path: root/languages/Language.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:15:42 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-12-17 09:44:51 +0100
commita1789ddde42033f1b05cc4929491214ee6e79383 (patch)
tree63615735c4ddffaaabf2428946bb26f90899f7bf /languages/Language.php
parent9e06a62f265e3a2aaabecc598d4bc617e06fa32d (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.26.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/Language.php')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/languages/Language.php b/languages/Language.php
index 07d47ed6..16135361 100644
--- a/languages/Language.php
+++ b/languages/Language.php
@@ -150,6 +150,30 @@ class Language {
static private $languageNameCache;
+ * Unicode directional formatting characters, for embedBidi()
+ */
+ static private $lre = "\xE2\x80\xAA"; // U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING
+ static private $rle = "\xE2\x80\xAB"; // U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING
+ static private $pdf = "\xE2\x80\xAC"; // U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
+ /**
+ * Directionality test regex for embedBidi(). Matches the first strong directionality codepoint:
+ * - in group 1 if it is LTR
+ * - in group 2 if it is RTL
+ * Does not match if there is no strong directionality codepoint.
+ *
+ * The form is '/(?:([strong ltr codepoint])|([strong rtl codepoint]))/u' .
+ *
+ * Generated by UnicodeJS (see tools/strongDir) from the UCD; see
+ * .
+ */
+ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
+ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
+ static private $strongDirRegex = '/(?:([\x{41}-\x{5a}\x{61}-\x{7a}\x{aa}\x{b5}\x{ba}\x{c0}-\x{d6}\x{d8}-\x{f6}\x{f8}-\x{2b8}\x{2bb}-\x{2c1}\x{2d0}\x{2d1}\x{2e0}-\x{2e4}\x{2ee}\x{370}-\x{373}\x{376}\x{377}\x{37a}-\x{37d}\x{37f}\x{386}\x{388}-\x{38a}\x{38c}\x{38e}-\x{3a1}\x{3a3}-\x{3f5}\x{3f7}-\x{482}\x{48a}-\x{52f}\x{531}-\x{556}\x{559}-\x{55f}\x{561}-\x{587}\x{589}\x{903}-\x{939}\x{93b}\x{93d}-\x{940}\x{949}-\x{94c}\x{94e}-\x{950}\x{958}-\x{961}\x{964}-\x{980}\x{982}\x{983}\x{985}-\x{98c}\x{98f}\x{990}\x{993}-\x{9a8}\x{9aa}-\x{9b0}\x{9b2}\x{9b6}-\x{9b9}\x{9bd}-\x{9c0}\x{9c7}\x{9c8}\x{9cb}\x{9cc}\x{9ce}\x{9d7}\x{9dc}\x{9dd}\x{9df}-\x{9e1}\x{9e6}-\x{9f1}\x{9f4}-\x{9fa}\x{a03}\x{a05}-\x{a0a}\x{a0f}\x{a10}\x{a13}-\x{a28}\x{a2a}-\x{a30}\x{a32}\x{a33}\x{a35}\x{a36}\x{a38}\x{a39}\x{a3e}-\x{a40}\x{a59}-\x{a5c}\x{a5e}\x{a66}-\x{a6f}\x{a72}-\x{a74}\x{a83}\x{a85}-\x{a8d}\x{a8f}-\x{a91}\x{a93}-\x{aa8}\x{aaa}-\x{ab0}\x{ab2}\x{ab3}\x{ab5}-\x{ab9}\x{abd}-\x{ac0}\x{ac9}\x{acb}\x{acc}\x{ad0}\x{ae0}\x{ae1}\x{ae6}-\x{af0}\x{af9}\x{b02}\x{b03}\x{b05}-\x{b0c}\x{b0f}\x{b10}\x{b13}-\x{b28}\x{b2a}-\x{b30}\x{b32}\x{b33}\x{b35}-\x{b39}\x{b3d}\x{b3e}\x{b40}\x{b47}\x{b48}\x{b4b}\x{b4c}\x{b57}\x{b5c}\x{b5d}\x{b5f}-\x{b61}\x{b66}-\x{b77}\x{b83}\x{b85}-\x{b8a}\x{b8e}-\x{b90}\x{b92}-\x{b95}\x{b99}\x{b9a}\x{b9c}\x{b9e}\x{b9f}\x{ba3}\x{ba4}\x{ba8}-\x{baa}\x{bae}-\x{bb9}\x{bbe}\x{bbf}\x{bc1}\x{bc2}\x{bc6}-\x{bc8}\x{bca}-\x{bcc}\x{bd0}\x{bd7}\x{be6}-\x{bf2}\x{c01}-\x{c03}\x{c05}-\x{c0c}\x{c0e}-\x{c10}\x{c12}-\x{c28}\x{c2a}-\x{c39}\x{c3d}\x{c41}-\x{c44}\x{c58}-\x{c5a}\x{c60}\x{c61}\x{c66}-\x{c6f}\x{c7f}\x{c82}\x{c83}\x{c85}-\x{c8c}\x{c8e}-\x{c90}\x{c92}-\x{ca8}\x{caa}-\x{cb3}\x{cb5}-\x{cb9}\x{cbd}-\x{cc4}\x{cc6}-\x{cc8}\x{cca}\x{ccb}\x{cd5}\x{cd6}\x{cde}\x{ce0}\x{ce1}\x{ce6}-\x{cef}\x{cf1}\x{cf2}\x{d02}\x{d03}\x{d05}-\x{d0c}\x{d0e}-\x{d10}\x{d12}-\x{d3a}\x{d3d}-\x{d40}\x{d46}-\x{d48}\x{d4a}-\x{d4c}\x{d4e}\x{d57}\x{d5f}-\x{d61}\x{d66}-\x{d75}\x{d79}-\x{d7f}\x{d82}\x{d83}\x{d85}-\x{d96}\x{d9a}-\x{db1}\x{db3}-\x{dbb}\x{dbd}\x{dc0}-\x{dc6}\x{dcf}-\x{dd1}\x{dd8}-\x{ddf}\x{de6}-\x{def}\x{df2}-\x{df4}\x{e01}-\x{e30}\x{e32}\x{e33}\x{e40}-\x{e46}\x{e4f}-\x{e5b}\x{e81}\x{e82}\x{e84}\x{e87}\x{e88}\x{e8a}\x{e8d}\x{e94}-\x{e97}\x{e99}-\x{e9f}\x{ea1}-\x{ea3}\x{ea5}\x{ea7}\x{eaa}\x{eab}\x{ead}-\x{eb0}\x{eb2}\x{eb3}\x{ebd}\x{ec0}-\x{ec4}\x{ec6}\x{ed0}-\x{ed9}\x{edc}-\x{edf}\x{f00}-\x{f17}\x{f1a}-\x{f34}\x{f36}\x{f38}\x{f3e}-\x{f47}\x{f49}-\x{f6c}\x{f7f}\x{f85}\x{f88}-\x{f8c}\x{fbe}-\x{fc5}\x{fc7}-\x{fcc}\x{fce}-\x{fda}\x{1000}-\x{102c}\x{1031}\x{1038}\x{103b}\x{103c}\x{103f}-\x{1057}\x{105a}-\x{105d}\x{1061}-\x{1070}\x{1075}-\x{1081}\x{1083}\x{1084}\x{1087}-\x{108c}\x{108e}-\x{109c}\x{109e}-\x{10c5}\x{10c7}\x{10cd}\x{10d0}-\x{1248}\x{124a}-\x{124d}\x{1250}-\x{1256}\x{1258}\x{125a}-\x{125d}\x{1260}-\x{1288}\x{128a}-\x{128d}\x{1290}-\x{12b0}\x{12b2}-\x{12b5}\x{12b8}-\x{12be}\x{12c0}\x{12c2}-\x{12c5}\x{12c8}-\x{12d6}\x{12d8}-\x{1310}\x{1312}-\x{1315}\x{1318}-\x{135a}\x{1360}-\x{137c}\x{1380}-\x{138f}\x{13a0}-\x{13f5}\x{13f8}-\x{13fd}\x{1401}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{169a}\x{16a0}-\x{16f8}\x{1700}-\x{170c}\x{170e}-\x{1711}\x{1720}-\x{1731}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{1740}-\x{1751}\x{1760}-\x{176c}\x{176e}-\x{1770}\x{1780}-\x{17b3}\x{17b6}\x{17be}-\x{17c5}\x{17c7}\x{17c8}\x{17d4}-\x{17da}\x{17dc}\x{17e0}-\x{17e9}\x{1810}-\x{1819}\x{1820}-\x{1877}\x{1880}-\x{18a8}\x{18aa}\x{18b0}-\x{18f5}\x{1900}-\x{191e}\x{1923}-\x{1926}\x{1929}-\x{192b}\x{1930}\x{1931}\x{1933}-\x{1938}\x{1946}-\x{196d}\x{1970}-\x{1974}\x{1980}-\x{19ab}\x{19b0}-\x{19c9}\x{19d0}-\x{19da}\x{1a00}-\x{1a16}\x{1a19}\x{1a1a}\x{1a1e}-\x{1a55}\x{1a57}\x{1a61}\x{1a63}\x{1a64}\x{1a6d}-\x{1a72}\x{1a80}-\x{1a89}\x{1a90}-\x{1a99}\x{1aa0}-\x{1aad}\x{1b04}-\x{1b33}\x{1b35}\x{1b3b}\x{1b3d}-\x{1b41}\x{1b43}-\x{1b4b}\x{1b50}-\x{1b6a}\x{1b74}-\x{1b7c}\x{1b82}-\x{1ba1}\x{1ba6}\x{1ba7}\x{1baa}\x{1bae}-\x{1be5}\x{1be7}\x{1bea}-\x{1bec}\x{1bee}\x{1bf2}\x{1bf3}\x{1bfc}-\x{1c2b}\x{1c34}\x{1c35}\x{1c3b}-\x{1c49}\x{1c4d}-\x{1c7f}\x{1cc0}-\x{1cc7}\x{1cd3}\x{1ce1}\x{1ce9}-\x{1cec}\x{1cee}-\x{1cf3}\x{1cf5}\x{1cf6}\x{1d00}-\x{1dbf}\x{1e00}-\x{1f15}\x{1f18}-\x{1f1d}\x{1f20}-\x{1f45}\x{1f48}-\x{1f4d}\x{1f50}-\x{1f57}\x{1f59}\x{1f5b}\x{1f5d}\x{1f5f}-\x{1f7d}\x{1f80}-\x{1fb4}\x{1fb6}-\x{1fbc}\x{1fbe}\x{1fc2}-\x{1fc4}\x{1fc6}-\x{1fcc}\x{1fd0}-\x{1fd3}\x{1fd6}-\x{1fdb}\x{1fe0}-\x{1fec}\x{1ff2}-\x{1ff4}\x{1ff6}-\x{1ffc}\x{200e}\x{2071}\x{207f}\x{2090}-\x{209c}\x{2102}\x{2107}\x{210a}-\x{2113}\x{2115}\x{2119}-\x{211d}\x{2124}\x{2126}\x{2128}\x{212a}-\x{212d}\x{212f}-\x{2139}\x{213c}-\x{213f}\x{2145}-\x{2149}\x{214e}\x{214f}\x{2160}-\x{2188}\x{2336}-\x{237a}\x{2395}\x{249c}-\x{24e9}\x{26ac}\x{2800}-\x{28ff}\x{2c00}-\x{2c2e}\x{2c30}-\x{2c5e}\x{2c60}-\x{2ce4}\x{2ceb}-\x{2cee}\x{2cf2}\x{2cf3}\x{2d00}-\x{2d25}\x{2d27}\x{2d2d}\x{2d30}-\x{2d67}\x{2d6f}\x{2d70}\x{2d80}-\x{2d96}\x{2da0}-\x{2da6}\x{2da8}-\x{2dae}\x{2db0}-\x{2db6}\x{2db8}-\x{2dbe}\x{2dc0}-\x{2dc6}\x{2dc8}-\x{2dce}\x{2dd0}-\x{2dd6}\x{2dd8}-\x{2dde}\x{3005}-\x{3007}\x{3021}-\x{3029}\x{302e}\x{302f}\x{3031}-\x{3035}\x{3038}-\x{303c}\x{3041}-\x{3096}\x{309d}-\x{309f}\x{30a1}-\x{30fa}\x{30fc}-\x{30ff}\x{3105}-\x{312d}\x{3131}-\x{318e}\x{3190}-\x{31ba}\x{31f0}-\x{321c}\x{3220}-\x{324f}\x{3260}-\x{327b}\x{327f}-\x{32b0}\x{32c0}-\x{32cb}\x{32d0}-\x{32fe}\x{3300}-\x{3376}\x{337b}-\x{33dd}\x{33e0}-\x{33fe}\x{3400}-\x{4db5}\x{4e00}-\x{9fd5}\x{a000}-\x{a48c}\x{a4d0}-\x{a60c}\x{a610}-\x{a62b}\x{a640}-\x{a66e}\x{a680}-\x{a69d}\x{a6a0}-\x{a6ef}\x{a6f2}-\x{a6f7}\x{a722}-\x{a787}\x{a789}-\x{a7ad}\x{a7b0}-\x{a7b7}\x{a7f7}-\x{a801}\x{a803}-\x{a805}\x{a807}-\x{a80a}\x{a80c}-\x{a824}\x{a827}\x{a830}-\x{a837}\x{a840}-\x{a873}\x{a880}-\x{a8c3}\x{a8ce}-\x{a8d9}\x{a8f2}-\x{a8fd}\x{a900}-\x{a925}\x{a92e}-\x{a946}\x{a952}\x{a953}\x{a95f}-\x{a97c}\x{a983}-\x{a9b2}\x{a9b4}\x{a9b5}\x{a9ba}\x{a9bb}\x{a9bd}-\x{a9cd}\x{a9cf}-\x{a9d9}\x{a9de}-\x{a9e4}\x{a9e6}-\x{a9fe}\x{aa00}-\x{aa28}\x{aa2f}\x{aa30}\x{aa33}\x{aa34}\x{aa40}-\x{aa42}\x{aa44}-\x{aa4b}\x{aa4d}\x{aa50}-\x{aa59}\x{aa5c}-\x{aa7b}\x{aa7d}-\x{aaaf}\x{aab1}\x{aab5}\x{aab6}\x{aab9}-\x{aabd}\x{aac0}\x{aac2}\x{aadb}-\x{aaeb}\x{aaee}-\x{aaf5}\x{ab01}-\x{ab06}\x{ab09}-\x{ab0e}\x{ab11}-\x{ab16}\x{ab20}-\x{ab26}\x{ab28}-\x{ab2e}\x{ab30}-\x{ab65}\x{ab70}-\x{abe4}\x{abe6}\x{abe7}\x{abe9}-\x{abec}\x{abf0}-\x{abf9}\x{ac00}-\x{d7a3}\x{d7b0}-\x{d7c6}\x{d7cb}-\x{d7fb}\x{e000}-\x{fa6d}\x{fa70}-\x{fad9}\x{fb00}-\x{fb06}\x{fb13}-\x{fb17}\x{ff21}-\x{ff3a}\x{ff41}-\x{ff5a}\x{ff66}-\x{ffbe}\x{ffc2}-\x{ffc7}\x{ffca}-\x{ffcf}\x{ffd2}-\x{ffd7}\x{ffda}-\x{ffdc}\x{10000}-\x{1000b}\x{1000d}-\x{10026}\x{10028}-\x{1003a}\x{1003c}\x{1003d}\x{1003f}-\x{1004d}\x{10050}-\x{1005d}\x{10080}-\x{100fa}\x{10100}\x{10102}\x{10107}-\x{10133}\x{10137}-\x{1013f}\x{101d0}-\x{101fc}\x{10280}-\x{1029c}\x{102a0}-\x{102d0}\x{10300}-\x{10323}\x{10330}-\x{1034a}\x{10350}-\x{10375}\x{10380}-\x{1039d}\x{1039f}-\x{103c3}\x{103c8}-\x{103d5}\x{10400}-\x{1049d}\x{104a0}-\x{104a9}\x{10500}-\x{10527}\x{10530}-\x{10563}\x{1056f}\x{10600}-\x{10736}\x{10740}-\x{10755}\x{10760}-\x{10767}\x{11000}\x{11002}-\x{11037}\x{11047}-\x{1104d}\x{11066}-\x{1106f}\x{11082}-\x{110b2}\x{110b7}\x{110b8}\x{110bb}-\x{110c1}\x{110d0}-\x{110e8}\x{110f0}-\x{110f9}\x{11103}-\x{11126}\x{1112c}\x{11136}-\x{11143}\x{11150}-\x{11172}\x{11174}-\x{11176}\x{11182}-\x{111b5}\x{111bf}-\x{111c9}\x{111cd}\x{111d0}-\x{111df}\x{111e1}-\x{111f4}\x{11200}-\x{11211}\x{11213}-\x{1122e}\x{11232}\x{11233}\x{11235}\x{11238}-\x{1123d}\x{11280}-\x{11286}\x{11288}\x{1128a}-\x{1128d}\x{1128f}-\x{1129d}\x{1129f}-\x{112a9}\x{112b0}-\x{112de}\x{112e0}-\x{112e2}\x{112f0}-\x{112f9}\x{11302}\x{11303}\x{11305}-\x{1130c}\x{1130f}\x{11310}\x{11313}-\x{11328}\x{1132a}-\x{11330}\x{11332}\x{11333}\x{11335}-\x{11339}\x{1133d}-\x{1133f}\x{11341}-\x{11344}\x{11347}\x{11348}\x{1134b}-\x{1134d}\x{11350}\x{11357}\x{1135d}-\x{11363}\x{11480}-\x{114b2}\x{114b9}\x{114bb}-\x{114be}\x{114c1}\x{114c4}-\x{114c7}\x{114d0}-\x{114d9}\x{11580}-\x{115b1}\x{115b8}-\x{115bb}\x{115be}\x{115c1}-\x{115db}\x{11600}-\x{11632}\x{1163b}\x{1163c}\x{1163e}\x{11641}-\x{11644}\x{11650}-\x{11659}\x{11680}-\x{116aa}\x{116ac}\x{116ae}\x{116af}\x{116b6}\x{116c0}-\x{116c9}\x{11700}-\x{11719}\x{11720}\x{11721}\x{11726}\x{11730}-\x{1173f}\x{118a0}-\x{118f2}\x{118ff}\x{11ac0}-\x{11af8}\x{12000}-\x{12399}\x{12400}-\x{1246e}\x{12470}-\x{12474}\x{12480}-\x{12543}\x{13000}-\x{1342e}\x{14400}-\x{14646}\x{16800}-\x{16a38}\x{16a40}-\x{16a5e}\x{16a60}-\x{16a69}\x{16a6e}\x{16a6f}\x{16ad0}-\x{16aed}\x{16af5}\x{16b00}-\x{16b2f}\x{16b37}-\x{16b45}\x{16b50}-\x{16b59}\x{16b5b}-\x{16b61}\x{16b63}-\x{16b77}\x{16b7d}-\x{16b8f}\x{16f00}-\x{16f44}\x{16f50}-\x{16f7e}\x{16f93}-\x{16f9f}\x{1b000}\x{1b001}\x{1bc00}-\x{1bc6a}\x{1bc70}-\x{1bc7c}\x{1bc80}-\x{1bc88}\x{1bc90}-\x{1bc99}\x{1bc9c}\x{1bc9f}\x{1d000}-\x{1d0f5}\x{1d100}-\x{1d126}\x{1d129}-\x{1d166}\x{1d16a}-\x{1d172}\x{1d183}\x{1d184}\x{1d18c}-\x{1d1a9}\x{1d1ae}-\x{1d1e8}\x{1d360}-\x{1d371}\x{1d400}-\x{1d454}\x{1d456}-\x{1d49c}\x{1d49e}\x{1d49f}\x{1d4a2}\x{1d4a5}\x{1d4a6}\x{1d4a9}-\x{1d4ac}\x{1d4ae}-\x{1d4b9}\x{1d4bb}\x{1d4bd}-\x{1d4c3}\x{1d4c5}-\x{1d505}\x{1d507}-\x{1d50a}\x{1d50d}-\x{1d514}\x{1d516}-\x{1d51c}\x{1d51e}-\x{1d539}\x{1d53b}-\x{1d53e}\x{1d540}-\x{1d544}\x{1d546}\x{1d54a}-\x{1d550}\x{1d552}-\x{1d6a5}\x{1d6a8}-\x{1d6da}\x{1d6dc}-\x{1d714}\x{1d716}-\x{1d74e}\x{1d750}-\x{1d788}\x{1d78a}-\x{1d7c2}\x{1d7c4}-\x{1d7cb}\x{1d800}-\x{1d9ff}\x{1da37}-\x{1da3a}\x{1da6d}-\x{1da74}\x{1da76}-\x{1da83}\x{1da85}-\x{1da8b}\x{1f110}-\x{1f12e}\x{1f130}-\x{1f169}\x{1f170}-\x{1f19a}\x{1f1e6}-\x{1f202}\x{1f210}-\x{1f23a}\x{1f240}-\x{1f248}\x{1f250}\x{1f251}\x{20000}-\x{2a6d6}\x{2a700}-\x{2b734}\x{2b740}-\x{2b81d}\x{2b820}-\x{2cea1}\x{2f800}-\x{2fa1d}\x{f0000}-\x{ffffd}\x{100000}-\x{10fffd}])|([\x{590}\x{5be}\x{5c0}\x{5c3}\x{5c6}\x{5c8}-\x{5ff}\x{7c0}-\x{7ea}\x{7f4}\x{7f5}\x{7fa}-\x{815}\x{81a}\x{824}\x{828}\x{82e}-\x{858}\x{85c}-\x{89f}\x{200f}\x{fb1d}\x{fb1f}-\x{fb28}\x{fb2a}-\x{fb4f}\x{10800}-\x{1091e}\x{10920}-\x{10a00}\x{10a04}\x{10a07}-\x{10a0b}\x{10a10}-\x{10a37}\x{10a3b}-\x{10a3e}\x{10a40}-\x{10ae4}\x{10ae7}-\x{10b38}\x{10b40}-\x{10e5f}\x{10e7f}-\x{10fff}\x{1e800}-\x{1e8cf}\x{1e8d7}-\x{1edff}\x{1ef00}-\x{1efff}\x{608}\x{60b}\x{60d}\x{61b}-\x{64a}\x{66d}-\x{66f}\x{671}-\x{6d5}\x{6e5}\x{6e6}\x{6ee}\x{6ef}\x{6fa}-\x{710}\x{712}-\x{72f}\x{74b}-\x{7a5}\x{7b1}-\x{7bf}\x{8a0}-\x{8e2}\x{fb50}-\x{fd3d}\x{fd40}-\x{fdcf}\x{fdf0}-\x{fdfc}\x{fdfe}\x{fdff}\x{fe70}-\x{fefe}\x{1ee00}-\x{1eeef}\x{1eef2}-\x{1eeff}]))/u';
+ // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
+ // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
+ /**
* Get a cached or new language object for a given language code
* @param string $code
* @return Language
@@ -232,10 +256,16 @@ class Language {
* @since 1.21
public static function isSupportedLanguage( $code ) {
- return self::isValidBuiltInCode( $code )
- && ( is_readable( self::getMessagesFileName( $code ) )
- || is_readable( self::getJsonMessagesFileName( $code ) )
- );
+ if ( !self::isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( $code === 'qqq' ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return is_readable( self::getMessagesFileName( $code ) ) ||
+ is_readable( self::getJsonMessagesFileName( $code ) );
@@ -525,10 +555,8 @@ class Language {
- * A convenience function that returns the same thing as
- * getNamespaces() except with the array values changed to ' '
- * where it found '_', useful for producing output to be displayed
- * e.g. in <select> forms.
+ * A convenience function that returns getNamespaces() with spaces instead of underscores
+ * in values. Useful for producing output to be displayed e.g. in `<select>` forms.
* @return array
@@ -542,6 +570,7 @@ class Language {
* Get a namespace value by key
+ *
* <code>
* $mw_ns = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_MEDIAWIKI );
* echo $mw_ns; // prints 'MediaWiki'
@@ -552,7 +581,6 @@ class Language {
function getNsText( $index ) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaces();
return isset( $ns[$index] ) ? $ns[$index] : false;
@@ -571,7 +599,6 @@ class Language {
function getFormattedNsText( $index ) {
$ns = $this->getNsText( $index );
return strtr( $ns, '_', ' ' );
@@ -1336,7 +1363,7 @@ class Language {
case 'xmn':
$usedHijriMonth = true;
if ( !$hijri ) {
- $hijri = self::tsToHijri ( $ts );
+ $hijri = self::tsToHijri( $ts );
$num = $hijri[1];
@@ -1993,6 +2020,29 @@ class Language {
+ * Gets directionality of the first strongly directional codepoint, for embedBidi()
+ *
+ * This is the rule the BIDI algorithm uses to determine the directionality of
+ * paragraphs ( ) and
+ * FSI isolates ( ).
+ *
+ * TODO: Does not handle BIDI control characters inside the text.
+ * TODO: Does not handle unallocated characters.
+ *
+ * @param string $text Text to test
+ * @return null|string Directionality ('ltr' or 'rtl') or null
+ */
+ private static function strongDirFromContent( $text = '' ) {
+ if ( !preg_match( self::$strongDirRegex, $text, $matches ) ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ( $matches[1] === '' ) {
+ return 'rtl';
+ }
+ return 'ltr';
+ }
+ /**
* Roman number formatting up to 10000
* @param int $num
@@ -2034,7 +2084,18 @@ class Language {
static $table = array(
array( '', 'א', 'ב', 'ג', 'ד', 'ה', 'ו', 'ז', 'ח', 'ט', 'י' ),
array( '', 'י', 'כ', 'ל', 'מ', 'נ', 'ס', 'ע', 'פ', 'צ', 'ק' ),
- array( '', 'ק', 'ר', 'ש', 'ת', 'תק', 'תר', 'תש', 'תת', 'תתק', 'תתר' ),
+ array( '',
+ array( 'ק' ),
+ array( 'ר' ),
+ array( 'ש' ),
+ array( 'ת' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ק' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ר' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ש' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ת' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ת', 'ק' ),
+ array( 'ת', 'ת', 'ר' ),
+ ),
array( '', 'א', 'ב', 'ג', 'ד', 'ה', 'ו', 'ז', 'ח', 'ט', 'י' )
@@ -2043,47 +2104,59 @@ class Language {
return $num;
- $s = '';
+ // Round thousands have special notations
+ if ( $num === 1000 ) {
+ return "א' אלף";
+ } elseif ( $num % 1000 === 0 ) {
+ return $table[0][$num / 1000] . "' אלפים";
+ }
+ $letters = array();
for ( $pow10 = 1000, $i = 3; $i >= 0; $pow10 /= 10, $i-- ) {
if ( $num >= $pow10 ) {
- if ( $num == 15 || $num == 16 ) {
- $s .= $table[0][9] . $table[0][$num - 9];
+ if ( $num === 15 || $num === 16 ) {
+ $letters[] = $table[0][9];
+ $letters[] = $table[0][$num - 9];
$num = 0;
} else {
- $s .= $table[$i][intval( ( $num / $pow10 ) )];
- if ( $pow10 == 1000 ) {
- $s .= "'";
+ $letters = array_merge(
+ $letters,
+ (array)$table[$i][intval( $num / $pow10 )]
+ );
+ if ( $pow10 === 1000 ) {
+ $letters[] = "'";
$num = $num % $pow10;
- if ( strlen( $s ) == 2 ) {
- $str = $s . "'";
+ $preTransformLength = count( $letters );
+ if ( $preTransformLength === 1 ) {
+ // Add geresh (single quote) to one-letter numbers
+ $letters[] = "'";
} else {
- $str = substr( $s, 0, strlen( $s ) - 2 ) . '"';
- $str .= substr( $s, strlen( $s ) - 2, 2 );
- }
- $start = substr( $str, 0, strlen( $str ) - 2 );
- $end = substr( $str, strlen( $str ) - 2 );
- switch ( $end ) {
- case 'כ':
- $str = $start . 'ך';
- break;
- case 'מ':
- $str = $start . 'ם';
- break;
- case 'נ':
- $str = $start . 'ן';
- break;
- case 'פ':
- $str = $start . 'ף';
- break;
- case 'צ':
- $str = $start . 'ץ';
- break;
+ $lastIndex = $preTransformLength - 1;
+ $letters[$lastIndex] = str_replace(
+ array( 'כ', 'מ', 'נ', 'פ', 'צ' ),
+ array( 'ך', 'ם', 'ן', 'ף', 'ץ' ),
+ $letters[$lastIndex]
+ );
+ // Add gershayim (double quote) to multiple-letter numbers,
+ // but exclude numbers with only one letter after the thousands
+ // (1001-1009, 1020, 1030, 2001-2009, etc.)
+ if ( $letters[1] === "'" && $preTransformLength === 3 ) {
+ $letters[] = "'";
+ } else {
+ array_splice( $letters, -1, 0, '"' );
+ }
- return $str;
+ return implode( $letters );
@@ -2104,9 +2177,9 @@ class Language {
$data = explode( '|', $tz, 3 );
if ( $data[0] == 'ZoneInfo' ) {
- wfSuppressWarnings();
+ MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
$userTZ = timezone_open( $data[2] );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
+ MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
if ( $userTZ !== false ) {
$date = date_create( $ts, timezone_open( 'UTC' ) );
date_timezone_set( $date, $userTZ );
@@ -2141,7 +2214,7 @@ class Language {
return $ts;
- wfSuppressWarnings(); // E_STRICT system time bitching
+ MediaWiki\suppressWarnings(); // E_STRICT system time bitching
# Generate an adjusted date; take advantage of the fact that mktime
# will normalize out-of-range values so we don't have to split $minDiff
# into hours and minutes.
@@ -2154,7 +2227,7 @@ class Language {
(int)substr( $ts, 0, 4 ) ); # Year
$date = date( 'YmdHis', $t );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
+ MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
return $date;
@@ -2199,30 +2272,33 @@ class Language {
* Get a format string for a given type and preference
- * @param string $type May be date, time or both
- * @param string $pref The format name as it appears in Messages*.php
+ * @param string $type May be 'date', 'time', 'both', or 'pretty'.
+ * @param string $pref The format name as it appears in Messages*.php under
+ * $datePreferences.
* @since 1.22 New type 'pretty' that provides a more readable timestamp format
* @return string
function getDateFormatString( $type, $pref ) {
+ $wasDefault = false;
+ if ( $pref == 'default' ) {
+ $wasDefault = true;
+ $pref = $this->getDefaultDateFormat();
+ }
if ( !isset( $this->dateFormatStrings[$type][$pref] ) ) {
- if ( $pref == 'default' ) {
- $pref = $this->getDefaultDateFormat();
- $df = self::$dataCache->getSubitem( $this->mCode, 'dateFormats', "$pref $type" );
- } else {
- $df = self::$dataCache->getSubitem( $this->mCode, 'dateFormats', "$pref $type" );
+ $df = self::$dataCache->getSubitem( $this->mCode, 'dateFormats', "$pref $type" );
- if ( $type === 'pretty' && $df === null ) {
- $df = $this->getDateFormatString( 'date', $pref );
- }
+ if ( $type === 'pretty' && $df === null ) {
+ $df = $this->getDateFormatString( 'date', $pref );
+ }
- if ( $df === null ) {
- $pref = $this->getDefaultDateFormat();
- $df = self::$dataCache->getSubitem( $this->mCode, 'dateFormats', "$pref $type" );
- }
+ if ( !$wasDefault && $df === null ) {
+ $pref = $this->getDefaultDateFormat();
+ $df = self::$dataCache->getSubitem( $this->mCode, 'dateFormats', "$pref $type" );
$this->dateFormatStrings[$type][$pref] = $df;
return $this->dateFormatStrings[$type][$pref];
@@ -2463,21 +2539,55 @@ class Language {
+ * Get the timestamp in a human-friendly relative format, e.g., "3 days ago".
+ *
+ * Determine the difference between the timestamp and the current time, and
+ * generate a readable timestamp by returning "<N> <units> ago", where the
+ * largest possible unit is used.
+ *
+ * @since 1.26 (Prior to 1.26 method existed but was not meant to be used directly)
+ *
+ * @param MWTimestamp $time
+ * @param MWTimestamp|null $relativeTo The base timestamp to compare to (defaults to now)
+ * @param User|null $user User the timestamp is being generated for (or null to use main context's user)
+ * @return string Formatted timestamp
+ */
+ public function getHumanTimestamp( MWTimestamp $time, MWTimestamp $relativeTo = null, User $user = null ) {
+ if ( $relativeTo === null ) {
+ $relativeTo = new MWTimestamp();
+ }
+ if ( $user === null ) {
+ $user = RequestContext::getMain()->getUser();
+ }
+ // Adjust for the user's timezone.
+ $offsetThis = $time->offsetForUser( $user );
+ $offsetRel = $relativeTo->offsetForUser( $user );
+ $ts = '';
+ if ( Hooks::run( 'GetHumanTimestamp', array( &$ts, $time, $relativeTo, $user, $this ) ) ) {
+ $ts = $this->getHumanTimestampInternal( $time, $relativeTo, $user );
+ }
+ // Reset the timezone on the objects.
+ $time->timestamp->sub( $offsetThis );
+ $relativeTo->timestamp->sub( $offsetRel );
+ return $ts;
+ }
+ /**
* Convert an MWTimestamp into a pretty human-readable timestamp using
* the given user preferences and relative base time.
- * DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION DIRECTLY. Instead, call MWTimestamp::getHumanTimestamp
- * on your timestamp object, which will then call this function. Calling
- * this function directly will cause hooks to be skipped over.
- *
- * @see MWTimestamp::getHumanTimestamp
+ * @see Language::getHumanTimestamp
* @param MWTimestamp $ts Timestamp to prettify
* @param MWTimestamp $relativeTo Base timestamp
* @param User $user User preferences to use
* @return string Human timestamp
- * @since 1.22
+ * @since 1.26
- public function getHumanTimestamp( MWTimestamp $ts, MWTimestamp $relativeTo, User $user ) {
+ private function getHumanTimestampInternal( MWTimestamp $ts, MWTimestamp $relativeTo, User $user ) {
$diff = $ts->diff( $relativeTo );
$diffDay = (bool)( (int)$ts->timestamp->format( 'w' ) -
(int)$relativeTo->timestamp->format( 'w' ) );
@@ -2569,9 +2679,9 @@ class Language {
# *input* string. We just ignore those too.
# REF:
# REF:
- wfSuppressWarnings();
+ MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
$text = iconv( $in, $out . '//IGNORE', $string );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
+ MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
return $text;
@@ -2733,7 +2843,7 @@ class Language {
* @return bool
function isMultibyte( $str ) {
- return (bool)preg_match( '/[\x80-\xff]/', $str );
+ return strlen( $str ) !== mb_strlen( $str );
@@ -3387,7 +3497,7 @@ class Language {
// the string does not have any number part. Eg: .12345
return $sign . $groupedNumber;
- $start = $end = ($integerPart) ? strlen( $integerPart[0] ) : 0;
+ $start = $end = ( $integerPart ) ? strlen( $integerPart[0] ) : 0;
while ( $start > 0 ) {
$match = $matches[0][$numMatches - 1];
$matchLen = strlen( $match );
@@ -3910,6 +4020,36 @@ class Language {
+ * Wraps argument with unicode control characters for directionality safety
+ *
+ * This solves the problem where directionality-neutral characters at the edge of
+ * the argument string get interpreted with the wrong directionality from the
+ * enclosing context, giving renderings that look corrupted like "(Ben_(WMF".
+ *
+ * The wrapping is LRE...PDF or RLE...PDF, depending on the detected
+ * directionality of the argument string, using the BIDI algorithm's own "First
+ * strong directional codepoint" rule. Essentially, this works round the fact that
+ * there is no embedding equivalent of U+2068 FSI (isolation with heuristic
+ * direction inference). The latter is cleaner but still not widely supported.
+ *
+ * @param string $text Text to wrap
+ * @return string Text, wrapped in LRE...PDF or RLE...PDF or nothing
+ */
+ public function embedBidi( $text = '' ) {
+ $dir = Language::strongDirFromContent( $text );
+ if ( $dir === 'ltr' ) {
+ return self::$lre . $text . self::$pdf;
+ }
+ if ( $dir === 'rtl' ) {
+ return self::$rle . $text . self::$pdf;
+ }
+ // No strong directionality: do not wrap
+ return $text;
+ }
+ /**
* @todo Maybe translate block durations. Note that this function is somewhat misnamed: it
* deals with translating the *duration* ("1 week", "4 days", etc), not the expiry time
* (which is an absolute timestamp). Please note: do NOT add this blindly, as it is used
@@ -4339,8 +4479,7 @@ class Language {
return false;
} else {
$fallbacks = self::getFallbacksFor( $code );
- $first = array_shift( $fallbacks );
- return $first;
+ return $fallbacks[0];
@@ -4349,19 +4488,15 @@ class Language {
* @since 1.19
* @param string $code Language code
- * @return array
+ * @return array Non-empty array, ending in "en"
public static function getFallbacksFor( $code ) {
if ( $code === 'en' || !Language::isValidBuiltInCode( $code ) ) {
return array();
- } else {
- $v = self::getLocalisationCache()->getItem( $code, 'fallback' );
- $v = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $v ) );
- if ( $v[count( $v ) - 1] !== 'en' ) {
- $v[] = 'en';
- }
- return $v;
+ // For unknown languages, fallbackSequence returns an empty array,
+ // hardcode fallback to 'en' in that case.
+ return self::getLocalisationCache()->getItem( $code, 'fallbackSequence' ) ?: array( 'en' );
@@ -4483,21 +4618,20 @@ class Language {
* Decode an expiry (block, protection, etc) which has come from the DB
- * @todo FIXME: why are we returnings DBMS-dependent strings???
- *
* @param string $expiry Database expiry String
* @param bool|int $format True to process using language functions, or TS_ constant
* to return the expiry in a given timestamp
+ * @param string $inifinity If $format is not true, use this string for infinite expiry
* @return string
* @since 1.18
- public function formatExpiry( $expiry, $format = true ) {
- static $infinity;
- if ( $infinity === null ) {
- $infinity = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity();
+ public function formatExpiry( $expiry, $format = true, $infinity = 'infinity' ) {
+ static $dbInfinity;
+ if ( $dbInfinity === null ) {
+ $dbInfinity = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity();
- if ( $expiry == '' || $expiry == $infinity ) {
+ if ( $expiry == '' || $expiry === 'infinity' || $expiry == $dbInfinity ) {
return $format === true
? $this->getMessageFromDB( 'infiniteblock' )
: $infinity;