path: root/includes/actions/HistoryAction.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2012-05-03 13:01:35 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2012-05-03 13:01:35 +0200
commitd9022f63880ce039446fba8364f68e656b7bf4cb (patch)
tree16b40fbf17bf7c9ee6f4ead25b16dd192378050a /includes/actions/HistoryAction.php
parent27cf83d177256813e2e802241085fce5dd0f3fb9 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.19.0
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/actions/HistoryAction.php')
1 files changed, 804 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/actions/HistoryAction.php b/includes/actions/HistoryAction.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..457f67ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/actions/HistoryAction.php
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+ * Page history
+ *
+ * Split off from Article.php and Skin.php, 2003-12-22
+ * @file
+ */
+ * This class handles printing the history page for an article. In order to
+ * be efficient, it uses timestamps rather than offsets for paging, to avoid
+ * costly LIMIT,offset queries.
+ *
+ * Construct it by passing in an Article, and call $h->history() to print the
+ * history.
+ *
+ */
+class HistoryAction extends FormlessAction {
+ const DIR_PREV = 0;
+ const DIR_NEXT = 1;
+ public function getName() {
+ return 'history';
+ }
+ public function requiresWrite() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function requiresUnblock() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function getPageTitle() {
+ return $this->msg( 'history-title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() )->text();
+ }
+ protected function getDescription() {
+ // Creation of a subtitle link pointing to [[Special:Log]]
+ return Linker::linkKnown(
+ SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log' ),
+ $this->msg( 'viewpagelogs' )->escaped(),
+ array(),
+ array( 'page' => $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the Article object we are working on.
+ * @return Page
+ */
+ public function getArticle() {
+ return $this->page;
+ }
+ /**
+ * As we use the same small set of messages in various methods and that
+ * they are called often, we call them once and save them in $this->message
+ */
+ private function preCacheMessages() {
+ // Precache various messages
+ if ( !isset( $this->message ) ) {
+ $msgs = array( 'cur', 'last', 'pipe-separator' );
+ foreach ( $msgs as $msg ) {
+ $this->message[$msg] = $this->msg( $msg )->escaped();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print the history page for an article.
+ * @return nothing
+ */
+ function onView() {
+ global $wgScript, $wgUseFileCache, $wgSquidMaxage;
+ $out = $this->getOutput();
+ $request = $this->getRequest();
+ /**
+ * Allow client caching.
+ */
+ if ( $out->checkLastModified( $this->page->getTouched() ) ) {
+ return; // Client cache fresh and headers sent, nothing more to do.
+ }
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ if ( $request->getFullRequestURL() == $this->getTitle()->getInternalURL( 'action=history' ) ) {
+ $out->setSquidMaxage( $wgSquidMaxage );
+ }
+ $this->preCacheMessages();
+ # Fill in the file cache if not set already
+ if ( $wgUseFileCache && HTMLFileCache::useFileCache( $this->getContext() ) ) {
+ $cache = HTMLFileCache::newFromTitle( $this->getTitle(), 'history' );
+ if ( !$cache->isCacheGood( /* Assume up to date */ ) ) {
+ ob_start( array( &$cache, 'saveToFileCache' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup page variables.
+ $out->setFeedAppendQuery( 'action=history' );
+ $out->addModules( array( 'mediawiki.legacy.history', 'mediawiki.action.history' ) );
+ // Handle atom/RSS feeds.
+ $feedType = $request->getVal( 'feed' );
+ if ( $feedType ) {
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $this->feed( $feedType );
+ }
+ // Fail nicely if article doesn't exist.
+ if ( !$this->page->exists() ) {
+ $out->addWikiMsg( 'nohistory' );
+ # show deletion/move log if there is an entry
+ LogEventsList::showLogExtract(
+ $out,
+ array( 'delete', 'move' ),
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ '',
+ array( 'lim' => 10,
+ 'conds' => array( "log_action != 'revision'" ),
+ 'showIfEmpty' => false,
+ 'msgKey' => array( 'moveddeleted-notice' )
+ )
+ );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add date selector to quickly get to a certain time
+ */
+ $year = $request->getInt( 'year' );
+ $month = $request->getInt( 'month' );
+ $tagFilter = $request->getVal( 'tagfilter' );
+ $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector( $tagFilter );
+ /**
+ * Option to show only revisions that have been (partially) hidden via RevisionDelete
+ */
+ if ( $request->getBool( 'deleted' ) ) {
+ $conds = array( "rev_deleted != '0'" );
+ } else {
+ $conds = array();
+ }
+ $checkDeleted = Xml::checkLabel( $this->msg( 'history-show-deleted' )->text(),
+ 'deleted', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $request->getBool( 'deleted' ) ) . "\n";
+ // Add the general form
+ $action = htmlspecialchars( $wgScript );
+ $out->addHTML(
+ "<form action=\"$action\" method=\"get\" id=\"mw-history-searchform\">" .
+ Xml::fieldset(
+ $this->msg( 'history-fieldset-title' )->text(),
+ false,
+ array( 'id' => 'mw-history-search' )
+ ) .
+ Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBKey() ) . "\n" .
+ Html::hidden( 'action', 'history' ) . "\n" .
+ Xml::dateMenu( $year, $month ) . '&#160;' .
+ ( $tagSelector ? ( implode( '&#160;', $tagSelector ) . '&#160;' ) : '' ) .
+ $checkDeleted .
+ Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'allpagessubmit' )->text() ) . "\n" .
+ '</fieldset></form>'
+ );
+ wfRunHooks( 'PageHistoryBeforeList', array( &$this->page ) );
+ // Create and output the list.
+ $pager = new HistoryPager( $this, $year, $month, $tagFilter, $conds );
+ $out->addHTML(
+ $pager->getNavigationBar() .
+ $pager->getBody() .
+ $pager->getNavigationBar()
+ );
+ $out->preventClickjacking( $pager->getPreventClickjacking() );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch an array of revisions, specified by a given limit, offset and
+ * direction. This is now only used by the feeds. It was previously
+ * used by the main UI but that's now handled by the pager.
+ *
+ * @param $limit Integer: the limit number of revisions to get
+ * @param $offset Integer
+ * @param $direction Integer: either HistoryPage::DIR_PREV or HistoryPage::DIR_NEXT
+ * @return ResultWrapper
+ */
+ function fetchRevisions( $limit, $offset, $direction ) {
+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+ if ( $direction == HistoryPage::DIR_PREV ) {
+ list( $dirs, $oper ) = array( "ASC", ">=" );
+ } else { /* $direction == HistoryPage::DIR_NEXT */
+ list( $dirs, $oper ) = array( "DESC", "<=" );
+ }
+ if ( $offset ) {
+ $offsets = array( "rev_timestamp $oper '$offset'" );
+ } else {
+ $offsets = array();
+ }
+ $page_id = $this->page->getId();
+ return $dbr->select( 'revision',
+ Revision::selectFields(),
+ array_merge( array( "rev_page=$page_id" ), $offsets ),
+ __METHOD__,
+ array( 'ORDER BY' => "rev_timestamp $dirs",
+ 'USE INDEX' => 'page_timestamp', 'LIMIT' => $limit )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Output a subscription feed listing recent edits to this page.
+ *
+ * @param $type String: feed type
+ */
+ function feed( $type ) {
+ global $wgFeedClasses, $wgFeedLimit;
+ if ( !FeedUtils::checkFeedOutput( $type ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $request = $this->getRequest();
+ $feed = new $wgFeedClasses[$type](
+ $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() . ' - ' .
+ wfMsgForContent( 'history-feed-title' ),
+ wfMsgForContent( 'history-feed-description' ),
+ $this->getTitle()->getFullUrl( 'action=history' )
+ );
+ // Get a limit on number of feed entries. Provide a sane default
+ // of 10 if none is defined (but limit to $wgFeedLimit max)
+ $limit = $request->getInt( 'limit', 10 );
+ if ( $limit > $wgFeedLimit || $limit < 1 ) {
+ $limit = 10;
+ }
+ $items = $this->fetchRevisions( $limit, 0, HistoryPage::DIR_NEXT );
+ // Generate feed elements enclosed between header and footer.
+ $feed->outHeader();
+ if ( $items->numRows() ) {
+ foreach ( $items as $row ) {
+ $feed->outItem( $this->feedItem( $row ) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $feed->outItem( $this->feedEmpty() );
+ }
+ $feed->outFooter();
+ }
+ function feedEmpty() {
+ return new FeedItem(
+ wfMsgForContent( 'nohistory' ),
+ $this->getOutput()->parse( wfMsgForContent( 'history-feed-empty' ) ),
+ $this->getTitle()->getFullUrl(),
+ wfTimestamp( TS_MW ),
+ '',
+ $this->getTitle()->getTalkPage()->getFullUrl()
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a FeedItem object from a given revision table row
+ * Borrows Recent Changes' feed generation functions for formatting;
+ * includes a diff to the previous revision (if any).
+ *
+ * @param $row Object: database row
+ * @return FeedItem
+ */
+ function feedItem( $row ) {
+ $rev = new Revision( $row );
+ $rev->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
+ $text = FeedUtils::formatDiffRow(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $this->getTitle()->getPreviousRevisionID( $rev->getId() ),
+ $rev->getId(),
+ $rev->getTimestamp(),
+ $rev->getComment()
+ );
+ if ( $rev->getComment() == '' ) {
+ global $wgContLang;
+ $title = wfMsgForContent( 'history-feed-item-nocomment',
+ $rev->getUserText(),
+ $wgContLang->timeanddate( $rev->getTimestamp() ),
+ $wgContLang->date( $rev->getTimestamp() ),
+ $wgContLang->time( $rev->getTimestamp() )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $title = $rev->getUserText() .
+ wfMsgForContent( 'colon-separator' ) .
+ FeedItem::stripComment( $rev->getComment() );
+ }
+ return new FeedItem(
+ $title,
+ $text,
+ $this->getTitle()->getFullUrl( 'diff=' . $rev->getId() . '&oldid=prev' ),
+ $rev->getTimestamp(),
+ $rev->getUserText(),
+ $this->getTitle()->getTalkPage()->getFullUrl()
+ );
+ }
+ * @ingroup Pager
+ */
+class HistoryPager extends ReverseChronologicalPager {
+ public $lastRow = false, $counter, $historyPage, $buttons, $conds;
+ protected $oldIdChecked;
+ protected $preventClickjacking = false;
+ function __construct( $historyPage, $year = '', $month = '', $tagFilter = '', $conds = array() ) {
+ parent::__construct( $historyPage->getContext() );
+ $this->historyPage = $historyPage;
+ $this->tagFilter = $tagFilter;
+ $this->getDateCond( $year, $month );
+ $this->conds = $conds;
+ }
+ // For hook compatibility...
+ function getArticle() {
+ return $this->historyPage->getArticle();
+ }
+ function getSqlComment() {
+ if ( $this->conds ) {
+ return 'history page filtered'; // potentially slow, see CR r58153
+ } else {
+ return 'history page unfiltered';
+ }
+ }
+ function getQueryInfo() {
+ $queryInfo = array(
+ 'tables' => array( 'revision', 'user' ),
+ 'fields' => array_merge( Revision::selectFields(), Revision::selectUserFields() ),
+ 'conds' => array_merge(
+ array( 'rev_page' => $this->getWikiPage()->getId() ),
+ $this->conds ),
+ 'options' => array( 'USE INDEX' => array( 'revision' => 'page_timestamp' ) ),
+ 'join_conds' => array(
+ 'user' => Revision::userJoinCond(),
+ 'tag_summary' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'ts_rev_id=rev_id' ) ),
+ );
+ ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery(
+ $queryInfo['tables'],
+ $queryInfo['fields'],
+ $queryInfo['conds'],
+ $queryInfo['join_conds'],
+ $queryInfo['options'],
+ $this->tagFilter
+ );
+ wfRunHooks( 'PageHistoryPager::getQueryInfo', array( &$this, &$queryInfo ) );
+ return $queryInfo;
+ }
+ function getIndexField() {
+ return 'rev_timestamp';
+ }
+ function formatRow( $row ) {
+ if ( $this->lastRow ) {
+ $latest = ( $this->counter == 1 && $this->mIsFirst );
+ $firstInList = $this->counter == 1;
+ $this->counter++;
+ $s = $this->historyLine( $this->lastRow, $row,
+ $this->getTitle()->getNotificationTimestamp( $this->getUser() ), $latest, $firstInList );
+ } else {
+ $s = '';
+ }
+ $this->lastRow = $row;
+ return $s;
+ }
+ function doBatchLookups() {
+ # Do a link batch query
+ $this->mResult->seek( 0 );
+ $batch = new LinkBatch();
+ foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) {
+ if( !is_null( $row->user_name ) ) {
+ $batch->add( NS_USER, $row->user_name );
+ $batch->add( NS_USER_TALK, $row->user_name );
+ } else { # for anons or usernames of imported revisions
+ $batch->add( NS_USER, $row->rev_user_text );
+ $batch->add( NS_USER_TALK, $row->rev_user_text );
+ }
+ }
+ $batch->execute();
+ $this->mResult->seek( 0 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates begin of history list with a submit button
+ *
+ * @return string HTML output
+ */
+ function getStartBody() {
+ global $wgScript;
+ $this->lastRow = false;
+ $this->counter = 1;
+ $this->oldIdChecked = 0;
+ $this->getOutput()->wrapWikiMsg( "<div class='mw-history-legend'>\n$1\n</div>", 'histlegend' );
+ $s = Html::openElement( 'form', array( 'action' => $wgScript,
+ 'id' => 'mw-history-compare' ) ) . "\n";
+ $s .= Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDbKey() ) . "\n";
+ $s .= Html::hidden( 'action', 'historysubmit' ) . "\n";
+ // Button container stored in $this->buttons for re-use in getEndBody()
+ $this->buttons = '<div>';
+ $this->buttons .= $this->submitButton( $this->msg( 'compareselectedversions' )->text(),
+ array( 'class' => 'historysubmit mw-history-compareselectedversions-button' )
+ + Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'compareselectedversions' )
+ ) . "\n";
+ if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' ) ) {
+ $this->buttons .= $this->getRevisionButton( 'revisiondelete', 'showhideselectedversions' );
+ }
+ $this->buttons .= '</div>';
+ $s .= $this->buttons;
+ $s .= '<ul id="pagehistory">' . "\n";
+ return $s;
+ }
+ private function getRevisionButton( $name, $msg ) {
+ $this->preventClickjacking();
+ # Note bug #20966, <button> is non-standard in IE<8
+ $element = Html::element( 'button',
+ array(
+ 'type' => 'submit',
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'value' => '1',
+ 'class' => "historysubmit mw-history-$name-button",
+ ),
+ $this->msg( $msg )->text()
+ ) . "\n";
+ return $element;
+ }
+ function getEndBody() {
+ if ( $this->lastRow ) {
+ $latest = $this->counter == 1 && $this->mIsFirst;
+ $firstInList = $this->counter == 1;
+ if ( $this->mIsBackwards ) {
+ # Next row is unknown, but for UI reasons, probably exists if an offset has been specified
+ if ( $this->mOffset == '' ) {
+ $next = null;
+ } else {
+ $next = 'unknown';
+ }
+ } else {
+ # The next row is the past-the-end row
+ $next = $this->mPastTheEndRow;
+ }
+ $this->counter++;
+ $s = $this->historyLine( $this->lastRow, $next,
+ $this->getTitle()->getNotificationTimestamp( $this->getUser() ), $latest, $firstInList );
+ } else {
+ $s = '';
+ }
+ $s .= "</ul>\n";
+ # Add second buttons only if there is more than one rev
+ if ( $this->getNumRows() > 2 ) {
+ $s .= $this->buttons;
+ }
+ $s .= '</form>';
+ return $s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a submit button
+ *
+ * @param $message String: text of the submit button, will be escaped
+ * @param $attributes Array: attributes
+ * @return String: HTML output for the submit button
+ */
+ function submitButton( $message, $attributes = array() ) {
+ # Disable submit button if history has 1 revision only
+ if ( $this->getNumRows() > 1 ) {
+ return Xml::submitButton( $message , $attributes );
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a row from the history printout.
+ *
+ * @todo document some more, and maybe clean up the code (some params redundant?)
+ *
+ * @param $row Object: the database row corresponding to the previous line.
+ * @param $next Mixed: the database row corresponding to the next line. (chronologically previous)
+ * @param $notificationtimestamp
+ * @param $latest Boolean: whether this row corresponds to the page's latest revision.
+ * @param $firstInList Boolean: whether this row corresponds to the first displayed on this history page.
+ * @return String: HTML output for the row
+ */
+ function historyLine( $row, $next, $notificationtimestamp = false,
+ $latest = false, $firstInList = false )
+ {
+ $rev = new Revision( $row );
+ $rev->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
+ if ( is_object( $next ) ) {
+ $prevRev = new Revision( $next );
+ $prevRev->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
+ } else {
+ $prevRev = null;
+ }
+ $curlink = $this->curLink( $rev, $latest );
+ $lastlink = $this->lastLink( $rev, $next );
+ $diffButtons = $this->diffButtons( $rev, $firstInList );
+ $histLinks = Html::rawElement(
+ 'span',
+ array( 'class' => 'mw-history-histlinks' ),
+ '(' . $curlink . $this->historyPage->message['pipe-separator'] . $lastlink . ') '
+ );
+ $s = $histLinks . $diffButtons;
+ $link = $this->revLink( $rev );
+ $classes = array();
+ $del = '';
+ $user = $this->getUser();
+ // Show checkboxes for each revision
+ if ( $user->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' ) ) {
+ $this->preventClickjacking();
+ // If revision was hidden from sysops, disable the checkbox
+ if ( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED, $user ) ) {
+ $del = Xml::check( 'deleterevisions', false, array( 'disabled' => 'disabled' ) );
+ // Otherwise, enable the checkbox...
+ } else {
+ $del = Xml::check( 'showhiderevisions', false,
+ array( 'name' => 'ids[' . $rev->getId() . ']' ) );
+ }
+ // User can only view deleted revisions...
+ } elseif ( $rev->getVisibility() && $user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
+ // If revision was hidden from sysops, disable the link
+ if ( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED, $user ) ) {
+ $cdel = Linker::revDeleteLinkDisabled( false );
+ // Otherwise, show the link...
+ } else {
+ $query = array( 'type' => 'revision',
+ 'target' => $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDbkey(), 'ids' => $rev->getId() );
+ $del .= Linker::revDeleteLink( $query,
+ $rev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_RESTRICTED ), false );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $del ) {
+ $s .= " $del ";
+ }
+ $lang = $this->getLanguage();
+ $dirmark = $lang->getDirMark();
+ $s .= " $link";
+ $s .= $dirmark;
+ $s .= " <span class='history-user'>" .
+ Linker::revUserTools( $rev, true ) . "</span>";
+ $s .= $dirmark;
+ if ( $rev->isMinor() ) {
+ $s .= ' ' . ChangesList::flag( 'minor' );
+ }
+ # Size is always public data
+ $prevSize = $prevRev ? $prevRev->getSize() : 0;
+ $sDiff = ChangesList::showCharacterDifference( $prevSize, $rev->getSize() );
+ $s .= ' . . ' . $sDiff . ' . . ';
+ $s .= Linker::revComment( $rev, false, true );
+ if ( $notificationtimestamp && ( $row->rev_timestamp >= $notificationtimestamp ) ) {
+ $s .= ' <span class="updatedmarker">' . $this->msg( 'updatedmarker' )->escaped() . '</span>';
+ }
+ $tools = array();
+ # Rollback and undo links
+ if ( $prevRev &&
+ !count( $this->getTitle()->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'edit', $this->getUser() ) ) )
+ {
+ if ( $latest && !count( $this->getTitle()->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'rollback', $this->getUser() ) ) ) {
+ $this->preventClickjacking();
+ $tools[] = '<span class="mw-rollback-link">' .
+ Linker::buildRollbackLink( $rev ) . '</span>';
+ }
+ if ( !$rev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT )
+ && !$prevRev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) )
+ {
+ # Create undo tooltip for the first (=latest) line only
+ $undoTooltip = $latest
+ ? array( 'title' => $this->msg( 'tooltip-undo' )->text() )
+ : array();
+ $undolink = Linker::linkKnown(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $this->msg( 'editundo' )->escaped(),
+ $undoTooltip,
+ array(
+ 'action' => 'edit',
+ 'undoafter' => $prevRev->getId(),
+ 'undo' => $rev->getId()
+ )
+ );
+ $tools[] = "<span class=\"mw-history-undo\">{$undolink}</span>";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $tools ) {
+ $s .= ' (' . $lang->pipeList( $tools ) . ')';
+ }
+ # Tags
+ list( $tagSummary, $newClasses ) = ChangeTags::formatSummaryRow( $row->ts_tags, 'history' );
+ $classes = array_merge( $classes, $newClasses );
+ $s .= " $tagSummary";
+ wfRunHooks( 'PageHistoryLineEnding', array( $this, &$row , &$s, &$classes ) );
+ $attribs = array();
+ if ( $classes ) {
+ $attribs['class'] = implode( ' ', $classes );
+ }
+ return Xml::tags( 'li', $attribs, $s ) . "\n";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a link to view this revision of the page
+ *
+ * @param $rev Revision
+ * @return String
+ */
+ function revLink( $rev ) {
+ $date = $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $rev->getTimestamp(), $this->getUser() );
+ $date = htmlspecialchars( $date );
+ if ( $rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) {
+ $link = Linker::linkKnown(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $date,
+ array(),
+ array( 'oldid' => $rev->getId() )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $link = $date;
+ }
+ if ( $rev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
+ $link = "<span class=\"history-deleted\">$link</span>";
+ }
+ return $link;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a diff-to-current link for this revision for this page
+ *
+ * @param $rev Revision
+ * @param $latest Boolean: this is the latest revision of the page?
+ * @return String
+ */
+ function curLink( $rev, $latest ) {
+ $cur = $this->historyPage->message['cur'];
+ if ( $latest || !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) {
+ return $cur;
+ } else {
+ return Linker::linkKnown(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $cur,
+ array(),
+ array(
+ 'diff' => $this->getWikiPage()->getLatest(),
+ 'oldid' => $rev->getId()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a diff-to-previous link for this revision for this page.
+ *
+ * @param $prevRev Revision: the previous revision
+ * @param $next Mixed: the newer revision
+ * @return String
+ */
+ function lastLink( $prevRev, $next ) {
+ $last = $this->historyPage->message['last'];
+ # $next may either be a Row, null, or "unkown"
+ $nextRev = is_object( $next ) ? new Revision( $next ) : $next;
+ if ( is_null( $next ) ) {
+ # Probably no next row
+ return $last;
+ } elseif ( $next === 'unknown' ) {
+ # Next row probably exists but is unknown, use an oldid=prev link
+ return Linker::linkKnown(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $last,
+ array(),
+ array(
+ 'diff' => $prevRev->getId(),
+ 'oldid' => 'prev'
+ )
+ );
+ } elseif ( !$prevRev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() )
+ || !$nextRev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) )
+ {
+ return $last;
+ } else {
+ return Linker::linkKnown(
+ $this->getTitle(),
+ $last,
+ array(),
+ array(
+ 'diff' => $prevRev->getId(),
+ 'oldid' => $next->rev_id
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create radio buttons for page history
+ *
+ * @param $rev Revision object
+ * @param $firstInList Boolean: is this version the first one?
+ *
+ * @return String: HTML output for the radio buttons
+ */
+ function diffButtons( $rev, $firstInList ) {
+ if ( $this->getNumRows() > 1 ) {
+ $id = $rev->getId();
+ $radio = array( 'type' => 'radio', 'value' => $id );
+ /** @todo: move title texts to javascript */
+ if ( $firstInList ) {
+ $first = Xml::element( 'input',
+ array_merge( $radio, array(
+ 'style' => 'visibility:hidden',
+ 'name' => 'oldid',
+ 'id' => 'mw-oldid-null' ) )
+ );
+ $checkmark = array( 'checked' => 'checked' );
+ } else {
+ # Check visibility of old revisions
+ if ( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) {
+ $radio['disabled'] = 'disabled';
+ $checkmark = array(); // We will check the next possible one
+ } elseif ( !$this->oldIdChecked ) {
+ $checkmark = array( 'checked' => 'checked' );
+ $this->oldIdChecked = $id;
+ } else {
+ $checkmark = array();
+ }
+ $first = Xml::element( 'input',
+ array_merge( $radio, $checkmark, array(
+ 'name' => 'oldid',
+ 'id' => "mw-oldid-$id" ) ) );
+ $checkmark = array();
+ }
+ $second = Xml::element( 'input',
+ array_merge( $radio, $checkmark, array(
+ 'name' => 'diff',
+ 'id' => "mw-diff-$id" ) ) );
+ return $first . $second;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is called if a write operation is possible from the generated HTML
+ */
+ function preventClickjacking( $enable = true ) {
+ $this->preventClickjacking = $enable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the "prevent clickjacking" flag
+ */
+ function getPreventClickjacking() {
+ return $this->preventClickjacking;
+ }
+ * Backwards-compatibility alias
+ */
+class HistoryPage extends HistoryAction {
+ public function __construct( Page $article ) { # Just to make it public
+ parent::__construct( $article );
+ }
+ public function history() {
+ $this->onView();
+ }