path: root/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-06-04 07:31:04 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-06-04 07:58:39 +0200
commitf6d65e533c62f6deb21342d4901ece24497b433e (patch)
treef28adf0362d14bcd448f7b65a7aaf38650f923aa /includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php
parentc27b2e832fe25651ef2410fae85b41072aae7519 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.25.1
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php b/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf6a7dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderImageModule.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * Resource loader module for generated and embedded images.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @author Trevor Parscal
+ */
+ * Resource loader module for generated and embedded images.
+ *
+ * @since 1.25
+ */
+class ResourceLoaderImageModule extends ResourceLoaderModule {
+ /**
+ * Local base path, see __construct()
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $localBasePath = '';
+ protected $origin = self::ORIGIN_CORE_SITEWIDE;
+ protected $images = array();
+ protected $variants = array();
+ protected $prefix = null;
+ protected $selectorWithoutVariant = '.{prefix}-{name}';
+ protected $selectorWithVariant = '.{prefix}-{name}-{variant}';
+ protected $targets = array( 'desktop', 'mobile' );
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new module from an options array.
+ *
+ * @param array $options List of options; if not given or empty, an empty module will be
+ * constructed
+ * @param string $localBasePath Base path to prepend to all local paths in $options. Defaults
+ * to $IP
+ *
+ * Below is a description for the $options array:
+ * @par Construction options:
+ * @code
+ * array(
+ * // Base path to prepend to all local paths in $options. Defaults to $IP
+ * 'localBasePath' => [base path],
+ * // CSS class prefix to use in all style rules
+ * 'prefix' => [CSS class prefix],
+ * // Alternatively: Format of CSS selector to use in all style rules
+ * 'selector' => [CSS selector template, variables: {prefix} {name} {variant}],
+ * // Alternatively: When using variants
+ * 'selectorWithoutVariant' => [CSS selector template, variables: {prefix} {name}],
+ * 'selectorWithVariant' => [CSS selector template, variables: {prefix} {name} {variant}],
+ * // List of variants that may be used for the image files
+ * 'variants' => array(
+ * [variant name] => array(
+ * 'color' => [color string, e.g. '#ffff00'],
+ * 'global' => [boolean, if true, this variant is available
+ * for all images of this type],
+ * ),
+ * ...
+ * ),
+ * // List of image files and their options
+ * 'images' => array(
+ * [file path string],
+ * [file path string] => array(
+ * 'name' => [image name string, defaults to file name],
+ * 'variants' => [array of variant name strings, variants
+ * available for this image],
+ * ),
+ * ...
+ * ),
+ * )
+ * @endcode
+ * @throws InvalidArgumentException
+ */
+ public function __construct( $options = array(), $localBasePath = null ) {
+ $this->localBasePath = self::extractLocalBasePath( $options, $localBasePath );
+ // Accepted combinations:
+ // * prefix
+ // * selector
+ // * selectorWithoutVariant + selectorWithVariant
+ // * prefix + selector
+ // * prefix + selectorWithoutVariant + selectorWithVariant
+ $prefix = isset( $options['prefix'] ) && $options['prefix'];
+ $selector = isset( $options['selector'] ) && $options['selector'];
+ $selectorWithoutVariant = isset( $options['selectorWithoutVariant'] ) && $options['selectorWithoutVariant'];
+ $selectorWithVariant = isset( $options['selectorWithVariant'] ) && $options['selectorWithVariant'];
+ if ( $selectorWithoutVariant && !$selectorWithVariant ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Given 'selectorWithoutVariant' but no 'selectorWithVariant'." );
+ }
+ if ( $selectorWithVariant && !$selectorWithoutVariant ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Given 'selectorWithVariant' but no 'selectorWithoutVariant'." );
+ }
+ if ( $selector && $selectorWithVariant ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Incompatible 'selector' and 'selectorWithVariant'+'selectorWithoutVariant' given." );
+ }
+ if ( !$prefix && !$selector && !$selectorWithVariant ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "None of 'prefix', 'selector' or 'selectorWithVariant'+'selectorWithoutVariant' given." );
+ }
+ foreach ( $options as $member => $option ) {
+ switch ( $member ) {
+ case 'images':
+ case 'variants':
+ if ( !is_array( $option ) ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(
+ "Invalid list error. '$option' given, array expected."
+ );
+ }
+ $this->{$member} = $option;
+ break;
+ case 'prefix':
+ case 'selectorWithoutVariant':
+ case 'selectorWithVariant':
+ $this->{$member} = (string)$option;
+ break;
+ case 'selector':
+ $this->selectorWithoutVariant = $this->selectorWithVariant = (string)$option;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get CSS class prefix used by this module.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getPrefix() {
+ return $this->prefix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get CSS selector templates used by this module.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getSelectors() {
+ return array(
+ 'selectorWithoutVariant' => $this->selectorWithoutVariant,
+ 'selectorWithVariant' => $this->selectorWithVariant,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a ResourceLoaderImage object for given image.
+ * @param string $name Image name
+ * @return ResourceLoaderImage|null
+ */
+ public function getImage( $name ) {
+ $images = $this->getImages();
+ return isset( $images[$name] ) ? $images[$name] : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get ResourceLoaderImage objects for all images.
+ * @return ResourceLoaderImage[] Array keyed by image name
+ */
+ public function getImages() {
+ if ( !isset( $this->imageObjects ) ) {
+ $this->imageObjects = array();
+ foreach ( $this->images as $name => $options ) {
+ $fileDescriptor = is_string( $options ) ? $options : $options['file'];
+ $allowedVariants = array_merge(
+ is_array( $options ) && isset( $options['variants'] ) ? $options['variants'] : array(),
+ $this->getGlobalVariants()
+ );
+ if ( isset( $this->variants ) ) {
+ $variantConfig = array_intersect_key(
+ $this->variants,
+ array_fill_keys( $allowedVariants, true )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $variantConfig = array();
+ }
+ $image = new ResourceLoaderImage(
+ $name,
+ $this->getName(),
+ $fileDescriptor,
+ $this->localBasePath,
+ $variantConfig
+ );
+ $this->imageObjects[ $image->getName() ] = $image;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->imageObjects;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get list of variants in this module that are 'global', i.e., available
+ * for every image regardless of image options.
+ * @return string[]
+ */
+ public function getGlobalVariants() {
+ if ( !isset( $this->globalVariants ) ) {
+ $this->globalVariants = array();
+ if ( isset( $this->variants ) ) {
+ foreach ( $this->variants as $name => $config ) {
+ if ( isset( $config['global'] ) && $config['global'] ) {
+ $this->globalVariants[] = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->globalVariants;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ResourceLoaderContext $context
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getStyles( ResourceLoaderContext $context ) {
+ // Build CSS rules
+ $rules = array();
+ $script = $context->getResourceLoader()->getLoadScript( $this->getSource() );
+ $selectors = $this->getSelectors();
+ foreach ( $this->getImages() as $name => $image ) {
+ $declarations = $this->getCssDeclarations(
+ $image->getDataUri( $context, null, 'original' ),
+ $image->getUrl( $context, $script, null, 'rasterized' )
+ );
+ $declarations = implode( "\n\t", $declarations );
+ $selector = strtr(
+ $selectors['selectorWithoutVariant'],
+ array(
+ '{prefix}' => $this->getPrefix(),
+ '{name}' => $name,
+ '{variant}' => '',
+ )
+ );
+ $rules[] = "$selector {\n\t$declarations\n}";
+ foreach ( $image->getVariants() as $variant ) {
+ $declarations = $this->getCssDeclarations(
+ $image->getDataUri( $context, $variant, 'original' ),
+ $image->getUrl( $context, $script, $variant, 'rasterized' )
+ );
+ $declarations = implode( "\n\t", $declarations );
+ $selector = strtr(
+ $selectors['selectorWithVariant'],
+ array(
+ '{prefix}' => $this->getPrefix(),
+ '{name}' => $name,
+ '{variant}' => $variant,
+ )
+ );
+ $rules[] = "$selector {\n\t$declarations\n}";
+ }
+ }
+ $style = implode( "\n", $rules );
+ return array( 'all' => $style );
+ }
+ /**
+ * SVG support using a transparent gradient to guarantee cross-browser
+ * compatibility (browsers able to understand gradient syntax support also SVG).
+ *
+ *
+ * Keep synchronized with the .background-image-svg LESS mixin in
+ * /resources/src/mediawiki.less/mediawiki.mixins.less.
+ *
+ * @param string $primary Primary URI
+ * @param string $fallback Fallback URI
+ * @return string[] CSS declarations to use given URIs as background-image
+ */
+ protected function getCssDeclarations( $primary, $fallback ) {
+ return array(
+ "background-image: url($fallback);",
+ "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url($primary);",
+ "background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url($primary);",
+ "background-image: -o-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url($fallback);",
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function supportsURLLoading() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract a local base path from module definition information.
+ *
+ * @param array $options Module definition
+ * @param string $localBasePath Path to use if not provided in module definition. Defaults
+ * to $IP
+ * @return string Local base path
+ */
+ public static function extractLocalBasePath( $options, $localBasePath = null ) {
+ global $IP;
+ if ( $localBasePath === null ) {
+ $localBasePath = $IP;
+ }
+ if ( array_key_exists( 'localBasePath', $options ) ) {
+ $localBasePath = (string)$options['localBasePath'];
+ }
+ return $localBasePath;
+ }