path: root/maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2008-12-15 18:02:47 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2008-12-15 18:02:47 +0100
commit396b28f3d881f5debd888ba9bb9b47c2d478a76f (patch)
tree10d6e1a721ee4ef69def34a57f02d7eb3fc9e31e /maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php
parent0be4d3ccf6c4fe98a72704f9463ecdea2ee5e615 (diff)
update to Mediawiki 1.13.3; some cleanups
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php b/maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b180257..00000000
--- a/maintenance/wiki-mangleme.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-Author : Nick Jenkins,
-Date : 18 May 2006.
-License: GPL v 2.
- Performs fuzz-style testing of MediaWiki's parser.
- The script feeds the parser some randomized malformed wiki-text, and stores
- the HTML output.
- Checks the HTML output for:
- - unclosed tags
- - errors in Tidy
- both can indicate potential security issues.
- Can optionally W3C validate of the HTML output (indicates malformed HTML
- output).
- Contains a PHP port, of a "shameless" Python PORT, OF LCAMTUF'S MANGELME
- You need PHP4 or PHP5, with PHP-curl enabled, and Tidy installed.
- Update the "Configuration" section, especially the "WIKI_URL" to point
- to a local wiki you can test stuff on. You can optionally set
- "VALIDATE_ON_WEB" to true, although at the moment very few generated pages
- will validate. Then run "php wiki-mangleme.php".
- This will print a list of HTML output that had unclosed tags, and/or that
- caused tidy errors. It will keep running until you press Ctrl-C. All output
- files are stored in the "mangleme" subdirectory.
-# This is a command line script, load mediawiki env:
-// Configuration:
-# The directory name where we store the output
-# for windows: "c:\\temp\\mangleme"
-define("DIRECTORY", "/tmp/mangleme");
-# URL to some wiki on which we can run our tests:
-define("WIKI_URL", $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . '/index.php?title=WIKIMANGLE' );
-# Should our test output include binary strings?
-define("INCLUDE_BINARY", false);
-# Whether we want to send output on the web for validation:
-define("VALIDATE_ON_WEB", false);
-# URL to use to validate our output:
-define("VALIDATOR_URL", "");
-// If it goes wrong, we want to know about it.
-///////////////////// DEFINE THE DATA THAT WILL BE USED //////////////////////
-/* Note: Only some HTML tags are understood by MediaWiki, the rest is ignored.
- The tags that are ignored have been commented out below. */
-$data = array();
-// $data["A"] = array("NAME", "HREF", "REF", "REV", "TITLE", "TARGET", "SHAPE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["APPLET"] = array("CODEBASE", "CODE", "NAME", "ALIGN", "ALT", "HEIGHT", "WIDTH", "HSPACE", "VSPACE", "DOWNLOAD", "HEIGHT", "NAME", "TITLE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["AREA"] = array("SHAPE", "ALT", "CO-ORDS", "HREF", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["B"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["BANNER"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["BASE"] = array("HREF", "TARGET", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["BASEFONT"] = array("SIZE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["BGSOUND"] = array("SRC", "LOOP", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["BQ"] = array("CLEAR", "NOWRAP", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["CAPTION"] = array("ALIGN", "VALIGN", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["CENTER"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["COL"] = array("ALIGN", "SPAN", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["COLGROUP"] = array("ALIGN", "VALIGN", "HALIGN", "WIDTH", "SPAN", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["DIV"] = array("ALIGN", "CLASS", "LANG", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["EMBED"] = array("SRC", "HEIGHT", "WIDTH", "UNITS", "NAME", "PALETTE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["FIG"] = array("SRC", "ALIGN", "HEIGHT", "WIDTH", "UNITS", "IMAGEMAP", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["FN"] = array("ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["FONT"] = array("SIZE", "COLOR", "FACE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["FORM"] = array("ACTION", "METHOD", "ENCTYPE", "TARGET", "SCRIPT", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["FRAMESET"] = array("ROWS", "COLS", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["H1"] = array("SRC", "DINGBAT", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["HEAD"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["HR"] = array("SRC", "SIZE", "WIDTH", "ALIGN", "COLOR", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["HTML"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["IMG"] = array("ALIGN", "ALT", "SRC", "BORDER", "DYNSRC", "HEIGHT", "HSPACE", "ISMAP", "LOOP", "LOWSRC", "START", "UNITS", "USEMAP", "WIDTH", "VSPACE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["INPUT"] = array("TYPE", "NAME", "VALUE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["ISINDEX"] = array("HREF", "PROMPT", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["LI"] = array("SRC", "DINGBAT", "SKIP", "TYPE", "VALUE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["LINK"] = array("REL", "REV", "HREF", "TITLE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["MAP"] = array("NAME", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["MENU"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["META"] = array("HTTP-EQUIV", "CONTENT", "NAME", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["MULTICOL"] = array("COLS", "GUTTER", "WIDTH", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["NOFRAMES"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["NOTE"] = array("CLASS", "SRC", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["OVERLAY"] = array("SRC", "X", "Y", "HEIGHT", "WIDTH", "UNITS", "IMAGEMAP", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["PARAM"] = array("NAME", "VALUE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["RANGE"] = array("FROM", "UNTIL", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["SCRIPT"] = array("LANGUAGE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["SELECT"] = array("NAME", "SIZE", "MULTIPLE", "WIDTH", "HEIGHT", "UNITS", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["OPTION"] = array("VALUE", "SHAPE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["SPACER"] = array("TYPE", "SIZE", "WIDTH", "HEIGHT", "ALIGN", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["SPOT"] = array("ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TAB"] = array("INDENT", "TO", "ALIGN", "DP", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TBODY"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["TD"] = array("COLSPAN", "ROWSPAN", "ALIGN", "VALIGN", "BGCOLOR", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TEXTAREA"] = array("NAME", "COLS", "ROWS", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TEXTFLOW"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TFOOT"] = array("COLSPAN", "ROWSPAN", "ALIGN", "VALIGN", "BGCOLOR", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["TH"] = array("ALIGN", "CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// $data["TITLE"] = array("onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["TR"] = array("ALIGN", "VALIGN", "BGCOLOR", "CLASS", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["UL"] = array("SRC", "DINGBAT", "SKIP", "TYPE", "VALUE", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// Now add in a few that were not in the original, but which MediaWiki understands, even with
-// extraneous attributes:
-$data["gallery"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["pre"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["nowiki"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["blockquote"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["span"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["code"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["tt"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["small"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["big"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["s"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["u"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["del"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["ins"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["sub"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-$data["ol"] = array("CLASS", "ID", "onLoad", "STYLE");
-// The types of the HTML that we will be testing were defined above
-$types = array_keys($data);
-// Some attribute values.
-$other = array("&","=",":","?","\"","\n","%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n","\\");
-$ints = array("0","-1","127","7897","89000","808080","90928345","74326794236234","0xfffffff","ffff");
-///////////////////////////////// WIKI-SYNTAX ///////////////////////////
-/* Note: Defines various wiki-related bits of syntax, that can potentially cause
- MediaWiki to do something other than just print that literal text */
-$ext = array(
-"[[", "]]", "\n{|", "|}", "{{", "}}", "|", "[[image:", "[", "]",
-"=", "==", "===", "====", "=====", "======", "\n*", "*", "\n:", ":",
-"{{{", "}}}",
-"\n", "\n#", "#", "\n;", ";", "\n ",
-"----", "\n----",
-"|]]", "~~~", "#REDIRECT [[", "'''", "''",
-"ISBN 2", "\n|-", "| ", "\n| ",
-"<!--", "-->",
-"\"", "'",
-"\n! ",
-" \302\273",
-" :",
-" !",
-" ;",
-"RFC 000",
-"PMID 000",
-"<!--LINK 987-->",
-"<!--IWLINK 987-->",
-///////////////////// A CLASS THAT GENERATES RANDOM STRINGS OF DATA //////////////////////
-class htmler {
- var $maxparams = 4;
- var $maxtypes = 40;
- function randnum($finish,$start=0) {
- return mt_rand($start,$finish);
- }
- function randstring() {
- global $ext;
- $thestring = "";
- for ($i=0; $i<40; $i++) {
- $what = $this->randnum(1);
- if ($what == 0) { // include some random wiki syntax
- $which = $this->randnum(count($ext) - 1);
- $thestring .= $ext[$which];
- }
- else { // include some random text
- $char = chr(INCLUDE_BINARY ? $this->randnum(255) : $this->randnum(126,32));
- if ($char == "<") $char = ""; // we don't want the '<' character, it stuffs us up.
- $length = $this->randnum(8);
- $thestring .= str_repeat ($char, $length);
- }
- }
- return $thestring;
- }
- function makestring() {
- global $ints, $other;
- $what = $this->randnum(2);
- if ($what == 0) {
- return $this->randstring();
- }
- elseif ($what == 1) {
- return $ints[$this->randnum(count($ints) - 1)];
- }
- else {
- return $other[$this->randnum(count($other) - 1)];
- }
- }
- function loop() {
- global $types, $data;
- $string = "";
- $i = $this->randnum(count($types) - 1);
- $t = $types[$i];
- $arr = $data[$t];
- $string .= "<" . $types[$i] . " ";
- for ($z=0; $z<$this->maxparams; $z++) {
- $badparam = $arr[$this->randnum(count($arr) - 1)];
- $badstring = $this->makestring();
- $string .= $badparam . "=" . $badstring . " ";
- }
- $string .= ">\n";
- return $string;
- }
- function main() {
- $page = "";
- for ($k=0; $k<$this->maxtypes; $k++) {
- $page .= $this->loop();
- }
- return $page;
- }
-//////////////////// SAVING OUTPUT /////////////////////////
-** @desc: Utility function for saving a file. Currently has no error checking.
-function saveFile($string, $name) {
- $fp = fopen ( DIRECTORY . "/" . $name, "w");
- fwrite($fp, $string);
- fclose ($fp);
-//////////////////// MEDIAWIKI PREVIEW /////////////////////////
-** @desc: Asks MediaWiki for a preview of a string. Returns the HTML.
-function wikiPreview($text) {
- $params = array (
- "action" => "submit",
- "wpMinoredit" => "1",
- "wpPreview" => "Show preview",
- "wpSection" => "new",
- "wpEdittime" => "",
- "wpSummary" => "This is a test",
- "wpTextbox1" => $text
- );
- if( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
- $ch = curl_init();
- } else {
- die("Could not found 'curl_init' function. Is curl extension enabled ?\n");
- }
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // save form using a POST
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); // load the POST variables
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, WIKI_URL); // set url to post to
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a variable
- $result=curl_exec ($ch);
- // if we encountered an error, then log it, and exit.
- if (curl_error($ch)) {
- trigger_error("Curl error #: " . curl_errno($ch) . " - " . curl_error ($ch) );
- print "Curl error #: " . curl_errno($ch) . " - " . curl_error ($ch) . " - exiting.\n";
- exit();
- }
- curl_close ($ch);
- return $result;
-//////////////////// HTML VALIDATION /////////////////////////
-** @desc: Asks the validator whether this is valid HTML, or not.
-function validateHTML($text) {
- $params = array ("fragment" => $text);
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // save form using a POST
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); // load the POST variables
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, VALIDATOR_URL); // set url to post to
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a variable
- $result=curl_exec ($ch);
- // if we encountered an error, then log it, and exit.
- if (curl_error($ch)) {
- trigger_error("Curl error #: " . curl_errno($ch) . " - " . curl_error ($ch) );
- print "Curl error #: " . curl_errno($ch) . " - " . curl_error ($ch) . " - exiting.\n";
- exit();
- }
- curl_close ($ch);
- $valid = (strpos($result, "Failed validation") === false ? true : false);
- return array($valid, $result);
-** @desc: checks the string to see if tags are balanced.
-function checkOpenCloseTags($string, $filename) {
- $valid = true;
- $lines = explode("\n", $string);
- $num_lines = count($lines);
- // print "Num lines: " . $num_lines . "\n";
- foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
- // skip mediawiki's own unbalanced lines.
- if ($line_num == 15) continue;
- if ($line == "\t\t<style type=\"text/css\">/*<![CDATA[*/") continue;
- if ($line == "<textarea tabindex='1' accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpTextbox1\" id=\"wpTextbox1\" rows='25'") continue;
- if ($line == "/*<![CDATA[*/") continue;
- if ($line == "/*]]>*/") continue;
- if (ereg("^<form id=\"editform\" name=\"editform\" method=\"post\" action=\"", $line)) continue;
- if (ereg("^enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wikidb_session\" value=\"", $line)) continue; // line num and content changes.
- if ($line == "<textarea tabindex='1' accesskey=\",\" name=\"wpTextbox1\" rows='25'") continue;
- if (ereg("^cols='80'>", $line)) continue; // line num and content changes.
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 246) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 65) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 62) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 52) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 50) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 29) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 28) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 27) continue;
- if ($num_lines - $line_num == 23) continue;
- if (substr_count($line, "<") > substr_count($line, ">")) {
- print "\nUnclosed tag in " . DIRECTORY . "/" . $filename . " on line: " . ($line_num + 1) . " \n$line\n";
- $valid = false;
- }
- }
- return $valid;
-** @desc: Get tidy to check for no HTML errors in the output file (e.g. unescaped strings).
-function tidyCheckFile($name) {
- $file = DIRECTORY . "/" . $name;
- $x = `tidy -errors -quiet --show-warnings false $file 2>&1`;
- if (trim($x) != "") {
- print "Tidy errors found in $file:\n$x";
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
-////////////////////// TESTING FUNCTION ////////////////////////
-** @desc: takes a wiki markup string, and tests it for security or validation problems.
-function testWikiMarkup($raw_markup, $testname) {
- // don't overwrite a previous test of the same name.
- while (file_exists(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".raw_markup.txt")) {
- $testname .= "-" . mt_rand(0,9);
- }
- // upload to MediaWiki install.
- $wiki_preview = wikiPreview($raw_markup);
- // save output files
- saveFile($raw_markup, $testname . ".raw_markup.txt");
- saveFile($wiki_preview, $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
- // validate result
- $valid = true;
- if (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) list ($valid, $validator_output) = validateHTML($wiki_preview);
- $valid = $valid && checkOpenCloseTags ($wiki_preview, $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
- $valid = $valid && tidyCheckFile( $testname . ".wiki_preview.html" );
- if( $valid ) {
- // Remove valid tests:
- unlink( DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".raw_markup.txt" );
- unlink( DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
- } elseif( VALIDATE_ON_WEB ) {
- saveFile($validator_output, $testname . ".validator_output.html");
- }
-////////////////////// MAIN LOOP ////////////////////////
-// Make directory if doesn't exist
-if (!is_dir(DIRECTORY)) {
- mkdir (DIRECTORY, 0700 );
-// otherwise, retest the things that we have found in previous runs
-else {
- print "Retesting previously found problems.\n";
- // create a handler for the directory
- $handler = opendir(DIRECTORY);
- // keep going until all files in directory have been read
- while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
- // if file is not raw markup, or is a retest, then skip it.
- if (!ereg("\.raw_markup.txt$", $file)) continue;
- if ( ereg("^retest-", $file)) continue;
- print "Retesting " . DIRECTORY . "/" . $file . "\n";
- // get file contents
- $markup = file_get_contents(DIRECTORY . "/" . $file);
- // run retest
- testWikiMarkup($markup, "retest-" . $file);
- }
- // tidy up: close the handler
- closedir($handler);
- print "Done retesting.\n";
-// seed the random number generator
-// main loop.
-$h = new htmler();
-print "Beginning main loop. Results are stored in the ".DIRECTORY." directory.\n";
-print "Press CTRL+C to stop testing.\n";
-for ($count=0; true /*$count<10000 */ ; $count++) { // while (true)
- switch( $count % 4 ) {
- case '0': print "\r/"; break;
- case '1': print "\r-"; break;
- case '2': print "\r\\"; break;
- case '3': print "\r|"; break;
- }
- print " $count";
- // generate and save text to test.
- $raw_markup = $h->main();
- // test this wiki markup
- testWikiMarkup($raw_markup, $count);