path: root/resources/mediawiki
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2011-12-03 13:29:22 +0100
commitca32f08966f1b51fcb19460f0996bb0c4048e6fe (patch)
treeec04cc15b867bc21eedca904cea9af0254531a11 /resources/mediawiki
parenta22fbfc60f36f5f7ee10d5ae6fe347340c2ee67c (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.18.0
* also update ArchLinux skin to chagnes in MonoBook * Use only css to hide our menu bar when printing
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/mediawiki')
7 files changed, 1885 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Title.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Title.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d7996cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Title.js
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ * mediaWiki.Title
+ *
+ * @author Neil Kandalgaonkar, 2010
+ * @author Timo Tijhof, 2011
+ * @since 1.18
+ *
+ * Relies on: mw.config (wgFormattedNamespaces, wgNamespaceIds, wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces), mw.util.wikiGetlink
+ */
+( function( $ ) {
+ /* Local space */
+ /**
+ * Title
+ * @constructor
+ *
+ * @param title {String} Title of the page. If no second argument given,
+ * this will be searched for a namespace.
+ * @param namespace {Number} (optional) Namespace id. If given, title will be taken as-is.
+ * @return {Title} this
+ */
+var Title = function( title, namespace ) {
+ this._ns = 0; // integer namespace id
+ this._name = null; // name in canonical 'database' form
+ this._ext = null; // extension
+ if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
+ setNameAndExtension( this, title );
+ this._ns = fixNsId( namespace );
+ } else if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
+ setAll( this, title );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Strip some illegal chars: control chars, colon, less than, greater than,
+ * brackets, braces, pipe, whitespace and normal spaces. This still leaves some insanity
+ * intact, like unicode bidi chars, but it's a good start..
+ * @param s {String}
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ clean = function( s ) {
+ if ( s !== undefined ) {
+ return s.replace( /[\x00-\x1f\x23\x3c\x3e\x5b\x5d\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7f\s]+/g, '_' );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Convert db-key to readable text.
+ * @param s {String}
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ text = function ( s ) {
+ if ( s !== null && s !== undefined ) {
+ return s.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sanitize name.
+ */
+ fixName = function( s ) {
+ return clean( $.trim( s ) );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sanitize name.
+ */
+ fixExt = function( s ) {
+ return clean( s );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sanitize namespace id.
+ * @param id {Number} Namespace id.
+ * @return {Number|Boolean} The id as-is or boolean false if invalid.
+ */
+ fixNsId = function( id ) {
+ // wgFormattedNamespaces is an object of *string* key-vals (ie. arr["0"] not arr[0] )
+ var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[id.toString()];
+ // Check only undefined (may be false-y, such as '' (main namespace) ).
+ if ( ns === undefined ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return Number( id );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get namespace id from namespace name by any known namespace/id pair (localized, canonical or alias).
+ *
+ * @example On a German wiki this would return 6 for any of 'File', 'Datei', 'Image' or even 'Bild'.
+ * @param ns {String} Namespace name (case insensitive, leading/trailing space ignored).
+ * @return {Number|Boolean} Namespace id or boolean false if unrecognized.
+ */
+ getNsIdByName = function( ns ) {
+ // toLowerCase throws exception on null/undefined. Return early.
+ if ( ns == null ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ns = clean( $.trim( ns.toLowerCase() ) ); // Normalize
+ var id = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' )[ns];
+ if ( id === undefined ) {
+ mw.log( 'mw.Title: Unrecognized namespace: ' + ns );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return fixNsId( id );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper to extract namespace, name and extension from a string.
+ *
+ * @param title {mw.Title}
+ * @param raw {String}
+ * @return {mw.Title}
+ */
+ setAll = function( title, s ) {
+ // In normal browsers the match-array contains null/undefined if there's no match,
+ // IE returns an empty string.
+ var matches = s.match( /^(?:([^:]+):)?(.*?)(?:\.(\w{1,5}))?$/ ),
+ ns_match = getNsIdByName( matches[1] );
+ // Namespace must be valid, and title must be a non-empty string.
+ if ( ns_match && typeof matches[2] === 'string' && matches[2] !== '' ) {
+ title._ns = ns_match;
+ title._name = fixName( matches[2] );
+ if ( typeof matches[3] === 'string' && matches[3] !== '' ) {
+ title._ext = fixExt( matches[3] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Consistency with MediaWiki PHP: Unknown namespace -> fallback to main namespace.
+ title._ns = 0;
+ setNameAndExtension( title, s );
+ }
+ return title;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper to extract name and extension from a string.
+ *
+ * @param title {mw.Title}
+ * @param raw {String}
+ * @return {mw.Title}
+ */
+ setNameAndExtension = function( title, raw ) {
+ // In normal browsers the match-array contains null/undefined if there's no match,
+ // IE returns an empty string.
+ var matches = raw.match( /^(?:)?(.*?)(?:\.(\w{1,5}))?$/ );
+ // Title must be a non-empty string.
+ if ( typeof matches[1] === 'string' && matches[1] !== '' ) {
+ title._name = fixName( matches[1] );
+ if ( typeof matches[2] === 'string' && matches[2] !== '' ) {
+ title._ext = fixExt( matches[2] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error( 'mw.Title: Could not parse title "' + raw + '"' );
+ }
+ return title;
+ };
+ /* Static space */
+ /**
+ * Whether this title exists on the wiki.
+ * @param title {mixed} prefixed db-key name (string) or instance of Title
+ * @return {mixed} Boolean true/false if the information is available. Otherwise null.
+ */
+ Title.exists = function( title ) {
+ var type = $.type( title ), obj = Title.exist.pages, match;
+ if ( type === 'string' ) {
+ match = obj[title];
+ } else if ( type === 'object' && title instanceof Title ) {
+ match = obj[title.toString()];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error( 'mw.Title.exists: title must be a string or an instance of Title' );
+ }
+ if ( typeof match === 'boolean' ) {
+ return match;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @var Title.exist {Object}
+ */
+ Title.exist = {
+ /**
+ * @var Title.exist.pages {Object} Keyed by PrefixedDb title.
+ * Boolean true value indicates page does exist.
+ */
+ pages: {},
+ /**
+ * @example Declare existing titles: Title.exist.set(['User:John_Doe', ...]);
+ * @example Declare titles nonexistent: Title.exist.set(['File:Foo_bar.jpg', ...], false);
+ * @param titles {String|Array} Title(s) in strict prefixedDb title form.
+ * @param state {Boolean} (optional) State of the given titles. Defaults to true.
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ set: function( titles, state ) {
+ titles = $.isArray( titles ) ? titles : [titles];
+ state = state === undefined ? true : !!state;
+ var pages = this.pages, i, len = titles.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+ pages[ titles[i] ] = state;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ /* Public methods */
+ var fn = {
+ constructor: Title,
+ /**
+ * Get the namespace number.
+ * @return {Number}
+ */
+ getNamespaceId: function(){
+ return this._ns;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the namespace prefix (in the content-language).
+ * In NS_MAIN this is '', otherwise namespace name plus ':'
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getNamespacePrefix: function(){
+ return mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[this._ns].replace( / /g, '_' ) + (this._ns === 0 ? '' : ':');
+ },
+ /**
+ * The name, like "Foo_bar"
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getName: function() {
+ if ( $.inArray( this._ns, mw.config.get( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' ) ) !== -1 ) {
+ return this._name;
+ } else {
+ return $.ucFirst( this._name );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * The name, like "Foo bar"
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getNameText: function() {
+ return text( this.getName() );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get full name in prefixed DB form, like File:Foo_bar.jpg,
+ * most useful for API calls, anything that must identify the "title".
+ */
+ getPrefixedDb: function() {
+ return this.getNamespacePrefix() + this.getMain();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get full name in text form, like "File:Foo bar.jpg".
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getPrefixedText: function() {
+ return text( this.getPrefixedDb() );
+ },
+ /**
+ * The main title (without namespace), like "Foo_bar.jpg"
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getMain: function() {
+ return this.getName() + this.getDotExtension();
+ },
+ /**
+ * The "text" form, like "Foo bar.jpg"
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getMainText: function() {
+ return text( this.getMain() );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the extension (returns null if there was none)
+ * @return {String|null} extension
+ */
+ getExtension: function() {
+ return this._ext;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Convenience method: return string like ".jpg", or "" if no extension
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getDotExtension: function() {
+ return this._ext === null ? '' : '.' + this._ext;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return the URL to this title
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getUrl: function() {
+ return mw.util.wikiGetlink( this.toString() );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Whether this title exists on the wiki.
+ * @return {mixed} Boolean true/false if the information is available. Otherwise null.
+ */
+ exists: function() {
+ return Title.exists( this );
+ }
+ };
+ // Alias
+ fn.toString = fn.getPrefixedDb;
+ fn.toText = fn.getPrefixedText;
+ // Assign
+ Title.prototype = fn;
+ // Expose
+ mw.Title = Title;
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ff8dda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.Uri.js
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Library for simple URI parsing and manipulation. Requires jQuery.
+ *
+ * Do not expect full RFC 3986 compliance. Intended to be minimal, but featureful.
+ * The use cases we have in mind are constructing 'next page' or 'previous page' URLs,
+ * detecting whether we need to use cross-domain proxies for an API, constructing
+ * simple URL-based API calls, etc.
+ *
+ * Intended to compress very well if you use a JS-parsing minifier.
+ *
+ * Dependencies: mw, jQuery
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ *
+ * if ( == '' ) {
+ * = '';
+ * uri.extend( { bar: 1 } );
+ *
+ * $( 'a#id1' ).attr( 'href', uri );
+ * // anchor with id 'id1' now links to
+ *
+ * $( 'a#id2' ).attr( 'href', uri.clone().extend( { bar: 3, pif: 'paf' } ) );
+ * // anchor with id 'id2' now links to
+ * }
+ *
+ * Parsing here is regex based, so may not work on all URIs, but is good enough for most.
+ *
+ * Given a URI like
+ * '':
+ * The returned object will have the following properties:
+ *
+ * protocol 'http'
+ * user 'usr'
+ * password 'pwd'
+ * host ''
+ * port '81'
+ * path '/dir/dir.2/index.htm'
+ * query {
+ * q1: 0,
+ * test1: null,
+ * test2: '',
+ * test3: 'value (escaped)'
+ * r: [1, 2]
+ * }
+ * fragment 'top'
+ *
+ * n.b. 'password' is not technically allowed for HTTP URIs, but it is possible with other
+ * sorts of URIs.
+ * You can modify the properties directly. Then use the toString() method to extract the
+ * full URI string again.
+ *
+ * Parsing based on parseUri 1.2.2 (c) Steven Levithan <> MIT License
+ *
+ *
+ */
+( function( $ ) {
+ /**
+ * Function that's useful when constructing the URI string -- we frequently encounter the pattern of
+ * having to add something to the URI as we go, but only if it's present, and to include a character before or after if so.
+ * @param {String} to prepend, if value not empty
+ * @param {String} value to include, if not empty
+ * @param {String} to append, if value not empty
+ * @param {Boolean} raw -- if true, do not URI encode
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ function cat( pre, val, post, raw ) {
+ if ( val === undefined || val === null || val === '' ) {
+ return '';
+ } else {
+ return pre + ( raw ? val : mw.Uri.encode( val ) ) + post;
+ }
+ }
+ // Regular expressions to parse many common URIs.
+ var parser = {
+ strict: /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?((?:[^?#\/]*\/)*[^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/,
+ loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?((?:\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?[^?#\/]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/
+ },
+ // The order here matches the order of captured matches in the above parser regexes.
+ properties = [
+ 'protocol', // http
+ 'user', // usr
+ 'password', // pwd
+ 'host', //
+ 'port', // 81
+ 'path', // /dir/dir.2/index.htm
+ 'query', // q1=0&&test1&test2=value (will become { q1: 0, test1: '', test2: 'value' } )
+ 'fragment' // top
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Constructs URI object. Throws error if arguments are illegal/impossible, or otherwise don't parse.
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {!Object|String} URI string, or an Object with appropriate properties (especially another URI object to clone). Object must have non-blank 'protocol', 'host', and 'path' properties.
+ * @param {Boolean} strict mode (when parsing a string)
+ */
+ mw.Uri = function( uri, strictMode ) {
+ strictMode = !!strictMode;
+ if ( uri !== undefined && uri !== null || uri !== '' ) {
+ if ( typeof uri === 'string' ) {
+ this._parse( uri, strictMode );
+ } else if ( typeof uri === 'object' ) {
+ var _this = this;
+ $.each( properties, function( i, property ) {
+ _this[property] = uri[property];
+ } );
+ if ( this.query === undefined ) {
+ this.query = {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !( this.protocol && && this.path ) ) {
+ throw new Error( 'Bad constructor arguments' );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Standard encodeURIComponent, with extra stuff to make all browsers work similarly and more compliant with RFC 3986
+ * Similar to rawurlencode from PHP and our JS library mw.util.rawurlencode, but we also replace space with a +
+ * @param {String} string
+ * @return {String} encoded for URI
+ */
+ mw.Uri.encode = function( s ) {
+ return encodeURIComponent( s )
+ .replace( /!/g, '%21').replace( /'/g, '%27').replace( /\(/g, '%28')
+ .replace( /\)/g, '%29').replace( /\*/g, '%2A')
+ .replace( /%20/g, '+' );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Standard decodeURIComponent, with '+' to space
+ * @param {String} string encoded for URI
+ * @return {String} decoded string
+ */
+ mw.Uri.decode = function( s ) {
+ return decodeURIComponent( s ).replace( /\+/g, ' ' );
+ };
+ mw.Uri.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Parse a string and set our properties accordingly.
+ * @param {String} URI
+ * @param {Boolean} strictness
+ * @return {Boolean} success
+ */
+ _parse: function( str, strictMode ) {
+ var matches = parser[ strictMode ? 'strict' : 'loose' ].exec( str );
+ var uri = this;
+ $.each( properties, function( i, property ) {
+ uri[ property ] = matches[ i+1 ];
+ } );
+ // uri.query starts out as the query string; we will parse it into key-val pairs then make
+ // that object the "query" property.
+ // we overwrite query in uri way to make cloning easier, it can use the same list of properties.
+ var q = {};
+ // using replace to iterate over a string
+ if ( uri.query ) {
+ uri.query.replace( /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)(?:(=)([^&]*))?/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) {
+ if ( $1 ) {
+ var k = mw.Uri.decode( $1 );
+ var v = ( $2 === '' || $2 === undefined ) ? null : mw.Uri.decode( $3 );
+ if ( typeof q[ k ] === 'string' ) {
+ q[ k ] = [ q[ k ] ];
+ }
+ if ( typeof q[ k ] === 'object' ) {
+ q[ k ].push( v );
+ } else {
+ q[ k ] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ this.query = q;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns user and password portion of a URI.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getUserInfo: function() {
+ return cat( '', this.user, cat( ':', this.password, '' ) );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets host and port portion of a URI.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getHostPort: function() {
+ return + cat( ':', this.port, '' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the userInfo and host and port portion of the URI.
+ * In most real-world URLs, this is simply the hostname, but it is more general.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getAuthority: function() {
+ return cat( '', this.getUserInfo(), '@' ) + this.getHostPort();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the query arguments of the URL, encoded into a string
+ * Does not preserve the order of arguments passed into the URI. Does handle escaping.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getQueryString: function() {
+ var args = [];
+ $.each( this.query, function( key, val ) {
+ var k = mw.Uri.encode( key );
+ var vals = val === null ? [ null ] : $.makeArray( val );
+ $.each( vals, function( i, v ) {
+ args.push( k + ( v === null ? '' : '=' + mw.Uri.encode( v ) ) );
+ } );
+ } );
+ return args.join( '&' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns everything after the authority section of the URI
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ getRelativePath: function() {
+ return this.path + cat( '?', this.getQueryString(), '', true ) + cat( '#', this.fragment, '' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the entire URI string. May not be precisely the same as input due to order of query arguments.
+ * @return {String} the URI string
+ */
+ toString: function() {
+ return this.protocol + '://' + this.getAuthority() + this.getRelativePath();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Clone this URI
+ * @return {Object} new URI object with same properties
+ */
+ clone: function() {
+ return new mw.Uri( this );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Extend the query -- supply query parameters to override or add to ours
+ * @param {Object} query parameters in key-val form to override or add
+ * @return {Object} this URI object
+ */
+ extend: function( parameters ) {
+ $.extend( this.query, parameters );
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+} )( jQuery );
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.htmlform.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.htmlform.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a6acd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.htmlform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Utility functions for jazzing up HTMLForm elements
+ */
+( function( $ ) {
+ * jQuery plugin to fade or snap to visible state.
+ *
+ * @param boolean instantToggle (optional)
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.goIn = function( instantToggle ) {
+ if ( instantToggle !== undefined && instantToggle === true ) {
+ return $(this).show();
+ }
+ return $(this).stop( true, true ).fadeIn();
+ * jQuery plugin to fade or snap to hiding state.
+ *
+ * @param boolean instantToggle (optional)
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.goOut = function( instantToggle ) {
+ if ( instantToggle !== undefined && instantToggle === true ) {
+ return $(this).hide();
+ }
+ return $(this).stop( true, true ).fadeOut();
+ * Bind a function to the jQuery object via live(), and also immediately trigger
+ * the function on the objects with an 'instant' paramter set to true
+ * @param callback function taking one paramter, which is Bool true when the event
+ * is called immediately, and the EventArgs object when triggered from an event
+ */
+$.fn.liveAndTestAtStart = function( callback ){
+ $(this)
+ .live( 'change', callback )
+ .each( function( index, element ){
+ this, true );
+ } );
+// Document ready:
+$( function() {
+ // Animate the SelectOrOther fields, to only show the text field when
+ // 'other' is selected.
+ $( '.mw-htmlform-select-or-other' ).liveAndTestAtStart( function( instant ) {
+ var $other = $( '#' + $(this).attr( 'id' ) + '-other' );
+ $other = $other.add( $other.siblings( 'br' ) );
+ if ( $(this).val() === 'other' ) {
+ $other.goIn( instant );
+ } else {
+ $other.goOut( instant );
+ }
+ });
+})( jQuery );
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.js
index 03f92844..a763ba93 100644
--- a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.js
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.js
@@ -1,98 +1,49 @@
- * JavaScript backwards-compatibility alternatives and other convenience functions
- */
- trimLeft : function( str ) {
- return str == null ? '' : str.toString().replace( /^\s+/, '' );
- },
- trimRight : function( str ) {
- return str == null ?
- '' : str.toString().replace( /\s+$/, '' );
- },
- ucFirst : function( str ) {
- return str.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + str.substr( 1, str.length );
- },
- escapeRE : function( str ) {
- return str.replace ( /([\\{}()\|.?*+-^$\[\]])/g, "\\$1" );
- },
- isEmpty : function( v ) {
- var key;
- if ( v === "" || v === 0 || v === "0" || v === null
- || v === false || typeof v === 'undefined' )
- {
- return true;
- }
- // the for-loop could potentially contain prototypes
- // to avoid that we check it's length first
- if ( v.length === 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- if ( typeof v === 'object' ) {
- for ( key in v ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- compareArray : function( arrThis, arrAgainst ) {
- if ( arrThis.length != arrAgainst.length ) {
- return false;
- }
- for ( var i = 0; i < arrThis.length; i++ ) {
- if ( arrThis[i] instanceof Array ) {
- if ( !$.compareArray( arrThis[i], arrAgainst[i] ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- } else if ( arrThis[i] !== arrAgainst[i] ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
* Core MediaWiki JavaScript Library
// Attach to window
window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
- /* Constants */
- // This will not change until we are 100% ready to turn off legacy globals
- var LEGACY_GLOBALS = true;
/* Private Members */
- // List of messages that have been requested to be loaded
+ /**
+ * @var object List of messages that have been requested to be loaded.
+ */
var messageQueue = {};
- /* Prototypes */
+ /* Object constructors */
- * An object which allows single and multiple get/set/exists functionality
- * on a list of key / value pairs.
+ * Map
+ *
+ * Creates an object that can be read from or written to from prototype functions
+ * that allow both single and multiple variables at once.
- * @param {boolean} global Whether to get/set/exists values on the window
- * object or a private object
+ * @param global boolean Whether to store the values in the global window
+ * object or a exclusively in the object property 'values'.
+ * @return Map
function Map( global ) {
this.values = ( global === true ) ? window : {};
- };
+ return this;
+ }
- * Gets the value of a key, or a list of key/value pairs for an array of keys.
+ * Get the value of one or multiple a keys.
* If called with no arguments, all values will be returned.
- * @param selection mixed Key or array of keys to get values for
- * @param fallback mixed Value to use in case key(s) do not exist (optional)
+ * @param selection mixed String key or array of keys to get values for.
+ * @param fallback mixed Value to use in case key(s) do not exist (optional).
+ * @return mixed If selection was a string returns the value or null,
+ * If selection was an array, returns an object of key/values (value is null if not found),
+ * If selection was not passed or invalid, will return the 'values' object member (be careful as
+ * objects are always passed by reference in JavaScript!).
+ * @return Values as a string or object, null if invalid/inexistant.
Map.prototype.get = function( selection, fallback ) {
- if ( typeof selection === 'object' ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( selection ) ) {
selection = $.makeArray( selection );
var results = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
@@ -100,37 +51,45 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return results;
} else if ( typeof selection === 'string' ) {
- if ( typeof this.values[selection] === 'undefined' ) {
- if ( typeof fallback !== 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( this.values[selection] === undefined ) {
+ if ( fallback !== undefined ) {
return fallback;
return null;
return this.values[selection];
- return this.values;
+ if ( selection === undefined ) {
+ return this.values;
+ } else {
+ return null; // invalid selection key
+ }
* Sets one or multiple key/value pairs.
- * @param selection mixed Key or object of key/value pairs to set
+ * @param selection mixed String key or array of keys to set values for.
* @param value mixed Value to set (optional, only in use when key is a string)
+ * @return bool This returns true on success, false on failure.
Map.prototype.set = function( selection, value ) {
- if ( typeof selection === 'object' ) {
+ if ( $.isPlainObject( selection ) ) {
for ( var s in selection ) {
this.values[s] = selection[s];
- } else if ( typeof selection === 'string' && typeof value !== 'undefined' ) {
+ return true;
+ } else if ( typeof selection === 'string' && value !== undefined ) {
this.values[selection] = value;
+ return true;
+ return false;
* Checks if one or multiple keys exist.
- * @param selection mixed Key or array of keys to check
+ * @param selection mixed String key or array of keys to check
* @return boolean Existence of key(s)
Map.prototype.exists = function( selection ) {
@@ -147,35 +106,49 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
- * Message object, similar to Message in PHP
+ * Message
+ *
+ * Object constructor for messages,
+ * similar to the Message class in MediaWiki PHP.
+ *
+ * @param map Map Instance of mw.Map
+ * @param key String
+ * @param parameters Array
+ * @return Message
function Message( map, key, parameters ) {
this.format = 'parse'; = map;
this.key = key;
- this.parameters = typeof parameters === 'undefined' ? [] : $.makeArray( parameters );
- };
+ this.parameters = parameters === undefined ? [] : $.makeArray( parameters );
+ return this;
+ }
- * Appends parameters for replacement
+ * Appends (does not replace) parameters for replacement to the .parameters property.
- * @param parameters mixed First in a list of variadic arguments to append as message parameters
+ * @param parameters Array
+ * @return Message
Message.prototype.params = function( parameters ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ ) {
- this.parameters[this.parameters.length] = parameters[i];
+ this.parameters.push( parameters[i] );
return this;
- * Converts message object to it's string form based on the state of format
+ * Converts message object to it's string form based on the state of format.
- * @return {string} String form of message
+ * @return string Message as a string in the current form or <key> if key does not exist.
Message.prototype.toString = function() {
if ( ! this.key ) ) {
- // Return <key> if key does not exist
+ // Use <key> as text if key does not exist
+ if ( this.format !== 'plain' ) {
+ // format 'escape' and 'parse' need to have the brackets and key html escaped
+ return mw.html.escape( '<' + this.key + '>' );
+ }
return '<' + this.key + '>';
var text = this.key );
@@ -184,9 +157,19 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
var index = parseInt( match, 10 ) - 1;
return index in parameters ? parameters[index] : '$' + match;
} );
+ if ( this.format === 'plain' ) {
+ return text;
+ }
+ if ( this.format === 'escaped' ) {
+ // According to Message.php this needs {{-transformation, which is
+ // still todo
+ return mw.html.escape( text );
+ }
/* This should be fixed up when we have a parser
if ( this.format === 'parse' && 'language' in mediaWiki ) {
- text = mediaWiki.language.parse( text );
+ text = mw.language.parse( text );
return text;
@@ -213,6 +196,16 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
+ * Changes the format to html escaped and converts message to string
+ *
+ * @return {string} String form of html escaped message
+ */
+ Message.prototype.escaped = function() {
+ this.format = 'escaped';
+ return this.toString();
+ };
+ /**
* Checks if message exists
* @return {string} String form of parsed message
@@ -221,114 +214,39 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return this.key );
- /**
- * User object
- */
- function User() {
- this.options = new Map();
- /* Public Methods */
- /*
- * Generates a random user session ID (32 alpha-numeric characters).
- *
- * This information would potentially be stored in a cookie to identify a user during a
- * session or series of sessions. It's uniqueness should not be depended on.
- *
- * @return string random set of 32 alpha-numeric characters
- */
- function generateId() {
- var id = '';
- var seed = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- for ( var i = 0, r; i < 32; i++ ) {
- r = Math.floor( Math.random() * seed.length );
- id += seed.substring( r, r + 1 );
- }
- return id;
- }
- /*
- * Gets the current user's name.
- *
- * @return mixed user name string or null if users is anonymous
- */
- = function() {
- return mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
- };
- /*
- * Gets a random session ID automatically generated and kept in a cookie.
- *
- * This ID is ephemeral for everyone, staying in their browser only until they close
- * their browser.
- *
- * Do not use this method before the first call to mediaWiki.loader.go(), it depends on
- * jquery.cookie, which is added to the first pay-load just after mediaWiki is defined, but
- * won't be loaded until the first call to go().
- *
- * @return string user name or random session ID
- */
- this.sessionId = function () {
- var sessionId = $.cookie( 'mediaWiki.user.sessionId' );
- if ( typeof sessionId == 'undefined' || sessionId == null ) {
- sessionId = generateId();
- $.cookie( 'mediaWiki.user.sessionId', sessionId, { 'expires': null, 'path': '/' } );
- }
- return sessionId;
- };
- /*
- * Gets the current user's name or a random ID automatically generated and kept in a cookie.
- *
- * This ID is persistent for anonymous users, staying in their browser up to 1 year. The
- * expiration time is reset each time the ID is queried, so in most cases this ID will
- * persist until the browser's cookies are cleared or the user doesn't visit for 1 year.
- *
- * Do not use this method before the first call to mediaWiki.loader.go(), it depends on
- * jquery.cookie, which is added to the first pay-load just after mediaWiki is defined, but
- * won't be loaded until the first call to go().
- *
- * @return string user name or random session ID
- */
- = function() {
- var name =;
- if ( name ) {
- return name;
- }
- var id = $.cookie( '' );
- if ( typeof id == 'undefined' || id == null ) {
- id = generateId();
- }
- // Set cookie if not set, or renew it if already set
- $.cookie( '', id, { 'expires': 365, 'path': '/' } );
- return id;
- };
- }
/* Public Members */
* Dummy function which in debug mode can be replaced with a function that
- * does something clever
+ * emulates console.log in console-less environments.
this.log = function() { };
- /*
+ /**
+ * @var constructor Make the Map-class publicly available.
+ */
+ this.Map = Map;
+ /**
* List of configuration values
- * In legacy mode the values this object wraps will be in the global space
+ * Dummy placeholder. Initiated in startUp module as a new instance of mw.Map().
+ * If $wgLegacyJavaScriptGlobals is true, this Map will have its values
+ * in the global window object.
- this.config = new Map( LEGACY_GLOBALS );
+ this.config = null;
- /*
- * Information about the current user
+ /**
+ * @var object
+ *
+ * Empty object that plugins can be installed in.
- this.user = new User();
+ this.libs = {};
* Localization system
- this.messages = new Map();
+ this.messages = new this.Map();
/* Public Methods */
@@ -336,29 +254,32 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* Gets a message object, similar to wfMessage()
* @param key string Key of message to get
- * @param parameters mixed First argument in a list of variadic arguments, each a parameter for $
- * replacement
+ * @param parameter_1 mixed First argument in a list of variadic arguments,
+ * each a parameter for $N replacement in messages.
+ * @return Message
- this.message = function( key, parameters ) {
+ this.message = function( key, parameter_1 /* [, parameter_2] */ ) {
+ var parameters;
// Support variadic arguments
- if ( typeof parameters !== 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( parameter_1 !== undefined ) {
parameters = $.makeArray( arguments );
} else {
parameters = [];
- return new Message( mediaWiki.messages, key, parameters );
+ return new Message( mw.messages, key, parameters );
* Gets a message string, similar to wfMsg()
* @param key string Key of message to get
- * @param parameters mixed First argument in a list of variadic arguments, each a parameter for $
- * replacement
+ * @param parameters mixed First argument in a list of variadic arguments,
+ * each a parameter for $N replacement in messages.
+ * @return String.
this.msg = function( key, parameters ) {
- return mediaWiki.message.apply( mediaWiki.message, arguments ).toString();
+ return mw.message.apply( mw.message, arguments ).toString();
@@ -378,16 +299,16 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* mediawiki.
* Format:
- * {
- * 'moduleName': {
- * 'dependencies': ['required module', 'required module', ...], (or) function() {}
- * 'state': 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded', 'ready', or 'error'
- * 'script': function() {},
- * 'style': 'css code string',
- * 'messages': { 'key': 'value' },
- * 'version': ############## (unix timestamp)
- * }
- * }
+ * {
+ * 'moduleName': {
+ * 'dependencies': ['required module', 'required module', ...], (or) function() {}
+ * 'state': 'registered', 'loading', 'loaded', 'ready', or 'error'
+ * 'script': function() {},
+ * 'style': 'css code string',
+ * 'messages': { 'key': 'value' },
+ * 'version': ############## (unix timestamp)
+ * }
+ * }
var registry = {};
// List of modules which will be loaded as when ready
@@ -396,15 +317,28 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
var queue = [];
// List of callback functions waiting for modules to be ready to be called
var jobs = [];
- // Flag indicating that requests should be suspended
- var suspended = true;
// Flag inidicating that document ready has occured
var ready = false;
- // Marker element for adding dynamic styles
- var $marker = $( 'head meta[name=ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles]' );
+ // Selector cache for the marker element. Use getMarker() to get/use the marker!
+ var $marker = null;
/* Private Methods */
+ function getMarker(){
+ // Cached ?
+ if ( $marker ) {
+ return $marker;
+ } else {
+ $marker = $( 'meta[name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles"]' );
+ if ( $marker.length ) {
+ return $marker;
+ }
+ mw.log( 'getMarker> No <meta name="ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles"> found, inserting dynamically.' );
+ $marker = $( '<meta>' ).attr( 'name', 'ResourceLoaderDynamicStyles' ).appendTo( 'head' );
+ return $marker;
+ }
+ }
function compare( a, b ) {
if ( a.length != b.length ) {
return false;
@@ -420,7 +354,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return true;
- };
+ }
* Generates an ISO8601 "basic" string from a UNIX timestamp
@@ -441,11 +375,11 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* Recursively resolves dependencies and detects circular references
function recurse( module, resolved, unresolved ) {
- if ( typeof registry[module] === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( registry[module] === undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'Unknown dependency: ' + module );
// Resolves dynamic loader function and replaces it with its own results
- if ( typeof registry[module].dependencies === 'function' ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( registry[module].dependencies ) ) {
registry[module].dependencies = registry[module].dependencies();
// Ensures the module's dependencies are always in an array
if ( typeof registry[module].dependencies !== 'object' ) {
@@ -475,7 +409,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* @return list of dependencies
* @throws Error if circular reference is detected
- function resolve( module, resolved, unresolved ) {
+ function resolve( module ) {
// Allow calling with an array of module names
if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
var modules = [];
@@ -496,7 +430,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return resolved;
throw new Error( 'Invalid module argument: ' + module );
- };
+ }
* Narrows a list of module names down to those matching a specific
@@ -514,8 +448,8 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
states = [states];
// If called without a list of modules, build and use a list of all modules
- var list = [];
- if ( typeof modules === 'undefined' ) {
+ var list = [], module;
+ if ( modules === undefined ) {
modules = [];
for ( module in registry ) {
modules[modules.length] = module;
@@ -524,7 +458,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
// Build a list of modules which are in one of the specified states
for ( var s = 0; s < states.length; s++ ) {
for ( var m = 0; m < modules.length; m++ ) {
- if ( typeof registry[modules[m]] === 'undefined' ) {
+ if ( registry[modules[m]] === undefined ) {
// Module does not exist
if ( states[s] == 'undefined' ) {
// OK, undefined
@@ -547,8 +481,9 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* @param module string module name to execute
- function execute( module ) {
- if ( typeof registry[module] === 'undefined' ) {
+ function execute( module, callback ) {
+ var _fn = 'mw.loader::execute> ';
+ if ( registry[module] === undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'Module has not been registered yet: ' + module );
} else if ( registry[module].state === 'registered' ) {
throw new Error( 'Module has not been requested from the server yet: ' + module );
@@ -557,37 +492,88 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
} else if ( registry[module].state === 'ready' ) {
throw new Error( 'Module has already been loaded: ' + module );
- // Add style sheet to document
- if ( typeof registry[module].style === 'string' && registry[module].style.length ) {
- $marker.before( mediaWiki.html.element( 'style',
- { type: 'text/css' },
- new mediaWiki.html.Cdata( registry[module].style )
- ) );
- } else if ( typeof registry[module].style === 'object'
- && !( registry[module].style instanceof Array ) )
- {
+ // Add styles
+ if ( $.isPlainObject( registry[module].style ) ) {
for ( var media in registry[module].style ) {
- $marker.before( mediaWiki.html.element( 'style',
- { type: 'text/css', media: media },
- new mediaWiki.html.Cdata( registry[module].style[media] )
- ) );
+ var style = registry[module].style[media];
+ if ( $.isArray( style ) ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < style.length; i++ ) {
+ getMarker().before( mw.html.element( 'link', {
+ 'type': 'text/css',
+ 'media': media,
+ 'rel': 'stylesheet',
+ 'href': style[i]
+ } ) );
+ }
+ } else if ( typeof style === 'string' ) {
+ getMarker().before( mw.html.element(
+ 'style',
+ { 'type': 'text/css', 'media': media },
+ new mw.html.Cdata( style )
+ ) );
+ }
// Add localizations to message system
- if ( typeof registry[module].messages === 'object' ) {
- mediaWiki.messages.set( registry[module].messages );
+ if ( $.isPlainObject( registry[module].messages ) ) {
+ mw.messages.set( registry[module].messages );
// Execute script
try {
- registry[module].script( jQuery, mediaWiki );
- registry[module].state = 'ready';
+ var script = registry[module].script,
+ markModuleReady = function() {
+ registry[module].state = 'ready';
+ handlePending( module );
+ if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ },
+ nestedAddScript = function( arr, callback, i ) {
+ // Recursively call addScript() in its own callback
+ // for each element of arr.
+ if ( i >= arr.length ) {
+ // We're at the end of the array
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ addScript( arr[i], function() {
+ nestedAddScript( arr, callback, i + 1 );
+ } );
+ };
+ if ( $.isArray( script ) ) {
+ registry[module].state = 'loading';
+ nestedAddScript( script, markModuleReady, 0 );
+ } else if ( $.isFunction( script ) ) {
+ script( jQuery );
+ markModuleReady();
+ }
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ // This needs to NOT use mw.log because these errors are common in production mode
+ // and not in debug mode, such as when a symbol that should be global isn't exported
+ if ( window.console && typeof window.console.log === 'function' ) {
+ console.log( _fn + 'Exception thrown by ' + module + ': ' + e.message );
+ }
+ registry[module].state = 'error';
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Automatically executes jobs and modules which are pending with satistifed dependencies.
+ *
+ * This is used when dependencies are satisfied, such as when a module is executed.
+ */
+ function handlePending( module ) {
+ try {
// Run jobs who's dependencies have just been met
for ( var j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++ ) {
if ( compare(
filter( 'ready', jobs[j].dependencies ),
jobs[j].dependencies ) )
- if ( typeof jobs[j].ready === 'function' ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( jobs[j].ready ) ) {
jobs.splice( j, 1 );
@@ -595,7 +581,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
// Execute modules who's dependencies have just been met
- for ( r in registry ) {
+ for ( var r in registry ) {
if ( registry[r].state == 'loaded' ) {
if ( compare(
filter( ['ready'], registry[r].dependencies ),
@@ -606,13 +592,10 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
} catch ( e ) {
- mediaWiki.log( 'Exception thrown by ' + module + ': ' + e.message );
- mediaWiki.log( e );
- registry[module].state = 'error';
// Run error callbacks of jobs affected by this condition
for ( var j = 0; j < jobs.length; j++ ) {
if ( $.inArray( module, jobs[j].dependencies ) !== -1 ) {
- if ( typeof jobs[j].error === 'function' ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( jobs[j].error ) ) {
jobs.splice( j, 1 );
@@ -659,7 +642,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
// Work the queue
function sortQuery(o) {
@@ -675,7 +658,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return sorted;
* Converts a module map of the form { foo: [ 'bar', 'baz' ], bar: [ 'baz, 'quux' ] }
* to a query string of the form,baz|bar.baz,quux
@@ -688,7 +671,55 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
return arr.join( '|' );
+ /**
+ * Adds a script tag to the body, either using document.write or low-level DOM manipulation,
+ * depending on whether document-ready has occured yet.
+ *
+ * @param src String: URL to script, will be used as the src attribute in the script tag
+ * @param callback Function: Optional callback which will be run when the script is done
+ */
+ function addScript( src, callback ) {
+ if ( ready ) {
+ // jQuery's getScript method is NOT better than doing this the old-fashioned way
+ // because jQuery will eval the script's code, and errors will not have sane
+ // line numbers.
+ var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
+ script.setAttribute( 'src', src );
+ script.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' );
+ if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
+ var done = false;
+ // Attach handlers for all browsers -- this is based on jQuery.getScript
+ script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (
+ !done
+ && (
+ !this.readyState
+ || this.readyState === 'loaded'
+ || this.readyState === 'complete'
+ )
+ ) {
+ done = true;
+ callback();
+ // Handle memory leak in IE
+ script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
+ if ( script.parentNode ) {
+ script.parentNode.removeChild( script );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ document.body.appendChild( script );
+ } else {
+ document.write( mw.html.element(
+ 'script', { 'type': 'text/javascript', 'src': src }, ''
+ ) );
+ if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
+ // Document.write is synchronous, so this is called when it's done
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Public Methods */
@@ -710,102 +741,92 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
+ // Early exit if there's nothing to load
+ if ( !batch.length ) {
+ return;
+ }
// Clean up the queue
queue = [];
- // After document ready, handle the batch
- if ( !suspended && batch.length ) {
- // Always order modules alphabetically to help reduce cache
- // misses for otherwise identical content
- batch.sort();
- // Build a list of request parameters
- var base = {
- 'skin': mediaWiki.config.get( 'skin' ),
- 'lang': mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
- 'debug': mediaWiki.config.get( 'debug' )
- };
- // Extend request parameters with a list of modules in the batch
- var requests = [];
- // Split into groups
- var groups = {};
- for ( var b = 0; b < batch.length; b++ ) {
- var group = registry[batch[b]].group;
- if ( !( group in groups ) ) {
- groups[group] = [];
- }
- groups[group][groups[group].length] = batch[b];
+ // Always order modules alphabetically to help reduce cache
+ // misses for otherwise identical content
+ batch.sort();
+ // Build a list of request parameters
+ var base = {
+ 'skin': mw.config.get( 'skin' ),
+ 'lang': mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
+ 'debug': mw.config.get( 'debug' )
+ };
+ // Extend request parameters with a list of modules in the batch
+ var requests = [];
+ // Split into groups
+ var groups = {};
+ for ( var b = 0; b < batch.length; b++ ) {
+ var group = registry[batch[b]].group;
+ if ( !( group in groups ) ) {
+ groups[group] = [];
- for ( var group in groups ) {
- // Calculate the highest timestamp
- var version = 0;
- for ( var g = 0; g < groups[group].length; g++ ) {
- if ( registry[groups[group][g]].version > version ) {
- version = registry[groups[group][g]].version;
- }
- }
- var reqBase = $.extend( { 'version': formatVersionNumber( version ) }, base );
- var reqBaseLength = $.param( reqBase ).length;
- var reqs = [];
- var limit = mw.config.get( 'wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength', -1 );
- // We may need to split up the request to honor the query string length limit
- // So build it piece by piece
- var l = reqBaseLength + 9; // '&modules='.length == 9
- var r = 0;
- reqs[0] = {}; // { prefix: [ suffixes ] }
- for ( var i = 0; i < groups[group].length; i++ ) {
- // Determine how many bytes this module would add to the query string
- var lastDotIndex = groups[group][i].lastIndexOf( '.' );
- // Note that these substr() calls work even if lastDotIndex == -1
- var prefix = groups[group][i].substr( 0, lastDotIndex );
- var suffix = groups[group][i].substr( lastDotIndex + 1 );
- var bytesAdded = prefix in reqs[r] ?
- suffix.length + 3 : // '%2C'.length == 3
- groups[group][i].length + 3; // '%7C'.length == 3
- // If the request would become too long, create a new one,
- // but don't create empty requests
- if ( limit > 0 && reqs[r] != {} && l + bytesAdded > limit ) {
- // This request would become too long, create a new one
- r++;
- reqs[r] = {};
- l = reqBaseLength + 9;
- }
- if ( !( prefix in reqs[r] ) ) {
- reqs[r][prefix] = [];
- }
- reqs[r][prefix].push( suffix );
- l += bytesAdded;
- }
- for ( var r = 0; r < reqs.length; r++ ) {
- requests[requests.length] = $.extend(
- { 'modules': buildModulesString( reqs[r] ) }, reqBase
- );
+ groups[group][groups[group].length] = batch[b];
+ }
+ for ( var group in groups ) {
+ // Calculate the highest timestamp
+ var version = 0;
+ for ( var g = 0; g < groups[group].length; g++ ) {
+ if ( registry[groups[group][g]].version > version ) {
+ version = registry[groups[group][g]].version;
- // Clear the batch - this MUST happen before we append the
- // script element to the body or it's possible that the script
- // will be locally cached, instantly load, and work the batch
- // again, all before we've cleared it causing each request to
- // include modules which are already loaded
- batch = [];
- // Asynchronously append a script tag to the end of the body
- function request() {
- var html = '';
- for ( var r = 0; r < requests.length; r++ ) {
- requests[r] = sortQuery( requests[r] );
- // Build out the HTML
- var src = mediaWiki.config.get( 'wgLoadScript' ) + '?' + $.param( requests[r] );
- html += mediaWiki.html.element( 'script',
- { type: 'text/javascript', src: src }, '' );
+ var reqBase = $.extend( { 'version': formatVersionNumber( version ) }, base );
+ var reqBaseLength = $.param( reqBase ).length;
+ var reqs = [];
+ var limit = mw.config.get( 'wgResourceLoaderMaxQueryLength', -1 );
+ // We may need to split up the request to honor the query string length limit
+ // So build it piece by piece
+ var l = reqBaseLength + 9; // '&modules='.length == 9
+ var r = 0;
+ reqs[0] = {}; // { prefix: [ suffixes ] }
+ for ( var i = 0; i < groups[group].length; i++ ) {
+ // Determine how many bytes this module would add to the query string
+ var lastDotIndex = groups[group][i].lastIndexOf( '.' );
+ // Note that these substr() calls work even if lastDotIndex == -1
+ var prefix = groups[group][i].substr( 0, lastDotIndex );
+ var suffix = groups[group][i].substr( lastDotIndex + 1 );
+ var bytesAdded = prefix in reqs[r] ?
+ suffix.length + 3 : // '%2C'.length == 3
+ groups[group][i].length + 3; // '%7C'.length == 3
+ // If the request would become too long, create a new one,
+ // but don't create empty requests
+ if ( limit > 0 && reqs[r] != {} && l + bytesAdded > limit ) {
+ // This request would become too long, create a new one
+ r++;
+ reqs[r] = {};
+ l = reqBaseLength + 9;
+ }
+ if ( !( prefix in reqs[r] ) ) {
+ reqs[r][prefix] = [];
- return html;
+ reqs[r][prefix].push( suffix );
+ l += bytesAdded;
- // Load asynchronously after doumument ready
- if ( ready ) {
- setTimeout( function() { $( 'body' ).append( request() ); }, 0 )
- } else {
- document.write( request() );
+ for ( var r = 0; r < reqs.length; r++ ) {
+ requests[requests.length] = $.extend(
+ { 'modules': buildModulesString( reqs[r] ) }, reqBase
+ );
+ // Clear the batch - this MUST happen before we append the
+ // script element to the body or it's possible that the script
+ // will be locally cached, instantly load, and work the batch
+ // again, all before we've cleared it causing each request to
+ // include modules which are already loaded
+ batch = [];
+ // Asynchronously append a script tag to the end of the body
+ for ( var r = 0; r < requests.length; r++ ) {
+ requests[r] = sortQuery( requests[r] );
+ // Append &* to avoid triggering the IE6 extension check
+ var src = mw.config.get( 'wgLoadScript' ) + '?' + $.param( requests[r] ) + '&*';
+ addScript( src );
+ }
@@ -817,9 +838,9 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
for ( var m = 0; m < module.length; m++ ) {
if ( typeof module[m] === 'string' ) {
- mediaWiki.loader.register( module[m] );
+ mw.loader.register( module[m] );
} else if ( typeof module[m] === 'object' ) {
- mediaWiki.loader.register.apply( mediaWiki.loader, module[m] );
+ mw.loader.register.apply( mw.loader, module[m] );
@@ -828,20 +849,20 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
if ( typeof module !== 'string' ) {
throw new Error( 'module must be a string, not a ' + typeof module );
- if ( typeof registry[module] !== 'undefined' ) {
- throw new Error( 'module already implemeneted: ' + module );
+ if ( registry[module] !== undefined ) {
+ throw new Error( 'module already implemented: ' + module );
// List the module as registered
registry[module] = {
'state': 'registered',
'group': typeof group === 'string' ? group : null,
'dependencies': [],
- 'version': typeof version !== 'undefined' ? parseInt( version ) : 0
+ 'version': version !== undefined ? parseInt( version, 10 ) : 0
if ( typeof dependencies === 'string' ) {
// Allow dependencies to be given as a single module name
registry[module].dependencies = [dependencies];
- } else if ( typeof dependencies === 'object' || typeof dependencies === 'function' ) {
+ } else if ( typeof dependencies === 'object' || $.isFunction( dependencies ) ) {
// Allow dependencies to be given as an array of module names
// or a function which returns an array
registry[module].dependencies = dependencies;
@@ -852,44 +873,44 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* Implements a module, giving the system a course of action to take
* upon loading. Results of a request for one or more modules contain
* calls to this function.
+ *
+ * All arguments are required.
+ *
+ * @param module String: Name of module
+ * @param script Mixed: Function of module code or String of URL to be used as the src
+ * attribute when adding a script element to the body
+ * @param style Object: Object of CSS strings keyed by media-type or Object of lists of URLs
+ * keyed by media-type
+ * @param msgs Object: List of key/value pairs to be passed through mw.messages.set
- this.implement = function( module, script, style, localization ) {
- // Automatically register module
- if ( typeof registry[module] === 'undefined' ) {
- mediaWiki.loader.register( module );
- }
+ this.implement = function( module, script, style, msgs ) {
// Validate input
- if ( typeof script !== 'function' ) {
- throw new Error( 'script must be a function, not a ' + typeof script );
+ if ( typeof module !== 'string' ) {
+ throw new Error( 'module must be a string, not a ' + typeof module );
- if ( typeof style !== 'undefined'
- && typeof style !== 'string'
- && typeof style !== 'object' )
- {
- throw new Error( 'style must be a string or object, not a ' + typeof style );
+ if ( !$.isFunction( script ) && !$.isArray( script ) ) {
+ throw new Error( 'script must be a function or an array, not a ' + typeof script );
- if ( typeof localization !== 'undefined'
- && typeof localization !== 'object' )
- {
- throw new Error( 'localization must be an object, not a ' + typeof localization );
+ if ( !$.isPlainObject( style ) ) {
+ throw new Error( 'style must be an object, not a ' + typeof style );
- if ( typeof registry[module] !== 'undefined'
- && typeof registry[module].script !== 'undefined' )
- {
+ if ( !$.isPlainObject( msgs ) ) {
+ throw new Error( 'msgs must be an object, not a ' + typeof msgs );
+ }
+ // Automatically register module
+ if ( registry[module] === undefined ) {
+ mw.loader.register( module );
+ }
+ // Check for duplicate implementation
+ if ( registry[module] !== undefined && registry[module].script !== undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'module already implemeneted: ' + module );
// Mark module as loaded
registry[module].state = 'loaded';
// Attach components
registry[module].script = script;
- if ( typeof style === 'string'
- || typeof style === 'object' && !( style instanceof Array ) )
- {
- registry[module].style = style;
- }
- if ( typeof localization === 'object' ) {
- registry[module].messages = localization;
- }
+ registry[module].style = style;
+ registry[module].messages = msgs;
// Execute or queue callback
if ( compare(
filter( ['ready'], registry[module].dependencies ),
@@ -914,7 +935,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
// Validate input
if ( typeof dependencies !== 'object' && typeof dependencies !== 'string' ) {
throw new Error( 'dependencies must be a string or an array, not a ' +
- typeof dependencies )
+ typeof dependencies );
// Allow calling with a single dependency as a string
if ( typeof dependencies === 'string' ) {
@@ -924,13 +945,13 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
dependencies = resolve( dependencies );
// If all dependencies are met, execute ready immediately
if ( compare( filter( ['ready'], dependencies ), dependencies ) ) {
- if ( typeof ready === 'function' ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( ready ) ) {
// If any dependencies have errors execute error immediately
else if ( filter( ['error'], dependencies ).length ) {
- if ( typeof error === 'function' ) {
+ if ( $.isFunction( error ) ) {
@@ -953,26 +974,22 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
this.load = function( modules, type ) {
// Validate input
if ( typeof modules !== 'object' && typeof modules !== 'string' ) {
- throw new Error( 'dependencies must be a string or an array, not a ' +
- typeof dependencies )
+ throw new Error( 'modules must be a string or an array, not a ' +
+ typeof modules );
// Allow calling with an external script or single dependency as a string
if ( typeof modules === 'string' ) {
// Support adding arbitrary external scripts
- if ( modules.substr( 0, 7 ) == 'http://' || modules.substr( 0, 8 ) == 'https://' ) {
+ if ( modules.substr( 0, 7 ) === 'http://' || modules.substr( 0, 8 ) === 'https://' || modules.substr( 0, 2 ) === '//' ) {
if ( type === 'text/css' ) {
- $( 'head' )
- .append( $( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' )
- .attr( 'href', modules ) );
+ $( 'head' ).append( $( '<link />', {
+ rel: 'stylesheet',
+ type: 'text/css',
+ href: modules
+ } ) );
return true;
- } else if ( type === 'text/javascript' || typeof type === 'undefined' ) {
- var script = mediaWiki.html.element( 'script',
- { type: 'text/javascript', src: modules }, '' );
- if ( ready ) {
- $( 'body' ).append( script );
- } else {
- document.write( script );
- }
+ } else if ( type === 'text/javascript' || type === undefined ) {
+ addScript( modules );
return true;
// Unknown type
@@ -999,14 +1016,6 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
- * Flushes the request queue and begin executing load requests on demand
- */
- this.go = function() {
- suspended = false;
- };
- /**
* Changes the state of a module
* @param module string module name or object of module name/state pairs
@@ -1015,12 +1024,12 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
this.state = function( module, state ) {
if ( typeof module === 'object' ) {
for ( var m in module ) {
- mediaWiki.loader.state( m, module[m] );
+ mw.loader.state( m, module[m] );
if ( !( module in registry ) ) {
- mediaWiki.loader.register( module );
+ mw.loader.register( module );
registry[module].state = state;
@@ -1030,12 +1039,35 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* @param module string name of module to get version for
- this.version = function( module ) {
+ this.getVersion = function( module ) {
if ( module in registry && 'version' in registry[module] ) {
return formatVersionNumber( registry[module].version );
return null;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated use mw.loader.getVersion() instead
+ */
+ this.version = function() {
+ return mediaWiki.loader.getVersion.apply( mediaWiki.loader, arguments );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the state of a module
+ *
+ * @param module string name of module to get state for
+ */
+ this.getState = function( module ) {
+ if ( module in registry && 'state' in registry[module] ) {
+ return registry[module].state;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * For backwards-compatibility with Squid-cached pages. Loads mw.user
+ */
+ this.go = function() { mw.loader.load( 'mediawiki.user' ); };
/* Cache document ready status */
@@ -1044,7 +1076,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
/** HTML construction helper functions */
this.html = new ( function () {
- function escapeCallback( s ) {
+ var escapeCallback = function( s ) {
switch ( s ) {
case "'":
return '&#039;';
@@ -1057,7 +1089,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
case '&':
return '&amp;';
- }
+ };
* Escape a string for HTML. Converts special characters to HTML entities.
@@ -1068,14 +1100,14 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
- * Wrapper object for raw HTML passed to mediaWiki.html.element().
+ * Wrapper object for raw HTML passed to mw.html.element().
this.Raw = function( value ) {
this.value = value;
- * Wrapper object for CDATA element contents passed to mediaWiki.html.element()
+ * Wrapper object for CDATA element contents passed to mw.html.element()
this.Cdata = function( value ) {
this.value = value;
@@ -1095,7 +1127,7 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
* See
* Example:
- * var h = mediaWiki.html;
+ * var h = mw.html;
* return h.element( 'div', {},
* new h.Raw( h.element( 'img', {src: '<'} ) ) );
* Returns <div><img src="&lt;"/></div>
@@ -1105,14 +1137,14 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
for ( var attrName in attrs ) {
s += ' ' + attrName + '="' + this.escape( attrs[attrName] ) + '"';
- if ( typeof contents == 'undefined' || contents === null ) {
+ if ( contents === undefined || contents === null ) {
// Self close tag
s += '/>';
return s;
// Regular open tag
s += '>';
- if ( typeof contents === 'string') {
+ if ( typeof contents === 'string' ) {
// Escaped
s += this.escape( contents );
} else if ( contents instanceof this.Raw ) {
@@ -1132,23 +1164,21 @@ window.mediaWiki = new ( function( $ ) {
} )();
/* Extension points */
this.legacy = {};
} )( jQuery );
+// Alias $j to jQuery for backwards compatibility
+window.$j = jQuery;
+// Global alias = mediaWiki;
/* Auto-register from pre-loaded startup scripts */
-if ( typeof startUp === 'function' ) {
+if ( jQuery.isFunction( startUp ) ) {
delete startUp;
-// Add jQuery Cookie to initial payload (used in mediaWiki.user)
-mediaWiki.loader.load( 'jquery.cookie' );
-// Alias $j to jQuery for backwards compatibility
-window.$j = jQuery; = mediaWiki;
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.log.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.log.js
index 55bf77f0..38f3411f 100644
--- a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.log.js
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.log.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Implementation for mediaWiki.log stub
-(function ($, mw) {
+(function( $ ) {
* Log output to the console.
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
* @author Michael Dale <>
* @author Trevor Parscal <>
- * @param {string} string Message to output to console
+ * @param logmsg string Message to output to console.
- mediaWiki.log = function( string ) {
- // Allow log messages to use a configured prefix
+ mw.log = function( logmsg ) {
+ // Allow log messages to use a configured prefix to identify the source window (ie. frame)
if ( mw.config.exists( 'mw.log.prefix' ) ) {
- string = mw.config.get( 'mw.log.prefix' ) + '> ' + string;
+ logmsg = mw.config.get( 'mw.log.prefix' ) + '> ' + logmsg;
// Try to use an existing console
- if ( typeof window.console !== 'undefined' && typeof window.console.log == 'function' ) {
- window.console.log( string );
+ if ( window.console !== undefined && $.isFunction( window.console.log ) ) {
+ window.console.log( logmsg );
} else {
// Set timestamp
var d = new Date();
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
if ( !$log.length ) {
$log = $( '<div id="mw-log-console"></div>' )
.css( {
- 'position': 'absolute',
+ 'position': 'fixed',
'overflow': 'auto',
'z-index': 500,
'bottom': '0px',
@@ -44,8 +44,10 @@
'height': '150px',
'background-color': 'white',
'border-top': 'solid 2px #ADADAD'
- } )
- .appendTo( 'body' );
+ } );
+ $( 'body' )
+ .css( 'padding-bottom', '150px' ) // don't hide anything
+ .append( $log );
$( '<div></div>' )
@@ -53,12 +55,13 @@
'border-bottom': 'solid 1px #DDDDDD',
'font-size': 'small',
'font-family': 'monospace',
+ 'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
'padding': '0.125em 0.25em'
} )
- .text( string )
- .append( '<span style="float:right">[' + time + ']</span>' )
+ .text( logmsg )
+ .prepend( '<span style="float:right">[' + time + ']</span>' )
-})(jQuery, mediaWiki);
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.user.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.user.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0176cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Implementation for mediaWiki.log stub
+ */
+(function( $ ) {
+ /**
+ * User object
+ */
+ function User() {
+ /* Private Members */
+ var that = this;
+ /* Public Members */
+ this.options = new mw.Map();
+ this.tokens = new mw.Map();
+ /* Public Methods */
+ /**
+ * Generates a random user session ID (32 alpha-numeric characters).
+ *
+ * This information would potentially be stored in a cookie to identify a user during a
+ * session or series of sessions. It's uniqueness should not be depended on.
+ *
+ * @return String: Random set of 32 alpha-numeric characters
+ */
+ function generateId() {
+ var id = '';
+ var seed = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+ for ( var i = 0, r; i < 32; i++ ) {
+ r = Math.floor( Math.random() * seed.length );
+ id += seed.substring( r, r + 1 );
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the current user's name.
+ *
+ * @return Mixed: User name string or null if users is anonymous
+ */
+ = function() {
+ return mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Checks if the current user is anonymous.
+ *
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+ this.anonymous = function() {
+ return ? false : true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a random session ID automatically generated and kept in a cookie.
+ *
+ * This ID is ephemeral for everyone, staying in their browser only until they close
+ * their browser.
+ *
+ * @return String: User name or random session ID
+ */
+ this.sessionId = function () {
+ var sessionId = $.cookie( 'mediaWiki.user.sessionId' );
+ if ( typeof sessionId == 'undefined' || sessionId === null ) {
+ sessionId = generateId();
+ $.cookie( 'mediaWiki.user.sessionId', sessionId, { 'expires': null, 'path': '/' } );
+ }
+ return sessionId;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the current user's name or a random ID automatically generated and kept in a cookie.
+ *
+ * This ID is persistent for anonymous users, staying in their browser up to 1 year. The
+ * expiration time is reset each time the ID is queried, so in most cases this ID will
+ * persist until the browser's cookies are cleared or the user doesn't visit for 1 year.
+ *
+ * @return String: User name or random session ID
+ */
+ = function() {
+ var name =;
+ if ( name ) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ var id = $.cookie( '' );
+ if ( typeof id == 'undefined' || id === null ) {
+ id = generateId();
+ }
+ // Set cookie if not set, or renew it if already set
+ $.cookie( '', id, { 'expires': 365, 'path': '/' } );
+ return id;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the user's bucket, placing them in one at random based on set odds if needed.
+ *
+ * @param key String: Name of bucket
+ * @param options Object: Bucket configuration options
+ * @param options.buckets Object: List of bucket-name/relative-probability pairs (required,
+ * must have at least one pair)
+ * @param options.version Number: Version of bucket test, changing this forces rebucketing
+ * (optional, default: 0)
+ * @param options.tracked Boolean: Track the event of bucketing through the API module of
+ * the ClickTracking extension (optional, default: false)
+ * @param options.expires Number: Length of time (in days) until the user gets rebucketed
+ * (optional, default: 30)
+ * @return String: Bucket name - the randomly chosen key of the options.buckets object
+ *
+ * @example
+ * mw.user.bucket( 'test', {
+ * 'buckets': { 'ignored': 50, 'control': 25, 'test': 25 },
+ * 'version': 1,
+ * 'tracked': true,
+ * 'expires': 7
+ * } );
+ */
+ this.bucket = function( key, options ) {
+ options = $.extend( {
+ 'buckets': {},
+ 'version': 0,
+ 'tracked': false,
+ 'expires': 30
+ }, options || {} );
+ var cookie = $.cookie( 'mediaWiki.user.bucket:' + key );
+ var bucket = null;
+ var version = 0;
+ // Bucket information is stored as 2 integers, together as version:bucket like: "1:2"
+ if ( typeof cookie === 'string' && cookie.length > 2 && cookie.indexOf( ':' ) > 0 ) {
+ var parts = cookie.split( ':' );
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && parts[0] == options.version ) {
+ version = Number( parts[0] );
+ bucket = String( parts[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bucket === null ) {
+ if ( !$.isPlainObject( options.buckets ) ) {
+ throw 'Invalid buckets error. Object expected for options.buckets.';
+ }
+ version = Number( options.version );
+ // Find range
+ var range = 0, k;
+ for ( k in options.buckets ) {
+ range += options.buckets[k];
+ }
+ // Select random value within range
+ var rand = Math.random() * range;
+ // Determine which bucket the value landed in
+ var total = 0;
+ for ( k in options.buckets ) {
+ bucket = k;
+ total += options.buckets[k];
+ if ( total >= rand ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( options.tracked ) {
+ mw.loader.using( 'jquery.clickTracking', function() {
+ $.trackAction(
+ 'mediaWiki.user.bucket:' + key + '@' + version + ':' + bucket
+ );
+ } );
+ }
+ $.cookie(
+ 'mediaWiki.user.bucket:' + key,
+ version + ':' + bucket,
+ { 'path': '/', 'expires': Number( options.expires ) }
+ );
+ }
+ return bucket;
+ };
+ }
+ mw.user = new User();
+})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.js b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71875835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+ * Utilities
+ */
+( function( $ ) {
+ // Local cache and alias
+ var util = mw.util = {
+ /* Initialisation */
+ /**
+ * @var boolean Wether or not already initialised
+ */
+ 'initialised' : false,
+ 'init' : function() {
+ if ( this.initialised === false ) {
+ this.initialised = true;
+ // Folllowing the initialisation after the DOM is ready
+ $(document).ready( function() {
+ /* Set up $.messageBox */
+ $.messageBoxNew( {
+ 'id': 'mw-js-message',
+ 'parent': '#content'
+ } );
+ // Shortcut to client profile return
+ var profile = $.client.profile();
+ /* Set tooltipAccessKeyPrefix */
+ // Opera on any platform
+ if ( == 'opera' ) {
+ util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'shift-esc-';
+ // Chrome on any platform
+ } else if ( == 'chrome' ) {
+ // Chrome on Mac or Chrome on other platform ?
+ util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = ( profile.platform == 'mac'
+ ? 'ctrl-option-' : 'alt-' );
+ // Non-Windows Safari with webkit_version > 526
+ } else if ( profile.platform !== 'win'
+ && == 'safari'
+ && profile.layoutVersion > 526 ) {
+ util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-alt-';
+ // Safari/Konqueror on any platform, or any browser on Mac
+ // (but not Safari on Windows)
+ } else if ( !( profile.platform == 'win' && == 'safari' )
+ && ( == 'safari'
+ || profile.platform == 'mac'
+ || == 'konqueror' ) ) {
+ util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-';
+ // Firefox 2.x and later
+ } else if ( == 'firefox' && profile.versionBase > '1' ) {
+ util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt-shift-';
+ }
+ /* Fill $content var */
+ if ( $( '#bodyContent' ).length ) {
+ // Vector, Monobook, Chick etc.
+ util.$content = $( '#bodyContent' );
+ } else if ( $( '#mw_contentholder' ).length ) {
+ // Modern
+ util.$content = $( '#mw_contentholder' );
+ } else if ( $( '#article' ).length ) {
+ // Standard, CologneBlue
+ util.$content = $( '#article' );
+ } else {
+ // #content is present on almost all if not all skins. Most skins (the above cases)
+ // have #content too, but as an outer wrapper instead of the article text container.
+ // The skins that don't have an outer wrapper do have #content for everything
+ // so it's a good fallback
+ util.$content = $( '#content' );
+ }
+ /* Table of Contents toggle */
+ var $tocContainer = $( '#toc' ),
+ $tocTitle = $( '#toctitle' ),
+ $tocToggleLink = $( '#togglelink' );
+ // Only add it if there is a TOC and there is no toggle added already
+ if ( $tocContainer.size() && $tocTitle.size() && !$tocToggleLink.size() ) {
+ var hideTocCookie = $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc' );
+ $tocToggleLink = $( '<a href="#" class="internal" id="togglelink"></a>' )
+ .text( mw.msg( 'hidetoc' ) )
+ .click( function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ util.toggleToc( $(this) );
+ } );
+ $tocTitle.append( $tocToggleLink.wrap( '<span class="toctoggle"></span>' ).parent().prepend( '&nbsp;[' ).append( ']&nbsp;' ) );
+ if ( hideTocCookie == '1' ) {
+ // Cookie says user want toc hidden
+ $;
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /* Main body */
+ /**
+ * Encode the string like PHP's rawurlencode
+ *
+ * @param str string String to be encoded
+ */
+ 'rawurlencode' : function( str ) {
+ str = ( str + '' ).toString();
+ return encodeURIComponent( str )
+ .replace( /!/g, '%21' ).replace( /'/g, '%27' ).replace( /\(/g, '%28' )
+ .replace( /\)/g, '%29' ).replace( /\*/g, '%2A' ).replace( /~/g, '%7E' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Encode page titles for use in a URL
+ * We want / and : to be included as literal characters in our title URLs
+ * as they otherwise fatally break the title
+ *
+ * @param str string String to be encoded
+ */
+ 'wikiUrlencode' : function( str ) {
+ return this.rawurlencode( str )
+ .replace( /%20/g, '_' ).replace( /%3A/g, ':' ).replace( /%2F/g, '/' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the link to a page name (relative to wgServer)
+ *
+ * @param str string Page name to get the link for.
+ * @return string Location for a page with name of 'str' or boolean false on error.
+ */
+ 'wikiGetlink' : function( str ) {
+ return mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ).replace( '$1',
+ this.wikiUrlencode( str || mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) ) );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get address to a script in the wiki root.
+ * For index.php use mw.config.get( 'wgScript' )
+ *
+ * @param str string Name of script (eg. 'api'), defaults to 'index'
+ * @return string Address to script (eg. '/w/api.php' )
+ */
+ 'wikiScript' : function( str ) {
+ return mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/' + ( str || 'index' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgScriptExtension' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Append a new style block to the head
+ *
+ * @param text string CSS to be appended
+ * @return CSSStyleSheet
+ */
+ 'addCSS' : function( text ) {
+ var s = document.createElement( 'style' );
+ s.type = 'text/css';
+ s.rel = 'stylesheet';
+ if ( s.styleSheet ) {
+ s.styleSheet.cssText = text; // IE
+ } else {
+ s.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text + '' ) ); // Safari sometimes borks on null
+ }
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s );
+ return s.sheet || s;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hide/show the table of contents element
+ *
+ * @param $toggleLink jQuery A jQuery object of the toggle link.
+ * @param callback function Function to be called after the toggle is
+ * completed (including the animation) (optional)
+ * @return mixed Boolean visibility of the toc (true if it's visible)
+ * or Null if there was no table of contents.
+ */
+ 'toggleToc' : function( $toggleLink, callback ) {
+ var $tocList = $( '#toc ul:first' );
+ // This function shouldn't be called if there's no TOC,
+ // but just in case...
+ if ( $tocList.size() ) {
+ if ( $ ':hidden' ) ) {
+ $tocList.slideDown( 'fast', callback );
+ $toggleLink.text( mw.msg( 'hidetoc' ) );
+ $( '#toc' ).removeClass( 'tochidden' );
+ $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc', null, {
+ expires: 30,
+ path: '/'
+ } );
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $tocList.slideUp( 'fast', callback );
+ $toggleLink.text( mw.msg( 'showtoc' ) );
+ $( '#toc' ).addClass( 'tochidden' );
+ $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc', '1', {
+ expires: 30,
+ path: '/'
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Grab the URL parameter value for the given parameter.
+ * Returns null if not found.
+ *
+ * @param param string The parameter name.
+ * @param url string URL to search through (optional)
+ * @return mixed Parameter value or null.
+ */
+ 'getParamValue' : function( param, url ) {
+ url = url ? url : document.location.href;
+ // Get last match, stop at hash
+ var re = new RegExp( '^[^#]*[&?]' + $.escapeRE( param ) + '=([^&#]*)' );
+ var m = re.exec( url );
+ if ( m && m.length > 1 ) {
+ // Beware that decodeURIComponent is not required to understand '+'
+ // by spec, as encodeURIComponent does not produce it.
+ return decodeURIComponent( m[1].replace( /\+/g, '%20' ) );
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ * Access key prefix. Will be re-defined based on browser/operating system
+ * detection in mw.util.init().
+ */
+ 'tooltipAccessKeyPrefix' : 'alt-',
+ /**
+ * @var RegExp
+ * Regex to match accesskey tooltips.
+ */
+ 'tooltipAccessKeyRegexp': /\[(ctrl-)?(alt-)?(shift-)?(esc-)?(.)\]$/,
+ /**
+ * Add the appropriate prefix to the accesskey shown in the tooltip.
+ * If the nodeList parameter is given, only those nodes are updated;
+ * otherwise, all the nodes that will probably have accesskeys by
+ * default are updated.
+ *
+ * @param nodeList {Array|jQuery} (optional) A jQuery object, or array of elements to update.
+ */
+ 'updateTooltipAccessKeys' : function( nodeList ) {
+ var $nodes;
+ if ( !nodeList ) {
+ // Rather than scanning all links, just the elements that
+ // contain the relevant links
+ this.updateTooltipAccessKeys(
+ $( '#column-one a, #mw-head a, #mw-panel a, #p-logo a' ) );
+ // these are rare enough that no such optimization is needed
+ this.updateTooltipAccessKeys( $( 'input' ) );
+ this.updateTooltipAccessKeys( $( 'label' ) );
+ return;
+ } else if ( nodeList instanceof jQuery ) {
+ $nodes = nodeList;
+ } else {
+ $nodes = $( nodeList );
+ }
+ $nodes.each( function ( i ) {
+ var tip = $(this).attr( 'title' );
+ if ( !!tip && util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp.exec( tip ) ) {
+ tip = tip.replace( util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp,
+ '[' + util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix + "$5]" );
+ $(this).attr( 'title', tip );
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ /*
+ * @var jQuery
+ * A jQuery object that refers to the page-content element
+ * Populated by init().
+ */
+ '$content' : null,
+ /**
+ * Add a link to a portlet menu on the page, such as:
+ *
+ * p-cactions (Content actions), p-personal (Personal tools),
+ * p-navigation (Navigation), p-tb (Toolbox)
+ *
+ * The first three paramters are required, the others are optional and
+ * may be null. Though providing an id and tooltip is recommended.
+ *
+ * By default the new link will be added to the end of the list. To
+ * add the link before a given existing item, pass the DOM node
+ * (document.getElementById( 'foobar' )) or the jQuery-selector
+ * ( '#foobar' ) of that item.
+ *
+ * @example mw.util.addPortletLink(
+ * 'p-tb', '',
+ * '', 't-mworg', 'Go to ', 'm', '#t-print'
+ * )
+ *
+ * @param portlet string ID of the target portlet ( 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal' etc.)
+ * @param href string Link URL
+ * @param text string Link text
+ * @param id string ID of the new item, should be unique and preferably have
+ * the appropriate prefix ( 'ca-', 'pt-', 'n-' or 't-' )
+ * @param tooltip string Text to show when hovering over the link, without accesskey suffix
+ * @param accesskey string Access key to activate this link (one character, try
+ * to avoid conflicts. Use $( '[accesskey=x]' ).get() in the console to
+ * see if 'x' is already used.
+ * @param nextnode mixed DOM Node or jQuery-selector string of the item that the new
+ * item should be added before, should be another item in the same
+ * list, it will be ignored otherwise
+ *
+ * @return mixed The DOM Node of the added item (a ListItem or Anchor element,
+ * depending on the skin) or null if no element was added to the document.
+ */
+ 'addPortletLink' : function( portlet, href, text, id, tooltip, accesskey, nextnode ) {
+ // Check if there's atleast 3 arguments to prevent a TypeError
+ if ( arguments.length < 3 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Setup the anchor tag
+ var $link = $( '<a></a>' ).attr( 'href', href ).text( text );
+ if ( tooltip ) {
+ $link.attr( 'title', tooltip );
+ }
+ // Some skins don't have any portlets
+ // just add it to the bottom of their 'sidebar' element as a fallback
+ switch ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) ) {
+ case 'standard' :
+ case 'cologneblue' :
+ $( '#quickbar' ).append( $link.after( '<br />' ) );
+ return $link[0];
+ case 'nostalgia' :
+ $( '#searchform' ).before( $link).before( ' &#124; ' );
+ return $link[0];
+ default : // Skins like chick, modern, monobook, myskin, simple, vector...
+ // Select the specified portlet
+ var $portlet = $( '#' + portlet );
+ if ( $portlet.length === 0 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Select the first (most likely only) unordered list inside the portlet
+ var $ul = $portlet.find( 'ul' );
+ // If it didn't have an unordered list yet, create it
+ if ( $ul.length === 0 ) {
+ // If there's no <div> inside, append it to the portlet directly
+ if ( $portlet.find( 'div:first' ).length === 0 ) {
+ $portlet.append( '<ul></ul>' );
+ } else {
+ // otherwise if there's a div (such as div.body or div.pBody)
+ // append the <ul> to last (most likely only) div
+ $portlet.find( 'div' ).eq( -1 ).append( '<ul></ul>' );
+ }
+ // Select the created element
+ $ul = $portlet.find( 'ul' ).eq( 0 );
+ }
+ // Just in case..
+ if ( $ul.length === 0 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Unhide portlet if it was hidden before
+ $portlet.removeClass( 'emptyPortlet' );
+ // Wrap the anchor tag in a list item (and a span if $portlet is a Vector tab)
+ // and back up the selector to the list item
+ var $item;
+ if ( $portlet.hasClass( 'vectorTabs' ) ) {
+ $item = $link.wrap( '<li><span></span></li>' ).parent().parent();
+ } else {
+ $item = $link.wrap( '<li></li>' ).parent();
+ }
+ // Implement the properties passed to the function
+ if ( id ) {
+ $item.attr( 'id', id );
+ }
+ if ( accesskey ) {
+ $link.attr( 'accesskey', accesskey );
+ tooltip += ' [' + accesskey + ']';
+ $link.attr( 'title', tooltip );
+ }
+ if ( accesskey && tooltip ) {
+ this.updateTooltipAccessKeys( $link );
+ }
+ // Where to put our node ?
+ // - nextnode is a DOM element (before MW 1.17, in wikibits.js, this was the only option)
+ if ( nextnode && nextnode.parentNode == $ul[0] ) {
+ $(nextnode).before( $item );
+ // - nextnode is a CSS selector for jQuery
+ } else if ( typeof nextnode == 'string' && $ul.find( nextnode ).length !== 0 ) {
+ $ul.find( nextnode ).eq( 0 ).before( $item );
+ // If the jQuery selector isn't found within the <ul>,
+ // or if nextnode was invalid or not passed at all,
+ // then just append it at the end of the <ul> (this is the default behaviour)
+ } else {
+ $ul.append( $item );
+ }
+ return $item[0];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add a little box at the top of the screen to inform the user of
+ * something, replacing any previous message.
+ * Calling with no arguments, with an empty string or null will hide the message
+ *
+ * @param message mixed The DOM-element or HTML-string to be put inside the message box.
+ * @param className string Used in adding a class; should be different for each call
+ * to allow CSS/JS to hide different boxes. null = no class used.
+ * @return boolean True on success, false on failure.
+ */
+ 'jsMessage' : function( message, className ) {
+ if ( !arguments.length || message === '' || message === null ) {
+ $( '#mw-js-message' ).empty().hide();
+ return true; // Emptying and hiding message is intended behaviour, return true
+ } else {
+ // We special-case skin structures provided by the software. Skins that
+ // choose to abandon or significantly modify our formatting can just define
+ // an mw-js-message div to start with.
+ var $messageDiv = $( '#mw-js-message' );
+ if ( !$messageDiv.length ) {
+ $messageDiv = $( '<div id="mw-js-message">' );
+ if ( util.$content.parent().length ) {
+ util.$content.parent().prepend( $messageDiv );
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( className ) {
+ $messageDiv.attr( 'class', 'mw-js-message-' + className );
+ }
+ if ( typeof message === 'object' ) {
+ $messageDiv.empty();
+ $messageDiv.append( message ); // Append new content
+ } else {
+ $messageDiv.html( message );
+ }
+ $messageDiv.slideDown();
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Validate a string as representing a valid e-mail address
+ * according to HTML5 specification. Please note the specification
+ * does not validate a domain with one character.
+ *
+ * @todo FIXME: should be moved to or replaced by a JavaScript validation module.
+ *
+ * @param mailtxt string E-mail address to be validated.
+ * @return mixed Null if mailtxt was an empty string, otherwise true/false
+ * is determined by validation.
+ */
+ 'validateEmail' : function( mailtxt ) {
+ if( mailtxt === '' ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * HTML5 defines a string as valid e-mail address if it matches
+ * the ABNF:
+ * 1 * ( atext / "." ) "@" ldh-str 1*( "." ldh-str )
+ * With:
+ * - atext : defined in RFC 5322 section 3.2.3
+ * - ldh-str : defined in RFC 1034 section 3.5
+ *
+ * (see STD 68 / RFC 5234
+ */
+ /**
+ * First, define the RFC 5322 'atext' which is pretty easy :
+ * atext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Printable US-ASCII
+ "!" / "#" / ; characters not including
+ "$" / "%" / ; specials. Used for atoms.
+ "&" / "'" /
+ "*" / "+" /
+ "-" / "/" /
+ "=" / "?" /
+ "^" / "_" /
+ "`" / "{" /
+ "|" / "}" /
+ "~"
+ */
+ var rfc5322_atext = "a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\-/=?^_`{|}~",
+ /**
+ * Next define the RFC 1034 'ldh-str'
+ * <domain> ::= <subdomain> | " "
+ * <subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
+ * <label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
+ * <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
+ * <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
+ * <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
+ */
+ rfc1034_ldh_str = "a-z0-9\\-",
+ HTML5_email_regexp = new RegExp(
+ // start of string
+ '^'
+ +
+ // User part which is liberal :p
+ '[' + rfc5322_atext + '\\.]+'
+ +
+ // 'at'
+ '@'
+ +
+ // Domain first part
+ '[' + rfc1034_ldh_str + ']+'
+ +
+ // Optional second part and following are separated by a dot
+ '(?:\\.[' + rfc1034_ldh_str + ']+)*'
+ +
+ // End of string
+ '$',
+ // RegExp is case insensitive
+ 'i'
+ );
+ return (null !== mailtxt.match( HTML5_email_regexp ) );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Note: borrows from IP::isIPv4
+ *
+ * @param address string
+ * @param allowBlock boolean
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ 'isIPv4Address' : function( address, allowBlock ) {
+ var block = allowBlock ? '(?:\\/(?:3[0-2]|[12]?\\d))?' : '';
+ var RE_IP_BYTE = '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|0?[0-9]?[0-9])';
+ var RE_IP_ADD = '(?:' + RE_IP_BYTE + '\\.){3}' + RE_IP_BYTE;
+ return typeof address === 'string' && new RegExp( '^' + RE_IP_ADD + block + '$' ) ) != -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Note: borrows from IP::isIPv6
+ *
+ * @param address string
+ * @param allowBlock boolean
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ 'isIPv6Address' : function( address, allowBlock ) {
+ if ( typeof address !== 'string' ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var block = allowBlock ? '(?:\\/(?:12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[1-9]?\\d))?' : '';
+ var RE_IPV6_ADD =
+ '(?:' + // starts with "::" (including "::")
+ ':(?::|(?::' + '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '){1,7})' +
+ '|' + // ends with "::" (except "::")
+ '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '(?::' + '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '){0,6}::' +
+ '|' + // contains no "::"
+ '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '(?::' + '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '){7}' +
+ ')';
+ if ( new RegExp( '^' + RE_IPV6_ADD + block + '$' ) ) != -1 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ RE_IPV6_ADD = // contains one "::" in the middle (single '::' check below)
+ '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '(?:::?' + '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' + '){1,6}';
+ return new RegExp( '^' + RE_IPV6_ADD + block + '$' ) ) != -1
+ && /::/ ) != -1 && /::.*::/ ) == -1;
+ }
+ };
+ util.init();
+} )( jQuery );