path: root/languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2008-03-21 11:49:34 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2008-03-21 11:49:34 +0100
commit086ae52d12011746a75f5588e877347bc0457352 (patch)
treee73263c7a29d0f94fafb874562610e16eb292ba8 /languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php
parent749e7fb2bae7bbda855de3c9e319435b9f698ff7 (diff)
Update auf MediaWiki 1.12.0
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php')
1 files changed, 1016 insertions, 703 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php b/languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php
index 4259bf36..a1d73d75 100644
--- a/languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php
+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesZh_classical.php
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
- * Old Chinese / Late Middle Chinese (文言)
- * Based on
- *
- * @addtogroup Language
- */
- * 風名。無稱者用英名。
+/** Old Chinese / Late Middle Chinese (文言)
+ *
+ * @addtogroup Language
+ *
+ * Based on
$skinNames = array(
'standard' => '經典',
'nostalgia' => '懷古',
- 'cologneblue' => '古龍水藍',
+ 'cologneblue' => '馨藍',
'monobook' => '單書',
'myskin' => '吾風',
- 'chick' => '窈窕'
+ 'chick' => '窈窕',
+ 'modern' => '時髦',
@@ -74,45 +72,45 @@ $digitTransformTable = array(
$messages = array(
# User preference toggles
-'tog-underline' => '通者墊之:',
-'tog-highlightbroken' => '格不通<a href="" class="new">如斯</a>,替之以<a href="" class="internal">?</a>',
-'tog-justify' => '齊各段',
-'tog-hideminor' => '隱校文',
-'tog-extendwatchlist' => '彊哨站兮,盡示可用之易',
-'tog-usenewrc' => '近易更善本(JavaScript)',
-'tog-numberheadings' => '自生章數',
-'tog-showtoolbar' => '示多寶列(JavaScript)',
-'tog-editondblclick' => '雙擊以修文(JavaScript)',
-'tog-editsection' => '點[修]以修文',
-'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => '右擊節標以修文(JavaScript)',
-'tog-showtoc' => '越三章者示目次',
+'tog-underline' => '鏈墊線',
+'tog-highlightbroken' => '<a href="" class="new">斷鏈</a>,以<a href="" class="internal">?</a>替',
+'tog-justify' => '齊段落',
+'tog-hideminor' => '隱近校',
+'tog-extendwatchlist' => '展列見變',
+'tog-usenewrc' => '青出近易(JavaScript)',
+'tog-numberheadings' => '生章數',
+'tog-showtoolbar' => '多寶列見(JavaScript)',
+'tog-editondblclick' => '纂頁雙擊(JavaScript)',
+'tog-editsection' => '纂段擊鏈',
+'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => '纂段右擊標(JavaScript)',
+'tog-showtoc' => '四章見目',
'tog-rememberpassword' => '符節通越',
-'tog-editwidth' => '全幅',
-'tog-watchcreations' => '哨吾撰',
-'tog-watchdefault' => '哨吾纂',
-'tog-minordefault' => '常為校',
-'tog-previewontop' => '覽文至頂',
-'tog-previewonfirst' => '先覽後修',
+'tog-editwidth' => '纂幅全',
+'tog-watchcreations' => '哨己撰',
+'tog-watchdefault' => '哨己纂',
+'tog-minordefault' => '慣為校',
+'tog-previewontop' => '頂草覽',
+'tog-previewonfirst' => '覽首修',
'tog-nocache' => '莫謄文',
-'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => '哨新遣函',
-'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => '議新遣函',
-'tog-enotifminoredits' => '校新遣函',
+'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => '哨新,遣函',
+'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => '議新,遣函',
+'tog-enotifminoredits' => '校新,遣函',
'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => '列余址於書內',
'tog-shownumberswatching' => '放哨有',
'tog-fancysig' => '署以本碼 (免自連)',
-'tog-externaleditor' => '常以它器修文',
-'tog-externaldiff' => '常以它器修異',
-'tog-showjumplinks' => '"往"字可通',
-'tog-uselivepreview' => '即覽(JavaScript),尚不穩',
-'tog-forceeditsummary' => '缺概',
-'tog-watchlisthideown' => '不哨吾文',
+'tog-externaleditor' => '它器修文',
+'tog-externaldiff' => '它器修異',
+'tog-showjumplinks' => '鏈往字',
+'tog-uselivepreview' => '即覽嚐鮮(JavaScript)',
+'tog-forceeditsummary' => '漏概醒之',
+'tog-watchlisthideown' => '不哨己文',
'tog-watchlisthidebots' => '不哨僕文',
'underline-always' => '恆',
'underline-never' => '絕',
-'underline-default' => '予定',
+'underline-default' => '慣',
-'skinpreview' => '(預覽)',
+'skinpreview' => '(草覽)',
# Dates
'sunday' => '週日',
@@ -122,13 +120,13 @@ $messages = array(
'thursday' => '週四',
'friday' => '週五',
'saturday' => '週六',
-'sun' => '日',
-'mon' => '一',
-'tue' => '二',
-'wed' => '三',
-'thu' => '四',
-'fri' => '五',
-'sat' => '六',
+'sun' => '週日',
+'mon' => '周一',
+'tue' => '周二',
+'wed' => '周三',
+'thu' => '周四',
+'fri' => '周五',
+'sat' => '周六',
'january' => '一月',
'february' => '二月',
'march' => '三月',
@@ -168,11 +166,11 @@ $messages = array(
# Bits of text used by many pages
'categories' => '類',
-'pagecategories' => '$1類',
-'category_header' => '"$1"文',
+'pagecategories' => '$1',
+'category_header' => '"$1"',
'subcategories' => '次類',
-'category-media-header' => '"$1"媒',
-'category-empty' => "''此類未包文媒也。''",
+'category-media-header' => '"$1"',
+'category-empty' => "''無文也。''",
'mainpagetext' => "<big>'''媒維基安置矣'''</big>",
'mainpagedocfooter' => "欲識維基,見[ User's Guide]
@@ -183,29 +181,30 @@ $messages = array(
* [ MediaWiki FAQ]
* [ MediaWiki release mailing list]",
-'about' => '大典簡介',
+'about' => '述',
'article' => '文',
-'newwindow' => '(撰新頁)',
+'newwindow' => '啟窗',
'cancel' => '捨',
'qbfind' => '尋',
'qbbrowse' => '覽',
-'qbedit' => '修',
+'qbedit' => '纂',
'qbpageoptions' => '此頁',
'qbpageinfo' => '內文',
'qbmyoptions' => '吾好',
-'qbspecialpages' => '非凡頁',
-'moredotdotdot' => '逾…',
+'qbspecialpages' => '非凡',
+'moredotdotdot' => '見逾',
'mypage' => '寒舍',
'mytalk' => '書房',
'anontalk' => '與(IP)私議',
'navigation' => '導',
+'and' => '與',
# Metadata in edit box
'metadata_help' => '衍意:',
'errorpagetitle' => '誤',
'returnto' => '返$1。',
-'tagline' => '語出維基大典,自由之大典矣',
+'tagline' => '語出{{SITENAME}}',
'help' => '助',
'search' => '尋',
'searchbutton' => '尋',
@@ -216,61 +215,61 @@ $messages = array(
'updatedmarker' => '新也',
'info_short' => '快訊',
'printableversion' => '印本',
-'permalink' => '恆通',
+'permalink' => '恆鏈',
'print' => '印',
'edit' => '纂',
'editthispage' => '纂',
'delete' => '刪',
'deletethispage' => '刪',
'undelete_short' => '還$1已刪',
-'protect' => '錮',
-'protectthispage' => '錮此頁',
-'unprotect' => '赦',
-'unprotectthispage' => '赦此頁',
+'protect' => '緘',
+'protectthispage' => '緘封',
+'unprotect' => '啟',
+'unprotectthispage' => '啟函',
'newpage' => '新頁',
'talkpage' => '參議此文',
'talkpagelinktext' => '議',
-'specialpage' => '奇頁',
+'specialpage' => '特查',
'personaltools' => '家私',
'postcomment' => '增一參議',
'articlepage' => '閱內文',
'talk' => '議',
'views' => '覽',
-'toolbox' => '多寶格',
+'toolbox' => '多寶',
'userpage' => '簿',
-'projectpage' => '計畫頁',
-'imagepage' => '覽圖',
-'mediawikipage' => '觀媒',
+'projectpage' => '計畫',
+'imagepage' => '覽媒',
+'mediawikipage' => '觀訊',
'templatepage' => '鑄模',
'viewhelppage' => '助文',
'categorypage' => '分類',
'viewtalkpage' => '見議',
'otherlanguages' => '他山',
-'redirectedfrom' => '(轉自$1)',
-'redirectpagesub' => '轉',
+'redirectedfrom' => '(渡自$1)',
+'redirectpagesub' => '渡',
'lastmodifiedat' => '此頁$1$2方易。', # $1 date, $2 time
'viewcount' => '此頁$1閱矣',
-'protectedpage' => '此頁錮矣',
+'protectedpage' => '函啟矣',
'jumpto' => '往:',
'jumptonavigation' => '嚮',
-'jumptosearch' => '索',
+'jumptosearch' => '尋',
# All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
-'aboutsite' => '關於 {{SITENAME}}',
-'aboutpage' => 'Project:相關',
-'bugreports' => '稟明錯漏',
+'aboutsite' => '述{{SITENAME}}',
+'aboutpage' => 'Project:述',
+'bugreports' => '錯漏集',
'bugreportspage' => 'Project:錯漏集',
-'copyright' => '文悉釋以$1。',
-'copyrightpagename' => '{{SITENAME}}版權',
-'copyrightpage' => 'Project:版權',
+'copyright' => '文奉$1行。',
+'copyrightpagename' => '權歸{{SITENAME}}',
+'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:版權',
'currentevents' => '世事',
-'currentevents-url' => '天下大事',
-'disclaimers' => '免責告示',
-'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:免責告示',
-'edithelp' => '助',
-'edithelppage' => '{{ns:help}}:修',
+'currentevents-url' => 'Project:世事',
+'disclaimers' => '免責宣',
+'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:免責宣',
+'edithelp' => '助纂塾',
+'edithelppage' => 'Help:纂',
'faq' => '頻答問',
-'faqpage' => 'Project:頻答問集',
+'faqpage' => 'Project:頻答問',
'helppage' => 'Help:目錄',
'mainpage' => '卷首',
'policy-url' => 'Project:策',
@@ -278,18 +277,17 @@ $messages = array(
'portal-url' => 'Project:市集',
'privacy' => '隱私通例',
'privacypage' => 'Project:隱私通例',
-'sitesupport' => '捐助',
-'sitesupport-url' => 'Project:捐助集',
+'sitesupport' => '捐助集',
+'sitesupport-url' => 'Project:濟',
'badaccess' => '子未逮',
'badaccess-group0' => '子未逮,歉限之。',
'badaccess-group1' => '子非$1,歉限之',
-'versionrequired' => '$1媒維基務安之',
-'versionrequiredtext' => '$1媒維基務安之,見[[Special:Version|版]]。',
+'versionrequired' => '惠置$1媒維基',
+'versionrequiredtext' => '惠置$1媒維基,見[[Special:Version|版]]。',
'ok' => '可',
-'pagetitle' => '$1 - {{SITENAME}}',
'retrievedfrom' => '取自"$1"',
'youhavenewmessages' => '子有$1($2)',
'newmessageslink' => '新訊',
@@ -304,144 +302,156 @@ $messages = array(
'thisisdeleted' => '還$1或閱之?',
'viewdeleted' => '閱$1之?',
'restorelink' => '$1已刪',
+'site-rss-feed' => '$1之RSS源',
+'site-atom-feed' => '$1之Atom源',
+'page-rss-feed' => '「$1」之RSS源',
+'page-atom-feed' => '「$1」之Atom源',
+'red-link-title' => '$1 (未纂)',
-# Short words for each namespace, by default used in the 'article' tab in monobook
+# Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook
'nstab-main' => '文',
'nstab-user' => '齋',
'nstab-media' => '雅',
'nstab-special' => '奇',
'nstab-project' => '策',
'nstab-image' => '檔',
-'nstab-mediawiki' => '要',
+'nstab-mediawiki' => '訊',
'nstab-template' => '模',
'nstab-help' => '助',
'nstab-category' => '類',
# Main script and global functions
'nosuchaction' => '無可為',
-'nosuchactiontext' => '查無此址',
-'nosuchspecialpage' => '查無奇頁',
-'nospecialpagetext' => "'''<big>查無奇頁。</big>'''
+'nosuchactiontext' => '無此址',
+'nosuchspecialpage' => '無此特查',
+'nospecialpagetext' => "'''<big>無此特查。</big>'''
# General errors
'error' => '有誤',
-'databaseerror' => '庫藏有誤',
-'dberrortext' => '庫藏問語誤,或軟體有錯。
+'databaseerror' => '庫藏誤然',
+'dberrortext' => '問庫語誤,或軟體瑕焉。
MySQL報有誤"<tt>$3: $4</tt>"。',
-'dberrortextcl' => '庫藏問語有誤,末語道:
+'dberrortextcl' => '庫藏問語有誤,末道:
MySQL報有誤"$3: $4"',
'noconnect' => '歉哉有變,莫能問庫藏。<br />
-'nodb' => '莫能擇$1庫',
+'nodb' => '莫能擇庫$1',
'cachederror' => '此為謄本,恐不新也',
-'laggedslavemode' => '警兆,此頁不新',
+'laggedslavemode' => '警示,此頁不新',
'readonly' => '鎖庫藏',
-'enterlockreason' => '何鎖?另附開赦之日。',
-'readonlytext' => '或因檢修之故,庫藏鎖矣。莫可撰,亦莫可纂。鎖者告曰:「$1」',
-'missingarticle' => '未見"$1",或舊、或刪。若非此情,軟體恐錯,請上報網址。',
-'internalerror' => '內誤',
-'internalerror_info' => '內誤:$1',
-'filecopyerror' => '"$1"未可謄至"$2"。',
-'filerenameerror' => '"$1"名未可更為"$2"。',
-'filedeleteerror' => '"$1"未可刪。',
-'directorycreateerror' => '"$1"之目莫能立也。',
-'filenotfound' => '未見"$1"。',
-'fileexistserror' => '"$1"檔莫之能書︰蓋因其檔已在',
+'enterlockreason' => '何以鎖之?何日啟之?',
+'readonlytext' => '鎖者曰:「$1」,庫藏鎖矣,撰纂謝焉。',
+'missingarticle' => '或舊、或刪,未見昔者"$1"。若非此故,恐有瑕焉,惠呈此址也。',
+'internalerror' => '家誤',
+'internalerror_info' => '家誤:$1',
+'filecopyerror' => '"$1"謄"$2",未可為也。',
+'filerenameerror' => '"$2"替"$1"名,未可為也。',
+'filedeleteerror' => '"$1"未可刪也。',
+'directorycreateerror' => '立目"$1",未可為也。',
+'filenotfound' => '"$1"未見。',
+'fileexistserror' => '"$1"存焉,未可儲也。',
'unexpected' => '異數,"$1"="$2"。',
-'formerror' => '有誤:表未可呈',
+'formerror' => '有誤:表不可呈',
'badarticleerror' => '此頁莫為之',
-'cannotdelete' => '此頁或刪矣,不復為之',
+'cannotdelete' => '此頁或刪矣,不復為之。',
'badtitle' => '無此題',
-'badtitletext' => '或別、或缺、或違、或他山謬通,此題不存。',
-'perfdisabled' => '歉哉,此舉累甚,他恐不得,故封也。',
-'perfcached' => '下為謄本,恐不新。',
-'perfcachedts' => '下為謄本,$1已新之。',
-'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'wfQuery()參數有誤<br />
+'badtitletext' => '或別、或缺、或違、或他山謬鏈,此題不存也。',
+'perfdisabled' => '歉哉,此舉累及他人,故謝之。',
+'perfcached' => '下為謄本,恐不新也。',
+'perfcachedts' => '下為謄本,$1新之。',
+'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'wfQuery()參數謬然<br />
函式: $1<br />
問語: $2',
-'viewsource' => '案碼',
+'viewsource' => '覽源',
'viewsourcefor' => '$1',
-'protectedinterface' => '此頁司版面,錮之以遠濫。',
-'editinginterface' => "'''警示:'''此頁司版面,一人易之眾人動,懇請戒慎之。",
-'sqlhidden' => '藏SQL問語',
-'cascadeprotected' => '這頁已錮,因註"連環錮"之{{PLURAL:$1|一|多}}頁有:
+'protectedinterface' => '此頁司版,緘之以遠濫。',
+'editinginterface' => "'''警示:'''此頁司版,一髮牽身,惠慎之。如譯之,可慮[ Betawiki]也,為MediaWiki軟件本地化之計劃也。",
+'sqlhidden' => '(SQL隱然)',
+'cascadeprotected' => '此頁"迭緘"矣。$1頁牽連如下:
-'namespaceprotected' => "舉凡'''$1'''者,爾無權耳,莫之能修。",
-'customcssjsprotected' => '爾無權耳,莫之能修,含他之喜好也。',
-'ns-specialprotected' => '{{ns:special}}領域之頁無修也。',
+'namespaceprotected' => "子權未逮,莫能纂'''$1'''。",
+'customcssjsprotected' => '牽他人,子權未逮,莫能纂之。',
+'ns-specialprotected' => '{{ns:special}}禁纂也。',
+'titleprotected' => '緘焉自[[User:$1|$1]]防建也。因<i>$2</i>也。',
# Login and logout pages
'logouttitle' => '去簿',
'logouttext' => '<strong>子去簿矣</strong><br />
'welcomecreation' => '== $1大駕光臨! ==
'loginpagetitle' => '合符節',
'yourname' => '名',
'yourpassword' => '符節',
-'yourpasswordagain' => '復核符節',
+'yourpasswordagain' => '復核節',
'remembermypassword' => '記之',
-'loginproblem' => '<b>登簿有誤</b><br />請再之',
+'loginproblem' => '<b>登簿有誤</b><br />惠再之。',
'login' => '登簿',
-'loginprompt' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之。',
-'userlogin' => '登簿/增簿',
+'loginprompt' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請准之。',
+'userlogin' => '登簿、增簿',
'logout' => '去簿',
'userlogout' => '去簿',
'notloggedin' => '尚未登簿',
-'nologin' => '$1無簿乎?',
+'nologin' => '無簿乎?往$1。',
'nologinlink' => '增簿',
'createaccount' => '增簿',
-'gotaccount' => '$1有簿矣乎?',
+'gotaccount' => '有簿矣哉?往$1。',
'gotaccountlink' => '登簿',
-'createaccountmail' => '同電郵',
-'badretype' => '符節不合',
-'userexists' => '簿名存矣,請更之',
-'youremail' => '電郵:',
+'createaccountmail' => '同郵',
+'badretype' => '符節不合也。',
+'userexists' => '簿名存矣,惠更之',
+'youremail' => '郵:',
'username' => '簿名:',
-'uid' => '名:',
-'yourrealname' => '實名:',
+'uid' => 'ID:',
+'yourrealname' => '本名:',
'yourlanguage' => '語言:',
'yourvariant' => '變字:',
-'yournick' => '號:',
-'email' => '電郵',
-'prefs-help-realname' => '本名可略也。若爾供,則用以註汝之作。',
-'loginerror' => '登簿有誤',
-'prefs-help-email' => '電郵可略也。以此通他人,或於共議處匿論。',
-'nocookiesnew' => '簿已增而未登。登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
-'nocookieslogin' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,請釋之後登。',
-'noname' => '簿名缺',
+'yournick' => '自號:',
+'badsiglength' => '自號長哉,莫逾$1字。',
+'email' => '郵',
+'prefs-help-realname' => '可用署也,選填之。',
+'loginerror' => '登簿誤然',
+'prefs-help-email' => '以匿議也,選填之。',
+'prefs-help-email-required' => '郵須也。',
+'nocookiesnew' => '{{SITENAME}}簿增而未登,惠准cookies後再登之。',
+'nocookieslogin' => '登簿{{SITENAME}}須cookies,惠准之後登。',
+'noname' => '缺簿名,或不格也。',
'loginsuccesstitle' => '登簿成矣',
-'loginsuccess' => "'''$1'''登簿{{SITENAME}}矣",
-'nosuchuser' => '查無"$1",請核之或增簿。',
-'nosuchusershort' => '查無"$1",請核之。',
-'nouserspecified' => '須簿名',
-'wrongpassword' => '符節不合,請核之。',
-'wrongpasswordempty' => '缺符節,請補之。',
-'passwordtooshort' => '符節過短,須逾$1字,且跟簿異。',
+'loginsuccess' => "'''$1'''登{{SITENAME}}矣",
+'nosuchuser' => '查無"$1",惠增簿或核之。',
+'nosuchusershort' => '查無"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>",惠核之。',
+'nouserspecified' => '簿名須也',
+'wrongpassword' => '符節不合,惠核之。',
+'wrongpasswordempty' => '缺符節,惠補之。',
+'passwordtooshort' => '符節短錯哉,莫逾$1字,且與簿名異也。',
'mailmypassword' => '遣吾符節',
-'passwordremindertitle' => '符節遣自{{SITENAME}}',
-'passwordremindertext' => '$1求遣{{SITENAME}}($4)"$2"符節於此,係"$3"。
-'noemail' => '"$1"無存址',
-'passwordsent' => '符節遣$1矣",請復登之。',
-'eauthentsent' => '核文遣矣。子循以核之,簿方可活。',
-'mailerror' => '$1信未遣之',
-'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => '歉哉,$1在矣,不可復增。',
+'passwordremindertitle' => '新臨符節自{{SITENAME}}',
+'passwordremindertext' => '$1求遣{{SITENAME}}($4):"$2"符節,係"$3"。
+'noemail' => '"$1"無存郵也。',
+'passwordsent' => '新節已遣$1",惠鑒復登之。',
+'eauthentsent' => '核文遣矣。惠循核之,簿方活也。',
+'mailerror' => '信失遣如下:$1',
+'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => '歉哉,$1存矣,不可復增也。',
'emailauthenticated' => '$1郵驛證矣',
'emailnotauthenticated' => '郵驛<strong>未證</strong>,下不遺書。',
-'noemailprefs' => '下需郵驛:',
-'emailconfirmlink' => '請考郵驛',
-'invalidemailaddress' => '驛址不格,請正之或空白。',
+'noemailprefs' => '郵驛須然如下:',
+'emailconfirmlink' => '惠考郵驛',
+'invalidemailaddress' => '驛址不格,惠正略之。',
'accountcreated' => '簿增矣',
'accountcreatedtext' => '$1簿增矣',
+'createaccount-title' => '於{{SITENAME}}增簿',
+'createaccount-text' => '有人於{{SITENAME}}用爾之電郵增名為 "$2" 之簿 ($4),符節為 "$3" 。汝應登,再改符節也。
'loginlanguagelabel' => '語:$1',
# Edit page toolbar
@@ -449,54 +459,36 @@ $2',
'bold_tip' => '粗體',
'italic_sample' => '斜體',
'italic_tip' => '斜體',
-'link_sample' => '通',
-'link_tip' => '通內',
-'extlink_tip' => '冠http://以通外',
+'link_sample' => '鏈',
+'link_tip' => '鏈內',
+'extlink_tip' => '冠http://以鏈外',
'headline_sample' => '題',
'headline_tip' => '二題',
'math_sample' => '此書方程式',
'math_tip' => '數學方程式(LaTeX)',
'nowiki_sample' => '此不排版',
'nowiki_tip' => '不排維基之版',
-'image_tip' => '嵌圖',
-'media_tip' => '通影音檔',
-'sig_tip' => '署之與時',
+'image_tip' => '嵌檔',
+'media_tip' => '鏈檔',
+'sig_tip' => '署名刻時',
'hr_tip' => '縱線,慎用之',
# Edit pages
'summary' => '概',
'subject' => '題',
-'minoredit' => '此乃小改',
+'minoredit' => '令校',
'watchthis' => '派哨',
-'savearticle' => '儲存',
-'preview' => '預覽',
-'showpreview' => '預覽',
+'savearticle' => '存儲',
+'preview' => '草覽',
+'showpreview' => '草覽',
'showlivepreview' => '即覽',
'showdiff' => '示異',
-'anoneditwarning' => "'''警:'''子未登簿,IP將誌。",
-'missingsummary' => "''''醒:'''子未概之,復存之則文倍焉。",
+'anoneditwarning' => "'''警示:'''子未登簿,IP將誌。",
+'missingsummary' => "''''醒示:'''子未概之,復存則文倍焉。",
'missingcommenttext' => '請贊之',
'blockedtitle' => '子見禁',
-'blockedtext' => "<big>'''子名、IP見禁。'''</big>
-* 始之時為:$8
-* 終之時為:$6
-* 見禁之人:$7
-'autoblockedtext' => "爾之IP或簿自禁,因簿先用,禁者$1也。
-* 始之時為:$8
-* 終之時為:$6
+'blockedtext' => "<big>'''子名、IP見禁。'''</big>禁者$1也,因''$2''故。* 始之時為:$8* 終之時為:$6* 見禁之人:$7存惑可詢$1,或[[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|有秩]],[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]無驛則信不遣。另,子IP為$3,其禁號為#$5。詢時切附之。",
+'autoblockedtext' => "爾之IP或簿自禁,因簿先用,禁者$1也。因故::\\'\\'$2\\'\\'* 始之時為:$8* 終之時為:$6存惑可詢$1,或[[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|有秩]],[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]無驛則信不遣。另,子禁號為#$5。詢時切附之。",
'blockedoriginalsource' => "'''$1'''本源如下:",
'blockededitsource' => "子'''$1纂文'''如下:",
'whitelistedittitle' => '登簿以纂',
@@ -506,17 +498,18 @@ $2',
'whitelistacctitle' => '拒增此簿',
'whitelistacctext' => '欲增此簿,[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]求允',
'confirmedittitle' => '證驛以纂',
-'confirmedittext' => '驛證方可纂文。請見[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]。',
+'confirmedittext' => '驛證方可纂文。惠見[[Special:Preferences|簿註]]。',
'loginreqtitle' => '須登簿',
'loginreqlink' => '登簿',
'loginreqpagetext' => '$1以覽它頁。',
'accmailtitle' => '符節傳矣',
-'accmailtext' => '"$1"符節傳$2矣',
+'accmailtext' => '"$1"符節至$2矣',
'newarticle' => '撰',
'newarticletext' => '此頁尚缺。欲補,撰於下,有惑見[[{{ns:help}}:Contents|助]]。
-'anontalkpagetext' => "----''此乃匿名論壇,為未簿或不簿者設,所言俱錄IP以辨人焉。然IP不獨有,恐生亂象,不喜請[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以遠之。",
+'anontalkpagetext' => "----''此匿論也,為未簿或不簿者設,IP俱錄以辨人焉。然IP不獨,恐生亂象,不喜惠[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]遠之。",
'noarticletext' => '此頁無文。子可 [[{{ns:special}}:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|尋同題]],或[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} 撰新文]。',
+'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => '"$1"之簿未增也。請建纂本頁前查之。',
'clearyourcache' => "'''註:'''重取頁面,文方新焉。
'''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari:'''押''Shift''並點''重新載入'',或合鍵''Ctrl-Shift-R''(Apple Mac為''Cmd-Shift-R'')。
@@ -525,18 +518,18 @@ $2',
'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => '<strong>訣:</strong>CSS/JS應先預覽而後存。',
'usercsspreview' => "'''預覽CSS,尚未儲焉。'''",
'userjspreview' => "'''預覽JavaScript,尚未儲焉。'''",
-'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''警:'''\"\$1\"無此面版。自製者,全名務小寫,如User:Foo/monobook.css 而非User:Foo/Monobook.css",
+'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''警:'''\"\$1\"無此面版。自製者,全名務小寫,如{{ns:user}}:Foo/monobook.css 而非{{ns:user}}:Foo/Monobook.css",
'updated' => '(新)',
'note' => '<strong>註</strong>',
'previewnote' => '<strong>此乃預覽,尚未儲焉。</strong>',
-'session_fail_preview' => '<strong>歉哉有變,子纂未存焉,請再之。如復不成,簿重登焉。</strong>',
+'session_fail_preview' => '<strong>歉哉有變,子纂未存焉,惠再之。如復不成,重登再試也。</strong>',
'session_fail_preview_html' => "<strong>歉哉有變,子纂未存焉</strong>
'token_suffix_mismatch' => '<strong>君修見拒,蓋因代理之故,亂事見兮。</strong>',
'editing' => '纂$1',
-'editinguser' => '<b>$1</b>正纂之',
+'editinguser' => "正纂簿'''[[User:$1|$1]]''' ([[User talk:$1|{{int:talkpagelinktext}}]] | [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{int:contribslink}}]]) 之權",
'editingsection' => '纂節$1',
'editingcomment' => '贊$1',
'editconflict' => '纂沖$1',
@@ -544,53 +537,51 @@ $2',
註,<b>惟</b>上文儲焉<br />',
'yourtext' => '子也',
'storedversion' => '時也',
-'nonunicodebrowser' => '<strong>警:子之瀏覽器不允萬國碼,以十六進位數代之,以保纂可也。</strong>',
-'editingold' => "<strong>'''警'''子纂已舊。如強儲之,則新易盡失矣。</strong>",
+'nonunicodebrowser' => '<strong>警示:覽器不識萬國碼,以十六進位數代之,以保纂可也。</strong>',
+'editingold' => "<strong>'''警示'''子纂舊然。強儲之,則新易失焉。</strong>",
'yourdiff' => '異',
-'copyrightwarning' => '{{SITENAME}}全文皆循$2,詳見$1。若不喜己文它變,但去可矣。文務親撰,或謄公本,
+'copyrightwarning' => '{{SITENAME}}全文皆循$2,詳見$1。不喜他纂,但去可矣。文務親撰,或謄公本,
-'copyrightwarning2' => '{{SITENAME}}全文,允眾人撰、纂、刪、校。如不喜己文它變,但去可矣。<br />
+'copyrightwarning2' => '{{SITENAME}}全文,允眾人撰、纂、刪、校。不喜他纂,但去可矣。<br />
-'longpagewarning' => '<strong>警:此頁長$1仟位元組,逾卅二,瀏覽器恐不盡堪,望子縮之、斷之。<strong>',
-'longpageerror' => '<strong>警:子文長$1仟位元組,越限$2,未能儲焉。</strong>',
-'readonlywarning' => '<strong>警:檢修之故,庫藏鎖,存儲封矣。子自備之而後用。</strong>',
-'protectedpagewarning' => '<strong>警:庫藏鎖矣,惟有秩得纂之。</strong>',
-'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''註'''庫藏鎖矣,惟登簿得纂之。",
-'templatesused' => '此文所用之模:',
-'nocreatetitle' => '新題見禁',
-'nocreatetext' => '新題見禁,惟舊可修。可赦之以[[Special:Userlogin|登簿、增簿]]。',
-'nocreate-loggedin' => '爾無權創新頁。',
-'permissionserrors' => '權錯',
-'permissionserrorstext' => '據下{{PLURAL:$1|因|因}},爾無權作動:',
-'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''警:君欲重書斯文乎?'''
+'longpagewarning' => '<strong>警示:此頁長$1仟位元組,逾卅二,覽器恐不盡堪,望縮斷之。<strong>',
+'longpageerror' => '<strong>警示:文長$1仟位元組,越幅$2,未能儲焉。</strong>',
+'readonlywarning' => '<strong>警示:修庫藏,存儲謝焉。惠謄文備用之。</strong>',
+'protectedpagewarning' => '<strong>警示:庫藏鎖矣,惟有秩纂之。</strong>',
+'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''註記'''庫藏鎖矣,惟登簿纂之。",
+'templatesused' => '此文用模:',
+'nocreatetitle' => '新題謝焉',
+'nocreatetext' => '舊題可修,新題謝焉。[[Special:Userlogin|登簿、增簿]]以逮權也。',
+'nocreate-loggedin' => '子權未逮,新頁謝焉。',
+'permissionserrors' => '權未逮也',
+'permissionserrorstext' => '子權未逮,有{{PLURAL:$1|因|因}}如下:',
+'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''留意:刪文復造,惠慎纂。'''
# Account creation failure
-'cantcreateaccounttitle' => '新簿莫增',
-'cantcreateaccounttext' => '子之IP <b>$1</b> 疑嘗惡,故見封。',
+'cantcreateaccounttitle' => '新簿謝焉',
+'cantcreateaccount-text' => "[[User:$3|S3]]因''$2''故,封子IP <b>$1</b>。",
# History pages
-'revhistory' => '頁誌',
-'viewpagelogs' => '誌審',
+'viewpagelogs' => '覽誌',
'nohistory' => '此題無誌',
-'revnotfound' => '此本覓不得',
-'revnotfoundtext' => '君所求之舊本覓不得,請君核所使之網址。',
-'loadhist' => '正取誌…',
+'revnotfound' => '查無審',
+'revnotfoundtext' => '查無舊審,惠核網址。',
+'loadhist' => '取誌…',
'currentrev' => '今審',
'revisionasof' => '$1審',
-'previousrevision' => '←舊本',
-'nextrevision' => '新本→',
+'previousrevision' => '←舊',
+'nextrevision' => '新→',
'currentrevisionlink' => '今審',
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+'cur' => '辨今',
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-釋,(今):與今審辨;(新):與前審辨, M:校',
-'deletedrev' => '[刪矣]',
+'deletedrev' => '刪矣',
'histfirst' => '初',
'histlast' => '末',
'historysize' => '($1位元組)',
@@ -600,16 +591,16 @@ $2',
'history-feed-title' => '誌審',
'history-feed-description' => '維基誌審',
'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1於$2', # user at time
-'history-feed-empty' => '此頁不存,或刪、或更。類[[Special:Search|由此尋]]',
+'history-feed-empty' => '此頁不存,或刪、或更。類由此[[Special:Search|尋]]',
# Revision deletion
'rev-deleted-comment' => '(此註刪矣)',
'rev-deleted-user' => '(此簿刪矣)',
'rev-deleted-text-permission' => '<div class="mw-warning plainlinks">
'rev-deleted-text-view' => '<div class="mw-warning plainlinks">
-此審刪矣,惟有秩可見之,詳見[{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} 誌刪].
+此審刪矣,惟{{SITENAME}}有秩可見之,詳見[{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} 誌刪]。
'rev-delundel' => '見/藏',
'revisiondelete' => '刪、還審',
@@ -624,22 +615,52 @@ $2',
'revdelete-log' => '誌贊:',
'revdelete-submit' => '擇審使之',
+# Oversight log
+'oversightlog' => '誌督',
+'overlogpagetext' => '下乃刪及錮物之列也。[[Special:Ipblocklist|IP之錮]]有現之閱。',
+# History merging
+'mergehistory' => '併頁之誌',
+'mergehistory-header' => "此頁講汝併一源頁之誌至二頁也。
+'mergehistory-box' => '併二頁之誌:',
+'mergehistory-from' => '源頁:',
+'mergehistory-into' => '到頁:',
+'mergehistory-list' => '可併之誌',
+'mergehistory-merge' => '下[[:$1]]之誌可併至[[:$2]]。用選鈕欄以併只於定時前所建之誌。留心用導連將重設本欄也。',
+'mergehistory-go' => '示可併之誌',
+'mergehistory-submit' => '併誌',
+'mergehistory-empty' => '無誌可併',
+'mergehistory-success' => '[[:$1]]之$3誌已併至[[:$2]]。',
+'mergehistory-fail' => '併誌無進也,該頁及時間參數請重檢也。',
+'mergehistory-no-source' => '源頁$1無存也。',
+'mergehistory-no-destination' => '到頁$1無存也。',
+'mergehistory-invalid-source' => '源頁之題須效之。',
+'mergehistory-invalid-destination' => '到頁之題須效之。',
+# Merge log
+'mergelog' => '誌併',
+'pagemerge-logentry' => '併咗[[$1]]至[[$2]] (訂至$3)',
+'revertmerge' => '悔併',
+'mergelogpagetext' => '下乃近頁之誌併至二頁之表也。',
# Diffs
-'difference' => '(辨異)',
-'loadingrev' => '取審以辨…',
-'lineno' => '列$1:',
-'editcurrent' => '纂今審',
-'selectnewerversionfordiff' => '擇一新以辨',
-'selectolderversionfordiff' => '擇一舊以辨',
-'compareselectedversions' => '辨所擇',
-'editundo' => '返',
+'history-title' => '$1之誌',
+'difference' => '(辨異)',
+'lineno' => '列$1:',
+'compareselectedversions' => '辨二擇',
+'editundo' => '悔',
# Search results
'searchresults' => '得尋',
-'searchresulttext' => '何索{{SITENAME}},詳見[[{{MediaWiki:helppage}}|{{int:help}}]]。',
+'searchresulttext' => '何索{{SITENAME}},詳見[[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]]。',
'searchsubtitle' => "'''[[:$1]]'''尋焉",
-'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "'''$1'''索焉",
-'noexactmatch' => "'''無題曰\"\$1\"'''。子可[[:\$1|撰之]]。",
+'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "'''$1'''尋焉",
+'noexactmatch' => "'''無題曰\"\$1\"。'''子可[[:\$1|撰之]]。",
+'noexactmatch-nocreate' => "'''無題曰\"\$1\"。'''",
+'toomanymatches' => '多配應之,試異詢也',
'titlematches' => '合題',
'notitlematches' => '無題合',
'textmatches' => '合文',
@@ -649,15 +670,15 @@ $2',
'viewprevnext' => '見($1)($2)($3)',
'showingresults' => '見<b>$1</b>尋,自<b>$2</b>始:',
'showingresultsnum' => '見<b>$3</b>尋,自<b>$2</b>始:',
-'powersearch' => '索',
+'powersearch' => '尋',
# Preferences page
'preferences' => '簿註',
'mypreferences' => '簿註',
-'prefs-edits' => '數篡:',
+'prefs-edits' => '數纂:',
'prefsnologin' => '未登簿',
'prefsnologintext' => '註記須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。',
-'prefsreset' => '簿註重謄',
+'prefsreset' => '簿註歸白',
'changepassword' => '易符節',
'skin' => '面版',
'math' => '數學',
@@ -672,21 +693,21 @@ $2',
'prefs-personal' => '概簿',
'prefs-rc' => '近易',
'prefs-watchlist' => '哨站',
-'prefs-watchlist-days' => '哨報有日長',
-'prefs-watchlist-edits' => '哨站有易多',
+'prefs-watchlist-days' => '哨報有日',
+'prefs-watchlist-edits' => '哨站有易',
'prefs-misc' => '雜',
'saveprefs' => '儲',
-'resetprefs' => '重置',
+'resetprefs' => '歸白',
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'newpassword' => '新符節:',
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-'searchresultshead' => '索',
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-'contextlines' => '尋有列:',
-'contextchars' => '列有文:',
+'searchresultshead' => '尋',
+'resultsperpage' => '頁示尋',
+'contextlines' => '尋分列',
+'contextchars' => '列有字',
'recentchangescount' => '近易有題:',
'savedprefs' => '簿註書矣',
'timezonelegend' => '時區',
@@ -700,14 +721,25 @@ $2',
'files' => '檔',
# User rights
-'userrights-lookup-user' => '司社',
-'userrights-user-editname' => '簿名:',
-'editusergroup' => '治社',
-'userrights-editusergroup' => '治社',
-'saveusergroups' => '定之',
-'userrights-groupsmember' => '有員:',
-'userrights-groupsavailable' => '社可治有:',
-'userrights-groupshelp' => '揀社以增員、減員,未揀者不變也。欲略之,押Ctrl並左擊。',
+'userrights-lookup-user' => '司社',
+'userrights-user-editname' => '簿名:',
+'editusergroup' => '治社',
+'userrights-editusergroup' => '治社',
+'saveusergroups' => '定之',
+'userrights-groupsmember' => '有員:',
+'userrights-groupsremovable' => '社可治無:',
+'userrights-groupsavailable' => '社可治有:',
+'userrights-groupshelp' => '揀社以增員、減員,未揀者不變也。欲略之,押Ctrl並左擊。',
+'userrights-reason' => '因:',
+'userrights-available-none' => '爾非改組員也。',
+'userrights-available-add' => '爾可加簿至{{PLURAL:$2|單組|數組}}也:$1。',
+'userrights-available-remove' => '爾可自{{PLURAL:$2|單組|數組}}減簿也:$1。',
+'userrights-available-add-self' => '爾可加己至{{PLURAL:$2|單組|數組}}也:$1。',
+'userrights-available-remove-self' => '爾可自{{PLURAL:$2|單組|數組}}減己也:$1。',
+'userrights-no-interwiki' => '爾無權改他山wiki之簿權也。',
+'userrights-nodatabase' => '資料庫$1無存或非本地也。',
+'userrights-nologin' => '爾以有秩乲簿[[Special:Userlogin|登]]後以定簿之權也。',
+'userrights-notallowed' => '爾之簿無權定簿之權也。',
# Groups
'group' => '社:',
@@ -733,7 +765,7 @@ $2',
# Recent changes
'nchanges' => '$1易',
'recentchanges' => '近易',
-'recentchangestext' => '大典新易,悉列於此。',
+'recentchangestext' => '共筆揮新,悉列於此。',
'rcnote' => '下為自<strong>$3</strong>起,<strong>$2</strong>日內<strong>$1</strong>近易也。',
'rcnotefrom' => '下為自<b>$2</b至<b>$1</b>之易也。',
'rclistfrom' => '自$1起之易也',
@@ -753,11 +785,13 @@ $2',
'boteditletter' => '僕',
'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => '[放有$1哨]',
'rc_categories_any' => '任',
-'newsectionsummary' => '新節:',
+'newsectionsummary' => '/* $1 */ 新節',
# Recent changes linked
-'recentchangeslinked' => '鍵出文',
-'recentchangeslinked-title' => '$1之鍵出易',
+'recentchangeslinked' => '援引',
+'recentchangeslinked-title' => '$1援引近易',
+'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => '限期內無近易。',
+'recentchangeslinked-summary' => "援引近易如下,有哨者'''粗體'''。",
# Upload
'upload' => '進獻',
@@ -769,10 +803,13 @@ $2',
'upload_directory_read_only' => '目錄$1禁入,無可獻。',
'uploaderror' => '進獻有變',
'uploadtext' => "下表以獻,[[Special:Imagelist|載獻]]覽之。或見[[Special:Log/upload|誌獻]]。
+'upload-permitted' => '可之物類:$1。',
+'upload-preferred' => '議之物類:$1。',
+'upload-prohibited' => '禁之物類:$1。',
'uploadlog' => '誌獻',
'uploadlogpage' => '誌獻',
'uploadlogpagetext' => '近獻如下:',
@@ -787,161 +824,241 @@ $2',
'minlength1' => '名務逾一字元。',
'illegalfilename' => '名"$1"不格,更之再焉。',
'badfilename' => '更名"$1。"。',
+'filetype-badmime' => '「$1」之MIME類物檔案不能獻之。',
+'filetype-unwanted-type' => "'''「.$1」'''乃無需之物類也。議之物類有$2也。",
+'filetype-banned-type' => "'''「.$1」'''乃無允之物類也。允之物類有$2也。",
+'filetype-missing' => '檔名無後綴也(如「.jpg」)。',
'large-file' => '檔長$2仟位元組,不逾$1為佳。',
-'emptyfile' => '無以獻,疑謬名也,請核之。',
-'fileexists' => '$1存矣,欲蓋之則再也。',
-'successfulupload' => '君成功置檔案於此',
-'overwroteimage' => '已置「[[$1]]」之新版也',
+'emptyfile' => '無以獻,疑謬名也,惠核之。',
+'fileexists' => '<strong><tt>$1</tt></strong>存矣,欲蓋之則再也。',
+'filepageexists' => '<strong><tt>$1</tt></strong>(非檔)存矣,欲蓋之則再也。',
+'fileexists-thumb' => "<center>'''現存之檔'''</center>",
+'successfulupload' => '檔案安矣',
+'overwroteimage' => '新置「[[$1]]」矣',
'sourcefilename' => '源名',
'destfilename' => '欲置檔名',
'watchthisupload' => '派哨',
+'upload-wasdeleted' => "'''警示:復獻棄檔,慎續之。'''
+'filename-bad-prefix' => '獻檔以<strong>「$1」</strong>首,常由相機瞎造,惠更述之。',
-'license-nopreview' => '(預覽無視也)',
+'license-nopreview' => '(謝草覽)',
# Image list
-'ilsubmit' => '尋',
-'byname' => '以名',
-'bydate' => '以日',
-'bysize' => '以量',
+'ilsubmit' => '尋檔',
+'byname' => '名序',
+'bydate' => '時序',
+'bysize' => '幅序',
'imgdelete' => '刪',
'imgdesc' => '述',
'imgfile' => '檔',
-'filehist' => '檔案沿革',
-'filehist-help' => '擊日時,察時今檔。',
-'filehist-deleteall' => '刪全',
-'filehist-deleteone' => '刪此',
+'filehist' => '檔史',
+'filehist-help' => '揀日尋檔。',
+'filehist-deleteall' => '全刪',
+'filehist-deleteone' => '獨刪',
'filehist-revert' => '還',
'filehist-current' => '今',
-'filehist-datetime' => '日時',
+'filehist-datetime' => '時',
'filehist-user' => '薄',
'filehist-dimensions' => '度',
-'filehist-filesize' => '檔量',
-'filehist-comment' => '注',
-'imagelinks' => '通',
-'shareduploadwiki' => '欲知更多,請詳閱$1。',
-'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => '文件描述頁',
+'filehist-filesize' => '檔幅',
+'filehist-comment' => '註',
+'imagelinks' => '圖鏈',
+'shareduploadwiki' => '詳閱$1。',
+'shareduploadwiki-desc' => '$1上之示。',
+'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => '檔述',
'imagelist_date' => '時',
'imagelist_name' => '名',
'imagelist_user' => '簿',
-'imagelist_size' => '量(位元組)',
+'imagelist_size' => '幅(位元組)',
'imagelist_description' => '述',
-'imagelist_search_for' => '以圖名尋:',
+'imagelist_search_for' => '以媒名尋:',
# File reversion
'filerevert' => '還$1',
'filerevert-legend' => '還檔',
-'filerevert-intro' => '<span class="plainlinks">汝還\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\'至[$4 在$2$3之版本]。</span>',
-'filerevert-comment' => '注:',
-'filerevert-defaultcomment' => '已還至在$1$2之版矣',
+'filerevert-intro' => '<span class="plainlinks">\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\'欲還回$2$3之版$4。</span>',
+'filerevert-comment' => '註:',
+'filerevert-defaultcomment' => '還$1$2之版矣',
'filerevert-submit' => '還',
-'filerevert-success' => '<span class="plainlinks">\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\'已還[$4 在$2$3之版本]矣。</span>',
-'filerevert-badversion' => '此檔之時印無本地之前版也。',
+'filerevert-success' => '<span class="plainlinks">\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\',$2$3之版$4還矣。</span>',
+'filerevert-badversion' => '該日無版也。',
# File deletion
-'filedelete' => '刪$1',
-'filedelete-legend' => '刪檔',
-'filedelete-intro' => "汝刪'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''。",
-'filedelete-intro-old' => "<span class=\"plainlinks\">汝刪'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''在[$4 $2$3]之版本。</span>",
-'filedelete-comment' => '注:',
-'filedelete-submit' => '刪',
-'filedelete-success' => "'''$1'''已刪矣。",
-'filedelete-success-old' => "<span class=\"plainlinks\">'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''在 $2$3 之版本已刪矣。</span>",
-'filedelete-nofile' => "'''$1'''在本網無存也。",
-'filedelete-nofile-old' => "指屬,無'''$1'''在 $2$3 之版本也。",
-'filedelete-iscurrent' => '汝試刪近之檔。先退至舊版也。',
+'filedelete' => '刪$1',
+'filedelete-legend' => '刪檔',
+'filedelete-intro' => "欲刪'''[[Media:$1|$1]]'''。",
+'filedelete-intro-old' => '<span class="plainlinks">欲刪\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\'$2$3之版$4。</span>',
+'filedelete-comment' => '刪因:',
+'filedelete-submit' => '刪',
+'filedelete-success' => "'''$1'''刪矣。",
+'filedelete-success-old' => '<span class="plainlinks">\'\'\'[[Media:$1|$1]]\'\'\'$2$3之版刪矣。</span>',
+'filedelete-nofile' => "{{SITENAME}}無'''$1'''也。",
+'filedelete-nofile-old' => "無合'''$1'''藏也。",
+'filedelete-iscurrent' => '刪版乃新,先還舊焉。',
+'filedelete-otherreason' => '另/附之因:',
+'filedelete-reason-otherlist' => '另因',
+'filedelete-reason-dropdown' => '
+** 侵版權
+** 重檔',
+# MIME search
+'mimesearch' => '篩檔',
+'mimesearch-summary' => '此頁可以MIME篩檔.格仿「文類/次類」,如<tt>image/jpeg</tt>。',
+'mimetype' => 'MIME類有:',
+'download' => '載下',
# Unwatched pages
-'unwatchedpages' => '無哨',
+'unwatchedpages' => '無哨頁',
+# List redirects
+'listredirects' => '表轉',
+# Unused templates
+'unusedtemplates' => '墨乾',
+'unusedtemplatestext' => '此表閒模,篤刪前惠考支鏈。',
+'unusedtemplateswlh' => '支鏈',
+# Random page
+'randompage' => '風掀',
+# Random redirect
+'randomredirect' => '任渡',
+'randomredirect-nopages' => '名冊內無渡也。',
# Statistics
-'statistics' => '統計',
-'sitestats' => '{{SITENAME}}統計',
-'userstats' => '統計有簿者',
-'sitestatstext' => "庫藏共'''$1'''頁,除議、釋、芻文、轉與不濟者,有足文$2、獻品'''$8'''。
-[ job queue]長'''$7'''",
-'userstatstext' => "有[[Special:Listusers|簿]]者'''$1''',中有'''$2'''人有$5之權,計有百分之'''$4'''。",
-'statistics-mostpopular' => '首博之頁',
+'statistics' => '彙統',
+'sitestats' => '{{SITENAME}}彙統',
+'userstats' => '有簿彙統',
+'sitestatstext' => "庫藏有頁'''$1''',除議、釋、芻文、渡與不濟者,有足文$2、獻品'''$8'''。
+[ job queue]長'''$7'''。",
+'userstatstext' => "有[[Special:Listusers|簿]]者'''$1''',內'''$2'''人掌$5權,據百分之'''$4'''。",
+'statistics-mostpopular' => '燴炙',
+'disambiguations' => '釋義',
+'disambiguations-text' => '頁下引[[MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage]]模,求釋義,宜正題之。',
-'disambiguations' => '釋義',
+'doubleredirects' => '窮渡',
+'doubleredirectstext' => '頁下窮渡,迭列以示。首尾宿合,宜正渡之。',
-'doubleredirects' => '複轉',
-'doubleredirectstext' => '此頁列全之複轉之頁,轉另轉之頁也。每行含複轉鏈,二之目標也,顯「真」目標,首應轉至也。',
+'brokenredirects' => '斷渡',
+'brokenredirectstext' => '頁下斷渡:',
+'brokenredirects-edit' => '(替)',
+'brokenredirects-delete' => '(刪)',
-'brokenredirects' => '斷轉',
-'brokenredirectstext' => '不通',
+'withoutinterwiki' => '孤語',
+'withoutinterwiki-header' => '頁下無鏈他語:',
+'withoutinterwiki-submit' => '示',
+'fewestrevisions' => '鮮察',
# Miscellaneous special pages
'nbytes' => '$1位元組',
'ncategories' => '$1門',
-'nlinks' => '$1通',
-'nmembers' => '$1簿',
+'nlinks' => '$1鏈',
+'nmembers' => '$1戶',
'nrevisions' => '$1審',
'nviews' => '$1閱',
-'lonelypages' => '孤頁',
-'lonelypagestext' => '此頁無通',
-'uncategorizedpages' => '門無屬',
-'uncategorizedcategories' => '此門未屬焉',
-'uncategorizedimages' => '圖無屬',
-'unusedcategories' => '此圖未屬焉',
+'lonelypages' => '孤寡',
+'lonelypagestext' => '頁下無鏈',
+'uncategorizedpages' => '欲訂',
+'uncategorizedcategories' => '問栓',
+'uncategorizedimages' => '候裱',
+'uncategorizedtemplates' => '待蘸',
+'unusedcategories' => '樞鏽',
+'unusedimages' => '色褪',
'popularpages' => '膾炙',
-'wantedcategories' => '缺門',
-'wantedpages' => '缺頁',
-'mostrevisions' => '首審之文',
-'allpages' => '全頁',
-'randompage' => '清風翻書',
-'shortpages' => '短頁',
-'longpages' => '長頁',
-'listusers' => '盡列有簿',
-'specialpages' => '奇頁',
-'spheading' => '眾可觀之非凡頁',
-'restrictedpheading' => '含禁忌之非凡頁',
-'newpages' => '新頁',
-'newpages-username' => '名:',
-'ancientpages' => '舊頁',
-'intl' => '通他語',
+'wantedcategories' => '求門',
+'wantedpages' => '徵頁',
+'mostlinked' => '好料',
+'mostlinkedcategories' => '豪門',
+'mostlinkedtemplates' => '美模',
+'mostcategories' => '跨船',
+'mostimages' => '名檔',
+'mostrevisions' => '屢審',
+'allpages' => '全典',
+'shortpages' => '短篇',
+'longpages' => '長言',
+'listusers' => '點簿',
+'specialpages' => '特查',
+'spheading' => '民處',
+'restrictedpheading' => '官辦',
+'newpages' => '新灶',
+'newpages-username' => '簿名:',
+'ancientpages' => '陳年',
'move' => '遷',
'movethispage' => '遷此頁',
-'categoriespagetext' => '大典有門:',
+'unusedimagestext' => '<p>他站可以網址鏈檔,故下列並非盡閒,註記之。</p>',
+'unusedcategoriestext' => '以下空門,無依可活。',
+'notargettitle' => '落靶',
+'notargettext' => '簿、頁未定,無可為之。',
+'pager-newer-n' => '新$1次',
+'pager-older-n' => '陳$1次',
+# Book sources
+'booksources' => '書海',
+'booksources-search-legend' => '舀書海',
+'booksources-go' => '往',
+'booksources-text' => '有賈售新舊書,或有助焉。茲列如下:',
+'categoriespagetext' => 'wiki有門如下:',
+'data' => '訊',
+'userrights' => '齋權管',
+'groups' => '齋組',
+'alphaindexline' => '自$1至$2',
'version' => '版',
# Special:Log
-'specialloguserlabel' => '有簿:',
-'speciallogtitlelabel' => '題:',
+'specialloguserlabel' => '簿:',
+'speciallogtitlelabel' => '標:',
'log' => '誌',
-'logempty' => '無是項存稿。',
+'all-logs-page' => '眾誌',
+'log-search-legend' => '尋誌',
+'log-search-submit' => '往',
+'alllogstext' => '眾誌有合者,俱併版見。擇門、選簿、限疆以裁之。',
+'logempty' => '無合誌也。',
+'log-title-wildcard' => '題以此始者,取之',
# Special:Allpages
-'nextpage' => '次頁,$1',
-'allpagesfrom' => '見頁自:',
-'allarticles' => '全文',
-'allinnamespace' => '全頁($1領域者)',
-'allnotinnamespace' => '全頁(非$1領域者)',
+'nextpage' => '次頁($1)',
+'prevpage' => '先頁($1)',
+'allpagesfrom' => '始頁:',
+'allarticles' => '全典',
+'allinnamespace' => '全$1名冊',
+'allnotinnamespace' => '非$1名冊',
'allpagesprev' => '前',
'allpagesnext' => '次',
'allpagessubmit' => '往',
-'allpagesprefix' => '見頁冠以:',
+'allpagesprefix' => '冠頁以:',
+'allpagesbadtitle' => '或冠有他語、他山、或含禁字,題標不格。',
+'allpages-bad-ns' => '無"$1"名冊',
# Special:Listusers
-'listusersfrom' => '列有簿自:',
-'listusers-submit' => '示',
+'listusersfrom' => '始簿:',
+'listusers-submit' => '見',
+'listusers-noresult' => '尋無簿。',
# E-mail user
'mailnologin' => '無驛',
-'mailnologintext' => '君須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]],方可遺書。
-'emailuser' => '遺是君書',
-'emailpage' => '遺書',
-'defemailsubject' => '{{SITENAME}}有信',
-'noemailtitle' => '無驛',
+'mailnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]置郵,方可捎書。',
+'emailuser' => '捎君',
+'emailpage' => '捎書',
+'emailpagetext' => '若此君有郵,表下捎焉。署子簿郵以候往返。',
+'usermailererror' => '驛報有誤:',
+'defemailsubject' => '{{SITENAME}}來書',
+'noemailtitle' => '無郵',
+'noemailtext' => '此君無郵,或謝收之。',
'emailfrom' => '自',
-'emailto' => '至',
+'emailto' => '致',
'emailsubject' => '題',
'emailmessage' => '訊',
'emailsend' => '遣',
-'emailsent' => '信遣矣',
-'emailsenttext' => '信遣矣',
+'emailccme' => '謄複本。',
+'emailccsubject' => '致$1複本:$2',
+'emailsent' => '書遣矣',
+'emailsenttext' => '書遣矣',
# Watchlist
'watchlist' => '哨站',
@@ -951,404 +1068,586 @@ $2',
'watchnologin' => '未登簿',
'watchnologintext' => '[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]以治哨。',
'addedwatch' => '派哨',
-'addedwatchtext' => "加哨\"[[:\$1]]\"。後有易、議者可見於[[Special:Watchlist|哨站]],或'''粗體'''醒於[[Special:Recentchanges|列近易]]。
+'addedwatchtext' => "\"[[:\$1]]\"哨派矣。後有易、議者可見於[[Special:Watchlist|哨站]],且'''粗體'''列於[[Special:Recentchanges|近易]]。",
'removedwatch' => '撤哨',
-'removedwatchtext' => '"[[:$1]]"哨已撤。',
-'watch' => '哨',
-'watchthispage' => '派哨',
-'unwatch' => '無哨',
-'unwatchthispage' => '撤哨',
+'removedwatchtext' => '"[[:$1]]"哨撤矣。',
+'watch' => '派哨',
+'watchthispage' => '哨此報',
+'unwatch' => '撤哨',
+'unwatchthispage' => '撤此哨',
'notanarticle' => '此頁非文',
'watchnochange' => '皆無易也',
-'watchlist-details' => '共有$1哨,不含議論。',
+'watchlist-details' => '共$1哨,不含議論。',
'wlheader-enotif' => '*准報信。',
-'wlheader-showupdated' => "*有易者'''粗體'''。",
-'watchlistcontains' => '哨有$1頁',
-'iteminvalidname' => "'$1'謬名",
-'wlnote' => '前<b>$2</b>時有$1者易',
-'wlshowlast' => '下為自$1小時;$2天;$3之纂。',
-'watchlist-show-bots' => '示僕',
+'wlheader-showupdated' => "*易者'''粗體'''。",
+'watchmethod-recent' => '哨近易。',
+'watchmethod-list' => '報近易…',
+'watchlistcontains' => '共$1哨。',
+'iteminvalidname' => "'$1'謬名。",
+'wlnote' => '近<b>$2</b>時有$1者易。',
+'wlshowlast' => '見近$1時、$2天、$3時易',
+'watchlist-show-bots' => '見僕',
'watchlist-hide-bots' => '藏僕',
-'watchlist-show-own' => '示吾纂',
-'watchlist-hide-own' => '藏吾纂',
-'watchlist-show-minor' => '示校',
+'watchlist-show-own' => '見己',
+'watchlist-hide-own' => '藏己',
+'watchlist-show-minor' => '見校',
'watchlist-hide-minor' => '藏校',
-'enotif_mailer' => '{{SITENAME}}報',
-'enotif_reset' => '記之通閱',
-'enotif_newpagetext' => '新頁',
-'changed' => '易矣',
-'created' => '撰矣',
-'enotif_lastvisited' => '新易見$1',
-'enotif_body' => '$WATCHINGUSERNAME鈞鑑,
+# Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it's in the process of watching
+'watching' => '出陣…',
+'unwatching' => '收兵…',
+'enotif_mailer' => '{{SITENAME}}報',
+'enotif_reset' => '令為盡閱',
+'enotif_newpagetext' => '新灶',
+'enotif_impersonal_salutation' => '貴客',
+'changed' => '易',
+'created' => '撰',
+'enotif_lastvisited' => '自子出簿,有易見$1。',
+'enotif_lastdiff' => '欲閱此易,見$1。',
+'enotif_anon_editor' => '過客$1',
+'enotif_body' => '$WATCHINGUSERNAME鈞鑑
- {{SITENAME}}敬上
# Delete/protect/revert
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'confirm' => '准',
-'excontent' => "文乃:'$1'",
-'excontentauthor' => "文乃:'$1' (而[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]者,為僅有之與者也)",
+'excontent' => "文乃'$1'",
+'excontentauthor' => "文乃'$1',乃[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]獨作。",
'exblank' => '缺頁',
-'confirmdelete' => '准刪',
-'deletesub' => '("$1",正刪之)',
-'historywarning' => '警:欲刪之頁有誌:',
-'confirmdeletetext' => '子若欲久刪此物與其誌,知後果、合[[{{MediaWiki:policy-url}}]]後再為之。',
-'actioncomplete' => '已矣',
-'deletedtext' => '"$1"刪矣,見誌於$2。',
-'deletedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"刪矣',
+'delete-confirm' => '刪"$1"',
+'delete-legend' => '刪',
+'historywarning' => '警示,此頁有誌:',
+'confirmdeletetext' => '欲刪此物與誌,知後果、合[[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}]]後再為之。',
+'actioncomplete' => '成矣',
+'deletedtext' => '"<nowiki>$1</nowiki>"刪矣,見誌刪於$2。',
+'deletedarticle' => '刪焉"[[$1]]"',
'dellogpage' => '誌刪',
-'dellogpagetext' => '近刪一覽。',
+'dellogpagetext' => '近刪如下:',
'deletionlog' => '誌刪',
-'reverted' => '還',
-'deletecomment' => '註刪',
+'reverted' => '已還前審',
+'deletecomment' => '刪因:',
+'deleteotherreason' => '另/附之因:',
+'deletereasonotherlist' => '另因',
+'deletereason-dropdown' => '
+** 作者之求
+** 侵版權
+** 破壞',
+'delete-toobig' => '此頁含大誌,過$1修。刪頁限矣,防於{{SITENAME}}之亂也。',
+'delete-warning-toobig' => '此頁含大誌,過$1修。刪之可亂{{SITENAME}}之事也;續時留神之。',
'rollback' => '退修',
'rollback_short' => '退',
'rollbacklink' => '退',
-'rollbackfailed' => '退敗',
-'alreadyrolled' => '退至[[User:$2|$2]]([[User talk:$2|議]])對[[$1]]不可也;某君已編修或回退此文。
-最終編修自[[User:$3|$3]]([[User talk:$3|議]])。',
-'editcomment' => '贊:"<i>$1</i>"', # only shown if there is an edit comment
-'revertpage' => '蓋[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|議]])者,所修無理,故去之,復為[[User:$1|$1]]之本耳',
-'rollback-success' => '蓋$1者,所修無理,故去之,復為$2之本耳。',
-'protectlogpage' => '誌錮',
-'protectlogtext' => '誌錮赦如下:',
-'protectedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"有錮',
-'unprotectedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"有赦',
-'protectsub' => '(正錮"$1")',
-'confirmprotect' => '准錮',
-'protectcomment' => '錮之有由:',
-'unprotectsub' => '(正赦"$1")',
+'rollbackfailed' => '退未成',
+'cantrollback' => '退修不成,作者獨也。',
+'alreadyrolled' => '[[User:$2|$2]]([[User talk:$2|議]])作[[:$1]],退不成也。有易或已退焉。新纂者為[[User:$3|$3]]([[User talk:$3|議]])',
+'editcomment' => '贊曰"<i>$1</i>"', # only shown if there is an edit comment
+'revertpage' => '去[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]之作(欲言之,可至[[User talk:$2|此]]),復為[[User:$1|$1]]之本耳', # Additional available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
+'rollback-success' => '去$1之作,復為$2之本耳。',
+'sessionfailure' => '登簿有變。為防盜簿,返前重取再為之。',
+'protectlogpage' => '誌緘',
+'protectlogtext' => '誌緘如下;近緘見[[Special:Protectedpages|此]] 。',
+'protectedarticle' => '緘焉"[[$1]]"',
+'modifiedarticleprotection' => '令"$1"',
+'unprotectedarticle' => '啟焉"[[$1]]"',
+'protectsub' => '(緘"$1"…)',
+'confirmprotect' => '准緘',
+'protectcomment' => '贊曰',
+'protectexpiry' => '屆期',
+'protect_expiry_invalid' => '屆期不明。',
+'protect_expiry_old' => '屆期已過。',
+'unprotectsub' => '(啟"$1"…)',
'protect-unchain' => '准遷之',
-'protect-text' => '錮級可見<strong>$1</strong>',
-'protect-default' => '(予定)',
-'protect-fallback' => '需「$1」之權',
-'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => '驅無簿',
+'protect-text' => '緘捆<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>。',
+'protect-locked-blocked' => '簿禁,<strong>$1</strong>緘昔如下:',
+'protect-locked-dblock' => '庫鎖,<strong>$1</strong>緘昔如下:',
+'protect-locked-access' => '未准,<strong>$1</strong>緘昔如下:',
+'protect-cascadeon' => '取佐緘焉,迭牽此頁;{{PLURAL:$1|此|此}}頁啟篋,無反累焉。',
+'protect-default' => '(慣)',
+'protect-fallback' => "須''$1''准",
+'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => '禁無簿',
'protect-level-sysop' => '惟有秩',
+'protect-summary-cascade' => '迭緘',
+'protect-expiring' => '$1(UTC)屆',
+'protect-cascade' => '援引緘,牽迭',
+'protect-cantedit' => '汝無動頁之護也,因汝無權纂之矣。',
+'restriction-type' => '准',
+'restriction-level' => '緘捆',
+'minimum-size' => '幅越',
+'maximum-size' => '幅弱',
+'pagesize' => '(位元組)',
# Restrictions (nouns)
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'restriction-move' => '遷',
+# Restriction levels
+'restriction-level-sysop' => '全封',
+'restriction-level-autoconfirmed' => '半封',
+'restriction-level-all' => '有封',
# Undelete
-'undelete' => '覽已刪',
-'undeletepage' => '覽已刪並還之',
-'viewdeletedpage' => '覽已刪',
-'undeletepagetext' => '列已刪如下。有複存可還之,常清。',
-'undeleterevisions' => '有審$1',
-'undelete-revision' => '刪$1自$3(於$2)所篡之審:',
+'undelete' => '覽刪',
+'undeletepage' => '覽刪並還之',
+'viewdeletedpage' => '覽刪',
+'undeletepagetext' => '如下已刪,備謄以還;曆滿乃清之。',
+'undeleteextrahelp' => "欲還題,撤核後令'''''還刪'''''。欲還某審,核之再令。欲清核、贊,令之'''''歸白'''''。",
+'undeleterevisions' => '審備$1',
+'undeletehistory' => '如還題,審亦隨焉;若存同題,還如誌,不以代焉。夫還而啟,註記之。',
+'undeleterevdel' => '新審不牽,難還也;銷、見之以篤還。無權閱審,亦不可也。',
+'undeletehistorynoadmin' => '文刪矣,何由如下;並示末纂者。詳文藏,惟有迭可閱。',
+'undelete-revision' => '自$2,$3纂之$1審刪如下:',
+'undeleterevision-missing' => '審謬失;棄、還或鏈亡。',
'undeletebtn' => '還',
-'undeletereset' => '重置',
-'undeletecomment' => '贊:',
-'undeletedarticle' => '"[[$1]]"還矣',
-'undeletedrevisions' => '$1審還矣',
-'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1審$2檔還矣',
-'undeletedfiles' => '$1檔還矣',
-'cannotundelete' => '無以還檔,或早復矣。',
+'undeletelink' => '還',
+'undeletereset' => '歸白',
+'undeletecomment' => '贊日',
+'undeletedarticle' => '還焉"[[$1]]"',
+'undeletedrevisions' => '$1審已還',
+'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1審、$2檔已還',
+'undeletedfiles' => '$1檔已還',
+'cannotundelete' => '無以還檔;或復矣。',
'undeletedpage' => "<big>'''$1還矣'''</big>
-'undelete-filename-mismatch' => '欲復之檔名有誤,故無以復$1',
-'undelete-bad-store-key' => '$1之檔,蓋本無之,故無之復也。',
-'undelete-cleanup-error' => '"$1"存檔,蓋被誤刪耳。',
-'undelete-missing-filearchive' => '$1者,無以復,蓋或已復矣。',
-'undelete-error-short' => '欲復檔時,見誤也:$1',
-'undelete-error-long' => '夫復檔時,見誤耳:
+'undelete-header' => '欲覽近刪,見[[Special:Log/delete|誌刪]]。',
+'undelete-search-box' => '尋刪',
+'undelete-search-prefix' => '見頁始如',
+'undelete-search-submit' => '尋',
+'undelete-no-results' => '備本無合者也。',
+'undelete-filename-mismatch' => '$1之審名不合,無可還焉。',
+'undelete-bad-store-key' => '$1之審乃空,無可還焉。',
+'undelete-cleanup-error' => '冗檔$1,欲刪而有誤也。',
+'undelete-missing-filearchive' => '$1無尋,或已還矣。',
+'undelete-error-short' => '$1欲還而有誤也。',
+'undelete-error-long' => '還檔有誤。欲還者:\\n\\n$1\\n',
# Namespace form on various pages
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-'invert' => '逆擇',
-'blanknamespace' => '(主)',
+'namespace' => '名冊:',
+'invert' => '反相',
+'blanknamespace' => '主',
# Contributions
'contributions' => '功績',
'mycontris' => '吾績',
-'contribsub2' => '$1之功績 ($2)',
-'nocontribs' => '尺斯無易',
-'ucnote' => '近<b>$2</b>有<b>$1</b>新易。',
+'contribsub2' => '$1勛($2)',
+'nocontribs' => '無勛及也。',
+'ucnote' => '近<b>$2</b>日,此君有<b>$1</b>勛。',
'uclinks' => ' 近$1易,近$2日',
-'uctop' => ' (頂)',
-'month' => '自該月 (或先於其者):',
-'year' => '自該年 (或先於其者):',
-'sp-contributions-newest' => '末',
-'sp-contributions-oldest' => '首',
-'sp-contributions-newer' => '後$1',
-'sp-contributions-older' => '前$1',
-'sp-contributions-newbies' => '僅列初來之人',
+'uctop' => '(至頂)',
+'month' => '且不越',
+'year' => '年不越',
+'sp-contributions-newbies' => '惟列新進',
'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => '予新進',
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => '誌禁',
-'sp-contributions-search' => '尋往績',
-'sp-contributions-username' => 'IP或簿名:',
-'sp-contributions-submit' => '尋',
+'sp-contributions-search' => '問勛',
+'sp-contributions-username' => '簿名或IP址',
+'sp-contributions-submit' => '問',
-'sp-newimages-showfrom' => '賞新圖,自$1',
+'sp-newimages-showfrom' => '自$1賞新檔',
# What links here
-'whatlinkshere' => '何通此',
-'whatlinkshere-title' => '通$1之頁',
-'notargettitle' => '無向',
-'linklistsub' => '(表通)',
-'linkshere' => "下文通'''[[:$1]]''':",
-'nolinkshere' => "無頁通'''[[:$1]]'''.",
-'nolinkshere-ns' => "名集中無頁通'''[[:$1]]'''.",
-'isredirect' => '導',
+'whatlinkshere' => '取佐',
+'whatlinkshere-title' => '$1取佐',
+'whatlinkshere-page' => '題',
+'linklistsub' => '(列取佐)',
+'linkshere' => "取佐'''[[:$1]]'''如下:",
+'nolinkshere' => "無頁取佐'''[[:$1]]'''。",
+'nolinkshere-ns' => "名冊內無頁取佐'''[[:$1]]'''。",
+'isredirect' => '渡',
'istemplate' => '含',
-'whatlinkshere-prev' => '前$1通',
-'whatlinkshere-next' => '次$1通',
-'whatlinkshere-links' => '← 通',
+'whatlinkshere-prev' => '前$1',
+'whatlinkshere-next' => '次$1',
+'whatlinkshere-links' => '←佐',
# Block/unblock
-'blockip' => '禁簿',
-'ipaddress' => 'IP址',
-'ipadressorusername' => 'IP或簿名',
-'ipbexpiry' => '限期',
-'ipbreason' => '緣',
-'ipbanononly' => '禁名匿',
-'ipbcreateaccount' => '禁增簿',
-'ipbsubmit' => '禁此簿',
-'ipbother' => '它時',
-'ipboptions' => '二時:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一週:1 week,二週:2 weeks,一月:1 month,三月:3 months,六月:6 months,一年:1 year,永:infinite',
-'ipbotheroption' => '他',
-'badipaddress' => 'IP不格',
-'blockipsuccesssub' => '見禁',
-'blockipsuccesstext' => '[[{{ns:Special}}:Contributions/$1|$1]]見禁<br />見[[{{ns:Special}}:Ipblocklist|誌禁]]',
-'unblockip' => '赦禁簿',
-'unblockiptext' => '以下表赦禁簿、IP:',
-'ipusubmit' => '赦此址',
-'unblocked' => '[[User:$1|$1]]見赦。',
-'ipblocklist' => '列禁簿、禁IP:',
-'ipblocklist-legend' => '尋禁簿',
-'ipblocklist-username' => '簿或IP:',
-'blocklistline' => '$1,$2禁$3($4)',
-'infiniteblock' => '永',
-'expiringblock' => '過$1',
-'anononlyblock' => '惟名匿',
-'createaccountblock' => '禁增簿',
-'ipblocklist-empty' => '誌空也。',
-'blocklink' => '禁',
-'unblocklink' => '赦',
-'contribslink' => '功績',
-'autoblocker' => '近日"[[User:$1|$1]]"用子IP"\'\'\'$2\'\'\'",故禁',
-'blocklogpage' => '誌禁',
-'blocklogentry' => '禁[[$1]]至$2 $3',
-'unblocklogentry' => '赦$1',
-'ipb_expiry_invalid' => '限期不格。',
-'ipb_already_blocked' => '"$1"早禁矣',
-'proxyblocksuccess' => '已矣',
+'blockip' => '禁簿',
+'blockiptext' => '函下禁纂,簿、址明判;[[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|秉據]]如斯,立法克亂。指罪證行,了冤無憾。',
+'ipaddress' => 'IP址',
+'ipadressorusername' => 'IP或簿名',
+'ipbexpiry' => '限期',
+'ipbreason' => '指證',
+'ipbreasonotherlist' => '常犯',
+'ipbreason-dropdown' => '
+** 造假報
+** 毀文貌
+** 廣賈告
+** 話胡鬧
+** 恐嚇擾
+** 污名號
+** 名瀆道',
+'ipbanononly' => '惟禁匿',
+'ipbcreateaccount' => '禁增簿',
+'ipbemailban' => '禁郵捎',
+'ipbenableautoblock' => '屢禁此簿,新IP址、後繼亦如也。',
+'ipbsubmit' => '禁簿',
+'ipbother' => '別期',
+'ipboptions' => '二時:2 hours,一日:1 day,三日:3 days,一週:1 week,二週:2 weeks,一月:1 month,三月:3 months,六月:6 months,一年:1 year,永如:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
+'ipbotheroption' => '它',
+'ipbotherreason' => '補證、加證曰',
+'ipbhidename' => '簿名、IP址隱乎誌禁、表禁、點簿。',
+'badipaddress' => 'IP不格',
+'blockipsuccesssub' => '禁焉',
+'blockipsuccesstext' => '[[{{ns:special}}:Contributions/$1|$1]]禁焉。表禁<br />見[[{{ns:special}}:Ipblocklist|此]]。',
+'ipb-edit-dropdown' => '改證',
+'ipb-unblock-addr' => '赦$1',
+'ipb-unblock' => '赦簿、址',
+'ipb-blocklist-addr' => '見$1禁',
+'ipb-blocklist' => '列禁',
+'unblockip' => '赦簿',
+'unblockiptext' => '函下赦禁。',
+'ipusubmit' => '赦此址',
+'unblocked' => '[[User:$1|$1]]赦焉',
+'unblocked-id' => '禁$1赦焉',
+'ipblocklist' => '列禁簿、禁址',
+'ipblocklist-legend' => '尋禁簿',
+'ipblocklist-username' => '簿名、IP址:',
+'ipblocklist-submit' => '尋',
+'blocklistline' => '$1,$2禁$3($4)',
+'infiniteblock' => '永如',
+'expiringblock' => '屆$1',
+'anononlyblock' => '惟匿者',
+'noautoblockblock' => '止自禁',
+'createaccountblock' => '禁增簿',
+'emailblock' => '郵禁焉',
+'ipblocklist-empty' => '無禁。',
+'ipblocklist-no-results' => '簿名、IP址未禁焉。',
+'blocklink' => '禁',
+'unblocklink' => '赦',
+'contribslink' => '勛',
+'autoblocker' => '近日$1"$2";同子IP址,故禁焉。',
+'blocklogpage' => '誌禁',
+'blocklogentry' => '禁[[$1]]屆$2$3',
+'blocklogtext' => '此誌禁赦;自禁不示。見[[Special:Ipblocklist|此]]列今禁者。',
+'unblocklogentry' => '$1赦焉',
+'block-log-flags-anononly' => '惟禁匿',
+'block-log-flags-nocreate' => '禁增簿',
+'block-log-flags-noautoblock' => '止自禁',
+'block-log-flags-noemail' => '郵禁焉',
+'range_block_disabled' => '未准有秩圍禁。',
+'ipb_expiry_invalid' => '屆期不明。',
+'ipb_already_blocked' => '"$1"早禁矣',
+'ipb_cant_unblock' => '有誤:禁$1無尋;或早赦矣。',
+'ipb_blocked_as_range' => '錯:該IP $1 無直禁也,無赦之。唯它在 $2 之範禁內,其範可赦之。',
+'ip_range_invalid' => 'IP址圍不格',
+'blockme' => '自禁',
+'proxyblocker' => '禁Proxy',
+'proxyblocksuccess' => '成矣。',
# Developer tools
-'lockdb' => '鎖庫藏',
-'unlockdb' => '解庫藏',
-'lockconfirm' => '篤欲鎖之',
-'unlockconfirm' => '篤欲解之',
-'lockbtn' => '鎖',
-'unlockbtn' => '解',
-'lockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏鎖矣',
-'unlockdbsuccesssub' => '庫藏解矣',
-'lockdbsuccesstext' => '庫藏鎖矣。<br />檢修後務[[Special:Unlockdb|解之]]。',
-'unlockdbsuccesstext' => '庫藏解矣',
-'databasenotlocked' => '庫藏未鎖',
+'lockdb' => '閉庫',
+'unlockdb' => '開庫',
+'lockdbtext' => '夫閉庫者,止撰編、凍簿註、休令哨、謝問庫也。篤欲行,事畢開之。',
+'unlockdbtext' => '夫開庫者,迎撰編、任註簿、喜令哨、隨問庫也;慎篤之。',
+'lockconfirm' => '篤閉之。',
+'unlockconfirm' => '篤開之。',
+'lockbtn' => '閉庫',
+'unlockbtn' => '開庫',
+'locknoconfirm' => '未篤焉。',
+'lockdbsuccesssub' => '庫已閉',
+'unlockdbsuccesssub' => '庫已開',
+'lockdbsuccesstext' => '庫閉矣。<br />檢畢切[[Special:Unlockdb|開之]]。',
+'unlockdbsuccesstext' => '庫開矣',
+'lockfilenotwritable' => '未准更鎖庫檔。欲開閉之,網頁伺服須得更也。',
+'databasenotlocked' => '庫未閉焉。',
# Move page
-'movepage' => '遷文',
-'movearticle' => '遷此文:',
-'movenologin' => '未登簿',
-'movenologintext' => '遷文須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。',
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-'movetalk' => '並遷其議',
-'talkpagemoved' => '其議已並遷。',
-'talkpagenotmoved' => '其議<strong>未</strong>並遷。',
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+'movearticle' => '遷文:',
+'movenologin' => '未登簿',
+'movenologintext' => '遷文須[[Special:Userlogin|登簿]]。',
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+'move-watch' => '派哨',
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+'pagemovedsub' => '遷成矣',
+'movepage-moved' => "<big>'''「$1」已遷至「$2」'''</big>", # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
+'articleexists' => '此題早存,或名謬焉;請更之。',
+'cantmove-titleprotected' => '爾不可動頁至此,因新題已緘焉,防建之。',
+'talkexists' => "'''文遷成而議未移,蓋早存也;請併之。'''",
+'movedto' => '遷至',
+'movetalk' => '議並遷',
+'talkpagemoved' => '議並遷矣。',
+'talkpagenotmoved' => '遷議<strong>不成</strong>。',
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+'1movedto2_redir' => '[[$1]]遷至[[$2]]為渡',
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+'movelogpagetext' => '頁遷如下:',
+'movereason' => '因',
+'revertmove' => '還',
+'delete_and_move' => '刪遷',
+'delete_and_move_text' => '==准刪==
+'delete_and_move_confirm' => '刪之',
+'delete_and_move_reason' => '為遷而刪之',
+'selfmove' => '鄉遷同源,如未移也。',
+'immobile_namespace' => '鄉遷其一,名冊特異,不可遷也。',
# Export
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+'export' => '出匯',
+'exporttext' => '文、誌纂、擇頁可編成XML,借MediaWiki[[Special:Import|入匯]他山]。欲出匯,函下題之,每列一題,任牽舊審、誌文;或獨帶末纂之述,以鏈表之,如以[[{{ns:special}}:Export/{{MediaWiki:mainpage}}]]匯"[[{{MediaWiki:mainpage}}]]"。',
+'exportcuronly' => '獨匯今審',
+'exportnohistory' => "----
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+'export-addcat' => '增',
+'export-download' => '備檔以載',
+'export-templates' => '含模',
# Namespace 8 related
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-'allmessagestext' => '此為MediaWiki領域處所含之系統訊息一覽。',
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# Thumbnails
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# Special:Import
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-'importstart' => '正匯入…',
-'import-revision-count' => '共$1審',
-'importnopages' => '無可匯。',
-'importfailed' => '匯入有變:$1',
-'importsuccess' => '匯入成矣!',
+'import' => '圖入匯',
+'importinterwiki' => '維基互匯',
+'import-interwiki-text' => '欲入匯,擇維基、揀題文,審時、纂者隨記也。互匯錄於[[Special:Log/import|誌入]]。',
+'import-interwiki-history' => '審、誌同匯',
+'import-interwiki-submit' => '入匯',
+'import-interwiki-namespace' => '入名冊:',
+'importtext' => '請[[Special:Export出匯]]儲之,再入匯於此。',
+'importstart' => '入匯…',
+'import-revision-count' => '有審$1',
+'importnopages' => '無可匯。',
+'importfailed' => '入匯有變:<nowiki>$1</nowiki>',
+'importunknownsource' => '入類不明',
+'importcantopen' => '入未可啟',
+'importbadinterwiki' => '維基內鏈壞',
+'importnotext' => '空檔或無文',
+'importsuccess' => '入匯成矣!',
+'importhistoryconflict' => '舊審沖,疑早存焉',
+'importnosources' => '互匯而未定入源,審、誌不予直進。',
+'importnofile' => '無匯入也。',
+'importuploaderrorsize' => '檔未入匯。幅越焉。',
+'importuploaderrorpartial' => '檔未入匯。檔部傳。',
+'importuploaderrortemp' => '檔未入匯。臨夾已失。',
+'import-parse-failure' => 'XML入匯語法敗矣',
+'import-noarticle' => '無頁入匯也!',
+'import-nonewrevisions' => '全審已入匯也。',
+'xml-error-string' => '$1 於行$2,欄$3 ($4字節): $5',
# Import log
-'import-logentry-upload-detail' => '共$1審',
+'importlogpage' => '誌入',
+'importlogpagetext' => '秩入匯自他山之審。',
+'import-logentry-upload' => '[[$1]]上傳而匯',
+'import-logentry-upload-detail' => '有審$1',
+'import-logentry-interwiki' => '互匯$1',
'import-logentry-interwiki-detail' => '$1審自$2',
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+'tooltip-pt-userpage' => '述平生、紹身家、銘字號',
'tooltip-pt-anonuserpage' => '君IP之舍',
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+'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => '與眾論、往魚雁、湧文滔',
'tooltip-pt-anontalk' => '此IP所修之議',
-'tooltip-pt-preferences' => '余之所好',
-'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => '余之哨站',
-'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => '吾績',
-'tooltip-pt-login' => '誠望君登簿,縱非必須耳。',
-'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => '誠望君登簿,縱非必須耳。',
-'tooltip-pt-logout' => '登出',
-'tooltip-ca-talk' => '關乎正文之議',
-'tooltip-ca-edit' => '君可修斯文,惟望先察之,以保無誤。',
-'tooltip-ca-addsection' => '置新議於斯頁',
-'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => '斯文已護耳,君無可修也,惟仍可察其碼。',
-'tooltip-ca-history' => '斯文之前版。',
-'tooltip-ca-protect' => '護之',
-'tooltip-ca-delete' => '去之',
-'tooltip-ca-undelete' => '復之',
-'tooltip-ca-move' => '遷之',
-'tooltip-ca-watch' => '置之於哨',
-'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => '自哨站去之',
-'tooltip-search' => '索本站',
-'tooltip-p-logo' => '卷首',
-'tooltip-n-mainpage' => '如卷首',
-'tooltip-n-portal' => '關乎本策,君可為之事、及何以為之',
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-'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => '列其近易',
-'tooltip-n-randompage' => '清風翻書',
-'tooltip-n-help' => '求助',
-'tooltip-n-sitesupport' => '資吾人耳',
-'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => '凡相連本文者,咸示之也',
-'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => '凡本文有連者,其易咸示於斯',
-'tooltip-minoredit' => '此為校文',
-'tooltip-save' => '儲簿註',
-'tooltip-preview' => '預覽,儲前務覽之',
-'tooltip-diff' => '覽易者',
-'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => '二揀辨異',
-'tooltip-watch' => '派哨',
-'tooltip-recreate' => '重建之',
-'tooltip-upload' => '始獻',
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+'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => '刻勛功、追作續、慰苦勞',
+'tooltip-pt-login' => '設書齋、錄功績、廣放哨',
+'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => '設書齋、錄功績、廣放哨',
+'tooltip-pt-logout' => '凡事盡,乘雲飄',
+'tooltip-ca-talk' => '求異見、辯是非、妥紛擾',
+'tooltip-ca-edit' => '拓文意、校誤謬、潤辭藻',
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+'tooltip-ca-history' => '誌流衍、備謄本、修惡盜',
+'tooltip-ca-protect' => '謝撰纂,奏原調',
+'tooltip-ca-delete' => '撕書頁,棄於奧',
+'tooltip-ca-undelete' => '悔刪斷,奉回轎',
+'tooltip-ca-move' => '安居所,嚮正道',
+'tooltip-ca-watch' => '哨此報',
+'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => '撤此哨',
+'tooltip-search' => '索大典,籲自曉',
+'tooltip-search-go' => '確合契,躍步到',
+'tooltip-search-fulltext' => '尋通篇,列倣傚',
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+'tooltip-n-currentevents' => '知天下、順潮流、察脈絡',
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+'tooltip-n-help' => '解疑惑、點明燈、掛病號',
+'tooltip-n-sitesupport' => '濟資財、施續命、傳美皓',
+'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => '何美餚,佐此料',
+'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => '足義友,借鏡照',
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+'tooltip-feed-atom' => '本卷之Atom源',
+'tooltip-t-contributions' => '同肩戰,苦功高',
+'tooltip-t-emailuser' => '言未猶,書信捎',
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+'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => '閱文稿',
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+'tooltip-ca-nstab-media' => '聽媒紹',
+'tooltip-ca-nstab-special' => '特查報,謝纂校',
+'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => '探爐灶',
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+'tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki' => '聞官耗',
+'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => '尋模造',
+'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => '助拳腳',
+'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => '入門道',
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+'tooltip-preview' => '篤存儲,先草稿',
+'tooltip-diff' => '留筆過,觀入刀',
+'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => '揀二審,辨毀造',
+'tooltip-watch' => '哨此報',
+'tooltip-recreate' => '昔棄鄙,重起灶',
+'tooltip-upload' => '獻品備,伐步跑',
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+'anonymous' => '{{SITENAME}}無簿者',
+'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}}有簿者$1',
+'lastmodifiedatby' => '$1$2,$3新易此頁。', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user
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-'others' => '它',
-'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}}有簿$1',
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-'markedaspatrollederrortext' => '揀之方可哨',
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+'markedaspatrolled' => '派哨',
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-'filedeleteerror-long' => '刪檔時,見誤耳:
-'filedelete-missing' => '"$1"無以復,蓋因本無之。',
-'filedelete-old-unregistered' => '古檔 "$1" 者,資料庫所無也。',
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-'filedelete-archive-read-only' => '"$1"之目,莫之能書。',
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+'filedeleteerror-long' => '刪檔有誤:\\n\\n$1\\n',
+'filedelete-missing' => '"$1"不存,無可刪也。',
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# Browsing diffs
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# Bad image list
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+'bad_image_list' => '僅取表件,冠「*」者也。格式如下:
-列示項(以 * 始)以慮也。首鏈必連壞圖也。
# Metadata
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-* 相機製造商
-* 相機型號
-* 本之時日
-* 曝光時間
-* 光圈(F值)
-* 焦距',
+'metadata' => '補註',
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+* make
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# External editor support
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@@ -1376,10 +1675,7 @@ $1',
'scarytranscludetoolong' => '[歉哉,網址過長]',
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-此文之引:<br />
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'trackbackdeleteok' => 'Trackback 刪矣。',
@@ -1392,7 +1688,7 @@ $1
'recreate' => '復',
# HTML dump
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+'redirectingto' => '渡至[[$1]]…',
# action=purge
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@@ -1405,14 +1701,17 @@ $1',
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# Multipage image navigation
-'imgmultipageprev' => '←前頁',
-'imgmultipagenext' => '次頁→',
-'imgmultigo' => '往',
-'imgmultigotopre' => '往第',
-'imgmultigotopost' => '頁',
-'imgmultiparseerror' => '斯圖也,類毀矣,故{{SITENAME}}無以得其表。',
+'imgmultipageprev' => '←前頁',
+'imgmultipagenext' => '次頁→',
+'imgmultigo' => '往',
+'imgmultigotopre' => '往第',
+'imgmultigotopost' => '頁',
# Table pager
'ascending_abbrev' => '升冪',
@@ -1428,59 +1727,73 @@ $1',
# Auto-summaries
'autosumm-blank' => '盡除之',
'autosumm-replace' => "置為'$1'",
-'autoredircomment' => '轉至[[$1]]',
+'autoredircomment' => '渡至[[$1]]',
'autosumm-new' => '新文:$1',
# Size units
-'size-bytes' => '$1 位元組',
-'size-kilobytes' => '$1 KB',
-'size-megabytes' => '$1 MB',
-'size-gigabytes' => '$1 GB',
+'size-bytes' => '$1 位元組',
# Live preview
-'livepreview-loading' => '在示…',
-'livepreview-ready' => '在示… 成!',
+'livepreview-loading' => '遺藏…',
+'livepreview-ready' => '藏至矣。',
'livepreview-failed' => '弗能即時示之!嘗以本法。',
'livepreview-error' => '莫之連也:$1 "$2" 嘗以本法。',
# Friendlier slave lag warnings
-'lag-warn-normal' => '凡易新於$1秒者,或無之示矣。',
-'lag-warn-high' => '蓋因資料庫延誤,凡易新於$1秒者,或無之示矣。',
+'lag-warn-normal' => '近$1秒新易者疑喪也。',
+'lag-warn-high' => '遣藏遲焉。近$1秒新易者疑喪也。',
# Watchlist editor
-'watchlistedit-numitems' => '不計議論,爾哨計有題$1。',
-'watchlistedit-noitems' => '爾哨無題也。',
-'watchlistedit-clear-title' => '清哨',
-'watchlistedit-clear-legend' => '清哨',
-'watchlistedit-clear-confirm' => '清整哨也。篤撤之?亦[[Special:Watchlist/edit|治哨站]]也。',
-'watchlistedit-clear-submit' => '清',
-'watchlistedit-clear-done' => '爾哨已清。整題已去之。',
+'watchlistedit-numitems' => '不計議論,哨有題$1。',
+'watchlistedit-noitems' => '哨無題也。',
'watchlistedit-normal-title' => '治哨站',
-'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => '從哨站撤之',
-'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => '此列有哨之題。要除題,揀之,擊撤題。亦[[Special:Watchlist/raw|治源哨]]或[[Special:Watchlist/clear|清哨]]也。',
+'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => '撤之',
+'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => '盡列有哨。欲撤題,揀之再擊。亦[[Special:Watchlist/raw|治源哨]]也。',
'watchlistedit-normal-submit' => '撤題',
'watchlistedit-normal-done' => '$1題之哨已撤:',
'watchlistedit-raw-title' => '治源哨',
'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => '治源哨',
-'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => '此列有哨之題,治此表以加減題;一行一題之。善,擊更哨。亦[[Special:Watchlist/edit|標準治哨]]也。',
+'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => '盡列有哨。治此表以加減題;一行一題之。善,擊更哨。亦[[Special:Watchlist/edit|標準治哨]]也。',
'watchlistedit-raw-titles' => '題:',
'watchlistedit-raw-submit' => '更哨',
-'watchlistedit-raw-done' => '爾哨已更也。',
+'watchlistedit-raw-done' => '哨更矣。',
'watchlistedit-raw-added' => '已添$1題:',
'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => '已撤$1題:',
# Watchlist editing tools
-'watchlisttools-view' => '察易',
-'watchlisttools-edit' => '治哨站',
-'watchlisttools-raw' => '治源哨',
-'watchlisttools-clear' => '清哨',
+'watchlisttools-view' => '察易',
+'watchlisttools-edit' => '治哨站',
+'watchlisttools-raw' => '治源哨',
+# Core parser functions
+'unknown_extension_tag' => '未明之擴標「$1」',
+# Special:Version
+'version-extensions' => '裝展',
+'version-specialpages' => '奇頁',
+'version-parserhooks' => '語鈎',
+'version-variables' => '變數',
+'version-other' => '他',
+'version-mediahandlers' => '媒處',
+'version-hooks' => '鈎',
+'version-extension-functions' => '展函',
+'version-parser-extensiontags' => '語展標',
+'version-parser-function-hooks' => '語函鈎',
+'version-skin-extension-functions' => '面版展函',
+'version-hook-name' => '鈎名',
+'version-hook-subscribedby' => '用於',
+'version-version' => '版',
+'version-license' => '牌',
+'version-software' => '裝件',
+'version-software-product' => '品',
+'version-software-version' => '版',
+# Special:Filepath
+'filepath' => '檔路',
+'filepath-page' => '檔名:',
+'filepath-submit' => '尋路',
+'filepath-summary' => '此奇頁取一檔之整路。圖以全解像示之,他檔會以有關之程式啟動也。