path: root/includes/filebackend/lockmanager
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
commit63601400e476c6cf43d985f3e7b9864681695ed4 (patch)
treef7846203a952e38aaf66989d0a4702779f549962 /includes/filebackend/lockmanager
parent8ff01378c9e0207f9169b81966a51def645b6a51 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.20.2
this update includes: * adjusted Arch Linux skin * updated FluxBBAuthPlugin * patch for
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/filebackend/lockmanager')
6 files changed, 1734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/DBLockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/DBLockManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8fe258b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/DBLockManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * Version of LockManager based on using DB table locks.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+ * Version of LockManager based on using DB table locks.
+ * This is meant for multi-wiki systems that may share files.
+ * All locks are blocking, so it might be useful to set a small
+ * lock-wait timeout via server config to curtail deadlocks.
+ *
+ * All lock requests for a resource, identified by a hash string, will map
+ * to one bucket. Each bucket maps to one or several peer DBs, each on their
+ * own server, all having the filelocks.sql tables (with row-level locking).
+ * A majority of peer DBs must agree for a lock to be acquired.
+ *
+ * Caching is used to avoid hitting servers that are down.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class DBLockManager extends QuorumLockManager {
+ /** @var Array Map of DB names to server config */
+ protected $dbServers; // (DB name => server config array)
+ /** @var BagOStuff */
+ protected $statusCache;
+ protected $lockExpiry; // integer number of seconds
+ protected $safeDelay; // integer number of seconds
+ protected $session = 0; // random integer
+ /** @var Array Map Database connections (DB name => Database) */
+ protected $conns = array();
+ /**
+ * Construct a new instance from configuration.
+ *
+ * $config paramaters include:
+ * - dbServers : Associative array of DB names to server configuration.
+ * Configuration is an associative array that includes:
+ * - host : DB server name
+ * - dbname : DB name
+ * - type : DB type (mysql,postgres,...)
+ * - user : DB user
+ * - password : DB user password
+ * - tablePrefix : DB table prefix
+ * - flags : DB flags (see DatabaseBase)
+ * - dbsByBucket : Array of 1-16 consecutive integer keys, starting from 0,
+ * each having an odd-numbered list of DB names (peers) as values.
+ * Any DB named 'localDBMaster' will automatically use the DB master
+ * settings for this wiki (without the need for a dbServers entry).
+ * - lockExpiry : Lock timeout (seconds) for dropped connections. [optional]
+ * This tells the DB server how long to wait before assuming
+ * connection failure and releasing all the locks for a session.
+ *
+ * @param Array $config
+ */
+ public function __construct( array $config ) {
+ parent::__construct( $config );
+ $this->dbServers = isset( $config['dbServers'] )
+ ? $config['dbServers']
+ : array(); // likely just using 'localDBMaster'
+ // Sanitize srvsByBucket config to prevent PHP errors
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_filter( $config['dbsByBucket'], 'is_array' );
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_values( $this->srvsByBucket ); // consecutive
+ if ( isset( $config['lockExpiry'] ) ) {
+ $this->lockExpiry = $config['lockExpiry'];
+ } else {
+ $met = ini_get( 'max_execution_time' );
+ $this->lockExpiry = $met ? $met : 60; // use some sane amount if 0
+ }
+ $this->safeDelay = ( $this->lockExpiry <= 0 )
+ ? 60 // pick a safe-ish number to match DB timeout default
+ : $this->lockExpiry; // cover worst case
+ foreach ( $this->srvsByBucket as $bucket ) {
+ if ( count( $bucket ) > 1 ) { // multiple peers
+ // Tracks peers that couldn't be queried recently to avoid lengthy
+ // connection timeouts. This is useless if each bucket has one peer.
+ try {
+ $this->statusCache = ObjectCache::newAccelerator( array() );
+ } catch ( MWException $e ) {
+ trigger_error( __CLASS__ .
+ " using multiple DB peers without apc, xcache, or wincache." );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->session = wfRandomString( 31 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a connection to a lock DB and acquire locks on $paths.
+ * This does not use GET_LOCK() per
+ *
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::getLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ if ( $type == self::LOCK_EX ) { // writer locks
+ try {
+ $keys = array_unique( array_map( 'LockManager::sha1Base36', $paths ) );
+ # Build up values for INSERT clause
+ $data = array();
+ foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
+ $data[] = array( 'fle_key' => $key );
+ }
+ # Wait on any existing writers and block new ones if we get in
+ $db = $this->getConnection( $lockSrv ); // checked in isServerUp()
+ $db->insert( 'filelocks_exclusive', $data, __METHOD__ );
+ } catch ( DBError $e ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::freeLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ return Status::newGood(); // not supported
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::releaseAllLocks()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function releaseAllLocks() {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ foreach ( $this->conns as $lockDb => $db ) {
+ if ( $db->trxLevel() ) { // in transaction
+ try {
+ $db->rollback( __METHOD__ ); // finish transaction and kill any rows
+ } catch ( DBError $e ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-db-release', $lockDb );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::isServerUp()
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function isServerUp( $lockSrv ) {
+ if ( !$this->cacheCheckFailures( $lockSrv ) ) {
+ return false; // recent failure to connect
+ }
+ try {
+ $this->getConnection( $lockSrv );
+ } catch ( DBError $e ) {
+ $this->cacheRecordFailure( $lockSrv );
+ return false; // failed to connect
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get (or reuse) a connection to a lock DB
+ *
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @return DatabaseBase
+ * @throws DBError
+ */
+ protected function getConnection( $lockDb ) {
+ if ( !isset( $this->conns[$lockDb] ) ) {
+ $db = null;
+ if ( $lockDb === 'localDBMaster' ) {
+ $lb = wfGetLBFactory()->newMainLB();
+ $db = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER );
+ } elseif ( isset( $this->dbServers[$lockDb] ) ) {
+ $config = $this->dbServers[$lockDb];
+ $db = DatabaseBase::factory( $config['type'], $config );
+ }
+ if ( !$db ) {
+ return null; // config error?
+ }
+ $this->conns[$lockDb] = $db;
+ $this->conns[$lockDb]->clearFlag( DBO_TRX );
+ # If the connection drops, try to avoid letting the DB rollback
+ # and release the locks before the file operations are finished.
+ # This won't handle the case of DB server restarts however.
+ $options = array();
+ if ( $this->lockExpiry > 0 ) {
+ $options['connTimeout'] = $this->lockExpiry;
+ }
+ $this->conns[$lockDb]->setSessionOptions( $options );
+ $this->initConnection( $lockDb, $this->conns[$lockDb] );
+ }
+ if ( !$this->conns[$lockDb]->trxLevel() ) {
+ $this->conns[$lockDb]->begin( __METHOD__ ); // start transaction
+ }
+ return $this->conns[$lockDb];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Do additional initialization for new lock DB connection
+ *
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @param $db DatabaseBase
+ * @return void
+ * @throws DBError
+ */
+ protected function initConnection( $lockDb, DatabaseBase $db ) {}
+ /**
+ * Checks if the DB has not recently had connection/query errors.
+ * This just avoids wasting time on doomed connection attempts.
+ *
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function cacheCheckFailures( $lockDb ) {
+ return ( $this->statusCache && $this->safeDelay > 0 )
+ ? !$this->statusCache->get( $this->getMissKey( $lockDb ) )
+ : true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log a lock request failure to the cache
+ *
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @return bool Success
+ */
+ protected function cacheRecordFailure( $lockDb ) {
+ return ( $this->statusCache && $this->safeDelay > 0 )
+ ? $this->statusCache->set( $this->getMissKey( $lockDb ), 1, $this->safeDelay )
+ : true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a cache key for recent query misses for a DB
+ *
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function getMissKey( $lockDb ) {
+ $lockDb = ( $lockDb === 'localDBMaster' ) ? wfWikiID() : $lockDb; // non-relative
+ return 'dblockmanager:downservers:' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $lockDb );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure remaining locks get cleared for sanity
+ */
+ function __destruct() {
+ foreach ( $this->conns as $db ) {
+ if ( $db->trxLevel() ) { // in transaction
+ try {
+ $db->rollback( __METHOD__ ); // finish transaction and kill any rows
+ } catch ( DBError $e ) {
+ // oh well
+ }
+ }
+ $db->close();
+ }
+ }
+ * MySQL version of DBLockManager that supports shared locks.
+ * All locks are non-blocking, which avoids deadlocks.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+class MySqlLockManager extends DBLockManager {
+ /** @var Array Mapping of lock types to the type actually used */
+ protected $lockTypeMap = array(
+ self::LOCK_SH => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_UW => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_EX => self::LOCK_EX
+ );
+ /**
+ * @param $lockDb string
+ * @param $db DatabaseBase
+ */
+ protected function initConnection( $lockDb, DatabaseBase $db ) {
+ # Let this transaction see lock rows from other transactions
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a connection to a lock DB and acquire locks on $paths.
+ * This does not use GET_LOCK() per
+ *
+ * @see DBLockManager::getLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $db = $this->getConnection( $lockSrv ); // checked in isServerUp()
+ $keys = array_unique( array_map( 'LockManager::sha1Base36', $paths ) );
+ # Build up values for INSERT clause
+ $data = array();
+ foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
+ $data[] = array( 'fls_key' => $key, 'fls_session' => $this->session );
+ }
+ # Block new writers...
+ $db->insert( 'filelocks_shared', $data, __METHOD__, array( 'IGNORE' ) );
+ # Actually do the locking queries...
+ if ( $type == self::LOCK_SH ) { // reader locks
+ # Bail if there are any existing writers...
+ $blocked = $db->selectField( 'filelocks_exclusive', '1',
+ array( 'fle_key' => $keys ),
+ __METHOD__
+ );
+ # Prospective writers that haven't yet updated filelocks_exclusive
+ # will recheck filelocks_shared after doing so and bail due to our entry.
+ } else { // writer locks
+ $encSession = $db->addQuotes( $this->session );
+ # Bail if there are any existing writers...
+ # The may detect readers, but the safe check for them is below.
+ # Note: if two writers come at the same time, both bail :)
+ $blocked = $db->selectField( 'filelocks_shared', '1',
+ array( 'fls_key' => $keys, "fls_session != $encSession" ),
+ __METHOD__
+ );
+ if ( !$blocked ) {
+ # Build up values for INSERT clause
+ $data = array();
+ foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
+ $data[] = array( 'fle_key' => $key );
+ }
+ # Block new readers/writers...
+ $db->insert( 'filelocks_exclusive', $data, __METHOD__ );
+ # Bail if there are any existing readers...
+ $blocked = $db->selectField( 'filelocks_shared', '1',
+ array( 'fls_key' => $keys, "fls_session != $encSession" ),
+ __METHOD__
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $blocked ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/FSLockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/FSLockManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a6206fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/FSLockManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Simple version of LockManager based on using FS lock files.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+ * Simple version of LockManager based on using FS lock files.
+ * All locks are non-blocking, which avoids deadlocks.
+ *
+ * This should work fine for small sites running off one server.
+ * Do not use this with 'lockDirectory' set to an NFS mount unless the
+ * NFS client is at least version 2.6.12. Otherwise, the BSD flock()
+ * locks will be ignored; see
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class FSLockManager extends LockManager {
+ /** @var Array Mapping of lock types to the type actually used */
+ protected $lockTypeMap = array(
+ self::LOCK_SH => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_UW => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_EX => self::LOCK_EX
+ );
+ protected $lockDir; // global dir for all servers
+ /** @var Array Map of (locked key => lock type => lock file handle) */
+ protected $handles = array();
+ /**
+ * Construct a new instance from configuration.
+ *
+ * $config includes:
+ * - lockDirectory : Directory containing the lock files
+ *
+ * @param array $config
+ */
+ function __construct( array $config ) {
+ parent::__construct( $config );
+ $this->lockDir = $config['lockDirectory'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doLock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doLock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $lockedPaths = array(); // files locked in this attempt
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->merge( $this->doSingleLock( $path, $type ) );
+ if ( $status->isOK() ) {
+ $lockedPaths[] = $path;
+ } else {
+ // Abort and unlock everything
+ $status->merge( $this->doUnlock( $lockedPaths, $type ) );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doUnlock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->merge( $this->doSingleUnlock( $path, $type ) );
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lock a single resource key
+ *
+ * @param $path string
+ * @param $type integer
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doSingleLock( $path, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ if ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
+ ++$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
+ } elseif ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][self::LOCK_EX] ) ) {
+ $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1;
+ } else {
+ wfSuppressWarnings();
+ $handle = fopen( $this->getLockPath( $path ), 'a+' );
+ wfRestoreWarnings();
+ if ( !$handle ) { // lock dir missing?
+ wfMkdirParents( $this->lockDir );
+ $handle = fopen( $this->getLockPath( $path ), 'a+' ); // try again
+ }
+ if ( $handle ) {
+ // Either a shared or exclusive lock
+ $lock = ( $type == self::LOCK_SH ) ? LOCK_SH : LOCK_EX;
+ if ( flock( $handle, $lock | LOCK_NB ) ) {
+ // Record this lock as active
+ $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1;
+ $this->handles[$path][$type] = $handle;
+ } else {
+ fclose( $handle );
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-openlock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unlock a single resource key
+ *
+ * @param $path string
+ * @param $type integer
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doSingleUnlock( $path, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ if ( !isset( $this->locksHeld[$path] ) ) {
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-notlocked', $path );
+ } elseif ( !isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-notlocked', $path );
+ } else {
+ $handlesToClose = array();
+ --$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
+ if ( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] <= 0 ) {
+ unset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] );
+ // If a LOCK_SH comes in while we have a LOCK_EX, we don't
+ // actually add a handler, so check for handler existence.
+ if ( isset( $this->handles[$path][$type] ) ) {
+ if ( $type === self::LOCK_EX
+ && isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][self::LOCK_SH] )
+ && !isset( $this->handles[$path][self::LOCK_SH] ) )
+ {
+ // EX lock came first: move this handle to the SH one
+ $this->handles[$path][self::LOCK_SH] = $this->handles[$path][$type];
+ } else {
+ // Mark this handle to be unlocked and closed
+ $handlesToClose[] = $this->handles[$path][$type];
+ }
+ unset( $this->handles[$path][$type] );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !count( $this->locksHeld[$path] ) ) {
+ unset( $this->locksHeld[$path] ); // no locks on this path
+ }
+ // Unlock handles to release locks and delete
+ // any lock files that end up with no locks on them...
+ if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
+ // Windows: for any process, including this one,
+ // calling unlink() on a locked file will fail
+ $status->merge( $this->closeLockHandles( $path, $handlesToClose ) );
+ $status->merge( $this->pruneKeyLockFiles( $path ) );
+ } else {
+ // Unix: unlink() can be used on files currently open by this
+ // process and we must do so in order to avoid race conditions
+ $status->merge( $this->pruneKeyLockFiles( $path ) );
+ $status->merge( $this->closeLockHandles( $path, $handlesToClose ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $path string
+ * @param $handlesToClose array
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ private function closeLockHandles( $path, array $handlesToClose ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ foreach ( $handlesToClose as $handle ) {
+ if ( !flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ) ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-releaselock', $path );
+ }
+ if ( !fclose( $handle ) ) {
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-fail-closelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $path string
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ private function pruneKeyLockFiles( $path ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ if ( !isset( $this->locksHeld[$path] ) ) {
+ # No locks are held for the lock file anymore
+ if ( !unlink( $this->getLockPath( $path ) ) ) {
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-fail-deletelock', $path );
+ }
+ unset( $this->handles[$path] );
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the path to the lock file for a key
+ * @param $path string
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function getLockPath( $path ) {
+ $hash = self::sha1Base36( $path );
+ return "{$this->lockDir}/{$hash}.lock";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure remaining locks get cleared for sanity
+ */
+ function __destruct() {
+ while ( count( $this->locksHeld ) ) {
+ foreach ( $this->locksHeld as $path => $locks ) {
+ $this->doSingleUnlock( $path, self::LOCK_EX );
+ $this->doSingleUnlock( $path, self::LOCK_SH );
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LSLockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LSLockManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89428182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LSLockManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Version of LockManager based on using lock daemon servers.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+ * Manage locks using a lock daemon server.
+ *
+ * Version of LockManager based on using lock daemon servers.
+ * This is meant for multi-wiki systems that may share files.
+ * All locks are non-blocking, which avoids deadlocks.
+ *
+ * All lock requests for a resource, identified by a hash string, will map
+ * to one bucket. Each bucket maps to one or several peer servers, each
+ * running LockServerDaemon.php, listening on a designated TCP port.
+ * A majority of peers must agree for a lock to be acquired.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class LSLockManager extends QuorumLockManager {
+ /** @var Array Mapping of lock types to the type actually used */
+ protected $lockTypeMap = array(
+ self::LOCK_SH => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_UW => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_EX => self::LOCK_EX
+ );
+ /** @var Array Map of server names to server config */
+ protected $lockServers; // (server name => server config array)
+ /** @var Array Map Server connections (server name => resource) */
+ protected $conns = array();
+ protected $connTimeout; // float number of seconds
+ protected $session = ''; // random SHA-1 string
+ /**
+ * Construct a new instance from configuration.
+ *
+ * $config paramaters include:
+ * - lockServers : Associative array of server names to configuration.
+ * Configuration is an associative array that includes:
+ * - host : IP address/hostname
+ * - port : TCP port
+ * - authKey : Secret string the lock server uses
+ * - srvsByBucket : Array of 1-16 consecutive integer keys, starting from 0,
+ * each having an odd-numbered list of server names (peers) as values.
+ * - connTimeout : Lock server connection attempt timeout. [optional]
+ *
+ * @param Array $config
+ */
+ public function __construct( array $config ) {
+ parent::__construct( $config );
+ $this->lockServers = $config['lockServers'];
+ // Sanitize srvsByBucket config to prevent PHP errors
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_filter( $config['srvsByBucket'], 'is_array' );
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_values( $this->srvsByBucket ); // consecutive
+ if ( isset( $config['connTimeout'] ) ) {
+ $this->connTimeout = $config['connTimeout'];
+ } else {
+ $this->connTimeout = 3; // use some sane amount
+ }
+ $this->session = wfRandomString( 32 ); // 128 bits
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::getLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ // Send out the command and get the response...
+ $type = ( $type == self::LOCK_SH ) ? 'SH' : 'EX';
+ $keys = array_unique( array_map( 'LockManager::sha1Base36', $paths ) );
+ $response = $this->sendCommand( $lockSrv, 'ACQUIRE', $type, $keys );
+ if ( $response !== 'ACQUIRED' ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::freeLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ // Send out the command and get the response...
+ $type = ( $type == self::LOCK_SH ) ? 'SH' : 'EX';
+ $keys = array_unique( array_map( 'LockManager::sha1Base36', $paths ) );
+ $response = $this->sendCommand( $lockSrv, 'RELEASE', $type, $keys );
+ if ( $response !== 'RELEASED' ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-releaselock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::releaseAllLocks()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function releaseAllLocks() {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ foreach ( $this->conns as $lockSrv => $conn ) {
+ $response = $this->sendCommand( $lockSrv, 'RELEASE_ALL', '', array() );
+ if ( $response !== 'RELEASED_ALL' ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-svr-release', $lockSrv );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::isServerUp()
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function isServerUp( $lockSrv ) {
+ return (bool)$this->getConnection( $lockSrv );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send a command and get back the response
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string
+ * @param $action string
+ * @param $type string
+ * @param $values Array
+ * @return string|bool
+ */
+ protected function sendCommand( $lockSrv, $action, $type, $values ) {
+ $conn = $this->getConnection( $lockSrv );
+ if ( !$conn ) {
+ return false; // no connection
+ }
+ $authKey = $this->lockServers[$lockSrv]['authKey'];
+ // Build of the command as a flat string...
+ $values = implode( '|', $values );
+ $key = sha1( $this->session . $action . $type . $values . $authKey );
+ // Send out the command...
+ if ( fwrite( $conn, "{$this->session}:$key:$action:$type:$values\n" ) === false ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get the response...
+ $response = fgets( $conn );
+ if ( $response === false ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return trim( $response );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get (or reuse) a connection to a lock server
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string
+ * @return resource
+ */
+ protected function getConnection( $lockSrv ) {
+ if ( !isset( $this->conns[$lockSrv] ) ) {
+ $cfg = $this->lockServers[$lockSrv];
+ wfSuppressWarnings();
+ $errno = $errstr = '';
+ $conn = fsockopen( $cfg['host'], $cfg['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->connTimeout );
+ wfRestoreWarnings();
+ if ( $conn === false ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $sec = floor( $this->connTimeout );
+ $usec = floor( ( $this->connTimeout - floor( $this->connTimeout ) ) * 1e6 );
+ stream_set_timeout( $conn, $sec, $usec );
+ $this->conns[$lockSrv] = $conn;
+ }
+ return $this->conns[$lockSrv];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure remaining locks get cleared for sanity
+ */
+ function __destruct() {
+ $this->releaseAllLocks();
+ foreach ( $this->conns as $conn ) {
+ fclose( $conn );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07853f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ * @defgroup LockManager Lock management
+ * @ingroup FileBackend
+ */
+ * Resource locking handling.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @author Aaron Schulz
+ */
+ * @brief Class for handling resource locking.
+ *
+ * Locks on resource keys can either be shared or exclusive.
+ *
+ * Implementations must keep track of what is locked by this proccess
+ * in-memory and support nested locking calls (using reference counting).
+ * At least LOCK_UW and LOCK_EX must be implemented. LOCK_SH can be a no-op.
+ * Locks should either be non-blocking or have low wait timeouts.
+ *
+ * Subclasses should avoid throwing exceptions at all costs.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+abstract class LockManager {
+ /** @var Array Mapping of lock types to the type actually used */
+ protected $lockTypeMap = array(
+ self::LOCK_SH => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_UW => self::LOCK_EX, // subclasses may use self::LOCK_SH
+ self::LOCK_EX => self::LOCK_EX
+ );
+ /** @var Array Map of (resource path => lock type => count) */
+ protected $locksHeld = array();
+ /* Lock types; stronger locks have higher values */
+ const LOCK_SH = 1; // shared lock (for reads)
+ const LOCK_UW = 2; // shared lock (for reads used to write elsewhere)
+ const LOCK_EX = 3; // exclusive lock (for writes)
+ /**
+ * Construct a new instance from configuration
+ *
+ * @param $config Array
+ */
+ public function __construct( array $config ) {}
+ /**
+ * Lock the resources at the given abstract paths
+ *
+ * @param $paths Array List of resource names
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final public function lock( array $paths, $type = self::LOCK_EX ) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $status = $this->doLock( array_unique( $paths ), $this->lockTypeMap[$type] );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unlock the resources at the given abstract paths
+ *
+ * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final public function unlock( array $paths, $type = self::LOCK_EX ) {
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ $status = $this->doUnlock( array_unique( $paths ), $this->lockTypeMap[$type] );
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the base 36 SHA-1 of a string, padded to 31 digits
+ *
+ * @param $path string
+ * @return string
+ */
+ final protected static function sha1Base36( $path ) {
+ return wfBaseConvert( sha1( $path ), 16, 36, 31 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lock resources with the given keys and lock type
+ *
+ * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @return string
+ */
+ abstract protected function doLock( array $paths, $type );
+ /**
+ * Unlock resources with the given keys and lock type
+ *
+ * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @return string
+ */
+ abstract protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type );
+ * Self-releasing locks
+ *
+ * LockManager helper class to handle scoped locks, which
+ * release when an object is destroyed or goes out of scope.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class ScopedLock {
+ /** @var LockManager */
+ protected $manager;
+ /** @var Status */
+ protected $status;
+ /** @var Array List of resource paths*/
+ protected $paths;
+ protected $type; // integer lock type
+ /**
+ * @param $manager LockManager
+ * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @param $status Status
+ */
+ protected function __construct(
+ LockManager $manager, array $paths, $type, Status $status
+ ) {
+ $this->manager = $manager;
+ $this->paths = $paths;
+ $this->status = $status;
+ $this->type = $type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a ScopedLock object representing a lock on resource paths.
+ * Any locks are released once this object goes out of scope.
+ * The status object is updated with any errors or warnings.
+ *
+ * @param $manager LockManager
+ * @param $paths Array List of storage paths
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_* constant
+ * @param $status Status
+ * @return ScopedLock|null Returns null on failure
+ */
+ public static function factory(
+ LockManager $manager, array $paths, $type, Status $status
+ ) {
+ $lockStatus = $manager->lock( $paths, $type );
+ $status->merge( $lockStatus );
+ if ( $lockStatus->isOK() ) {
+ return new self( $manager, $paths, $type, $status );
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function __destruct() {
+ $wasOk = $this->status->isOK();
+ $this->status->merge( $this->manager->unlock( $this->paths, $this->type ) );
+ if ( $wasOk ) {
+ // Make sure status is OK, despite any unlockFiles() fatals
+ $this->status->setResult( true, $this->status->value );
+ }
+ }
+ * Version of LockManager that uses a quorum from peer servers for locks.
+ * The resource space can also be sharded into separate peer groups.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.20
+ */
+abstract class QuorumLockManager extends LockManager {
+ /** @var Array Map of bucket indexes to peer server lists */
+ protected $srvsByBucket = array(); // (bucket index => (lsrv1, lsrv2, ...))
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doLock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final protected function doLock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $pathsToLock = array(); // (bucket => paths)
+ // Get locks that need to be acquired (buckets => locks)...
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ if ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
+ ++$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
+ } elseif ( isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][self::LOCK_EX] ) ) {
+ $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1;
+ } else {
+ $bucket = $this->getBucketFromKey( $path );
+ $pathsToLock[$bucket][] = $path;
+ }
+ }
+ $lockedPaths = array(); // files locked in this attempt
+ // Attempt to acquire these locks...
+ foreach ( $pathsToLock as $bucket => $paths ) {
+ // Try to acquire the locks for this bucket
+ $status->merge( $this->doLockingRequestBucket( $bucket, $paths, $type ) );
+ if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
+ $status->merge( $this->doUnlock( $lockedPaths, $type ) );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ // Record these locks as active
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] = 1; // locked
+ }
+ // Keep track of what locks were made in this attempt
+ $lockedPaths = array_merge( $lockedPaths, $paths );
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doUnlock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $pathsToUnlock = array();
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ if ( !isset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] ) ) {
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-notlocked', $path );
+ } else {
+ --$this->locksHeld[$path][$type];
+ // Reference count the locks held and release locks when zero
+ if ( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] <= 0 ) {
+ unset( $this->locksHeld[$path][$type] );
+ $bucket = $this->getBucketFromKey( $path );
+ $pathsToUnlock[$bucket][] = $path;
+ }
+ if ( !count( $this->locksHeld[$path] ) ) {
+ unset( $this->locksHeld[$path] ); // no SH or EX locks left for key
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove these specific locks if possible, or at least release
+ // all locks once this process is currently not holding any locks.
+ foreach ( $pathsToUnlock as $bucket => $paths ) {
+ $status->merge( $this->doUnlockingRequestBucket( $bucket, $paths, $type ) );
+ }
+ if ( !count( $this->locksHeld ) ) {
+ $status->merge( $this->releaseAllLocks() );
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempt to acquire locks with the peers for a bucket.
+ * This is all or nothing; if any key is locked then this totally fails.
+ *
+ * @param $bucket integer
+ * @param $paths Array List of resource keys to lock
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_EX or LockManager::LOCK_SH
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final protected function doLockingRequestBucket( $bucket, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $yesVotes = 0; // locks made on trustable servers
+ $votesLeft = count( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] ); // remaining peers
+ $quorum = floor( $votesLeft/2 + 1 ); // simple majority
+ // Get votes for each peer, in order, until we have enough...
+ foreach ( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] as $lockSrv ) {
+ if ( !$this->isServerUp( $lockSrv ) ) {
+ --$votesLeft;
+ $status->warning( 'lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire', $lockSrv );
+ continue; // server down?
+ }
+ // Attempt to acquire the lock on this peer
+ $status->merge( $this->getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, $paths, $type ) );
+ if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
+ return $status; // vetoed; resource locked
+ }
+ ++$yesVotes; // success for this peer
+ if ( $yesVotes >= $quorum ) {
+ return $status; // lock obtained
+ }
+ --$votesLeft;
+ $votesNeeded = $quorum - $yesVotes;
+ if ( $votesNeeded > $votesLeft ) {
+ break; // short-circuit
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point, we must not have met the quorum
+ $status->setResult( false );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempt to release locks with the peers for a bucket
+ *
+ * @param $bucket integer
+ * @param $paths Array List of resource keys to lock
+ * @param $type integer LockManager::LOCK_EX or LockManager::LOCK_SH
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ final protected function doUnlockingRequestBucket( $bucket, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ foreach ( $this->srvsByBucket[$bucket] as $lockSrv ) {
+ if ( !$this->isServerUp( $lockSrv ) ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-svr-release', $lockSrv );
+ // Attempt to release the lock on this peer
+ } else {
+ $status->merge( $this->freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, $paths, $type ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the bucket for resource path.
+ * This should avoid throwing any exceptions.
+ *
+ * @param $path string
+ * @return integer
+ */
+ protected function getBucketFromKey( $path ) {
+ $prefix = substr( sha1( $path ), 0, 2 ); // first 2 hex chars (8 bits)
+ return (int)base_convert( $prefix, 16, 10 ) % count( $this->srvsByBucket );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a lock server is up
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ abstract protected function isServerUp( $lockSrv );
+ /**
+ * Get a connection to a lock server and acquire locks on $paths
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type integer
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ abstract protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type );
+ /**
+ * Get a connection to a lock server and release locks on $paths.
+ *
+ * Subclasses must effectively implement this or releaseAllLocks().
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type integer
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ abstract protected function freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type );
+ /**
+ * Release all locks that this session is holding.
+ *
+ * Subclasses must effectively implement this or freeLocksOnServer().
+ *
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ abstract protected function releaseAllLocks();
+ * Simple version of LockManager that does nothing
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class NullLockManager extends LockManager {
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doLock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doLock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ return Status::newGood();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see LockManager::doUnlock()
+ * @param $paths array
+ * @param $type int
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function doUnlock( array $paths, $type ) {
+ return Status::newGood();
+ }
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManagerGroup.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManagerGroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c8c940a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/LockManagerGroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Lock manager registration handling.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+ * Class to handle file lock manager registration
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @author Aaron Schulz
+ * @since 1.19
+ */
+class LockManagerGroup {
+ /**
+ * @var LockManagerGroup
+ */
+ protected static $instance = null;
+ /** @var Array of (name => ('class' =>, 'config' =>, 'instance' =>)) */
+ protected $managers = array();
+ protected function __construct() {}
+ /**
+ * @return LockManagerGroup
+ */
+ public static function singleton() {
+ if ( self::$instance == null ) {
+ self::$instance = new self();
+ self::$instance->initFromGlobals();
+ }
+ return self::$instance;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the singleton instance, so that a new one will be created next
+ * time singleton() is called.
+ */
+ public static function destroySingleton() {
+ self::$instance = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register lock managers from the global variables
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function initFromGlobals() {
+ global $wgLockManagers;
+ $this->register( $wgLockManagers );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register an array of file lock manager configurations
+ *
+ * @param $configs Array
+ * @return void
+ * @throws MWException
+ */
+ protected function register( array $configs ) {
+ foreach ( $configs as $config ) {
+ if ( !isset( $config['name'] ) ) {
+ throw new MWException( "Cannot register a lock manager with no name." );
+ }
+ $name = $config['name'];
+ if ( !isset( $config['class'] ) ) {
+ throw new MWException( "Cannot register lock manager `{$name}` with no class." );
+ }
+ $class = $config['class'];
+ unset( $config['class'] ); // lock manager won't need this
+ $this->managers[$name] = array(
+ 'class' => $class,
+ 'config' => $config,
+ 'instance' => null
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the lock manager object with a given name
+ *
+ * @param $name string
+ * @return LockManager
+ * @throws MWException
+ */
+ public function get( $name ) {
+ if ( !isset( $this->managers[$name] ) ) {
+ throw new MWException( "No lock manager defined with the name `$name`." );
+ }
+ // Lazy-load the actual lock manager instance
+ if ( !isset( $this->managers[$name]['instance'] ) ) {
+ $class = $this->managers[$name]['class'];
+ $config = $this->managers[$name]['config'];
+ $this->managers[$name]['instance'] = new $class( $config );
+ }
+ return $this->managers[$name]['instance'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the default lock manager configured for the site.
+ * Returns NullLockManager if no lock manager could be found.
+ *
+ * @return LockManager
+ */
+ public function getDefault() {
+ return isset( $this->managers['default'] )
+ ? $this->get( 'default' )
+ : new NullLockManager( array() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the default lock manager configured for the site
+ * or at least some other effective configured lock manager.
+ * Throws an exception if no lock manager could be found.
+ *
+ * @return LockManager
+ * @throws MWException
+ */
+ public function getAny() {
+ return isset( $this->managers['default'] )
+ ? $this->get( 'default' )
+ : $this->get( 'fsLockManager' );
+ }
diff --git a/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/MemcLockManager.php b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/MemcLockManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57c0463d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/filebackend/lockmanager/MemcLockManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * Version of LockManager based on using memcached servers.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ */
+ * Manage locks using memcached servers.
+ *
+ * Version of LockManager based on using memcached servers.
+ * This is meant for multi-wiki systems that may share files.
+ * All locks are non-blocking, which avoids deadlocks.
+ *
+ * All lock requests for a resource, identified by a hash string, will map
+ * to one bucket. Each bucket maps to one or several peer servers, each running memcached.
+ * A majority of peers must agree for a lock to be acquired.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LockManager
+ * @since 1.20
+ */
+class MemcLockManager extends QuorumLockManager {
+ /** @var Array Mapping of lock types to the type actually used */
+ protected $lockTypeMap = array(
+ self::LOCK_SH => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_UW => self::LOCK_SH,
+ self::LOCK_EX => self::LOCK_EX
+ );
+ /** @var Array Map server names to MemcachedBagOStuff objects */
+ protected $bagOStuffs = array();
+ /** @var Array */
+ protected $serversUp = array(); // (server name => bool)
+ protected $lockExpiry; // integer; maximum time locks can be held
+ protected $session = ''; // string; random SHA-1 UUID
+ protected $wikiId = ''; // string
+ /**
+ * Construct a new instance from configuration.
+ *
+ * $config paramaters include:
+ * - lockServers : Associative array of server names to "<IP>:<port>" strings.
+ * - srvsByBucket : Array of 1-16 consecutive integer keys, starting from 0,
+ * each having an odd-numbered list of server names (peers) as values.
+ * - memcConfig : Configuration array for ObjectCache::newFromParams. [optional]
+ * If set, this must use one of the memcached classes.
+ * - wikiId : Wiki ID string that all resources are relative to. [optional]
+ *
+ * @param Array $config
+ */
+ public function __construct( array $config ) {
+ parent::__construct( $config );
+ // Sanitize srvsByBucket config to prevent PHP errors
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_filter( $config['srvsByBucket'], 'is_array' );
+ $this->srvsByBucket = array_values( $this->srvsByBucket ); // consecutive
+ $memcConfig = isset( $config['memcConfig'] )
+ ? $config['memcConfig']
+ : array( 'class' => 'MemcachedPhpBagOStuff' );
+ foreach ( $config['lockServers'] as $name => $address ) {
+ $params = array( 'servers' => array( $address ) ) + $memcConfig;
+ $cache = ObjectCache::newFromParams( $params );
+ if ( $cache instanceof MemcachedBagOStuff ) {
+ $this->bagOStuffs[$name] = $cache;
+ } else {
+ throw new MWException(
+ 'Only MemcachedBagOStuff classes are supported by MemcLockManager.' );
+ }
+ }
+ $this->wikiId = isset( $config['wikiId'] ) ? $config['wikiId'] : wfWikiID();
+ $met = ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ); // this is 0 in CLI mode
+ $this->lockExpiry = $met ? 2*(int)$met : 2*3600;
+ $this->session = wfRandomString( 32 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::getLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function getLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $memc = $this->getCache( $lockSrv );
+ $keys = array_map( array( $this, 'recordKeyForPath' ), $paths ); // lock records
+ // Lock all of the active lock record keys...
+ if ( !$this->acquireMutexes( $memc, $keys ) ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fetch all the existing lock records...
+ $lockRecords = $memc->getMulti( $keys );
+ $now = time();
+ // Check if the requested locks conflict with existing ones...
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $locksKey = $this->recordKeyForPath( $path );
+ $locksHeld = isset( $lockRecords[$locksKey] )
+ ? $lockRecords[$locksKey]
+ : array( self::LOCK_SH => array(), self::LOCK_EX => array() ); // init
+ foreach ( $locksHeld[self::LOCK_EX] as $session => $expiry ) {
+ if ( $expiry < $now ) { // stale?
+ unset( $locksHeld[self::LOCK_EX][$session] );
+ } elseif ( $session !== $this->session ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $type === self::LOCK_EX ) {
+ foreach ( $locksHeld[self::LOCK_SH] as $session => $expiry ) {
+ if ( $expiry < $now ) { // stale?
+ unset( $locksHeld[self::LOCK_SH][$session] );
+ } elseif ( $session !== $this->session ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock', $path );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $status->isOK() ) {
+ // Register the session in the lock record array
+ $locksHeld[$type][$this->session] = $now + $this->lockExpiry;
+ // We will update this record if none of the other locks conflict
+ $lockRecords[$locksKey] = $locksHeld;
+ }
+ }
+ // If there were no lock conflicts, update all the lock records...
+ if ( $status->isOK() ) {
+ foreach ( $lockRecords as $locksKey => $locksHeld ) {
+ $memc->set( $locksKey, $locksHeld );
+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": acquired lock on key $locksKey.\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Unlock all of the active lock record keys...
+ $this->releaseMutexes( $memc, $keys );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::freeLocksOnServer()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function freeLocksOnServer( $lockSrv, array $paths, $type ) {
+ $status = Status::newGood();
+ $memc = $this->getCache( $lockSrv );
+ $keys = array_map( array( $this, 'recordKeyForPath' ), $paths ); // lock records
+ // Lock all of the active lock record keys...
+ if ( !$this->acquireMutexes( $memc, $keys ) ) {
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-releaselock', $path );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fetch all the existing lock records...
+ $lockRecords = $memc->getMulti( $keys );
+ // Remove the requested locks from all records...
+ foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
+ $locksKey = $this->recordKeyForPath( $path ); // lock record
+ if ( !isset( $lockRecords[$locksKey] ) ) {
+ continue; // nothing to do
+ }
+ $locksHeld = $lockRecords[$locksKey];
+ if ( is_array( $locksHeld ) && isset( $locksHeld[$type] ) ) {
+ unset( $locksHeld[$type][$this->session] );
+ $ok = $memc->set( $locksKey, $locksHeld );
+ } else {
+ $ok = true;
+ }
+ if ( !$ok ) {
+ $status->fatal( 'lockmanager-fail-releaselock', $path );
+ }
+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": released lock on key $locksKey.\n" );
+ }
+ // Unlock all of the active lock record keys...
+ $this->releaseMutexes( $memc, $keys );
+ return $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::releaseAllLocks()
+ * @return Status
+ */
+ protected function releaseAllLocks() {
+ return Status::newGood(); // not supported
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see QuorumLockManager::isServerUp()
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function isServerUp( $lockSrv ) {
+ return (bool)$this->getCache( $lockSrv );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the MemcachedBagOStuff object for a $lockSrv
+ *
+ * @param $lockSrv string Server name
+ * @return MemcachedBagOStuff|null
+ */
+ protected function getCache( $lockSrv ) {
+ $memc = null;
+ if ( isset( $this->bagOStuffs[$lockSrv] ) ) {
+ $memc = $this->bagOStuffs[$lockSrv];
+ if ( !isset( $this->serversUp[$lockSrv] ) ) {
+ $this->serversUp[$lockSrv] = $memc->set( 'MemcLockManager:ping', 1, 1 );
+ if ( !$this->serversUp[$lockSrv] ) {
+ trigger_error( __METHOD__ . ": Could not contact $lockSrv.", E_USER_WARNING );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$this->serversUp[$lockSrv] ) {
+ return null; // server appears to be down
+ }
+ }
+ return $memc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $path string
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function recordKeyForPath( $path ) {
+ $hash = LockManager::sha1Base36( $path );
+ list( $db, $prefix ) = wfSplitWikiID( $this->wikiId );
+ return wfForeignMemcKey( $db, $prefix, __CLASS__, 'locks', $hash );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $memc MemcachedBagOStuff
+ * @param $keys Array List of keys to acquire
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function acquireMutexes( MemcachedBagOStuff $memc, array $keys ) {
+ $lockedKeys = array();
+ // Acquire the keys in lexicographical order, to avoid deadlock problems.
+ // If P1 is waiting to acquire a key P2 has, P2 can't also be waiting for a key P1 has.
+ sort( $keys );
+ // Try to quickly loop to acquire the keys, but back off after a few rounds.
+ // This reduces memcached spam, especially in the rare case where a server acquires
+ // some lock keys and dies without releasing them. Lock keys expire after a few minutes.
+ $rounds = 0;
+ $start = microtime( true );
+ do {
+ if ( ( ++$rounds % 4 ) == 0 ) {
+ usleep( 1000*50 ); // 50 ms
+ }
+ foreach ( array_diff( $keys, $lockedKeys ) as $key ) {
+ if ( $memc->add( "$key:mutex", 1, 180 ) ) { // lock record
+ $lockedKeys[] = $key;
+ } else {
+ continue; // acquire in order
+ }
+ }
+ } while ( count( $lockedKeys ) < count( $keys ) && ( microtime( true ) - $start ) <= 6 );
+ if ( count( $lockedKeys ) != count( $keys ) ) {
+ $this->releaseMutexes( $lockedKeys ); // failed; release what was locked
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $memc MemcachedBagOStuff
+ * @param $keys Array List of acquired keys
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function releaseMutexes( MemcachedBagOStuff $memc, array $keys ) {
+ foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
+ $memc->delete( "$key:mutex" );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure remaining locks get cleared for sanity
+ */
+ function __destruct() {
+ while ( count( $this->locksHeld ) ) {
+ foreach ( $this->locksHeld as $path => $locks ) {
+ $this->doUnlock( array( $path ), self::LOCK_EX );
+ $this->doUnlock( array( $path ), self::LOCK_SH );
+ }
+ }
+ }