path: root/skins/common/wikibits.js
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-12-08 09:55:49 +0100
commit4ac9fa081a7c045f6a9f1cfc529d82423f485b2e (patch)
treeaf68743f2f4a47d13f2b0eb05f5c4aaf86d8ea37 /skins/common/wikibits.js
parentaf4da56f1ad4d3ef7b06557bae365da2ea27a897 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.0
Diffstat (limited to 'skins/common/wikibits.js')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 558 deletions
diff --git a/skins/common/wikibits.js b/skins/common/wikibits.js
index 709cc334..d28ca0a3 100644
--- a/skins/common/wikibits.js
+++ b/skins/common/wikibits.js
@@ -1,496 +1,36 @@
* MediaWiki legacy wikibits
-( function ( mw ) {
-window.clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info
-window.is_gecko = /gecko/.test( clientPC ) &&
- !/khtml|spoofer|netscape\/7\.0/.test(clientPC);
-window.is_safari = window.is_safari_win = window.webkit_version =
- window.is_chrome = window.is_chrome_mac = false;
-window.webkit_match = clientPC.match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
-if (webkit_match) {
- window.is_safari = clientPC.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1 &&
- clientPC.indexOf('spoofer') == -1;
- window.is_safari_win = is_safari && clientPC.indexOf('windows') != -1;
- window.webkit_version = parseInt(webkit_match[1]);
- // Tests for chrome here, to avoid breaking old scripts safari left alone
- // This is here for accesskeys
- window.is_chrome = clientPC.indexOf('chrome') !== -1 &&
- clientPC.indexOf('spoofer') === -1;
- window.is_chrome_mac = is_chrome && clientPC.indexOf('mac') !== -1
-// For accesskeys; note that FF3+ is included here!
-window.is_ff2 = /firefox\/[2-9]|minefield\/3/.test( clientPC );
-window.ff2_bugs = /firefox\/2/.test( clientPC );
-// These aren't used here, but some custom scripts rely on them
-window.is_ff2_win = is_ff2 && clientPC.indexOf('windows') != -1;
-window.is_ff2_x11 = is_ff2 && clientPC.indexOf('x11') != -1;
-window.is_opera = window.is_opera_preseven = window.is_opera_95 =
- window.opera6_bugs = window.opera7_bugs = window.opera95_bugs = false;
-if (clientPC.indexOf('opera') != -1) {
- window.is_opera = true;
- window.is_opera_preseven = window.opera && !document.childNodes;
- window.is_opera_seven = window.opera && document.childNodes;
- window.is_opera_95 = /opera\/(9\.[5-9]|[1-9][0-9])/.test( clientPC );
- window.opera6_bugs = is_opera_preseven;
- window.opera7_bugs = is_opera_seven && !is_opera_95;
- window.opera95_bugs = /opera\/(9\.5)/.test( clientPC );
-// As recommended by <>,
-// avoiding false positives from moronic extensions that append to the IE UA
-// string (bug 23171)
-window.ie6_bugs = false;
-if ( /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec( clientPC ) != null
-&& parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) <= 6.0 ) {
- ie6_bugs = true;
-// add any onload functions in this hook (please don't hard-code any events in the xhtml source)
-window.doneOnloadHook = undefined;
-if (!window.onloadFuncts) {
- window.onloadFuncts = [];
-window.addOnloadHook = function( hookFunct ) {
- // Allows add-on scripts to add onload functions
- if( !doneOnloadHook ) {
- onloadFuncts[onloadFuncts.length] = hookFunct;
- } else {
- hookFunct(); // bug in MSIE script loading
- }
-window.importScript = function( page ) {
- var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
- mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
- '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
- return importScriptURI( uri );
-window.loadedScripts = {}; // included-scripts tracker
-window.importScriptURI = function( url ) {
- if ( loadedScripts[url] ) {
- return null;
- }
- loadedScripts[url] = true;
- var s = document.createElement( 'script' );
- s.setAttribute( 'src', url );
- s.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' );
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s );
- return s;
-window.importStylesheet = function( page ) {
- return importStylesheetURI( mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?action=raw&ctype=text/css&title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) );
-window.importStylesheetURI = function( url, media ) {
- var l = document.createElement( 'link' );
- l.rel = 'stylesheet';
- l.href = url;
- if ( media ) {
- = media;
- }
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( l );
- return l;
-window.appendCSS = function( text ) {
- var s = document.createElement( 'style' );
- s.type = 'text/css';
- s.rel = 'stylesheet';
- if ( s.styleSheet ) {
- s.styleSheet.cssText = text; // IE
- } else {
- s.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text + '' ) ); // Safari sometimes borks on null
- }
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s );
- return s;
-// Special stylesheet links for Monobook only (see bug 14717)
-var skinpath = mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/' + mw.config.get( 'skin' );
-if ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'monobook' ) {
- if ( opera6_bugs ) {
- importStylesheetURI( skinpath + '/Opera6Fixes.css' );
- } else if ( opera7_bugs ) {
- importStylesheetURI( skinpath + '/Opera7Fixes.css' );
- } else if ( opera95_bugs ) {
- importStylesheetURI( skinpath + '/Opera9Fixes.css' );
- }
+( function ( mw, $ ) {
+ var msg,
+ win = window,
+ ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
+ isIE6 = ( /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec( ua ) && parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) <= 6.0 ),
+ isGecko = /gecko/.test( ua ) && !/khtml|spoofer|netscape\/7\.0/.test( ua ),
+ onloadFuncts = [];
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgBreakFrames' ) ) {
- // Un-trap us from framesets
- if ( != window ) {
- = window.location;
+ // Note: In IE < 9 strict comparison to window is non-standard (the standard didn't exist yet)
+ // it works only comparing to window.self or window.window (
+ if ( !== win.self ) {
+ // Un-trap us from framesets
+ = win.location;
-window.changeText = function( el, newText ) {
- // Safari work around
- if ( el.innerText ) {
- el.innerText = newText;
- } else if ( el.firstChild && el.firstChild.nodeValue ) {
- el.firstChild.nodeValue = newText;
- }
-window.killEvt = function( evt ) {
- evt = evt || window.event || window.Event; // W3C, IE, Netscape
- if ( typeof ( evt.preventDefault ) != 'undefined' ) {
- evt.preventDefault(); // Don't follow the link
- evt.stopPropagation();
- } else {
- evt.cancelBubble = true; // IE
- }
- return false; // Don't follow the link (IE)
-window.mwEditButtons = [];
-window.mwCustomEditButtons = []; // eg to add in MediaWiki:Common.js
-window.escapeQuotes = function( text ) {
- var re = new RegExp( "'", "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "\\'" );
- re = new RegExp( "\\n", "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "\\n" );
- return escapeQuotesHTML( text );
-window.escapeQuotesHTML = function( text ) {
- var re = new RegExp( '&', "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "&amp;" );
- re = new RegExp( '"', "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "&quot;" );
- re = new RegExp( '<', "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "&lt;" );
- re = new RegExp( '>', "g" );
- text = text.replace( re, "&gt;" );
- return text;
- * Set the accesskey prefix based on browser detection.
- */
-window.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt-';
-if ( is_opera ) {
- tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'shift-esc-';
-} else if ( is_chrome ) {
- tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = is_chrome_mac ? 'ctrl-option-' : 'alt-';
-} else if ( !is_safari_win && is_safari && webkit_version > 526 ) {
- tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-alt-';
-} else if ( !is_safari_win && ( is_safari
- || clientPC.indexOf('mac') != -1
- || clientPC.indexOf('konqueror') != -1 ) ) {
- tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-';
-} else if ( is_ff2 ) {
- tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt-shift-';
-window.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp = /\[(ctrl-)?(alt-)?(shift-)?(esc-)?(.)\]$/;
- * Add the appropriate prefix to the accesskey shown in the tooltip.
- * If the nodeList parameter is given, only those nodes are updated;
- * otherwise, all the nodes that will probably have accesskeys by
- * default are updated.
- *
- * @param nodeList Array list of elements to update
- */
-window.updateTooltipAccessKeys = function( nodeList ) {
- if ( !nodeList ) {
- // Rather than scan all links on the whole page, we can just scan these
- // containers which contain the relevant links. This is really just an
- // optimization technique.
- var linkContainers = [
- 'column-one', // Monobook and Modern
- 'mw-head', 'mw-panel', 'p-logo' // Vector
- ];
- for ( var i in linkContainers ) {
- var linkContainer = document.getElementById( linkContainers[i] );
- if ( linkContainer ) {
- updateTooltipAccessKeys( linkContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ) );
- }
- }
- // these are rare enough that no such optimization is needed
- updateTooltipAccessKeys( document.getElementsByTagName( 'input' ) );
- updateTooltipAccessKeys( document.getElementsByTagName( 'label' ) );
- return;
- }
- for ( var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++ ) {
- var element = nodeList[i];
- var tip = element.getAttribute( 'title' );
- if ( tip && tooltipAccessKeyRegexp.exec( tip ) ) {
- tip = tip.replace(tooltipAccessKeyRegexp,
- '[' + tooltipAccessKeyPrefix + "$5]");
- element.setAttribute( 'title', tip );
- }
- }
- * Add a link to one of the portlet menus on the page, including:
- *
- * p-cactions: Content actions (shown as tabs above the main content in Monobook)
- * p-personal: Personal tools (shown at the top right of the page in Monobook)
- * p-navigation: Navigation
- * p-tb: Toolbox
- *
- * This function exists for the convenience of custom JS authors. All
- * but the first three parameters are optional, though providing at
- * least an id and a tooltip is recommended.
- *
- * By default the new link will be added to the end of the list. To
- * add the link before a given existing item, pass the DOM node of
- * that item (easily obtained with document.getElementById()) as the
- * nextnode parameter; to add the link _after_ an existing item, pass
- * the node's nextSibling instead.
- *
- * @param portlet String id of the target portlet ("p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-navigation" or "p-tb")
- * @param href String link URL
- * @param text String link text (will be automatically lowercased by CSS for p-cactions in Monobook)
- * @param id String id of the new item, should be unique and preferably have the appropriate prefix ("ca-", "pt-", "n-" or "t-")
- * @param tooltip String text to show when hovering over the link, without accesskey suffix
- * @param accesskey String accesskey to activate this link (one character, try to avoid conflicts)
- * @param nextnode Node the DOM node before which the new item should be added, should be another item in the same list
- *
- * @return Node -- the DOM node of the new item (an LI element) or null
- */
-window.addPortletLink = function( portlet, href, text, id, tooltip, accesskey, nextnode ) {
- var root = document.getElementById( portlet );
- if ( !root ) {
- return null;
- }
- var uls = root.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' );
- var node;
- if ( uls.length > 0 ) {
- node = uls[0];
- } else {
- node = document.createElement( 'ul' );
- var lastElementChild = null;
- for ( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; ++i ) { /* get root.lastElementChild */
- if ( root.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1 ) {
- lastElementChild = root.childNodes[i];
- }
- }
- if ( lastElementChild && lastElementChild.nodeName.match( /div/i ) ) {
- /* Insert into the menu divs */
- lastElementChild.appendChild( node );
- } else {
- root.appendChild( node );
- }
- }
- if ( !node ) {
- return null;
- }
- // unhide portlet if it was hidden before
- root.className = root.className.replace( /(^| )emptyPortlet( |$)/, "$2" );
- var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
- link.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
- link.href = href;
- // Wrap in a span - make it work with vector tabs and has no effect on any other portlets
- var span = document.createElement( 'span' );
- span.appendChild( link );
- var item = document.createElement( 'li' );
- item.appendChild( span );
- if ( id ) {
- = id;
- }
- if ( accesskey ) {
- link.setAttribute( 'accesskey', accesskey );
- tooltip += ' [' + accesskey + ']';
- }
- if ( tooltip ) {
- link.setAttribute( 'title', tooltip );
- }
- if ( accesskey && tooltip ) {
- updateTooltipAccessKeys( [link] );
- }
- if ( nextnode && nextnode.parentNode == node ) {
- node.insertBefore( item, nextnode );
- } else {
- node.appendChild( item ); // IE compatibility (?)
- }
- return item;
-window.getInnerText = function( el ) {
- if ( typeof el == 'string' ) {
- return el;
- }
- if ( typeof el == 'undefined' ) {
- return el;
- }
- // Custom sort value through 'data-sort-value' attribute
- // (no need to prepend hidden text to change sort value)
- if ( el.nodeType && el.getAttribute( 'data-sort-value' ) !== null ) {
- // Make sure it's a valid DOM element (.nodeType) and that the attribute is set (!null)
- return el.getAttribute( 'data-sort-value' );
- }
- if ( el.textContent ) {
- return el.textContent; // not needed but it is faster
- }
- if ( el.innerText ) {
- return el.innerText; // IE doesn't have textContent
- }
- var str = '';
- var cs = el.childNodes;
- var l = cs.length;
- for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
- switch ( cs[i].nodeType ) {
- case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE
- str += getInnerText( cs[i] );
- break;
- case 3: // TEXT_NODE
- str += cs[i].nodeValue;
- break;
- }
- }
- return str;
-window.checkboxes = undefined;
-window.lastCheckbox = undefined;
-window.setupCheckboxShiftClick = function() {
- checkboxes = [];
- lastCheckbox = null;
- var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
- addCheckboxClickHandlers( inputs );
-window.addCheckboxClickHandlers = function( inputs, start ) {
- if ( !start ) {
- start = 0;
- }
- var finish = start + 250;
- if ( finish > inputs.length ) {
- finish = inputs.length;
- }
- for ( var i = start; i < finish; i++ ) {
- var cb = inputs[i];
- if ( !cb.type || cb.type.toLowerCase() != 'checkbox' || ( ' ' + cb.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' noshiftselect ' ) != -1 ) {
- continue;
- }
- var end = checkboxes.length;
- checkboxes[end] = cb;
- cb.index = end;
- addClickHandler( cb, checkboxClickHandler );
- }
- if ( finish < inputs.length ) {
- setTimeout( function() {
- addCheckboxClickHandlers( inputs, finish );
- }, 200 );
- }
-window.checkboxClickHandler = function( e ) {
- if ( typeof e == 'undefined' ) {
- e = window.event;
- }
- if ( !e.shiftKey || lastCheckbox === null ) {
- lastCheckbox = this.index;
- return true;
- }
- var endState = this.checked;
- var start, finish;
- if ( this.index < lastCheckbox ) {
- start = this.index + 1;
- finish = lastCheckbox;
- } else {
- start = lastCheckbox;
- finish = this.index - 1;
- }
- for ( var i = start; i <= finish; ++i ) {
- checkboxes[i].checked = endState;
- if( i > start && typeof checkboxes[i].onchange == 'function' ) {
- checkboxes[i].onchange(); // fire triggers
- }
- }
- lastCheckbox = this.index;
- return true;
- Written by Jonathan Snook,
- Add-ons by Robert Nyman,
- Author says "The credit comment is all it takes, no license. Go crazy with it!:-)"
- From
-window.getElementsByClassName = function( oElm, strTagName, oClassNames ) {
- var arrReturnElements = [];
- if ( typeof( oElm.getElementsByClassName ) == 'function' ) {
- /* Use a native implementation where possible FF3, Saf3.2, Opera 9.5 */
- var arrNativeReturn = oElm.getElementsByClassName( oClassNames );
- if ( strTagName == '*' ) {
- return arrNativeReturn;
- }
- for ( var h = 0; h < arrNativeReturn.length; h++ ) {
- if( arrNativeReturn[h].tagName.toLowerCase() == strTagName.toLowerCase() ) {
- arrReturnElements[arrReturnElements.length] = arrNativeReturn[h];
- }
- }
- return arrReturnElements;
- }
- var arrElements = ( strTagName == '*' && oElm.all ) ? oElm.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName( strTagName );
- var arrRegExpClassNames = [];
- if( typeof oClassNames == 'object' ) {
- for( var i = 0; i < oClassNames.length; i++ ) {
- arrRegExpClassNames[arrRegExpClassNames.length] =
- new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + oClassNames[i].replace(/\-/g, "\\-") + "(\\s|$)");
- }
- } else {
- arrRegExpClassNames[arrRegExpClassNames.length] =
- new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + oClassNames.replace(/\-/g, "\\-") + "(\\s|$)");
- }
- var oElement;
- var bMatchesAll;
- for( var j = 0; j < arrElements.length; j++ ) {
- oElement = arrElements[j];
- bMatchesAll = true;
- for( var k = 0; k < arrRegExpClassNames.length; k++ ) {
- if( !arrRegExpClassNames[k].test( oElement.className ) ) {
- bMatchesAll = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( bMatchesAll ) {
- arrReturnElements[arrReturnElements.length] = oElement;
- }
- }
- return ( arrReturnElements );
-window.redirectToFragment = function( fragment ) {
- var match = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/);
+win.redirectToFragment = function ( fragment ) {
+ var webKitVersion,
+ match = navigator.userAgent.match( /AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/ );
if ( match ) {
- var webKitVersion = parseInt( match[1] );
+ webKitVersion = parseInt( match[1], 10 );
if ( webKitVersion < 420 ) {
// Released Safari w/ WebKit 418.9.1 messes up horribly
// Nightlies of 420+ are ok
- if ( window.location.hash == '' ) {
- window.location.hash = fragment;
+ if ( !win.location.hash ) {
+ win.location.hash = fragment;
// Mozilla needs to wait until after load, otherwise the window doesn't
// scroll. See <>.
@@ -498,122 +38,211 @@ window.redirectToFragment = function( fragment ) {
// version-testing. If Firefox fixes the bug, they'll jump twice, but
// better twice than not at all, so make the fix hit future versions as
// well.
- if ( is_gecko ) {
- addOnloadHook(function() {
- if ( window.location.hash == fragment ) {
- window.location.hash = fragment;
+ if ( isGecko ) {
+ $( function () {
+ if ( win.location.hash === fragment ) {
+ win.location.hash = fragment;
- });
+ } );
- * Add a cute little box at the top of the screen to inform the user of
- * something, replacing any preexisting message.
+ * User-agent sniffing.
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
- * @deprecated since 1.17 Use the 'mediawiki.notify' module instead.
- * @param {String|HTMLElement} message To be put inside the message box.
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jquery.client instead
-window.jsMsg = function () {
- return mw.util.jsMessage.apply( mw.util, arguments );
+msg = 'Use feature detection or module jquery.client instead';
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'clientPC', ua, msg );
+// Ignored dummy values
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_gecko', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_chrome_mac', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_chrome', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'webkit_version', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_safari_win', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_safari', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'webkit_match', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'ff2_bugs', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2_win', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_ff2_x11', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera95_bugs', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera7_bugs', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'opera6_bugs', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera_95', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera_preseven', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'is_opera', false, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'ie6_bugs', false, msg );
- * Inject a cute little progress spinner after the specified element
+ * DOM utilities for handling of events, text nodes and selecting elements
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
- * @param element Element to inject after
- * @param id Identifier string (for use with removeSpinner(), below)
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jQuery instead
-window.injectSpinner = function( element, id ) {
- var spinner = document.createElement( 'img' );
- = 'mw-spinner-' + id;
- spinner.src = mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/common/images/spinner.gif';
- spinner.alt = spinner.title = '...';
- if( element.nextSibling ) {
- element.parentNode.insertBefore( spinner, element.nextSibling );
+msg = 'Use jQuery instead';
+// Ignored dummy values
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'doneOnloadHook', undefined, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'onloadFuncts', [], msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'runOnloadHook', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'changeText', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'killEvt', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addHandler', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'hookEvent', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addClickHandler', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'removeHandler', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'getElementsByClassName', function () { return []; }, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'getInnerText', function () { return ''; }, msg );
+// Run a function after the window onload event is fired
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addOnloadHook', function ( hookFunct ) {
+ if ( onloadFuncts ) {
+ onloadFuncts.push(hookFunct);
} else {
- element.parentNode.appendChild( spinner );
+ // If func queue is gone the event has happened already,
+ // run immediately instead of queueing.
+ hookFunct();
+}, msg );
- * Remove a progress spinner added with injectSpinner()
- *
- * @param id Identifier string
- */
-window.removeSpinner = function( id ) {
- var spinner = document.getElementById( 'mw-spinner-' + id );
- if( spinner ) {
- spinner.parentNode.removeChild( spinner );
- }
+$( win ).on( 'load', function () {
+ var i, functs;
-window.runOnloadHook = function() {
- // don't run anything below this for non-dom browsers
- if ( doneOnloadHook || !( document.getElementById && document.getElementsByTagName ) ) {
+ // Don't run twice
+ if ( !onloadFuncts ) {
- // set this before running any hooks, since any errors below
- // might cause the function to terminate prematurely
- doneOnloadHook = true;
+ // Deference and clear onloadFuncts before running any
+ // hooks to make sure we don't miss any addOnloadHook
+ // calls.
+ functs = onloadFuncts.slice();
+ onloadFuncts = undefined;
- // Run any added-on functions
- for ( var i = 0; i < onloadFuncts.length; i++ ) {
- onloadFuncts[i]();
+ // Execute the queued functions
+ for ( i = 0; i < functs.length; i++ ) {
+ functs[i]();
+} );
- * Add an event handler to an element
+ * Toggle checkboxes with shift selection
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
- * @param element Element to add handler to
- * @param attach String Event to attach to
- * @param handler callable Event handler callback
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use jquery.checkboxShiftClick instead
-window.addHandler = function( element, attach, handler ) {
- if( element.addEventListener ) {
- element.addEventListener( attach, handler, false );
- } else if( element.attachEvent ) {
- element.attachEvent( 'on' + attach, handler );
- }
+msg = 'Use jquery.checkboxShiftClick instead';
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'checkboxes', [], msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'lastCheckbox', null, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'setupCheckboxShiftClick', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addCheckboxClickHandlers', $.noop, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'checkboxClickHandler', $.noop, msg );
-window.hookEvent = function( hookName, hookFunct ) {
- addHandler( window, hookName, hookFunct );
+ * Add a button to the default editor toolbar
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mw.toolbar instead
+ */
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'mwEditButtons', [], 'Use mw.toolbar instead' );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'mwCustomEditButtons', [], 'Use mw.toolbar instead' );
- * Add a click event handler to an element
+ * Spinner creation, injection and removal
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
- * @param element Element to add handler to
- * @param handler callable Event handler callback
+ * @deprecated since 1.18 Use jquery.spinner instead
-window.addClickHandler = function( element, handler ) {
- addHandler( element, 'click', handler );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'injectSpinner', $.noop, 'Use jquery.spinner instead' );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'removeSpinner', $.noop, 'Use jquery.spinner instead' );
- * Removes an event handler from an element
+ * Escape utilities
- * @param element Element to remove handler from
- * @param remove String Event to remove
- * @param handler callable Event handler callback to remove
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since 1.18 Use mw.html instead
-window.removeHandler = function( element, remove, handler ) {
- if( window.removeEventListener ) {
- element.removeEventListener( remove, handler, false );
- } else if( window.detachEvent ) {
- element.detachEvent( 'on' + remove, handler );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'escapeQuotes', $.noop,'Use mw.html instead' );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'escapeQuotesHTML', $.noop,'Use mw.html instead' );
+ * Display a message to the user
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mediawiki.notify instead
+ * @param {string|HTMLElement} message To be put inside the message box
+ */
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'jsMsg', mw.util.jsMessage, 'Use mediawiki.notify instead' );
+ * Misc. utilities
+ *
+ * To be removed in MediaWiki 1.23.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since 1.17 Use mediawiki.util instead
+ */
+msg = 'Use mediawiki.util instead';
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'tooltipAccessKeyPrefix', 'alt-', msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'tooltipAccessKeyRegexp', /\[(alt-)?(.)\]$/, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'updateTooltipAccessKeys', mw.util.updateTooltipAccessKeys, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'addPortletLink', mw.util.addPortletLink, msg );
+mw.log.deprecate( win, 'appendCSS', mw.util.addCSS, msg );
+ * Wikipage import methods
+ */
+// included-scripts tracker
+win.loadedScripts = {};
+win.importScript = function ( page ) {
+ var uri = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=' +
+ mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) +
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';
+ return win.importScriptURI( uri );
+win.importScriptURI = function ( url ) {
+ if ( win.loadedScripts[url] ) {
+ return null;
+ win.loadedScripts[url] = true;
+ var s = document.createElement( 'script' );
+ s.setAttribute( 'src', url );
+ s.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/javascript' );
+ document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( s );
+ return s;
+win.importStylesheet = function( page ) {
+ return win.importStylesheetURI( mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?action=raw&ctype=text/css&title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( page ) );
+win.importStylesheetURI = function( url, media ) {
+ var l = document.createElement( 'link' );
+ l.rel = 'stylesheet';
+ l.href = url;
+ if ( media ) {
+ = media;
+ }
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( l );
+ return l;
-// note: all skins should call runOnloadHook() at the end of html output,
-// so the below should be redundant. It's there just in case.
-hookEvent( 'load', runOnloadHook );
-if ( ie6_bugs ) {
- importScriptURI( mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/common/IEFixes.js' );
+if ( isIE6 ) {
+ win.importScriptURI( mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/common/IEFixes.js' );
-}( mediaWiki ) );
+}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );