path: root/maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-06-22 11:28:20 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-06-22 11:28:20 +0200
commit9db190c7e736ec8d063187d4241b59feaf7dc2d1 (patch)
tree46d1a0dee7febef5c2d57a9f7b972be16a163b3d /maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php
parent78677c7bbdcc9739f6c10c75935898a20e1acd9e (diff)
update to MediaWiki 1.17.0
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php b/maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12824307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintenance/tests/selenium/suites/UserPreferencesTestCase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Selenium server manager
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup Maintenance
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Dan Nessett <>
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @addtogroup Maintenance
+ *
+ */
+class UserPreferencesTestCase extends SeleniumTestCase {
+ // Verify user information
+ public function testUserInfoDisplay() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ // Verify correct username displayed in User Preferences
+ $this->assertEquals( $this->getText( "//li[@id='pt-userpage']/a" ),
+ $this->getText( "//table[@id='mw-htmlform-info']/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]" ));
+ // Verify existing Signature Displayed correctly
+ $this->assertEquals( $this->selenium->getUser(),
+ $this->getTable( "mw-htmlform-signature.0.1" ) );
+ }
+ // Verify change password
+ public function testChangePassword() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->click( "link=Change password" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->type( "wpPassword", "12345" );
+ $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "54321" );
+ $this->type( "wpRetype", "54321" );
+ $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Preferences", $this->getText( "firstHeading" ));
+ $this->click( "link=Change password" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->type( "wpPassword", "54321" );
+ $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "12345" );
+ $this->type( "wpRetype", "12345" );
+ $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "Preferences", $this->getText( "firstHeading" ));
+ $this->click( "link=Change password" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->type( "wpPassword", "54321" );
+ $this->type( "wpNewPassword", "12345" );
+ $this->type( "wpRetype", "12345" );
+ $this->click( "//input[@value='Change password']" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ }
+ // Verify successful preferences save
+ public function testSuccessfullSave() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->type( "mw-input-realname", "Test User" );
+ $this->click( "prefcontrol" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ // Verify "Your preferences have been saved." message
+ $this->assertEquals( "Your preferences have been saved.",
+ $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p" ));
+ $this->type( "mw-input-realname", "" );
+ $this->click( "prefcontrol" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ }
+ // Verify change signature
+ public function testChangeSignature() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->type( "mw-input-nickname", "TestSignature" );
+ $this->click( "prefcontrol" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ // Verify change user signature
+ $this->assertEquals( "TestSignature", $this->getText( "link=TestSignature" ));
+ $this->type( "mw-input-nickname", "Test" );
+ $this->click( "prefcontrol" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad("30000");
+ }
+ // Verify change date format
+ public function testChangeDateFormatTimeZone() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->click( "link=Date and time" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ $this->click( "mw-input-date-dmy" );
+ $this->select( "mw-input-timecorrection", "label=Asia/Colombo" );
+ $this->click( "prefcontrol" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ // Verify Date format and time zome saved
+ $this->assertEquals( "Your preferences have been saved.",
+ $this->getText( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p" ));
+ }
+ // Verify restoring all default settings
+ public function testSetAllDefault() {
+ $this->open( $this->getUrl() .
+ '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' );
+ $this->click( "link=My preferences" );
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad( "30000" );
+ // Verify restoring all default settings
+ $this->assertEquals( "Restore all default settings",
+ $this->getText( "link=Restore all default settings" ));
+ $this->click("//*[@id='preferences']/div/a");
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad("30000");
+ // Verify 'This can not be undone' warning message displayed
+ $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("//input[@value='Restore all default settings']"));
+ // Verify 'Restore all default settings' button available
+ $this->assertEquals("You can use this page to reset your preferences to the site defaults. This cannot be undone.",
+ $this->getText("//div[@id='bodyContent']/p"));
+ $this->click("//input[@value='Restore all default settings']");
+ $this->waitForPageToLoad("30000");
+ // Verify preferences saved successfully
+ $this->assertEquals("Your preferences have been saved.",
+ $this->getText("//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/strong/p"));
+ }