path: root/includes/Sanitizer.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
commitca32f08966f1b51fcb19460f0996bb0c4048e6fe (patch)
treeec04cc15b867bc21eedca904cea9af0254531a11 /includes/Sanitizer.php
parenta22fbfc60f36f5f7ee10d5ae6fe347340c2ee67c (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.18.0
* also update ArchLinux skin to chagnes in MonoBook * Use only css to hide our menu bar when printing
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/Sanitizer.php')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/includes/Sanitizer.php b/includes/Sanitizer.php
index a6c64264..d0e46f91 100644
--- a/includes/Sanitizer.php
+++ b/includes/Sanitizer.php
@@ -25,323 +25,325 @@
- * Regular expression to match various types of character references in
- * Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences and Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences
- */
-define( 'MW_CHAR_REFS_REGEX',
- '/&([A-Za-z0-9\x80-\xff]+);
- |&\#([0-9]+);
- |&\#x([0-9A-Za-z]+);
- |&\#X([0-9A-Za-z]+);
- |(&)/x' );
- * Regular expression to match HTML/XML attribute pairs within a tag.
- * Allows some... latitude.
- * Used in Sanitizer::fixTagAttributes and Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes
+ * XHTML sanitizer for MediaWiki
+ * @ingroup Parser
-$attribFirst = '[:A-Z_a-z0-9]';
-$attrib = '[:A-Z_a-z-.0-9]';
-$space = '[\x09\x0a\x0d\x20]';
-define( 'MW_ATTRIBS_REGEX',
- "/(?:^|$space)({$attribFirst}{$attrib}*)
- ($space*=$space*
- (?:
- # The attribute value: quoted or alone
- \"([^<\"]*)\"
- | '([^<']*)'
- | ([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&()*,\\-.\\/:;<>?@[\\]^_`{|}~]+)
- | (\#[0-9a-fA-F]+) # Technically wrong, but lots of
- # colors are specified like this.
- # We'll be normalizing it.
- )
- )?(?=$space|\$)/sx" );
+class Sanitizer {
+ /**
+ * Regular expression to match various types of character references in
+ * Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences and Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences
+ */
+ '/&([A-Za-z0-9\x80-\xff]+);
+ |&\#([0-9]+);
+ |&\#[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+);
+ |(&)/x';
- * Regular expression to match URIs that could trigger script execution
- */
-define( 'MW_EVIL_URI_PATTERN', '!(^|\s|\*/\s*)(javascript|vbscript)([^\w]|$)!i' );
+ const EVIL_URI_PATTERN = '!(^|\s|\*/\s*)(javascript|vbscript)([^\w]|$)!i';
+ const XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = "/^xmlns:[:A-Z_a-z-.0-9]+$/";
- * Regular expression to match namespace attributes
- */
-define( 'MW_XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_PATTRN', "/^xmlns:$attrib+$/" );
+ /**
+ * List of all named character entities defined in HTML 4.01
+ *
+ * As well as &apos; which is only defined starting in XHTML1.
+ * @private
+ */
+ static $htmlEntities = array(
+ 'Aacute' => 193,
+ 'aacute' => 225,
+ 'Acirc' => 194,
+ 'acirc' => 226,
+ 'acute' => 180,
+ 'AElig' => 198,
+ 'aelig' => 230,
+ 'Agrave' => 192,
+ 'agrave' => 224,
+ 'alefsym' => 8501,
+ 'Alpha' => 913,
+ 'alpha' => 945,
+ 'amp' => 38,
+ 'and' => 8743,
+ 'ang' => 8736,
+ 'apos' => 39, // New in XHTML & HTML 5; avoid in output for compatibility with IE.
+ 'Aring' => 197,
+ 'aring' => 229,
+ 'asymp' => 8776,
+ 'Atilde' => 195,
+ 'atilde' => 227,
+ 'Auml' => 196,
+ 'auml' => 228,
+ 'bdquo' => 8222,
+ 'Beta' => 914,
+ 'beta' => 946,
+ 'brvbar' => 166,
+ 'bull' => 8226,
+ 'cap' => 8745,
+ 'Ccedil' => 199,
+ 'ccedil' => 231,
+ 'cedil' => 184,
+ 'cent' => 162,
+ 'Chi' => 935,
+ 'chi' => 967,
+ 'circ' => 710,
+ 'clubs' => 9827,
+ 'cong' => 8773,
+ 'copy' => 169,
+ 'crarr' => 8629,
+ 'cup' => 8746,
+ 'curren' => 164,
+ 'dagger' => 8224,
+ 'Dagger' => 8225,
+ 'darr' => 8595,
+ 'dArr' => 8659,
+ 'deg' => 176,
+ 'Delta' => 916,
+ 'delta' => 948,
+ 'diams' => 9830,
+ 'divide' => 247,
+ 'Eacute' => 201,
+ 'eacute' => 233,
+ 'Ecirc' => 202,
+ 'ecirc' => 234,
+ 'Egrave' => 200,
+ 'egrave' => 232,
+ 'empty' => 8709,
+ 'emsp' => 8195,
+ 'ensp' => 8194,
+ 'Epsilon' => 917,
+ 'epsilon' => 949,
+ 'equiv' => 8801,
+ 'Eta' => 919,
+ 'eta' => 951,
+ 'ETH' => 208,
+ 'eth' => 240,
+ 'Euml' => 203,
+ 'euml' => 235,
+ 'euro' => 8364,
+ 'exist' => 8707,
+ 'fnof' => 402,
+ 'forall' => 8704,
+ 'frac12' => 189,
+ 'frac14' => 188,
+ 'frac34' => 190,
+ 'frasl' => 8260,
+ 'Gamma' => 915,
+ 'gamma' => 947,
+ 'ge' => 8805,
+ 'gt' => 62,
+ 'harr' => 8596,
+ 'hArr' => 8660,
+ 'hearts' => 9829,
+ 'hellip' => 8230,
+ 'Iacute' => 205,
+ 'iacute' => 237,
+ 'Icirc' => 206,
+ 'icirc' => 238,
+ 'iexcl' => 161,
+ 'Igrave' => 204,
+ 'igrave' => 236,
+ 'image' => 8465,
+ 'infin' => 8734,
+ 'int' => 8747,
+ 'Iota' => 921,
+ 'iota' => 953,
+ 'iquest' => 191,
+ 'isin' => 8712,
+ 'Iuml' => 207,
+ 'iuml' => 239,
+ 'Kappa' => 922,
+ 'kappa' => 954,
+ 'Lambda' => 923,
+ 'lambda' => 955,
+ 'lang' => 9001,
+ 'laquo' => 171,
+ 'larr' => 8592,
+ 'lArr' => 8656,
+ 'lceil' => 8968,
+ 'ldquo' => 8220,
+ 'le' => 8804,
+ 'lfloor' => 8970,
+ 'lowast' => 8727,
+ 'loz' => 9674,
+ 'lrm' => 8206,
+ 'lsaquo' => 8249,
+ 'lsquo' => 8216,
+ 'lt' => 60,
+ 'macr' => 175,
+ 'mdash' => 8212,
+ 'micro' => 181,
+ 'middot' => 183,
+ 'minus' => 8722,
+ 'Mu' => 924,
+ 'mu' => 956,
+ 'nabla' => 8711,
+ 'nbsp' => 160,
+ 'ndash' => 8211,
+ 'ne' => 8800,
+ 'ni' => 8715,
+ 'not' => 172,
+ 'notin' => 8713,
+ 'nsub' => 8836,
+ 'Ntilde' => 209,
+ 'ntilde' => 241,
+ 'Nu' => 925,
+ 'nu' => 957,
+ 'Oacute' => 211,
+ 'oacute' => 243,
+ 'Ocirc' => 212,
+ 'ocirc' => 244,
+ 'OElig' => 338,
+ 'oelig' => 339,
+ 'Ograve' => 210,
+ 'ograve' => 242,
+ 'oline' => 8254,
+ 'Omega' => 937,
+ 'omega' => 969,
+ 'Omicron' => 927,
+ 'omicron' => 959,
+ 'oplus' => 8853,
+ 'or' => 8744,
+ 'ordf' => 170,
+ 'ordm' => 186,
+ 'Oslash' => 216,
+ 'oslash' => 248,
+ 'Otilde' => 213,
+ 'otilde' => 245,
+ 'otimes' => 8855,
+ 'Ouml' => 214,
+ 'ouml' => 246,
+ 'para' => 182,
+ 'part' => 8706,
+ 'permil' => 8240,
+ 'perp' => 8869,
+ 'Phi' => 934,
+ 'phi' => 966,
+ 'Pi' => 928,
+ 'pi' => 960,
+ 'piv' => 982,
+ 'plusmn' => 177,
+ 'pound' => 163,
+ 'prime' => 8242,
+ 'Prime' => 8243,
+ 'prod' => 8719,
+ 'prop' => 8733,
+ 'Psi' => 936,
+ 'psi' => 968,
+ 'quot' => 34,
+ 'radic' => 8730,
+ 'rang' => 9002,
+ 'raquo' => 187,
+ 'rarr' => 8594,
+ 'rArr' => 8658,
+ 'rceil' => 8969,
+ 'rdquo' => 8221,
+ 'real' => 8476,
+ 'reg' => 174,
+ 'rfloor' => 8971,
+ 'Rho' => 929,
+ 'rho' => 961,
+ 'rlm' => 8207,
+ 'rsaquo' => 8250,
+ 'rsquo' => 8217,
+ 'sbquo' => 8218,
+ 'Scaron' => 352,
+ 'scaron' => 353,
+ 'sdot' => 8901,
+ 'sect' => 167,
+ 'shy' => 173,
+ 'Sigma' => 931,
+ 'sigma' => 963,
+ 'sigmaf' => 962,
+ 'sim' => 8764,
+ 'spades' => 9824,
+ 'sub' => 8834,
+ 'sube' => 8838,
+ 'sum' => 8721,
+ 'sup' => 8835,
+ 'sup1' => 185,
+ 'sup2' => 178,
+ 'sup3' => 179,
+ 'supe' => 8839,
+ 'szlig' => 223,
+ 'Tau' => 932,
+ 'tau' => 964,
+ 'there4' => 8756,
+ 'Theta' => 920,
+ 'theta' => 952,
+ 'thetasym' => 977,
+ 'thinsp' => 8201,
+ 'THORN' => 222,
+ 'thorn' => 254,
+ 'tilde' => 732,
+ 'times' => 215,
+ 'trade' => 8482,
+ 'Uacute' => 218,
+ 'uacute' => 250,
+ 'uarr' => 8593,
+ 'uArr' => 8657,
+ 'Ucirc' => 219,
+ 'ucirc' => 251,
+ 'Ugrave' => 217,
+ 'ugrave' => 249,
+ 'uml' => 168,
+ 'upsih' => 978,
+ 'Upsilon' => 933,
+ 'upsilon' => 965,
+ 'Uuml' => 220,
+ 'uuml' => 252,
+ 'weierp' => 8472,
+ 'Xi' => 926,
+ 'xi' => 958,
+ 'Yacute' => 221,
+ 'yacute' => 253,
+ 'yen' => 165,
+ 'Yuml' => 376,
+ 'yuml' => 255,
+ 'Zeta' => 918,
+ 'zeta' => 950,
+ 'zwj' => 8205,
+ 'zwnj' => 8204
+ );
- * List of all named character entities defined in HTML 4.01
- *
- * @private
- */
-global $wgHtmlEntities;
-$wgHtmlEntities = array(
- 'Aacute' => 193,
- 'aacute' => 225,
- 'Acirc' => 194,
- 'acirc' => 226,
- 'acute' => 180,
- 'AElig' => 198,
- 'aelig' => 230,
- 'Agrave' => 192,
- 'agrave' => 224,
- 'alefsym' => 8501,
- 'Alpha' => 913,
- 'alpha' => 945,
- 'amp' => 38,
- 'and' => 8743,
- 'ang' => 8736,
- 'Aring' => 197,
- 'aring' => 229,
- 'asymp' => 8776,
- 'Atilde' => 195,
- 'atilde' => 227,
- 'Auml' => 196,
- 'auml' => 228,
- 'bdquo' => 8222,
- 'Beta' => 914,
- 'beta' => 946,
- 'brvbar' => 166,
- 'bull' => 8226,
- 'cap' => 8745,
- 'Ccedil' => 199,
- 'ccedil' => 231,
- 'cedil' => 184,
- 'cent' => 162,
- 'Chi' => 935,
- 'chi' => 967,
- 'circ' => 710,
- 'clubs' => 9827,
- 'cong' => 8773,
- 'copy' => 169,
- 'crarr' => 8629,
- 'cup' => 8746,
- 'curren' => 164,
- 'dagger' => 8224,
- 'Dagger' => 8225,
- 'darr' => 8595,
- 'dArr' => 8659,
- 'deg' => 176,
- 'Delta' => 916,
- 'delta' => 948,
- 'diams' => 9830,
- 'divide' => 247,
- 'Eacute' => 201,
- 'eacute' => 233,
- 'Ecirc' => 202,
- 'ecirc' => 234,
- 'Egrave' => 200,
- 'egrave' => 232,
- 'empty' => 8709,
- 'emsp' => 8195,
- 'ensp' => 8194,
- 'Epsilon' => 917,
- 'epsilon' => 949,
- 'equiv' => 8801,
- 'Eta' => 919,
- 'eta' => 951,
- 'ETH' => 208,
- 'eth' => 240,
- 'Euml' => 203,
- 'euml' => 235,
- 'euro' => 8364,
- 'exist' => 8707,
- 'fnof' => 402,
- 'forall' => 8704,
- 'frac12' => 189,
- 'frac14' => 188,
- 'frac34' => 190,
- 'frasl' => 8260,
- 'Gamma' => 915,
- 'gamma' => 947,
- 'ge' => 8805,
- 'gt' => 62,
- 'harr' => 8596,
- 'hArr' => 8660,
- 'hearts' => 9829,
- 'hellip' => 8230,
- 'Iacute' => 205,
- 'iacute' => 237,
- 'Icirc' => 206,
- 'icirc' => 238,
- 'iexcl' => 161,
- 'Igrave' => 204,
- 'igrave' => 236,
- 'image' => 8465,
- 'infin' => 8734,
- 'int' => 8747,
- 'Iota' => 921,
- 'iota' => 953,
- 'iquest' => 191,
- 'isin' => 8712,
- 'Iuml' => 207,
- 'iuml' => 239,
- 'Kappa' => 922,
- 'kappa' => 954,
- 'Lambda' => 923,
- 'lambda' => 955,
- 'lang' => 9001,
- 'laquo' => 171,
- 'larr' => 8592,
- 'lArr' => 8656,
- 'lceil' => 8968,
- 'ldquo' => 8220,
- 'le' => 8804,
- 'lfloor' => 8970,
- 'lowast' => 8727,
- 'loz' => 9674,
- 'lrm' => 8206,
- 'lsaquo' => 8249,
- 'lsquo' => 8216,
- 'lt' => 60,
- 'macr' => 175,
- 'mdash' => 8212,
- 'micro' => 181,
- 'middot' => 183,
- 'minus' => 8722,
- 'Mu' => 924,
- 'mu' => 956,
- 'nabla' => 8711,
- 'nbsp' => 160,
- 'ndash' => 8211,
- 'ne' => 8800,
- 'ni' => 8715,
- 'not' => 172,
- 'notin' => 8713,
- 'nsub' => 8836,
- 'Ntilde' => 209,
- 'ntilde' => 241,
- 'Nu' => 925,
- 'nu' => 957,
- 'Oacute' => 211,
- 'oacute' => 243,
- 'Ocirc' => 212,
- 'ocirc' => 244,
- 'OElig' => 338,
- 'oelig' => 339,
- 'Ograve' => 210,
- 'ograve' => 242,
- 'oline' => 8254,
- 'Omega' => 937,
- 'omega' => 969,
- 'Omicron' => 927,
- 'omicron' => 959,
- 'oplus' => 8853,
- 'or' => 8744,
- 'ordf' => 170,
- 'ordm' => 186,
- 'Oslash' => 216,
- 'oslash' => 248,
- 'Otilde' => 213,
- 'otilde' => 245,
- 'otimes' => 8855,
- 'Ouml' => 214,
- 'ouml' => 246,
- 'para' => 182,
- 'part' => 8706,
- 'permil' => 8240,
- 'perp' => 8869,
- 'Phi' => 934,
- 'phi' => 966,
- 'Pi' => 928,
- 'pi' => 960,
- 'piv' => 982,
- 'plusmn' => 177,
- 'pound' => 163,
- 'prime' => 8242,
- 'Prime' => 8243,
- 'prod' => 8719,
- 'prop' => 8733,
- 'Psi' => 936,
- 'psi' => 968,
- 'quot' => 34,
- 'radic' => 8730,
- 'rang' => 9002,
- 'raquo' => 187,
- 'rarr' => 8594,
- 'rArr' => 8658,
- 'rceil' => 8969,
- 'rdquo' => 8221,
- 'real' => 8476,
- 'reg' => 174,
- 'rfloor' => 8971,
- 'Rho' => 929,
- 'rho' => 961,
- 'rlm' => 8207,
- 'rsaquo' => 8250,
- 'rsquo' => 8217,
- 'sbquo' => 8218,
- 'Scaron' => 352,
- 'scaron' => 353,
- 'sdot' => 8901,
- 'sect' => 167,
- 'shy' => 173,
- 'Sigma' => 931,
- 'sigma' => 963,
- 'sigmaf' => 962,
- 'sim' => 8764,
- 'spades' => 9824,
- 'sub' => 8834,
- 'sube' => 8838,
- 'sum' => 8721,
- 'sup' => 8835,
- 'sup1' => 185,
- 'sup2' => 178,
- 'sup3' => 179,
- 'supe' => 8839,
- 'szlig' => 223,
- 'Tau' => 932,
- 'tau' => 964,
- 'there4' => 8756,
- 'Theta' => 920,
- 'theta' => 952,
- 'thetasym' => 977,
- 'thinsp' => 8201,
- 'THORN' => 222,
- 'thorn' => 254,
- 'tilde' => 732,
- 'times' => 215,
- 'trade' => 8482,
- 'Uacute' => 218,
- 'uacute' => 250,
- 'uarr' => 8593,
- 'uArr' => 8657,
- 'Ucirc' => 219,
- 'ucirc' => 251,
- 'Ugrave' => 217,
- 'ugrave' => 249,
- 'uml' => 168,
- 'upsih' => 978,
- 'Upsilon' => 933,
- 'upsilon' => 965,
- 'Uuml' => 220,
- 'uuml' => 252,
- 'weierp' => 8472,
- 'Xi' => 926,
- 'xi' => 958,
- 'Yacute' => 221,
- 'yacute' => 253,
- 'yen' => 165,
- 'Yuml' => 376,
- 'yuml' => 255,
- 'Zeta' => 918,
- 'zeta' => 950,
- 'zwj' => 8205,
- 'zwnj' => 8204 );
+ /**
+ * Character entity aliases accepted by MediaWiki
+ */
+ static $htmlEntityAliases = array(
+ 'רלמ' => 'rlm',
+ 'رلم' => 'rlm',
+ );
- * Character entity aliases accepted by MediaWiki
- */
-global $wgHtmlEntityAliases;
-$wgHtmlEntityAliases = array(
- 'רלמ' => 'rlm',
- 'رلم' => 'rlm',
+ /**
+ * Lazy-initialised attributes regex, see getAttribsRegex()
+ */
+ static $attribsRegex;
+ /**
+ * Regular expression to match HTML/XML attribute pairs within a tag.
+ * Allows some... latitude.
+ * Used in Sanitizer::fixTagAttributes and Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes
+ */
+ static function getAttribsRegex() {
+ if ( self::$attribsRegex === null ) {
+ $attribFirst = '[:A-Z_a-z0-9]';
+ $attrib = '[:A-Z_a-z-.0-9]';
+ $space = '[\x09\x0a\x0d\x20]';
+ self::$attribsRegex =
+ "/(?:^|$space)({$attribFirst}{$attrib}*)
+ ($space*=$space*
+ (?:
+ # The attribute value: quoted or alone
+ \"([^<\"]*)\"
+ | '([^<']*)'
+ | ([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&()*,\\-.\\/:;<>?@[\\]^_`{|}~]+)
+ | (\#[0-9a-fA-F]+) # Technically wrong, but lots of
+ # colors are specified like this.
+ # We'll be normalizing it.
+ )
+ )?(?=$space|\$)/sx";
+ }
+ return self::$attribsRegex;
+ }
- * XHTML sanitizer for MediaWiki
- * @ingroup Parser
- */
-class Sanitizer {
* Cleans up HTML, removes dangerous tags and attributes, and
* removes HTML comments
@@ -636,8 +638,8 @@ class Sanitizer {
$out = array();
foreach( $attribs as $attribute => $value ) {
#allow XML namespace declaration if RDFa is enabled
- if ( $wgAllowRdfaAttributes && preg_match( MW_XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_PATTRN, $attribute ) ) {
- if ( !preg_match( MW_EVIL_URI_PATTERN, $value ) ) {
+ if ( $wgAllowRdfaAttributes && preg_match( self::XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN, $attribute ) ) {
+ if ( !preg_match( self::EVIL_URI_PATTERN, $value ) ) {
$out[$attribute] = $value;
@@ -667,7 +669,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
$attribute === 'itemscope' || $attribute === 'itemtype' ) { #HTML5 microdata
//Paranoia. Allow "simple" values but suppress javascript
- if ( preg_match( MW_EVIL_URI_PATTERN, $value ) ) {
+ if ( preg_match( self::EVIL_URI_PATTERN, $value ) ) {
@@ -687,19 +689,6 @@ class Sanitizer {
if ( $wgAllowMicrodataAttributes ) {
- # There are some complicated validity constraints we need to
- # enforce here. First of all, we don't want to allow non-standard
- # itemtypes.
- $allowedTypes = array(
- '',
- '',
- '',
- );
- if ( isset( $out['itemtype'] ) && !in_array( $out['itemtype'],
- $allowedTypes ) ) {
- # Kill everything
- unset( $out['itemscope'] );
- }
# itemtype, itemid, itemref don't make sense without itemscope
if ( !array_key_exists( 'itemscope', $out ) ) {
unset( $out['itemtype'] );
@@ -803,6 +792,10 @@ class Sanitizer {
return $value;
+ /**
+ * @param $matches array
+ * @return String
+ */
static function cssDecodeCallback( $matches ) {
if ( $matches[1] !== '' ) {
// Line continuation
@@ -1037,7 +1030,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
$attribs = array();
$pairs = array();
if( !preg_match_all(
+ self::getAttribsRegex(),
@@ -1060,7 +1053,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
* Pick the appropriate attribute value from a match set from the
- * MW_ATTRIBS_REGEX matches.
+ * attribs regex matches.
* @param $set Array
* @return String
@@ -1104,6 +1097,10 @@ class Sanitizer {
Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences( $text ) ) );
+ /**
+ * @param $text string
+ * @return mixed
+ */
private static function normalizeWhitespace( $text ) {
return preg_replace(
@@ -1140,7 +1137,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
static function normalizeCharReferences( $text ) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array( 'Sanitizer', 'normalizeCharReferencesCallback' ),
$text );
@@ -1156,8 +1153,6 @@ class Sanitizer {
$ret = Sanitizer::decCharReference( $matches[2] );
} elseif( $matches[3] != '' ) {
$ret = Sanitizer::hexCharReference( $matches[3] );
- } elseif( $matches[4] != '' ) {
- $ret = Sanitizer::hexCharReference( $matches[4] );
if( is_null( $ret ) ) {
return htmlspecialchars( $matches[0] );
@@ -1177,19 +1172,22 @@ class Sanitizer {
* @return String
static function normalizeEntity( $name ) {
- global $wgHtmlEntities, $wgHtmlEntityAliases;
- if ( isset( $wgHtmlEntityAliases[$name] ) ) {
- return "&{$wgHtmlEntityAliases[$name]};";
+ if ( isset( self::$htmlEntityAliases[$name] ) ) {
+ return '&' . self::$htmlEntityAliases[$name] . ';';
} elseif ( in_array( $name,
array( 'lt', 'gt', 'amp', 'quot' ) ) ) {
return "&$name;";
- } elseif ( isset( $wgHtmlEntities[$name] ) ) {
- return "&#{$wgHtmlEntities[$name]};";
+ } elseif ( isset( self::$htmlEntities[$name] ) ) {
+ return '&#' . self::$htmlEntities[$name] . ';';
} else {
return "&amp;$name;";
+ /**
+ * @param $codepoint
+ * @return null|string
+ */
static function decCharReference( $codepoint ) {
$point = intval( $codepoint );
if( Sanitizer::validateCodepoint( $point ) ) {
@@ -1199,6 +1197,10 @@ class Sanitizer {
+ /**
+ * @param $codepoint
+ * @return null|string
+ */
static function hexCharReference( $codepoint ) {
$point = hexdec( $codepoint );
if( Sanitizer::validateCodepoint( $point ) ) {
@@ -1231,7 +1233,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
public static function decodeCharReferences( $text ) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array( 'Sanitizer', 'decodeCharReferencesCallback' ),
$text );
@@ -1249,7 +1251,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
public static function decodeCharReferencesAndNormalize( $text ) {
global $wgContLang;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
array( 'Sanitizer', 'decodeCharReferencesCallback' ),
$text, /* limit */ -1, $count );
@@ -1271,8 +1273,6 @@ class Sanitizer {
return Sanitizer::decodeChar( intval( $matches[2] ) );
} elseif( $matches[3] != '' ) {
return Sanitizer::decodeChar( hexdec( $matches[3] ) );
- } elseif( $matches[4] != '' ) {
- return Sanitizer::decodeChar( hexdec( $matches[4] ) );
# Last case should be an ampersand by itself
return $matches[0];
@@ -1298,16 +1298,15 @@ class Sanitizer {
* return the UTF-8 encoding of that character. Otherwise, returns
* pseudo-entity source (eg &foo;)
- * @param $name Strings
+ * @param $name String
* @return String
static function decodeEntity( $name ) {
- global $wgHtmlEntities, $wgHtmlEntityAliases;
- if ( isset( $wgHtmlEntityAliases[$name] ) ) {
- $name = $wgHtmlEntityAliases[$name];
+ if ( isset( self::$htmlEntityAliases[$name] ) ) {
+ $name = self::$htmlEntityAliases[$name];
- if( isset( $wgHtmlEntities[$name] ) ) {
- return codepointToUtf8( $wgHtmlEntities[$name] );
+ if( isset( self::$htmlEntities[$name] ) ) {
+ return codepointToUtf8( self::$htmlEntities[$name] );
} else {
return "&$name;";
@@ -1532,22 +1531,26 @@ class Sanitizer {
* @return String
static function hackDocType() {
- global $wgHtmlEntities;
$out = "<!DOCTYPE html [\n";
- foreach( $wgHtmlEntities as $entity => $codepoint ) {
+ foreach( self::$htmlEntities as $entity => $codepoint ) {
$out .= "<!ENTITY $entity \"&#$codepoint;\">";
$out .= "]>\n";
return $out;
+ /**
+ * @param $url string
+ * @return mixed|string
+ */
static function cleanUrl( $url ) {
# Normalize any HTML entities in input. They will be
# re-escaped by makeExternalLink().
$url = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $url );
# Escape any control characters introduced by the above step
- $url = preg_replace( '/[\][<>"\\x00-\\x20\\x7F\|]/e', "urlencode('\\0')", $url );
+ $url = preg_replace_callback( '/[\][<>"\\x00-\\x20\\x7F\|]/',
+ array( __CLASS__, 'cleanUrlCallback' ), $url );
# Validate hostname portion
$matches = array();
@@ -1575,7 +1578,7 @@ class Sanitizer {
$host = preg_replace( $strip, '', $host );
- // @todo Fixme: validate hostnames here
+ // @todo FIXME: Validate hostnames here
return $protocol . $host . $rest;
} else {
@@ -1583,4 +1586,61 @@ class Sanitizer {
+ /**
+ * @param $matches array
+ * @return string
+ */
+ static function cleanUrlCallback( $matches ) {
+ return urlencode( $matches[0] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Does a string look like an e-mail address?
+ *
+ * This validates an email address using an HTML5 specification found at:
+ *
+ * Which as of 2011-01-24 says:
+ *
+ * A valid e-mail address is a string that matches the ABNF production
+ * 1*( atext / "." ) "@" ldh-str *( "." ldh-str ) where atext is defined
+ * in RFC 5322 section 3.2.3, and ldh-str is defined in RFC 1034 section
+ * 3.5.
+ *
+ * This function is an implementation of the specification as requested in
+ * bug 22449.
+ *
+ * Client-side forms will use the same standard validation rules via JS or
+ * HTML 5 validation; additional restrictions can be enforced server-side
+ * by extensions via the 'isValidEmailAddr' hook.
+ *
+ * Note that this validation doesn't 100% match RFC 2822, but is believed
+ * to be liberal enough for wide use. Some invalid addresses will still
+ * pass validation here.
+ *
+ * @param $addr String E-mail address
+ * @return Bool
+ */
+ public static function validateEmail( $addr ) {
+ $result = null;
+ if( !wfRunHooks( 'isValidEmailAddr', array( $addr, &$result ) ) ) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Please note strings below are enclosed in brackets [], this make the
+ // hyphen "-" a range indicator. Hence it is double backslashed below.
+ // See bug 26948
+ $rfc5322_atext = "a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\-\/=?^_`{|}~" ;
+ $rfc1034_ldh_str = "a-z0-9\\-" ;
+ $HTML5_email_regexp = "/
+ ^ # start of string
+ [$rfc5322_atext\\.]+ # user part which is liberal :p
+ @ # 'apostrophe'
+ [$rfc1034_ldh_str]+ # First domain part
+ (\\.[$rfc1034_ldh_str]+)* # Following part prefixed with a dot
+ $ # End of string
+ /ix" ; // case Insensitive, eXtended
+ return (bool) preg_match( $HTML5_email_regexp, $addr );
+ }