path: root/maintenance/
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2010-07-28 11:52:48 +0200
commit222b01f5169f1c7e69762e0e8904c24f78f71882 (patch)
tree8e932e12546bb991357ec48eb1638d1770be7a35 /maintenance/
parent00ab76a6b686e98a914afc1975812d2b1aaa7016 (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.16.0
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/ b/maintenance/
deleted file mode 100644
index f846d2b7..00000000
--- a/maintenance/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- * Rebuild recent changes table.
- *
- * @file
- * @todo document
- * @ingroup Maintenance
- */
-/** Public entry; more passes might come in! :) */
-function rebuildRecentChangesTable() {
- rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1();
- rebuildRecentChangesTablePass2();
- rebuildRecentChangesTablePass3();
- rebuildRecentChangesTablePass4();
-/** */
-function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass1()
- $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
- $dbw->delete( 'recentchanges', '*' );
- print( "Loading from page and revision tables...\n" );
- global $wgRCMaxAge;
- print( '$wgRCMaxAge=' . $wgRCMaxAge );
- $days = $wgRCMaxAge / 24 / 3600;
- if ( intval($days) == $days ) {
- print( " (" . $days . " days)\n" );
- } else {
- print( " (approx. " . intval($days) . " days)\n" );
- }
- $cutoff = time() - $wgRCMaxAge;
- $dbw->insertSelect( 'recentchanges', array( 'page', 'revision' ),
- array(
- 'rc_timestamp' => 'rev_timestamp',
- 'rc_cur_time' => 'rev_timestamp',
- 'rc_user' => 'rev_user',
- 'rc_user_text' => 'rev_user_text',
- 'rc_namespace' => 'page_namespace',
- 'rc_title' => 'page_title',
- 'rc_comment' => 'rev_comment',
- 'rc_minor' => 'rev_minor_edit',
- 'rc_bot' => 0,
- 'rc_new' => 'page_is_new',
- 'rc_cur_id' => 'page_id',
- 'rc_this_oldid' => 'rev_id',
- 'rc_last_oldid' => 0, // is this ok?
- 'rc_type' => $dbw->conditional( 'page_is_new != 0', RC_NEW, RC_EDIT ),
- 'rc_deleted' => 'rev_deleted'
- ), array(
- 'rev_timestamp > ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $cutoff ) ),
- 'rev_page=page_id'
- ), __METHOD__,
- array(), // INSERT options
- array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC', 'LIMIT' => 5000 ) // SELECT options
- );
-function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass2()
- $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
- list ($recentchanges, $revision) = $dbw->tableNamesN( 'recentchanges', 'revision' );
- print( "Updating links and size differences...\n" );
- # Fill in the rc_last_oldid field, which points to the previous edit
- $sql = "SELECT rc_cur_id,rc_this_oldid,rc_timestamp FROM $recentchanges " .
- "ORDER BY rc_cur_id,rc_timestamp";
- $res = $dbw->query( $sql, DB_MASTER );
- $lastCurId = 0;
- $lastOldId = 0;
- while ( $obj = $dbw->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
- $new = 0;
- if( $obj->rc_cur_id != $lastCurId ) {
- # Switch! Look up the previous last edit, if any
- $lastCurId = intval( $obj->rc_cur_id );
- $emit = $obj->rc_timestamp;
- $sql2 = "SELECT rev_id,rev_len FROM $revision " .
- "WHERE rev_page={$lastCurId} ".
- "AND rev_timestamp<'{$emit}' ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1";
- $res2 = $dbw->query( $sql2 );
- if( $row = $dbw->fetchObject( $res2 ) ) {
- $lastOldId = intval($row->rev_id);
- # Grab the last text size if available
- $lastSize = !is_null($row->rev_len) ? intval($row->rev_len) : 'NULL';
- } else {
- # No previous edit
- $lastOldId = 0;
- $lastSize = 'NULL';
- $new = 1; // probably true
- }
- $dbw->freeResult( $res2 );
- }
- if( $lastCurId == 0 ) {
- print "Uhhh, something wrong? No curid\n";
- } else {
- # Grab the entry's text size
- $size = $dbw->selectField( 'revision', 'rev_len', array('rev_id' => $obj->rc_this_oldid ) );
- $size = !is_null($size) ? intval($size) : 'NULL';
- $sql3 = "UPDATE $recentchanges SET rc_last_oldid=$lastOldId,rc_new=$new,rc_type=$new," .
- "rc_old_len=$lastSize,rc_new_len=$size " .
- "WHERE rc_cur_id={$lastCurId} AND rc_this_oldid={$obj->rc_this_oldid}";
- $dbw->query( $sql3 );
- $lastOldId = intval( $obj->rc_this_oldid );
- }
- }
- $dbw->freeResult( $res );
-function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass3()
- $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
- print( "Loading from user, page, and logging tables...\n" );
- global $wgRCMaxAge;
- // Some logs don't go in RC. This can't really detect all of those.
- // At least do the basics logs for a standard install...
- // FIXME: this needs to be maintained
- $basicRCLogs = array(
- 'block',
- 'protect',
- 'rights',
- 'delete',
- 'upload',
- 'move',
- 'import',
- 'merge' );
- // Escape...blah blah
- $selectLogs = array();
- foreach( $basicRCLogs as $logtype ) {
- $safetype = $dbw->strencode( $logtype );
- $selectLogs[] = "'$safetype'";
- }
- $cutoff = time() - $wgRCMaxAge;
- $dbw->insertSelect( 'recentchanges', array( 'logging', 'page', 'user' ),
- array(
- 'rc_timestamp' => 'log_timestamp',
- 'rc_cur_time' => 'log_timestamp',
- 'rc_user' => 'log_user',
- 'rc_user_text' => 'user_name',
- 'rc_namespace' => 'log_namespace',
- 'rc_title' => 'log_title',
- 'rc_comment' => 'log_comment',
- 'rc_minor' => 0,
- 'rc_bot' => 0,
- 'rc_patrolled' => 1,
- 'rc_new' => 0,
- 'rc_this_oldid' => 0,
- 'rc_last_oldid' => 0,
- 'rc_type' => RC_LOG,
- 'rc_cur_id' => 'page_id',
- 'rc_log_type' => 'log_type',
- 'rc_log_action' => 'log_action',
- 'rc_logid' => 'log_id',
- 'rc_params' => 'log_params',
- 'rc_deleted' => 'log_deleted'
- ), array(
- 'log_timestamp > ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $cutoff ) ),
- 'log_user=user_id',
- 'log_namespace=page_namespace',
- 'log_title=page_title',
- 'log_type IN(' . implode(',',$selectLogs) . ')'
- ), __METHOD__,
- array(), // INSERT options
- array( 'ORDER BY' => 'log_timestamp DESC', 'LIMIT' => 5000 ) // SELECT options
- );
-function rebuildRecentChangesTablePass4()
- global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgUseRCPatrol;
- $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
- list($recentchanges,$usergroups,$user) = $dbw->tableNamesN( 'recentchanges', 'user_groups', 'user' );
- $botgroups = $autopatrolgroups = array();
- foreach( $wgGroupPermissions as $group => $rights ) {
- if( isset( $rights['bot'] ) && $rights['bot'] == true ) {
- $botgroups[] = $dbw->addQuotes( $group );
- }
- if( $wgUseRCPatrol && isset( $rights['autopatrol'] ) && $rights['autopatrol'] == true ) {
- $autopatrolgroups[] = $dbw->addQuotes( $group );
- }
- }
- # Flag our recent bot edits
- if( !empty($botgroups) ) {
- $botwhere = implode(',',$botgroups);
- $botusers = array();
- print( "Flagging bot account edits...\n" );
- # Find all users that are bots
- $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT user_name FROM $usergroups, $user " .
- "WHERE ug_group IN($botwhere) AND user_id = ug_user";
- $res = $dbw->query( $sql, DB_MASTER );
- while( $obj = $dbw->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
- $botusers[] = $dbw->addQuotes( $obj->user_name );
- }
- # Fill in the rc_bot field
- if( !empty($botusers) ) {
- $botwhere = implode(',',$botusers);
- $sql2 = "UPDATE $recentchanges SET rc_bot=1 " .
- "WHERE rc_user_text IN($botwhere)";
- $dbw->query( $sql2 );
- }
- }
- global $wgMiserMode;
- # Flag our recent autopatrolled edits
- if( !$wgMiserMode && !empty($autopatrolgroups) ) {
- $patrolwhere = implode(',',$autopatrolgroups);
- $patrolusers = array();
- print( "Flagging auto-patrolled edits...\n" );
- # Find all users in RC with autopatrol rights
- $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT user_name FROM $usergroups, $user " .
- "WHERE ug_group IN($patrolwhere) AND user_id = ug_user";
- $res = $dbw->query( $sql, DB_MASTER );
- while( $obj = $dbw->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
- $patrolusers[] = $dbw->addQuotes( $obj->user_name );
- }
- # Fill in the rc_patrolled field
- if( !empty($patrolusers) ) {
- $patrolwhere = implode(',',$patrolusers);
- $sql2 = "UPDATE $recentchanges SET rc_patrolled=1 " .
- "WHERE rc_user_text IN($patrolwhere)";
- $dbw->query( $sql2 );
- }
- }
- $dbw->freeResult( $res );