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Engade unha verificación simple de spam por parte de bots nos formularios',
-/** Swiss German (Alemannisch)
- * @author Als-Holder
- */
-$messages['gsw'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dyyni Bearbeitig het dr Spamschutz usglest.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamschutz-Priefig. Do '''nyt''' yytrage!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Ergänzt Formular um e eifache Bot-Spamschutz',
-/** Gujarati (ગુજરાતી)
- * @author Sushant savla
- */
-$messages['gu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'તમારા ફેરફારને કારણે ઍન્ટી-સ્પૅમ કાર્યપ્રણાલી જાગ્રત થઈ',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "સ્પૅમ વિરોધી તપાસ.
-આને '''ન''' ભરશો!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'અરજી પત્ર પર સરળ સ્પૅમ / બૉટ ઉમેરે છે',
-/** Hebrew (עברית)
- * @author Rotem Liss
- */
-$messages['he'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'עריכתכם הפעילה את מנוע האנטי־ספאם',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "בדיקת אנטי־ספאם.
-'''אל''' תמלאו שדה זה!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'הוספת בדיקה פשוטה של ספאם/בוט לטפסים',
-/** Hindi (हिन्दी)
- * @author Kaustubh
- */
-$messages['hi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'आपके बदलावोंसे ऍंटी-स्पॅम मेकेनिझम शुरू हो गया हैं',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ऍन्टी-स्पैम जाँच.
-इसे भरें '''नहीं'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'फ़ार्ममें सादी स्पैम/बोट जाँच बढाता हैं',
-/** Croatian (hrvatski)
- * @author Dalibor Bosits
- */
-$messages['hr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše uređivanje je pokrenulo anti-spam mehanizam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam provjera.
-'''Ne''' ispunjavajte ovo!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu provjeru za spam/bot',
-/** Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce)
- * @author Michawiki
- */
-$messages['hsb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twoja změna je mechanizm přećiwo spamej zahibała',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontrola přećiwo spamej.
-Tu '''ničo''' njezapisać!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Přidawa formularam jednoru spamowu kontrolu přez boćik',
-/** Hungarian (magyar)
- * @author Bdamokos
- * @author Dani
- * @author Glanthor Reviol
- */
-$messages['hu'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A szerkesztésed egy spamellenes mechanizmust aktivált.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spam elleni ellenőrzés.
-'''NE''' töltsd ezt ki!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Egyszerű spam és bot elleni ellenőrzés hozzáadása űrlapokhoz',
-/** Interlingua (interlingua)
- * @author McDutchie
- */
-$messages['ia'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tu modification ha activate le mechanismo antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verification antispam.
-'''NON''' completa isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adde un verification antispam/antibot simple al formularios',
-/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
- * @author Rex
- */
-$messages['id'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan Anda memicu mekanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pemeriksaan anti-spam.
-Masukan ini '''DILARANG'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahkan pemeriksaan spam/bot sederhana ke formulir-formulir',
-/** Iloko (Ilokano)
- * @author Lam-ang
- */
-$messages['ilo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ti inurnos mo ket kinalbit na ti kontra-spam a mekanismo',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontra-spam a panagkita.
- '''Saan''' mo a suratan daytoy!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Agnayon ti nalaka a spam/bot panagkita iti nakabuklan',
-/** Icelandic (íslenska)
- * @author Snævar
- */
-$messages['is'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Breytingin þín setti af stað kæfuvörn.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Kæfuvörn.
-Ekki fylla þetta út!',
-/** Italian (italiano)
- * @author Darth Kule
- */
-$messages['it'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Il tuo edit ha attivato il meccanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Controllo anti-spam.
-'''NON''' riempire!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Aggiunge un semplice controllo spam/bot ai moduli',
-/** Japanese (日本語)
- * @author Aotake
- * @author Muttley
- * @author Shirayuki
- */
-$messages['ja'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '編集内容が原因でスパム防止機能が発動しました',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "SPAM防止チェックです。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'フォームに簡単なスパム/ボット チェックを追加',
-/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
- * @author Pras
- */
-$messages['jv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan panjenengan nggugah mékanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pamariksan anti-spam.
-'''Aja''' diisèkaké!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahaké pamriksan spam/bot prasaja menyang formulir',
-/** Georgian (ქართული)
- * @author BRUTE
- * @author David1010
- */
-$messages['ka'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'თქვენმა რედაქტირებამ ჩართო ანტი-სპამის მექანიზმი',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ანტი-სპამის შემოწმება.
-'''არ''' შეავსოთ ის!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ფორმაზე ამატებს სპამისა და ბოტების მარტივ შემოწმებას',
-/** Korean (한국어)
- * @author Klutzy
- * @author Kwj2772
- * @author Yknok29
- * @author 아라
- */
-$messages['ko'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '현재 편집이 스팸 방지 장치에 탐지되었습니다',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "스팸 방지 검사입니다.
-이것을 입력하지 '''마세요'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '양식에 간단한 스팸/봇 확인 장치를 추가합니다',
-/** Colognian (Ripoarisch)
- * @author Purodha
- */
-$messages['ksh'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Deine Änderung hät unsere SPAMschotz op der Plan jeroofe',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'SPAMschotz — donn hee nix endraare!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Deit enne ëijfache Schoz jäje Bots un SPAM bëij de Formolare dobëij.',
-/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
- * @author Robby
- */
-$messages['lb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Är Ännerung huet den anti-spam Mekanismus ausgeléist',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-Spam Kontroll.
-Fëllt '''näischt''' hei ënnendrënner aus!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Setzt eng einfach Spam/Bot Kontroll a Formulairen derbäi',
-/** Limburgish (Limburgs)
- * @author Matthias
- */
-$messages['li'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Oew bewerking heet 't antispammechanisme in werking gesteld",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispemcontrole.
-Vol dit veld '''NEET''' in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Veug ein einvaawdife spem/botcontrole aan formulere',
-/** Lithuanian (lietuvių)
- * @author Homo
- * @author Matasg
- */
-$messages['lt'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Jūsų redagavimas paleido anti-spam mechanizmą',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam patikra.
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Prideda paprastą reklaminių šiukšlių botą formoms tikrinti',
-/** Latvian (latviešu)
- * @author Xil
- */
-$messages['lv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tevis veiktās izmaiņas ir iedarbināja pretspama mehānismu',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pretspama pārbaude.
- '''NEAIZPILDĪT!'''",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pievieno vienkāršu spama/botu pārbaudi veidlapas',
-/** Minangkabau (Baso Minangkabau)
- * @author Iwan Novirion
- */
-$messages['min'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntiangan Sanak mamicu mekanisme anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pamarisoan anti-spam.
-Masukan ko '''DILARANG'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Tambahkan pamarisoan spam/bot sadarano ka formulir',
-/** Macedonian (македонски)
- * @author Bjankuloski06
- */
-$messages['mk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Вашето уредување го предизвика анти-спам механизмот',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Антиспам проверка.
-'''НЕ''' го пополнувајте ова!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додава едноставна проверка за спам/ботови на обрасците',
-/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
- * @author Praveenp
- */
-$messages['ml'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'താങ്കളുടെ തിരുത്തൽ സ്പാം വിരുദ്ധ തന്ത്രത്തെ ഉണർത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "സ്പാം വിരുദ്ധ പരിശോധന.
-ഇത് '''പൂരിപ്പിക്കരുത്'''",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ഫോമുകൾക്കായുള്ള ലളിതമായ പാഴെഴുത്ത്/ബോട്ട് പരിശോധന കൂട്ടിച്ചേർക്കുന്നു',
-/** Marathi (मराठी)
- * @author Kaustubh
- */
-$messages['mr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'तुमच्या संपादनामुळे चिखलणी विरोधक चाळणी सुरु झालेली आहे',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "चिखलणी विरोधक तपासणी.
-हे भरू '''नका'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'अर्जांमध्ये एक साधी स्पॅम/सांगकाम्या तपासणी वाढवितो',
-/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
- * @author Aviator
- */
-$messages['ms'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Suntingan anda ditahan oleh pemeriksa anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pemeriksaan anti-spam. '''JANGAN''' isi ruangan ini!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Menambah pemeriksaan spam/bot ringkas di borang sunting',
-/** Norwegian Bokmål (norsk bokmål)
- */
-$messages['nb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redigeringen din utløste antispammekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamsjekk.
-'''IKKE''' fyll inn dette feltet!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Legger til en enkel spam-/robot-sjekk på skjemaer',
-/** Low German (Plattdüütsch)
- * @author Slomox
- */
-$messages['nds'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dien Ännern hett den Spamschutz utlööst.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispam-Kuntrull. Hier '''nix''' indragen!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Föögt en eenfachen Bot-Spamschutz to Formularen to',
-/** Dutch (Nederlands)
- * @author Siebrand
- */
-$messages['nl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Uw bewerking heeft het antispammechanisme in werking gesteld',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamcontrole.
-Vul dit veld '''NIET''' in!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Voegt een eenvoudige spam/botcontrole toe aan formuleren',
-/** Nederlands (informeel)‎ (Nederlands (informeel)‎)
- * @author Siebrand
- */
-$messages['nl-informal'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Je bewerking heeft het antispammechanisme in werking gesteld',
-/** Norwegian Nynorsk (norsk nynorsk)
- * @author Harald Khan
- * @author Njardarlogar
- */
-$messages['nn'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Endringa di utløyste antispam-mekanismen.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispam-kontroll.
-'''IKKJE''' fyll ut dette feltet!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Legg til ein enkel spam-/robotsjekk på skjema',
-/** Occitan (occitan)
- * @author Cedric31
- */
-$messages['oc'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vòstre cambiament a desenclavat lo mecanisme antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificacion antispam.
-Inscrigatz '''PAS RES''' dedins !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Apond al formulari la verificacion d’un bòt tarabastejaire',
-/** Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ)
- * @author Psubhashish
- */
-$messages['or'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ଆପଣଙ୍କ ସମ୍ପାଦନ ସ୍ପାମ-ବିରୋଧି ତନ୍ତ୍ରକୁ ସଚଳ କରିଦେଲା',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ସ୍ପାମ-ବିରୋଧି ପରଖ ।
-ଏହାକୁ ଭରନ୍ତୁ '''ନାହିଁ''' !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ଏକ ସରଳ ସ୍ପାମ/ଆପେଆପେ ଚାଳିତ ସଭ୍ୟ ଦେଇ ଫର୍ମ ପରଖିବେ',
-/** Polish (polski)
- * @author Sp5uhe
- */
-$messages['pl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Twoja edycja zostanie sprawdzona mechanizmem antyspamowym',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Filtr antyspamowy.
-'''NIE''' wpisuj tu nic!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje do formularzy proste zabezpieczenie przed spamem i automatami',
-/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
- * @author Dragonòt
- */
-$messages['pms'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Toa modìfica a l'ha ativà ël mecànism anti-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Control anti-spam.
-Vemp '''PA''' sòn-sì!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'A gionta un sempi control spam/bot a le forme',
-/** Western Punjabi (پنجابی)
- * @author Khalid Mahmood
- */
-$messages['pnb'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'تھواڈی تبدیلی نیں سپام روک پربندھ چلادتا اے',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'سپام روک پھاٹک
-ایدے تے ناں لکھو۔',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'اک سادہ سپام/بوٹ روک رلاؤ۔',
-/** Portuguese (português)
- * @author 555
- */
-$messages['pt'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A sua edição activou o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificação de spam
-'''NÃO''' preencha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adiciona em formulários um verificador de spam simples',
-/** Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil)
- * @author Eduardo.mps
- */
-$messages['pt-br'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'A sua edição ativou o mecanismo anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificação de spam
-'''NÃO''' preencha isto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Adiciona um verificador simples de spam/robôs em formulários',
-/** Romanian (română)
- * @author Stelistcristi
- */
-$messages['ro'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Editarea dvs a declanșat mecanismul antispam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verificare antispam.
-'''NU''' completați !",
-/** tarandíne (tarandíne)
- * @author Joetaras
- */
-$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Le cangiaminde tune sonde tracciate da 'nu meccanisme andi-spam",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Verifiche andi-spam.
-'''NO''' anghiè quiste!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Aggiunge 'na verifiche semblice de spam/bot jndr'à le module",
-/** Russian (русский)
- * @author Александр Сигачёв
- */
-$messages['ru'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша правка включила механизм анти-спама',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => 'Анти-спам проверка.
-НЕ заполняйте это!',
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Добавляет на форму простую проверку на спам и ботов',
-/** Rusyn (русиньскый)
- * @author Gazeb
- */
-$messages['rue'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваша управа спустила антіспамовый механізм',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Перевірка на спам.
-'''НЕ''' заповнюйте тото!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Придасть до формуларїв просте овірїня ботів/спаму',
-/** Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्)
- * @author Shubha
- */
-$messages['sa'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'भवतः सम्पादनेन एण्टि-स्पाम्-तन्त्रं सक्रियं जातम्',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "अनिष्टसन्देशविरोधपरीक्षणम् ।
-अस्मिन् '''नहि''' पूर्यताम् !",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'प्रपत्रे सरलानिष्टसन्देशः / बाट्-परीक्षणं योज्यते',
-/** Sakha (саха тыла)
- * @author HalanTul
- */
-$messages['sah'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Эн көннөрүүҥ анти-спамы холбоото',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Анти-спам бэрэбиэркэтэ.
-Маны '''толорумаҥ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Спам уонна робот туттулларын билэр судургу бэрэбиэркэни эбэр',
-/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
- * @author Budhajeewa
- */
-$messages['si'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'ඔබේ සංස්කරණය ප්‍රති-ස්පෑම ක්‍රියා පිළිවෙල සක්‍රීය කළේය',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "ප්‍රති-ස්පෑම පරීක්‍ෂාව.
-කරුණාකර මෙය පුරවන්න '''එපා'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'ෆෝරමයන් වෙත සරල ස්පෑම/බොට් පරීක්‍ෂාවක් එක් කරයි',
-/** Slovak (slovenčina)
- * @author Helix84
- */
-$messages['sk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaša úprava spustila antispamový mechanizmus',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Antispamová kontrola.
-'''NEVYPĹŇAJTE''' nasledovné!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Pridáva k formulárom jednoduchú ochranu prosti botom/spamu.',
-/** Slovenian (slovenščina)
- * @author Dbc334
- */
-$messages['sl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Vaše urejanje je sprožilo mehanizem proti smetju',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Preverjanje proti smetju.
-'''NE''' izpolnite tega!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Doda preprosto preverjanje smetja/botov v obrazce',
-/** Albanian (shqip)
- * @author Olsi
- */
-$messages['sq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redaktimi juaj shkaktoi mekanizmin anti-spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kontroll anti-spam.
-'''MOS''' e plotësoni këtë!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Shton një kontroll spam/bot të thjeshtë tek format',
-/** Serbian (Cyrillic script) (српски (ћирилица)‎)
- * @author Millosh
- */
-$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Твоја измена је покренула антиспам механизам.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Провера спама. '''НЕ''' попуњавај ово унутра!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додаје једноставну спам/бот проверу у форме.',
-/** Serbian (Latin script) (srpski (latinica)‎)
- * @author Michaello
- */
-$messages['sr-el'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Tvoja izmena je pokrenula antispam mehanizam.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Provera spama. '''NE''' popunjavaj ovo unutra!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Dodaje jednostavnu spam/bot proveru u forme.',
-/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
- * @author Pyt
- */
-$messages['stq'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Dien Beoarbaidenge häd dän Spamskuts uutlöösd.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Spamskuts-Wröige. Hier '''niks''' iendreege!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Föiget do Formulare n eenfachen Bot-Spamskuts bietou',
-/** Swedish (svenska)
- * @author M.M.S.
- * @author Skalman
- */
-$messages['sv'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Din redigering utlöste anti-spam mekanismen',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam koll.
-Fyll '''INTE''' i det här!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Lägger till en enkel spam-/robot-koll till formulär',
-/** Tamil (தமிழ்)
- * @author மதனாஹரன்
- */
-$messages['ta'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'படிவங்களில் ஓர் எளிய எரித/தானியங்கிச் சரிபார்ப்பை இணைக்கும்',
-/** Turkmen (Türkmençe)
- * @author Hanberke
- */
-$messages['tk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Özgerdişiňiz anti-spam mehanizmini işletdi',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam barlagy.
-Muny '''DOLDURMAŇ'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Formlara ýönekeý spam/bot barlagyny goşýar',
-/** Tagalog (Tagalog)
- * @author AnakngAraw
- */
-$messages['tl'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => "Nakapagpagalaw sa mekanismong panlaban ng \"manlulusob\" (''spam'') ang pagbabagong ginawa mo",
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Pagsusuring panlaban sa \"manlulusob\" (''spam'').
-'''HUWAG''' itong lagyan ng laman!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => "Nagdaragdag ng isang payak na pansuri ng \"manlulusob\" (''spam'') o ''bot'' sa mga pormularyo",
-/** Turkish (Türkçe)
- * @author Joseph
- */
-$messages['tr'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Değişikliğiniz anti-spam mekanizmasını harekete geçirdi',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Anti-spam denetimi.
-Bunu '''doldurmayın'''!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Formlara basit bir spam/bot denetimi ekler',
-/** Ukrainian (українська)
- * @author AS
- */
-$messages['uk'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Ваше редагування запустило механізм захисту перед спамом',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Перевірка на спам.
-'''НЕ''' заповнюйте це!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Додає на форму простий механізм перевірки на спам/бота',
-/** Urdu (اردو)
- * @author පසිඳු කාවින්ද
- */
-$messages['ur'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'فارم کے لئے ایک سادہ سپیم/بیوٹی چیک کہتے ہیں',
-/** vèneto (vèneto)
- * @author Candalua
- */
-$messages['vec'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'La to modifica la ga fato scatar el mecanismo de controlo anti spam.',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Controlo anti spam.
-'''NO STA''' scrivar gnente qua de soto!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Zonta ai moduli un senplice controlo de spam/bot.',
-/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
- * @author Vinhtantran
- */
-$messages['vi'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Sửa đổi của bạn đã kích hoạt cơ chế chống spam',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "Kiểm tra chống spam.
-Xin '''ĐỪNG''' điền gì vào!",
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => 'Thêm một kiểm tra spam/bot vào mẫu',
-/** Volapük (Volapük)
- * @author Smeira
- */
-$messages['vo'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => 'Redakam olik ekodon blokami fa sul taspamik',
-/** Cantonese (粵語)
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['yue'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '你嘅編輯已經觸發咗防垃圾裝置',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "反垃圾檢查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '加一個簡單嘅垃圾/機械人檢查表格',
-/** Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)‎)
- * @author Hzy980512
- * @author PhiLiP
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '您的编辑已经触发了反垃圾装置',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "反垃圾检查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '对表格添加一个简单的垃圾邮件或自动程序检查机制',
-/** Traditional Chinese (中文(繁體)‎)
- * @author Mark85296341
- * @author Shinjiman
- */
-$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
- 'simpleantispam' => '您的編輯已經觸發了防垃圾裝置',
- 'simpleantispam-label' => "反垃圾檢查。
- 'simpleantispam-desc' => '加一個簡單的垃圾/機器人檢查表格',
diff --git a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php b/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 82fff7bc..00000000
--- a/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
- * SimpleSpam extension by Ryan Schmidt
- * Adds a simple spam/bot check to forms
- * Does not affect real users in any way/shape/form
- */
-if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
- echo <<<EOM
- This is an extension to the MediaWiki software and cannot be used standalone.\n
- To install this on the wiki, add the following line to LocalSettings.php:\n
- <tt>require_once( "\$IP/extensions/SimpleAntiSpam/SimpleAntiSpam.php" );</tt>\n
- To verify the installation, browse to the Special:Version page on your wiki.\n
- die( 1 );
-$wgExtensionCredits['antispam'][] = array(
- 'path' => __FILE__,
- 'name' => 'SimpleAntiSpam',
- 'descriptionmsg' => 'simpleantispam-desc',
- 'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
- 'url' => '',
- 'version' => '1.1.0',
-$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SimpleAntiSpam'] = __DIR__ . '/SimpleAntiSpam.i18n.php';
-$wgHooks['EditPage::showEditForm:fields'][] = 'efSimpleAntiSpamField';
-$wgHooks['EditPage::attemptSave'][] = 'efSimpleAntiSpamCheck';
- * Add the form field
- * @param $editpage EditPage
- * @param $out OutputPage
- * @return bool
- */
-function efSimpleAntiSpamField( &$editpage, &$out ) {
- $out->addHTML( "<div id=\"antispam-container\" style=\"display: none;\">
-<label for=\"wpAntispam\">"
- . wfMessage( 'simpleantispam-label' )->parse()
- . "</label> <input type=\"text\" name=\"wpAntispam\" id=\"wpAntispam\" value=\"\" />
-</div>\n" );
- return true;
- * Check for the field and if it isn't empty, negate the save
- *
- * @param $editpage EditPage
- * @return bool
- */
-function efSimpleAntiSpamCheck( $editpage ) {
- global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
- $spam = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpAntispam' );
- if ( $spam !== '' ) {
- wfDebugLog(
- 'SimpleAntiSpam',
- $wgUser->getName() .
- ' editing "' .
- $editpage->mTitle->getPrefixedText() .
- '" submitted bogus field "' .
- $spam .
- '"'
- );
- $editpage->spamPageWithContent();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview b/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index d74ae8f9..00000000
--- a/extensions/SpamBlacklist/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview b/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9e4b44..00000000
--- a/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 964229c3..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8164e7..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Test the TitleBlacklist API.
- *
- * This wants to run with phpunit.php, like so:
- * cd $IP/tests/phpunit
- * php phpunit.php ../../extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest.php
- *
- * The blacklist file is `testSource` and shared by all tests.
- *
- * Ian Baker <>
- */
-ini_set( 'include_path', ini_get( 'include_path' ) . ':' . __DIR__ . '/../../../tests/phpunit/includes/api' );
- * @group medium
- **/
-class ApiQueryTitleBlacklistTest extends ApiTestCase {
- function setUp() {
- global $wgTitleBlacklistSources;
- parent::setUp();
- $this->doLogin();
- $wgTitleBlacklistSources = array(
- array(
- 'type' => TBLSRC_FILE,
- 'src' => __DIR__ . '/testSource',
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify we allow a title which is not blacklisted
- */
- function testCheckingUnlistedTitle() {
- $unlisted = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- // evil_acc is blacklisted as <newaccountonly>
- 'tbtitle' => 'evil_acc',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- 'tbnooverride' => true,
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'ok',
- $unlisted[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Not blacklisted title returns ok'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify tboverride works
- */
- function testTboverride() {
- global $wgGroupPermissions;
- // Allow all users to override the titleblacklist
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['tboverride'] = true;
- $unlisted = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- 'tbtitle' => 'bar',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'ok',
- $unlisted[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Blacklisted title returns ok if the user is allowd to tboverride'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Verify a blacklisted title gives out an error.
- */
- function testCheckingBlackListedTitle() {
- $listed = $this->doApiRequest( array(
- 'action' => 'titleblacklist',
- 'tbtitle' => 'bar',
- 'tbaction' => 'create',
- 'tbnooverride' => true,
- ) );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'blacklisted',
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['result'],
- 'Listed title returns error'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "The title \"bar\" has been banned from creation.\nIt matches the following blacklist entry: <code>[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry</code>",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['reason'],
- 'Listed title error text is as expected'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "titleblacklist-forbidden-edit",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['message'],
- 'Correct blacklist message name is returned'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- "[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry",
- $listed[0]['titleblacklist']['line'],
- 'Correct blacklist line is returned'
- );
- }
diff --git a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource b/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource
deleted file mode 100644
index f73d9dd7..00000000
--- a/extensions/TitleBlacklist/tests/testSource
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-[Bb]ar #example blacklist entry
-.*[Nn]yancat.* <errmsg=blacklisted-nyancat>
-.*evil_acc.* <newaccountonly>
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview b/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview
deleted file mode 100644
index 622413f0..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.gitreview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore b/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 66a218b5..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# upstream lib from Google
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc b/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 64cd5087..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- "predef": [
- "mediaWiki",
- "jQuery"
- ],
- "browser": true,
- "smarttabs": true,
- "multistr": true
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7153f49f..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-require_once 'WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php';
- * Description of WikiNewPageDialogs
- *
- * @author bhagyag, pdhanda
- *
- * This test case is part of the WikiEditorTestSuite.
- * Configuration for these tests are dosumented as part of extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
- *
- */
-class WikiDialogs_Links extends WikiDialogs_Links_Setup {
- // Set up the testing environment
- function setup() {
- parent::setUp();
- parent::doCreateInternalTestPageIfMissing();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- parent::doLogout();
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- // Create a new page temporary
- function createNewPage() {
- parent::doOpenLink();
- parent::login();
- parent::doCreateNewPageTemporary();
- }
- // Add a internal link and verify
- function testInternalLink() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLink();
- }
- // Add a internal link with different display text and verify
- function testInternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLinkWithDisplayText();
- }
- // Add a internal link with blank display text and verify
- function testInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText();
- }
- // Add external link and verify
- function testExternalLink() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLink();
- }
- // Add external link with different display text and verify
- function testExternalLinkWithDisplayText( ) {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLinkWithDisplayText();
- }
- // Add external link with Blank display text and verify
- function testExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->createNewPage();
- parent::verifyExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText();
- }
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 352ebec0..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links_Setup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-include( "WikiEditorConstants.php" );
- * This test case will be handling the Wiki Tool bar Dialog functions
- * Date : Apr - 2010
- * @author : BhagyaG - Calcey
- */
-class WikiDialogs_Links_Setup extends SeleniumTestCase {
- // Open the page.
- function doOpenLink() {
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- // Expand advance tool bar section if its not
- function doExpandAdvanceSection() {
- if ( !$this->isTextPresent( TEXT_HEADING ) ) {
- $this->click( LINK_ADVANCED );
- }
- }
- // Log out from the application
- function doLogout() {
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- if ( $this->isTextPresent( TEXT_LOGOUT ) ) {
- $this->click( LINK_LOGOUT );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( TEXT_LOGOUT_CONFIRM, $this->getText( LINK_LOGIN ) );
- $this->open( $this->getUrl() . '/index.php' );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- }
- // Create a temporary fixture page
- function doCreateInternalTestPageIfMissing() {
- $this->click( BUTTON_SEARCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $location = $this->getLocation() . "\n";
- if ( strpos( $location, '&redlink=1' ) !== false ) {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "Test fixture page. No real content here" );
- $this->click( BUTTON_SAVE_WATCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ),
- $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- }
- // Create a temporary new page
- function doCreateNewPageTemporary() {
- $this->click( BUTTON_SEARCH );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_TEMP_NEWPAGE );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- }
- // Add a internal link and verify
- function verifyInternalLink() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ), 'Element ' . ICON_PAGEEXISTS . 'Not found' );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( ( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add a internal link with different display text and verify
- function verifyInternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ), $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add a internal link with blank display text and verify
- function verifyInternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->waitForPopup( 'addLink', WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->type( TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME, "" );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXISTS ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_INTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( TEXT_PAGE_HEADING ) );
- }
- // Add external link and verify
- function verifyExternalLink() {
- $this->type( LINK_PREVIEW, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add external link with different display text and verify
- function verifyExternalLinkWithDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getText( LINK_START . WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . ( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE ) );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE , $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add external link with Blank display text and verify
- function verifyExternalLinkWithBlankDisplayText() {
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDLINK );
- $this->type( TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME, "" );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL ) );
- $this->assertEquals( "on", $this->getValue( OPT_EXTERNAL ) );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTLINK );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( "[1]", $this->getText( LINK_START . "[1]" ) );
- $this->click( LINK_START . "[1]" );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertEquals( WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE, $this->getTitle() );
- }
- // Add a table and verify
- function verifyCreateTable() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "5";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with head row
- function verifyCreateTableWithHeadRow() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "4";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with borders
- function verifyCreateTableWithBorders() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "4";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "6";
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table and verify only with sort row
- function verifyCreateTableWithSortRow() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "2";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "5";
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES .
- }
- // Add a table without headers,borders and sort rows
- function verifyCreateTableWithNoSpecialEffects() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_ROW = "6";
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "2";
- $this->
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_BOARDER );
- $this->click( CHK_HEADER );
- $this->click( INK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER .
- }
- // Add a table with headers,borders and sort rows
- function verifyCreateTableWithAllSpecialEffects() {
- $WIKI_TABLE_COL = "2";
- $this->doExpandAdvanceSection();
- $this->type( TEXT_EDITOR, "" );
- $this->click( LINK_ADDTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->type( TEXT_ROW, $WIKI_TABLE_ROW );
- $this->type( TEXT_COL, $WIKI_TABLE_COL );
- $this->click( BUTTON_INSERTABLE );
- $this->click( CHK_SORT );
- $this->click( LINK_PREVIEW );
- $this->waitForPageToLoad( WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->isElementPresent( TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES .
- }
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 090f96bf..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorConstants.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-define ( 'WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME', "3000" ); // Waiting time
-// tool bar, buttons , links
-// commonly using links
-define ( 'LINK_MAIN_PAGE', "link=Main page" );
-define ( 'LINK_RANDOM_PAGE', "link=Random article" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PAGE_HEADING', "firstHeading" );
-define ( 'LINK_START', "link=" );
-define ( 'LINK_EDITPAGE', "//li[@id='ca-edit']/a/span" );
-define ( 'TEXT_EDITOR', "wpTextbox1" );
-define ( 'LINK_PREVIEW', "wpPreview" );
-define ( 'WIKI_SEARCH_PAGE', "Hair (musical)" ); // Page name to search
-define ( 'WIKI_TEXT_SEARCH', "TV" ); // Text to search
-define ( 'WIKI_INTERNAL_LINK', "Wikieditor-Fixture-Page" ); // Exisiting page name to add as an internal tag
-define ( 'WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK', "" ); // External web site name
-define ( 'WIKI_EXTERNAL_LINK_TITLE', "Google" ); // Page title of the external web site name
-define ( 'WIKI_CODE_PATH', getcwd() ); // get the current path of the program
-define ( 'WIKI_SCREENSHOTS_PATH', "screenshots" ); // the folder the error screen shots will be saved
-define ( 'WIKI_SCREENSHOTS_TYPE', "png" ); // screen print type
-define ( 'WIKI_TEMP_NEWPAGE', "TestWikiPage" ); // temporary creating new page name
-// for WikiCommonFunction_TC
-// for WikiSearch_TC
-define ( 'INPUT_SEARCH_BOX', "searchInput" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_SEARCH', "mw-searchButton" );
-define ( 'TEXT_SEARCH_RESULT_HEADING', " - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" );
-// for WikiWatchUnWatch_TC
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_PAGE', "link=Watch" );
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_LIST', "link=My watchlist" );
-define ( 'LINK_WATCH_EDIT', "link=View and edit watchlist" );
-define ( 'LINK_UNWATCH', "link=Unwatch" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_WATCH', "wpWatchthis" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_SAVE_WATCH', "wpSave" );
-define ( 'TEXT_WATCH', "Watch" );
-define ( 'TEXT_UNWATCH', "Unwatch" );
-// for WikiCommonFunction_TC
-define ( 'TEXT_LOGOUT', "Log out" );
-define ( 'LINK_LOGOUT', "link=Log out" );
-define ( 'LINK_LOGIN', "link=Log in / create account" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LOGOUT_CONFIRM', "Log in / create account" );
-define ( 'INPUT_USER_NAME', "wpName1" );
-define ( 'INPUT_PASSWD', "wpPassword1" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_LOGIN', "wpLoginAttempt" );
-define ( 'TEXT_HEADING', "Heading" );
-define ( 'LINK_ADVANCED', "link=Advanced" );
-// for WikiDialogs_TC
-define ( 'LINK_ADDLINK', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[1]/div[2]/span[2 ]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LINKNAME', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target" );
-define ( 'TEXT_LINKDISPLAYNAME', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text" );
-define ( 'ICON_PAGEEXISTS', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-exists" );
-define ( 'ICON_PAGEEXTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-external" );
-define ( 'OPT_INTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int" );
-define ( 'OPT_EXTERNAL', "wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_INSERTLINK', "//div[10]/div[11]/button[1]" );
-define ( 'LINK_ADDTABLE', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[3]/div[1]/div[4]/span[2]" );
-define ( 'CHK_HEADER', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header" );
-define ( 'CHK_BOARDER', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable" );
-define ( 'CHK_SORT', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable" );
-define ( 'TEXT_ROW', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows" );
-define ( 'TEXT_COL', "wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_INSERTABLE', "//div[3]/button[1]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_HEADTABLE_TEXT', "Header text" );
-define ( 'TEXT_TABLEID_WITHALLFEATURES', "//table[@id='sortable_table_id_0']/tbody/" );
-define ( 'TEXT_TABLEID_OTHER', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/table/tbody/" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART1', "tr[" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART2', "]/td[" );
-define ( 'TEXT_VALIDATE_TABLE_PART3', "]" );
-define ( 'LINK_SEARCH', "//div[@id='wikiEditor-ui-toolbar']/div[3]/div[1]/div[5]/span" );
-define ( 'INPUT_SEARCH', "wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search" );
-define ( 'INPUT_REPLACE', "wikieditor-toolbar-replace-replace" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_REPLACEALL', "//button[3]" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_REPLACENEXT', "//button[2]" );
-define ( 'BUTTON_CANCEL', "//button[4]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT1', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[1]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT2', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[2]" );
-define ( 'TEXT_PREVIEW_TEXT3', "//div[@id='wikiPreview']/p[3]" );
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4be489..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class WikiEditorSeleniumConfig {
- public static function getSettings( &$includeFiles, &$globalConfigs ) {
- $includes = array(
- 'extensions/Vector/Vector.php',
- 'extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php'
- );
- $configs = array(
- 'wgDefaultSkin' => 'vector',
- 'wgWikiEditorFeatures' => array(
- 'toolbar' => array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true ),
- 'toc' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'highlight' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'templateEditor' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false ),
- 'dialogs' => array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true )
- ),
- 'wgVectorFeatures' => array(
- 'editwarning' => array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false )
- )
- );
- $includeFiles = array_merge( $includeFiles, $includes );
- $globalConfigs = array_merge( $globalConfigs, $configs );
- return true;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php b/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b4029d3a..00000000
--- a/extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorTestSuite.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * To configure MW for these tests
- * 1) If you are running multiple test suites, add the following in LocalSettings.php
- * require_once("extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiEditorSeleniumConfig.php");
- * $wgSeleniumTestConfigs['WikiEditorTestSuite'] = 'WikiEditorSeleniumConfig::getSettings';
- * OR
- * 2) Add the following to your Localsettings.php
- * require_once( "$IP/extensions/Vector/Vector.php" );
- * require_once( "$IP/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php" );
- * $wgDefaultSkin = 'vector';
- * $wgVectorFeatures['editwarning'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['templateEditor'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['toolbar'] = array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['toc'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['highlight'] = array( 'global' => false, 'user' => false );
- * $wgWikiEditorFeatures['dialogs'] = array( 'global' => true, 'user' => true );
- *
- */
-class WikiEditorTestSuite extends SeleniumTestSuite
- public function setUp() {
- $this->setLoginBeforeTests( false );
- parent::setUp();
- }
- public function addTests() {
- $testFiles = array(
- 'extensions/WikiEditor/tests/selenium/WikiDialogs_Links.php'
- );
- parent::addTestFiles( $testFiles );
- }