path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-09-04 05:51:59 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-09-04 05:51:59 +0200
commit91e194556c52d2f354344f930419eef2dd6267f0 (patch)
tree0cd12490d3cd3499274017c9b799d0f738d3719e /tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions
parent08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions')
14 files changed, 1828 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24fc47cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+class GlobalTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $readOnlyFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "mwtest_readonly" );
+ unlink( $readOnlyFile );
+ $this->setMwGlobals( array(
+ 'wgReadOnlyFile' => $readOnlyFile,
+ 'wgUrlProtocols' => array(
+ 'http://',
+ 'https://',
+ 'mailto:',
+ '//',
+ 'file://', # Non-default
+ ),
+ ) );
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ global $wgReadOnlyFile;
+ if ( file_exists( $wgReadOnlyFile ) ) {
+ unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
+ }
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider provideForWfArrayDiff2 */
+ public function testWfArrayDiff2( $a, $b, $expected ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ wfArrayDiff2( $a, $b ), $expected
+ );
+ }
+ // @todo Provide more tests
+ public static function provideForWfArrayDiff2() {
+ // $a $b $expected
+ return array(
+ array(
+ array( 'a', 'b' ),
+ array( 'a', 'b' ),
+ array(),
+ ),
+ array(
+ array( array( 'a' ), array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) ),
+ array( array( 'a' ), array( 'a', 'b' ) ),
+ array( 1 => array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ function testRandom() {
+ # This could hypothetically fail, but it shouldn't ;)
+ $this->assertFalse(
+ wfRandom() == wfRandom() );
+ }
+ function testUrlencode() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ "%E7%89%B9%E5%88%A5:Contributions/Foobar",
+ wfUrlencode( "\xE7\x89\xB9\xE5\x88\xA5:Contributions/Foobar" ) );
+ }
+ function testExpandIRI() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ "ఉబుంటు_వాడుకరి_మార్గదర్శని",
+ wfExpandIRI( "" ) );
+ }
+ function testReadOnlyEmpty() {
+ global $wgReadOnly;
+ $wgReadOnly = null;
+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
+ }
+ function testReadOnlySet() {
+ global $wgReadOnly, $wgReadOnlyFile;
+ $f = fopen( $wgReadOnlyFile, "wt" );
+ fwrite( $f, 'Message' );
+ fclose( $f );
+ $wgReadOnly = null; # Check on $wgReadOnlyFile
+ $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() );
+ $this->assertTrue( wfReadOnly() ); # Check cached
+ unlink( $wgReadOnlyFile );
+ $wgReadOnly = null; # Clean cache
+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfReadOnly() );
+ }
+ function testQuotedPrintable() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ "=?UTF-8?Q?=C4=88u=20legebla=3F?=",
+ UserMailer::quotedPrintable( "\xc4\x88u legebla?", "UTF-8" ) );
+ }
+ function testTime() {
+ $start = wfTime();
+ $this->assertInternalType( 'float', $start );
+ $end = wfTime();
+ $this->assertTrue( $end > $start, "Time is running backwards!" );
+ }
+ public static function provideArrayToCGI() {
+ return array(
+ array( array(), '' ), // empty
+ array( array( 'foo' => 'bar' ), 'foo=bar' ), // string test
+ array( array( 'foo' => '' ), 'foo=' ), // empty string test
+ array( array( 'foo' => 1 ), 'foo=1' ), // number test
+ array( array( 'foo' => true ), 'foo=1' ), // true test
+ array( array( 'foo' => false ), '' ), // false test
+ array( array( 'foo' => null ), '' ), // null test
+ array( array( 'foo' => 'A&B=5+6@!"\'' ), 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27' ), // urlencoding test
+ array( array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'is', 'asdf' => 'qwerty' ), 'foo=bar&baz=is&asdf=qwerty' ), // multi-item test
+ array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
+ array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bqwerty%5D=asdf' ),
+ array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar', 'baz' ) ), 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz' ),
+ array( array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ), 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideArrayToCGI
+ */
+ function testArrayToCGI( $array, $result ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $result, wfArrayToCgi( $array ) );
+ }
+ function testArrayToCGI2() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ "baz=bar&foo=bar",
+ wfArrayToCgi(
+ array( 'baz' => 'bar' ),
+ array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'overridden value' ) ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideCgiToArray() {
+ return array(
+ array( '', array() ), // empty
+ array( 'foo=bar', array( 'foo' => 'bar' ) ), // string
+ array( 'foo=', array( 'foo' => '' ) ), // empty string
+ array( 'foo', array( 'foo' => '' ) ), // missing =
+ array( 'foo=bar&qwerty=asdf', array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ), // multiple value
+ array( 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27', array( 'foo' => 'A&B=5+6@!"\'' ) ), // urldecoding test
+ array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ),
+ array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bqwerty%5D=asdf', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'baz', 'qwerty' => 'asdf' ) ) ),
+ array( 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 0 => 'bar', 1 => 'baz' ) ) ),
+ array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz', array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => array( 'bar' => 'baz' ) ) ) ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideCgiToArray
+ */
+ function testCgiToArray( $cgi, $result ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $result, wfCgiToArray( $cgi ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideCgiRoundTrip() {
+ return array(
+ array( '' ),
+ array( 'foo=bar' ),
+ array( 'foo=' ),
+ array( 'foo=bar&baz=biz' ),
+ array( 'foo=A%26B%3D5%2B6%40%21%22%27' ),
+ array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
+ array( 'foo%5B0%5D=bar&foo%5B1%5D=baz' ),
+ array( 'foo%5Bbar%5D%5Bbar%5D=baz' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideCgiRoundTrip
+ */
+ function testCgiRoundTrip( $cgi ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $cgi, wfArrayToCgi( wfCgiToArray( $cgi ) ) );
+ }
+ function testMimeTypeMatch() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'text/html',
+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
+ 'text/plain' => 0.3 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'text/*',
+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
+ array( 'image/*' => 1.0,
+ 'text/*' => 0.5 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '*/*',
+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
+ array( '*/*' => 1.0 ) ) );
+ $this->assertNull(
+ mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html',
+ array( 'image/png' => 1.0,
+ 'image/svg+xml' => 0.5 ) ) );
+ }
+ function testNegotiateType() {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'text/html',
+ wfNegotiateType(
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
+ 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
+ array( 'text/html' => 1.0 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'application/xhtml+xml',
+ wfNegotiateType(
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.7,
+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
+ 'text/*' => 0.2 ),
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'text/html',
+ wfNegotiateType(
+ array( 'text/html' => 1.0,
+ 'text/plain' => 0.5,
+ 'text/*' => 0.5,
+ 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.2 ),
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'text/html',
+ wfNegotiateType(
+ array( 'text/*' => 1.0,
+ 'image/*' => 0.7,
+ '*/*' => 0.3 ),
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0,
+ 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ) );
+ $this->assertNull(
+ wfNegotiateType(
+ array( 'text/*' => 1.0 ),
+ array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0 ) ) );
+ }
+ function testFallbackMbstringFunctions() {
+ if ( !extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ) ) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped( "The mb_string functions must be installed to test the fallback functions" );
+ }
+ $sampleUTF = "Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png";
+ //mb_substr
+ $substr_params = array(
+ array( 0, 0 ),
+ array( 5, -4 ),
+ array( 33 ),
+ array( 100, -5 ),
+ array( -8, 10 ),
+ array( 1, 1 ),
+ array( 2, -1 )
+ );
+ foreach ( $substr_params as $param_set ) {
+ $old_param_set = $param_set;
+ array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_substr', $param_set ),
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_substr', $param_set ),
+ 'Fallback mb_substr with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
+ );
+ }
+ //mb_strlen
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
+ Fallback::mb_strlen( $sampleUTF ),
+ 'Fallback mb_strlen'
+ );
+ //mb_str(r?)pos
+ $strpos_params = array(
+ //array( 'ter' ),
+ //array( 'Ö' ),
+ //array( 'Ö', 3 ),
+ //array( 'oat_', 100 ),
+ //array( 'c', -10 ),
+ //Broken for now
+ );
+ foreach ( $strpos_params as $param_set ) {
+ $old_param_set = $param_set;
+ array_unshift( $param_set, $sampleUTF );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strpos', $param_set ),
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strpos', $param_set ),
+ 'Fallback mb_strpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
+ MWFunction::callArray( 'Fallback::mb_strrpos', $param_set ),
+ 'Fallback mb_strrpos with params ' . implode( ', ', $old_param_set )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function testDebugFunctionTest() {
+ global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgDebugTimestamps;
+ $old_log_file = $wgDebugLogFile;
+ $wgDebugLogFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), 'mw-' );
+ # @todo FIXME: $wgDebugTimestamps should be tested
+ $old_wgDebugTimestamps = $wgDebugTimestamps;
+ $wgDebugTimestamps = false;
+ wfDebug( "This is a normal string" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "This is a normal string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
+ wfDebug( "This is nöt an ASCII string" );
+ $this->assertEquals( "This is nöt an ASCII string", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
+ wfDebug( "\00305This has böth UTF and control chars\003" );
+ $this->assertEquals( " 05This has böth UTF and control chars ", file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) );
+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
+ wfDebugMem();
+ $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
+ wfDebugMem( true );
+ $this->assertGreaterThan( 5000000, preg_replace( '/\D/', '', file_get_contents( $wgDebugLogFile ) ) );
+ unlink( $wgDebugLogFile );
+ $wgDebugLogFile = $old_log_file;
+ $wgDebugTimestamps = $old_wgDebugTimestamps;
+ }
+ function testClientAcceptsGzipTest() {
+ $settings = array(
+ 'gzip' => true,
+ 'bzip' => false,
+ '*' => false,
+ 'compress, gzip' => true,
+ 'gzip;q=1.0' => true,
+ 'foozip' => false,
+ 'foo*zip' => false,
+ 'gzip;q=abcde' => true, //is this REALLY valid?
+ 'gzip;q=12345678.9' => true,
+ ' gzip' => true,
+ );
+ if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) ) {
+ $old_server_setting = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];
+ }
+ foreach ( $settings as $encoding => $expect ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $expect, wfClientAcceptsGzip( true ),
+ "'$encoding' => " . wfBoolToStr( $expect ) );
+ }
+ if ( isset( $old_server_setting ) ) {
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = $old_server_setting;
+ }
+ }
+ function testSwapVarsTest() {
+ $var1 = 1;
+ $var2 = 2;
+ $this->assertEquals( $var1, 1, 'var1 is set originally' );
+ $this->assertEquals( $var2, 2, 'var1 is set originally' );
+ swap( $var1, $var2 );
+ $this->assertEquals( $var1, 2, 'var1 is swapped' );
+ $this->assertEquals( $var2, 1, 'var2 is swapped' );
+ }
+ function testWfPercentTest() {
+ $pcts = array(
+ array( 6 / 7, '0.86%', 2, false ),
+ array( 3 / 3, '1%' ),
+ array( 22 / 7, '3.14286%', 5 ),
+ array( 3 / 6, '0.5%' ),
+ array( 1 / 3, '0%', 0 ),
+ array( 10 / 3, '0%', -1 ),
+ array( 3 / 4 / 5, '0.1%', 1 ),
+ array( 6 / 7 * 8, '6.8571428571%', 10 ),
+ );
+ foreach ( $pcts as $pct ) {
+ if ( !isset( $pct[2] ) ) {
+ $pct[2] = 2;
+ }
+ if ( !isset( $pct[3] ) ) {
+ $pct[3] = true;
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals( wfPercent( $pct[0], $pct[2], $pct[3] ), $pct[1], $pct[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * test @see wfShorthandToInteger()
+ * @dataProvider provideShorthand
+ */
+ public function testWfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand, $expected ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected,
+ wfShorthandToInteger( $shorthand )
+ );
+ }
+ /** array( shorthand, expected integer ) */
+ public static function provideShorthand() {
+ return array(
+ # Null, empty ...
+ array( '', -1 ),
+ array( ' ', -1 ),
+ array( null, -1 ),
+ # Failures returns 0 :(
+ array( 'ABCDEFG', 0 ),
+ array( 'Ak', 0 ),
+ # Int, strings with spaces
+ array( 1, 1 ),
+ array( ' 1 ', 1 ),
+ array( 1023, 1023 ),
+ array( ' 1023 ', 1023 ),
+ # kilo, Mega, Giga
+ array( '1k', 1024 ),
+ array( '1K', 1024 ),
+ array( '1m', 1024 * 1024 ),
+ array( '1M', 1024 * 1024 ),
+ array( '1g', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
+ array( '1G', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ),
+ # Negatives
+ array( -1, -1 ),
+ array( -500, -500 ),
+ array( '-500', -500 ),
+ array( '-1k', -1024 ),
+ # Zeroes
+ array( '0', 0 ),
+ array( '0k', 0 ),
+ array( '0M', 0 ),
+ array( '0G', 0 ),
+ array( '-0', 0 ),
+ array( '-0k', 0 ),
+ array( '-0M', 0 ),
+ array( '-0G', 0 ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param String $old: Text as it was in the database
+ * @param String $mine: Text submitted while user was editing
+ * @param String $yours: Text submitted by the user
+ * @param Boolean $expectedMergeResult Whether the merge should be a success
+ * @param String $expectedText: Text after merge has been completed
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideMerge()
+ * @group medium
+ */
+ public function testMerge( $old, $mine, $yours, $expectedMergeResult, $expectedText ) {
+ $this->checkHasDiff3();
+ $mergedText = null;
+ $isMerged = wfMerge( $old, $mine, $yours, $mergedText );
+ $msg = 'Merge should be a ';
+ $msg .= $expectedMergeResult ? 'success' : 'failure';
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedMergeResult, $isMerged, $msg );
+ if ( $isMerged ) {
+ // Verify the merged text
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedText, $mergedText,
+ 'is merged text as expected?' );
+ }
+ }
+ public static function provideMerge() {
+ return array(
+ // #0: clean merge
+ array(
+ // old:
+ "one one one\n" . // trimmed
+ "\n" .
+ "two two two",
+ // mine:
+ "one one one ONE ONE\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "two two two\n", // with tailing whitespace
+ // yours:
+ "one one one\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "two two TWO TWO", // trimmed
+ // ok:
+ // result:
+ "one one one ONE ONE\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "two two TWO TWO\n", // note: will always end in a newline
+ ),
+ // #1: conflict, fail
+ array(
+ // old:
+ "one one one", // trimmed
+ // mine:
+ "one one one ONE ONE\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "bla bla\n" .
+ "\n", // with tailing whitespace
+ // yours:
+ "one one one\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "two two", // trimmed
+ // result:
+ null,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideMakeUrlIndexes()
+ */
+ function testMakeUrlIndexes( $url, $expected ) {
+ $index = wfMakeUrlIndexes( $url );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $index, "wfMakeUrlIndexes(\"$url\")" );
+ }
+ function provideMakeUrlIndexes() {
+ return array(
+ array(
+ // just a regular :)
+ '',
+ array( 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627' )
+ ),
+ array(
+ // mailtos are handled special
+ // is this really right though? that final . probably belongs earlier?
+ '',
+ array( 'mailto:org.wikimedia@wiki.' )
+ ),
+ // file URL cases per bug 28627...
+ array(
+ // three slashes: local filesystem path Unix-style
+ 'file:///whatever/you/like.txt',
+ array( 'file://./whatever/you/like.txt' )
+ ),
+ array(
+ // three slashes: local filesystem path Windows-style
+ 'file:///c:/whatever/you/like.txt',
+ array( 'file://./c:/whatever/you/like.txt' )
+ ),
+ array(
+ // two slashes: UNC filesystem path Windows-style
+ 'file://intranet/whatever/you/like.txt',
+ array( 'file://intranet./whatever/you/like.txt' )
+ ),
+ // Multiple-slash cases that can sorta work on Mozilla
+ // if you hack it just right are kinda pathological,
+ // and unreliable cross-platform or on IE which means they're
+ // unlikely to appear on intranets.
+ //
+ // Those will survive the algorithm but with results that
+ // are less consistent.
+ // protocol-relative URL cases per bug 29854...
+ array(
+ '//',
+ array(
+ 'http://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627',
+ 'https://org.wikimedia.bugzilla./show_bug.cgi?id=28627'
+ )
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideWfMatchesDomainList
+ */
+ function testWfMatchesDomainList( $url, $domains, $expected, $description ) {
+ $actual = wfMatchesDomainList( $url, $domains );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $description );
+ }
+ function provideWfMatchesDomainList() {
+ $a = array();
+ $protocols = array( 'HTTP' => 'http:', 'HTTPS' => 'https:', 'protocol-relative' => '' );
+ foreach ( $protocols as $pDesc => $p ) {
+ $a = array_merge( $a, array(
+ array( "$p//", array(), false, "No matches for empty domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Exact match in domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Match without subdomain in domains array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ array( "$p//", array( '', '', '' ), true, "Exact match with other domains in array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ array( "$p//", array( '', '', 'example3,com' ), true, "Match without subdomain with other domains in array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ array( "$p//", array( '', '', 'example3,com' ), false, "Domain not in array, $pDesc URL" ),
+ // FIXME: This is a bug in wfMatchesDomainList(). If and when this is fixed, update this test case
+ array( "$p//", array( '' ), true, "Substrings of domains match while they shouldn't, $pDesc URL" ),
+ ) );
+ }
+ return $a;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideWfShellMaintenanceCmdList
+ */
+ function testWfShellMaintenanceCmd( $script, $parameters, $options, $expected, $description ) {
+ if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
+ // Approximation that's good enough for our purposes just now
+ $expected = str_replace( "'", '"', $expected );
+ }
+ $actual = wfShellMaintenanceCmd( $script, $parameters, $options );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $description );
+ }
+ function provideWfShellMaintenanceCmdList() {
+ global $wgPhpCli;
+ return array(
+ array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test' ), array(),
+ "'$wgPhpCli' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test'",
+ "Called eval.php --help --test" ),
+ array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test space' ), array( 'php' => 'php5' ),
+ "'php5' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test space'",
+ "Called eval.php --help --test with php option" ),
+ array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test', 'X' ), array( 'wrapper' => 'MWScript.php' ),
+ "'$wgPhpCli' 'MWScript.php' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test' 'X'",
+ "Called eval.php --help --test with wrapper option" ),
+ array( 'eval.php', array( '--help', '--test', 'y' ), array( 'php' => 'php5', 'wrapper' => 'MWScript.php' ),
+ "'php5' 'MWScript.php' 'eval.php' '--help' '--test' 'y'",
+ "Called eval.php --help --test with wrapper and php option" ),
+ );
+ }
+ /* TODO: many more! */
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalWithDBTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalWithDBTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4879a38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/GlobalWithDBTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * @group Database
+ */
+class GlobalWithDBTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideWfIsBadImageList
+ */
+ function testWfIsBadImage( $name, $title, $blacklist, $expected, $desc ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfIsBadImage( $name, $title, $blacklist ), $desc );
+ }
+ function provideWfIsBadImageList() {
+ $blacklist = '* [[File:Bad.jpg]] except [[Nasty page]]';
+ return array(
+ array( 'Bad.jpg', false, $blacklist, true,
+ 'Called on a bad image' ),
+ array( 'Bad.jpg', Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'A page' ), $blacklist, true,
+ 'Called on a bad image' ),
+ array( 'NotBad.jpg', false, $blacklist, false,
+ 'Called on a non-bad image' ),
+ array( 'Bad.jpg', Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Nasty page' ), $blacklist, false,
+ 'Called on a bad image but is on a whitelisted page' ),
+ array( 'File:Bad.jpg', false, $blacklist, false,
+ 'Called on a bad image with File:' ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/README b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0042bdac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory hold tests for includes/GlobalFunctions.php file
+which is a pile of functions.
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfAssembleUrlTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfAssembleUrlTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bd8c685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfAssembleUrlTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * Tests for wfAssembleUrl()
+ */
+class WfAssembleUrlTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /** @dataProvider provideURLParts */
+ public function testWfAssembleUrl( $parts, $output ) {
+ $partsDump = print_r( $parts, true );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $output,
+ wfAssembleUrl( $parts ),
+ "Testing $partsDump assembles to $output"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provider of URL parts for testing wfAssembleUrl()
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function provideURLParts() {
+ $schemes = array(
+ '' => array(),
+ '//' => array(
+ 'delimiter' => '//',
+ ),
+ 'http://' => array(
+ 'scheme' => 'http',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ ),
+ );
+ $hosts = array(
+ '' => array(),
+ '' => array(
+ 'host' => '',
+ ),
+ '' => array(
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 123,
+ ),
+ '' => array(
+ 'user' => 'id',
+ 'host' => '',
+ ),
+ '' => array(
+ 'user' => 'id',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 123,
+ ),
+ '' => array(
+ 'user' => 'id',
+ 'pass' => 'key',
+ 'host' => '',
+ ),
+ '' => array(
+ 'user' => 'id',
+ 'pass' => 'key',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 123,
+ ),
+ );
+ $cases = array();
+ foreach ( $schemes as $scheme => $schemeParts ) {
+ foreach ( $hosts as $host => $hostParts ) {
+ foreach ( array( '', '/path' ) as $path ) {
+ foreach ( array( '', 'query' ) as $query ) {
+ foreach ( array( '', 'fragment' ) as $fragment ) {
+ $parts = array_merge(
+ $schemeParts,
+ $hostParts
+ );
+ $url = $scheme .
+ $host .
+ $path;
+ if ( $path ) {
+ $parts['path'] = $path;
+ }
+ if ( $query ) {
+ $parts['query'] = $query;
+ $url .= '?' . $query;
+ }
+ if ( $fragment ) {
+ $parts['fragment'] = $fragment;
+ $url .= '#' . $fragment;
+ }
+ $cases[] = array(
+ $parts,
+ $url,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $complexURL = '' .
+ '/over/there?name=ferret&foo=bar#nose';
+ $cases[] = array(
+ wfParseUrl( $complexURL ),
+ $complexURL,
+ );
+ return $cases;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBCP47Test.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBCP47Test.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8df038dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBCP47Test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Tests for wfBCP47()
+ */
+class WfBCP47Test extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * test @see wfBCP47().
+ * Please note the BCP explicitly state that language codes are case
+ * insensitive, there are some exceptions to the rule :)
+ * This test is used to verify our formatting against all lower and
+ * all upper cases language code.
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @dataProvider provideLanguageCodes()
+ */
+ function testBCP47( $code, $expected ) {
+ $code = strtolower( $code );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47( $code ),
+ "Applying BCP47 standard to lower case '$code'"
+ );
+ $code = strtoupper( $code );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, wfBCP47( $code ),
+ "Applying BCP47 standard to upper case '$code'"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Array format is ($code, $expected)
+ */
+ function provideLanguageCodes() {
+ return array(
+ // Extracted from BCP47 (list not exhaustive)
+ # 2.1.1
+ array( 'en-ca-x-ca', 'en-CA-x-ca' ),
+ array( 'sgn-be-fr', 'sgn-BE-FR' ),
+ array( 'az-latn-x-latn', 'az-Latn-x-latn' ),
+ # 2.2
+ array( 'sr-Latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
+ array( 'az-arab-ir', 'az-Arab-IR' ),
+ # 2.2.5
+ array( 'sl-nedis', 'sl-nedis' ),
+ array( 'de-ch-1996', 'de-CH-1996' ),
+ # 2.2.6
+ array(
+ 'en-latn-gb-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private',
+ 'en-Latn-GB-boont-r-extended-sequence-x-private'
+ ),
+ // Examples from BCP47 Appendix A
+ # Simple language subtag:
+ array( 'DE', 'de' ),
+ array( 'fR', 'fr' ),
+ array( 'ja', 'ja' ),
+ # Language subtag plus script subtag:
+ array( 'zh-hans', 'zh-Hans' ),
+ array( 'sr-cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl' ),
+ array( 'sr-latn', 'sr-Latn' ),
+ # Extended language subtags and their primary language subtag
+ # counterparts:
+ array( 'zh-cmn-hans-cn', 'zh-cmn-Hans-CN' ),
+ array( 'cmn-hans-cn', 'cmn-Hans-CN' ),
+ array( 'zh-yue-hk', 'zh-yue-HK' ),
+ array( 'yue-hk', 'yue-HK' ),
+ # Language-Script-Region:
+ array( 'zh-hans-cn', 'zh-Hans-CN' ),
+ array( 'sr-latn-RS', 'sr-Latn-RS' ),
+ # Language-Variant:
+ array( 'sl-rozaj', 'sl-rozaj' ),
+ array( 'sl-rozaj-biske', 'sl-rozaj-biske' ),
+ array( 'sl-nedis', 'sl-nedis' ),
+ # Language-Region-Variant:
+ array( 'de-ch-1901', 'de-CH-1901' ),
+ array( 'sl-it-nedis', 'sl-IT-nedis' ),
+ # Language-Script-Region-Variant:
+ array( 'hy-latn-it-arevela', 'hy-Latn-IT-arevela' ),
+ # Language-Region:
+ array( 'de-de', 'de-DE' ),
+ array( 'en-us', 'en-US' ),
+ array( 'es-419', 'es-419' ),
+ # Private use subtags:
+ array( 'de-ch-x-phonebk', 'de-CH-x-phonebk' ),
+ array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-aze-derbend' ),
+ /**
+ * Previous test does not reflect the BCP which states:
+ * az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend
+ * AZE being private, it should be lower case, hence the test above
+ * should probably be:
+ #array( 'az-arab-x-aze-derbend', 'az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend' ),
+ */
+ # Private use registry values:
+ array( 'x-whatever', 'x-whatever' ),
+ array( 'qaa-qaaa-qm-x-southern', 'qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern' ),
+ array( 'de-qaaa', 'de-Qaaa' ),
+ array( 'sr-latn-qm', 'sr-Latn-QM' ),
+ array( 'sr-qaaa-rs', 'sr-Qaaa-RS' ),
+ # Tags that use extensions
+ array( 'en-us-u-islamcal', 'en-US-u-islamcal' ),
+ array( 'zh-cn-a-myext-x-private', 'zh-CN-a-myext-x-private' ),
+ array( 'en-a-myext-b-another', 'en-a-myext-b-another' ),
+ # Invalid:
+ // de-419-DE
+ // a-DE
+ // ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc
+ /*
+ // ISO 15924 :
+ array( 'sr-Cyrl', 'sr-Cyrl' ),
+ # @todo FIXME: Fix our function?
+ array( 'SR-lATN', 'sr-Latn' ),
+ array( 'fr-latn', 'fr-Latn' ),
+ // Use lowercase for single segment
+ // ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code
+ array( 'US', 'us' ), # USA
+ array( 'uS', 'us' ), # USA
+ array( 'Fr', 'fr' ), # France
+ array( 'va', 'va' ), # Holy See (Vatican City State)
+ */
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseConvertTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseConvertTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b62b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseConvertTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Tests for wfBaseConvert()
+ */
+class WfBaseConvertTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ public static function provideSingleDigitConversions() {
+ return array(
+ // 2 3 5 8 10 16 36
+ array( '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' ),
+ array( '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1' ),
+ array( '10', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2' ),
+ array( '11', '10', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3' ),
+ array( '100', '11', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4' ),
+ array( '101', '12', '10', '5', '5', '5', '5' ),
+ array( '110', '20', '11', '6', '6', '6', '6' ),
+ array( '111', '21', '12', '7', '7', '7', '7' ),
+ array( '1000', '22', '13', '10', '8', '8', '8' ),
+ array( '1001', '100', '14', '11', '9', '9', '9' ),
+ array( '1010', '101', '20', '12', '10', 'a', 'a' ),
+ array( '1011', '102', '21', '13', '11', 'b', 'b' ),
+ array( '1100', '110', '22', '14', '12', 'c', 'c' ),
+ array( '1101', '111', '23', '15', '13', 'd', 'd' ),
+ array( '1110', '112', '24', '16', '14', 'e', 'e' ),
+ array( '1111', '120', '30', '17', '15', 'f', 'f' ),
+ array( '10000', '121', '31', '20', '16', '10', 'g' ),
+ array( '10001', '122', '32', '21', '17', '11', 'h' ),
+ array( '10010', '200', '33', '22', '18', '12', 'i' ),
+ array( '10011', '201', '34', '23', '19', '13', 'j' ),
+ array( '10100', '202', '40', '24', '20', '14', 'k' ),
+ array( '10101', '210', '41', '25', '21', '15', 'l' ),
+ array( '10110', '211', '42', '26', '22', '16', 'm' ),
+ array( '10111', '212', '43', '27', '23', '17', 'n' ),
+ array( '11000', '220', '44', '30', '24', '18', 'o' ),
+ array( '11001', '221', '100', '31', '25', '19', 'p' ),
+ array( '11010', '222', '101', '32', '26', '1a', 'q' ),
+ array( '11011', '1000', '102', '33', '27', '1b', 'r' ),
+ array( '11100', '1001', '103', '34', '28', '1c', 's' ),
+ array( '11101', '1002', '104', '35', '29', '1d', 't' ),
+ array( '11110', '1010', '110', '36', '30', '1e', 'u' ),
+ array( '11111', '1011', '111', '37', '31', '1f', 'v' ),
+ array( '100000', '1012', '112', '40', '32', '20', 'w' ),
+ array( '100001', '1020', '113', '41', '33', '21', 'x' ),
+ array( '100010', '1021', '114', '42', '34', '22', 'y' ),
+ array( '100011', '1022', '120', '43', '35', '23', 'z' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase2( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '2' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '2' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '2' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '2' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '2' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base2, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '2' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase3( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '3' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '3' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '3' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '3' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '3' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base3, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '3' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase5( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '5' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '5' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '5' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '5' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '5' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base5, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '5' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase8( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '8' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '8' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '8' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '8' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '8' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base8, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '8' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase10( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '10' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '10' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '10' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '10' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '10' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base10, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '10' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase16( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '16' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '16' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '16' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '16' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '16' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base16, wfBaseConvert( $base36, '36', '16' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideSingleDigitConversions
+ */
+ public function testDigitToBase36( $base2, $base3, $base5, $base8, $base10, $base16, $base36 ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base2, '2', '36' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base3, '3', '36' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base5, '5', '36' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base8, '8', '36' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base10, '10', '36' ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $base36, wfBaseConvert( $base16, '16', '36' ) );
+ }
+ public function testLargeNumber() {
+ $this->assertSame( '1100110001111010000000101110100', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 2 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( '11102112120221201101', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 3 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( '12003102232400', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 5 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( '14617200564', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 8 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( '1715274100', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 10 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( '663d0174', wfBaseConvert( 'sd89ys', 36, 16 ) );
+ }
+ public static function provideNumbers() {
+ $x = array();
+ $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < 50; $i++ ) {
+ $base = mt_rand( 2, 36 );
+ $len = mt_rand( 10, 100 );
+ $str = '';
+ for ( $j = 0; $j < $len; $j++ ) {
+ $str .= $chars[mt_rand( 0, $base - 1 )];
+ }
+ $x[] = array( $base, $str );
+ }
+ return $x;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideNumbers
+ */
+ public function testIdentity( $base, $number ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $number, wfBaseConvert( $number, $base, $base, strlen( $number ) ) );
+ }
+ public function testInvalid() {
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 1, 15 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 15, 1 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 37, 15 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 15, 37 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( 'abcde', 10, 11 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '12930', 2, 10 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 'abc', 15 ) );
+ $this->assertFalse( wfBaseConvert( '101', 15, 'abc' ) );
+ }
+ public function testPadding() {
+ $number = "10101010101";
+ $this->assertSame( strlen( $number ) + 5, strlen( wfBaseConvert( $number, 2, 2, strlen( $number ) + 5 ) ) );
+ $this->assertSame( strlen( $number ), strlen( wfBaseConvert( $number, 2, 2, strlen( $number ) - 5 ) ) );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseNameTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseNameTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..407be8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfBaseNameTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Tests for wfBaseName()
+ */
+class WfBaseNameTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providePaths
+ */
+ function testBaseName( $fullpath, $basename ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $basename, wfBaseName( $fullpath ),
+ "wfBaseName('$fullpath') => '$basename'" );
+ }
+ function providePaths() {
+ return array(
+ array( '', '' ),
+ array( '/', '' ),
+ array( '\\', '' ),
+ array( '//', '' ),
+ array( '\\\\', '' ),
+ array( 'a', 'a' ),
+ array( 'aaaa', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '/a', 'a' ),
+ array( '\\a', 'a' ),
+ array( '/aaaa', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '\\aaaa', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '/aaaa/', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '\\aaaa\\', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '\\aaaa\\', 'aaaa' ),
+ array( '/mnt/upload3/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8b/Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg/93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg',
+ '93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg' ),
+ array( 'C:\\Progra~1\\Wikime~1\\Wikipe~1\\VIEWER.EXE', 'VIEWER.EXE' ),
+ array( 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png', 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png' ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfExpandUrlTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfExpandUrlTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1225e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfExpandUrlTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Tests for wfExpandUrl()
+ */
+class WfExpandUrlTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /** @dataProvider provideExpandableUrls */
+ public function testWfExpandUrl( $fullUrl, $shortUrl, $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode, $message ) {
+ // Fake $wgServer and $wgCanonicalServer
+ global $wgServer, $wgCanonicalServer;
+ $oldServer = $wgServer;
+ $oldCanServer = $wgCanonicalServer;
+ $wgServer = $server;
+ $wgCanonicalServer = $canServer;
+ // Fake $_SERVER['HTTPS'] if needed
+ if ( $httpsMode ) {
+ $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
+ } else {
+ unset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] );
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals( $fullUrl, wfExpandUrl( $shortUrl, $defaultProto ), $message );
+ // Restore $wgServer and $wgCanonicalServer
+ $wgServer = $oldServer;
+ $wgCanonicalServer = $oldCanServer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provider of URL examples for testing wfExpandUrl()
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function provideExpandableUrls() {
+ $modes = array( 'http', 'https' );
+ $servers = array(
+ 'http' => '',
+ 'https' => '',
+ 'protocol-relative' => '//'
+ );
+ $defaultProtos = array(
+ 'http' => PROTO_HTTP,
+ 'https' => PROTO_HTTPS,
+ 'protocol-relative' => PROTO_RELATIVE,
+ 'current' => PROTO_CURRENT,
+ 'canonical' => PROTO_CANONICAL
+ );
+ $retval = array();
+ foreach ( $modes as $mode ) {
+ $httpsMode = $mode == 'https';
+ foreach ( $servers as $serverDesc => $server ) {
+ foreach ( $modes as $canServerMode ) {
+ $canServer = "$canServerMode://";
+ foreach ( $defaultProtos as $protoDesc => $defaultProto ) {
+ $retval[] = array(
+ '', '',
+ $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode,
+ "Testing fully qualified http URLs (no need to expand) ' .
+ '(defaultProto: $protoDesc , wgServer: $server, wgCanonicalServer: $canServer, current request protocol: $mode )"
+ );
+ $retval[] = array(
+ '', '',
+ $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode,
+ "Testing fully qualified https URLs (no need to expand) ' .
+ '(defaultProto: $protoDesc , wgServer: $server, wgCanonicalServer: $canServer, current request protocol: $mode )"
+ );
+ # Would be nice to support this, see fixme on wfExpandUrl()
+ $retval[] = array(
+ "wiki/FooBar", 'wiki/FooBar',
+ $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode,
+ "Test non-expandable relative URLs ' .
+ '(defaultProto: $protoDesc , wgServer: $server, wgCanonicalServer: $canServer, current request protocol: $mode )"
+ );
+ // Determine expected protocol
+ if ( $protoDesc == 'protocol-relative' ) {
+ $p = '';
+ } elseif ( $protoDesc == 'current' ) {
+ $p = "$mode:";
+ } elseif ( $protoDesc == 'canonical' ) {
+ $p = "$canServerMode:";
+ } else {
+ $p = $protoDesc . ':';
+ }
+ // Determine expected server name
+ if ( $protoDesc == 'canonical' ) {
+ $srv = $canServer;
+ } elseif ( $serverDesc == 'protocol-relative' ) {
+ $srv = $p . $server;
+ } else {
+ $srv = $server;
+ }
+ $retval[] = array(
+ "$p//", '//',
+ $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode,
+ "Test protocol-relative URL ' .
+ '(defaultProto: $protoDesc, wgServer: $server, wgCanonicalServer: $canServer, current request protocol: $mode )"
+ );
+ $retval[] = array(
+ "$srv/wiki/FooBar", '/wiki/FooBar',
+ $defaultProto, $server, $canServer, $httpsMode,
+ "Testing expanding URL beginning with / ' .
+ '(defaultProto: $protoDesc , wgServer: $server, wgCanonicalServer: $canServer, current request protocol: $mode )"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfGetCallerTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfGetCallerTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58cf6b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfGetCallerTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+class WfGetCallerTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ function testZero() {
+ $this->assertEquals( __METHOD__, wfGetCaller( 1 ) );
+ }
+ function callerOne() {
+ return wfGetCaller();
+ }
+ function testOne() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'WfGetCallerTest::testOne', self::callerOne() );
+ }
+ function intermediateFunction( $level = 2, $n = 0 ) {
+ if ( $n > 0 ) {
+ return self::intermediateFunction( $level, $n - 1 );
+ }
+ return wfGetCaller( $level );
+ }
+ function testTwo() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'WfGetCallerTest::testTwo', self::intermediateFunction() );
+ }
+ function testN() {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'WfGetCallerTest::testN', self::intermediateFunction( 2, 0 ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'WfGetCallerTest::intermediateFunction', self::intermediateFunction( 1, 0 ) );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
+ $this->assertEquals( 'WfGetCallerTest::intermediateFunction', self::intermediateFunction( $i + 1, $i ) );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfParseUrlTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfParseUrlTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..841a1b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfParseUrlTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Tests for wfParseUrl()
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2013 Alexandre Emsenhuber
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ */
+class WfParseUrlTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgUrlProtocols', array(
+ '//', 'http://', 'file://', 'mailto:',
+ ) );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider provideURLs */
+ public function testWfParseUrl( $url, $parts ) {
+ $partsDump = var_export( $parts, true );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $parts,
+ wfParseUrl( $url ),
+ "Testing $url parses to $partsDump"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provider of URLs for testing wfParseUrl()
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function provideURLs() {
+ return array(
+ array(
+ '//',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => '',
+ 'delimiter' => '//',
+ 'host' => '',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'http',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ 'host' => '',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'http',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ 'user' => 'id',
+ 'pass' => 'key',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 123,
+ 'path' => '/path',
+ 'query' => 'foo=bar',
+ 'fragment' => 'baz',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'file://',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'file',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '/etc/php.ini',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'file:///etc/php.ini',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'file',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '/etc/php.ini',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'file:///c:/',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'file',
+ 'delimiter' => '://',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '/c:/',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'mailto',
+ 'delimiter' => ':',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ '',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'mailto',
+ 'delimiter' => ':',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '',
+ 'query' => 'subject=Foo',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'mailto:?subject=Foo',
+ array(
+ 'scheme' => 'mailto',
+ 'delimiter' => ':',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'path' => '',
+ 'query' => 'subject=Foo',
+ )
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'invalid://test/',
+ false
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfRemoveDotSegmentsTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfRemoveDotSegmentsTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67861eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfRemoveDotSegmentsTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Tests for wfRemoveDotSegments()
+ */
+class WfRemoveDotSegmentsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /** @dataProvider providePaths */
+ public function testWfRemoveDotSegments( $inputPath, $outputPath ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $outputPath,
+ wfRemoveDotSegments( $inputPath ),
+ "Testing $inputPath expands to $outputPath"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provider of URL paths for testing wfRemoveDotSegments()
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function providePaths() {
+ return array(
+ array( '/a/b/c/./../../g', '/a/g' ),
+ array( 'mid/content=5/../6', 'mid/6' ),
+ array( '/a//../b', '/a/b' ),
+ array( '/.../a', '/.../a' ),
+ array( '.../a', '.../a' ),
+ array( '', '' ),
+ array( '/', '/' ),
+ array( '//', '//' ),
+ array( '.', '' ),
+ array( '..', '' ),
+ array( '...', '...' ),
+ array( '/.', '/' ),
+ array( '/..', '/' ),
+ array( './', '' ),
+ array( '../', '' ),
+ array( './a', 'a' ),
+ array( '../a', 'a' ),
+ array( '../../a', 'a' ),
+ array( '.././a', 'a' ),
+ array( './../a', 'a' ),
+ array( '././a', 'a' ),
+ array( '../../', '' ),
+ array( '.././', '' ),
+ array( './../', '' ),
+ array( '././', '' ),
+ array( '../..', '' ),
+ array( '../.', '' ),
+ array( './..', '' ),
+ array( './.', '' ),
+ array( '/../../a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/.././a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/./../a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/././a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/../../', '/' ),
+ array( '/.././', '/' ),
+ array( '/./../', '/' ),
+ array( '/././', '/' ),
+ array( '/../..', '/' ),
+ array( '/../.', '/' ),
+ array( '/./..', '/' ),
+ array( '/./.', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/../../a', '/a' ),
+ array( 'b/.././a', '/a' ),
+ array( 'b/./../a', '/a' ),
+ array( 'b/././a', 'b/a' ),
+ array( 'b/../../', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/.././', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/./../', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/././', 'b/' ),
+ array( 'b/../..', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/../.', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/./..', '/' ),
+ array( 'b/./.', 'b/' ),
+ array( '/b/../../a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/b/.././a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/b/./../a', '/a' ),
+ array( '/b/././a', '/b/a' ),
+ array( '/b/../../', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/.././', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/./../', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/././', '/b/' ),
+ array( '/b/../..', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/../.', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/./..', '/' ),
+ array( '/b/./.', '/b/' ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfShorthandToIntegerTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfShorthandToIntegerTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d66d6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfShorthandToIntegerTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+class WfShorthandToIntegerTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideABunchOfShorthands
+ */
+ function testWfShorthandToInteger( $input, $output, $description ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ wfShorthandToInteger( $input ),
+ $output,
+ $description
+ );
+ }
+ function provideABunchOfShorthands() {
+ return array(
+ array( '', -1, 'Empty string' ),
+ array( ' ', -1, 'String of spaces' ),
+ array( '1G', 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'One gig uppercased' ),
+ array( '1g', 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'One gig lowercased' ),
+ array( '1M', 1024 * 1024, 'One meg uppercased' ),
+ array( '1m', 1024 * 1024, 'One meg lowercased' ),
+ array( '1K', 1024, 'One kb uppercased' ),
+ array( '1k', 1024, 'One kb lowercased' ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfTimestampTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfTimestampTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf1830f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfTimestampTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Tests for wfTimestamp()
+ */
+class WfTimestampTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideNormalTimestamps
+ */
+ function testNormalTimestamps( $input, $format, $output, $desc ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $output, wfTimestamp( $format, $input ), $desc );
+ }
+ function provideNormalTimestamps() {
+ $t = gmmktime( 12, 34, 56, 1, 15, 2001 );
+ return array(
+ // TS_UNIX
+ array( $t, TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_UNIX to TS_MW' ),
+ array( -30281104, TS_MW, '19690115123456', 'Negative TS_UNIX to TS_MW' ),
+ array( $t, TS_UNIX, 979562096, 'TS_UNIX to TS_UNIX' ),
+ array( $t, TS_DB, '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_UNIX to TS_DB' ),
+ array( $t, TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '20010115T123456Z', 'TS_ISO_8601_BASIC to TS_DB' ),
+ // TS_MW
+ array( '20010115123456', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_MW to TS_MW' ),
+ array( '20010115123456', TS_UNIX, 979562096, 'TS_MW to TS_UNIX' ),
+ array( '20010115123456', TS_DB, '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_MW to TS_DB' ),
+ array( '20010115123456', TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '20010115T123456Z', 'TS_MW to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' ),
+ // TS_DB
+ array( '2001-01-15 12:34:56', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_DB to TS_MW' ),
+ array( '2001-01-15 12:34:56', TS_UNIX, 979562096, 'TS_DB to TS_UNIX' ),
+ array( '2001-01-15 12:34:56', TS_DB, '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_DB to TS_DB' ),
+ array( '2001-01-15 12:34:56', TS_ISO_8601_BASIC, '20010115T123456Z', 'TS_DB to TS_ISO_8601_BASIC' ),
+ # rfc2822 section 3.3
+ array( '20010115123456', TS_RFC2822, 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT', 'TS_MW to TS_RFC2822' ),
+ array( 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' ),
+ array( ' Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 with leading space to TS_MW' ),
+ array( '15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 without optional day-of-week to TS_MW' ),
+ # FWS = ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS ; Folding white space
+ # obs-FWS = 1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP) ; Section 4.2
+ array( 'Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:34:56 GMT', TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 to TS_MW' ),
+ # WSP = SP / HTAB ; rfc2234
+ array( "Mon, 15 Jan\x092001 12:34:56 GMT", TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB to TS_MW' ),
+ array( "Mon, 15 Jan\x09 \x09 2001 12:34:56 GMT", TS_MW, '20010115123456', 'TS_RFC2822 with HTAB and SP to TS_MW' ),
+ array( 'Sun, 6 Nov 94 08:49:37 GMT', TS_MW, '19941106084937', 'TS_RFC2822 with obsolete year to TS_MW' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * This test checks wfTimestamp() with values outside.
+ * It needs PHP 64 bits or PHP > 5.1.
+ * See r74778 and bug 25451
+ * @dataProvider provideOldTimestamps
+ */
+ function testOldTimestamps( $input, $format, $output, $desc ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $output, wfTimestamp( $format, $input ), $desc );
+ }
+ function provideOldTimestamps() {
+ return array(
+ array( '19011213204554', TS_RFC2822, 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:54 GMT', 'Earliest time according to php documentation' ),
+ array( '20380119031407', TS_RFC2822, 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT', 'Latest 32 bit time' ),
+ array( '19011213204552', TS_UNIX, '-2147483648', 'Earliest 32 bit unix time' ),
+ array( '20380119031407', TS_UNIX, '2147483647', 'Latest 32 bit unix time' ),
+ array( '19011213204552', TS_RFC2822, 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:52 GMT', 'Earliest 32 bit time' ),
+ array( '19011213204551', TS_RFC2822, 'Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:51 GMT', 'Earliest 32 bit time - 1' ),
+ array( '20380119031408', TS_RFC2822, 'Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:08 GMT', 'Latest 32 bit time + 1' ),
+ array( '19011212000000', TS_MW, '19011212000000', 'Convert to itself r74778#c10645' ),
+ array( '19011213204551', TS_UNIX, '-2147483649', 'Earliest 32 bit unix time - 1' ),
+ array( '20380119031408', TS_UNIX, '2147483648', 'Latest 32 bit unix time + 1' ),
+ array( '-2147483649', TS_MW, '19011213204551', '1901 negative unix time to MediaWiki' ),
+ array( '-5331871504', TS_MW, '18010115123456', '1801 negative unix time to MediaWiki' ),
+ array( '0117-08-09 12:34:56', TS_RFC2822, 'Tue, 09 Aug 0117 12:34:56 GMT', 'Death of Roman Emperor [[Trajan]]' ),
+ /* @todo FIXME: 00 to 101 years are taken as being in [1970-2069] */
+ array( '-58979923200', TS_RFC2822, 'Sun, 01 Jan 0101 00:00:00 GMT', '1/1/101' ),
+ array( '-62135596800', TS_RFC2822, 'Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT', 'Year 1' ),
+ /* It is not clear if we should generate a year 0 or not
+ * We are completely off RFC2822 requirement of year being
+ * 1900 or later.
+ */
+ array( '-62142076800', TS_RFC2822, 'Wed, 18 Oct 0000 00:00:00 GMT', 'ISO 8601:2004 [[year 0]], also called [[1 BC]]' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * The Resource Loader uses wfTimestamp() to convert timestamps
+ * from If-Modified-Since header. Thus it must be able to parse all
+ * rfc2616 date formats
+ * @see
+ * @dataProvider provideHttpDates
+ */
+ function testHttpDate( $input, $output, $desc ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( $output, wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $input ), $desc );
+ }
+ function provideHttpDates() {
+ return array(
+ array( 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT', '19941106084937', 'RFC 822 date' ),
+ array( 'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT', '19941106084937', 'RFC 850 date' ),
+ array( 'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994', '19941106084937', "ANSI C's asctime() format" ),
+ // See and r77171
+ array( 'Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:12:42 GMT; length=52626', '20101122141242', 'Netscape extension to HTTP/1.0' ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * There are a number of assumptions in our codebase where wfTimestamp()
+ * should give the current date but it is not given a 0 there. See r71751 CR
+ */
+ function testTimestampParameter() {
+ $now = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX );
+ // We check that wfTimestamp doesn't return false (error) and use a LessThan assert
+ // for the cases where the test is run in a second boundary.
+ $zero = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, 0 );
+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $zero );
+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $zero - $now );
+ $empty = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, '' );
+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $empty );
+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $empty - $now );
+ $null = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, null );
+ $this->assertNotEquals( false, $null );
+ $this->assertLessThan( 5, $null - $now );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfUrlencodeTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfUrlencodeTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77685d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/GlobalFunctions/wfUrlencodeTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * Tests for wfUrlencode()
+ *
+ * The function only need a string parameter and might react to IIS7.0
+ */
+class WfUrlencodeTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ #### TESTS ##############################################################
+ /** @dataProvider provideURLS */
+ public function testEncodingUrlWith( $input, $expected ) {
+ $this->verifyEncodingFor( 'Apache', $input, $expected );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider provideURLS */
+ public function testEncodingUrlWithMicrosoftIis7( $input, $expected ) {
+ $this->verifyEncodingFor( 'Microsoft-IIS/7', $input, $expected );
+ }
+ #### HELPERS #############################################################
+ /**
+ * Internal helper that actually run the test.
+ * Called by the public methods testEncodingUrlWith...()
+ *
+ */
+ private function verifyEncodingFor( $server, $input, $expectations ) {
+ $expected = $this->extractExpect( $server, $expectations );
+ // save up global
+ $old = isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] )
+ : null;
+ $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = $server;
+ wfUrlencode( null );
+ // do the requested test
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ wfUrlencode( $input ),
+ "Encoding '$input' for server '$server' should be '$expected'"
+ );
+ // restore global
+ if ( $old === null ) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ wfUrlencode( null );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Interprets the provider array. Return expected value depending
+ * the HTTP server name.
+ */
+ private function extractExpect( $server, $expectations ) {
+ if ( is_string( $expectations ) ) {
+ return $expectations;
+ } elseif ( is_array( $expectations ) ) {
+ if ( !array_key_exists( $server, $expectations ) ) {
+ throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " expectation does not have any value for server name $server. Check the provider array.\n" );
+ } else {
+ return $expectations[$server];
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . " given invalid expectation for '$server'. Should be a string or an array( <http server name> => <string> ).\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ #### PROVIDERS ###########################################################
+ /**
+ * Format is either:
+ * array( 'input', 'expected' );
+ * Or:
+ * array( 'input',
+ * array( 'Apache', 'expected' ),
+ * array( 'Microsoft-IIS/7', 'expected' ),
+ * ),
+ * If you want to add other HTTP server name, you will have to add a new
+ * testing method much like the testEncodingUrlWith() method above.
+ */
+ public static function provideURLS() {
+ return array(
+ ### RFC 1738 chars
+ // + is not safe
+ array( '+', '%2B' ),
+ // & and = not safe in queries
+ array( '&', '%26' ),
+ array( '=', '%3D' ),
+ array( ':', array(
+ 'Apache' => ':',
+ 'Microsoft-IIS/7' => '%3A',
+ ) ),
+ // remaining chars do not need encoding
+ array(
+ ';@$-_.!*',
+ ';@$-_.!*',
+ ),
+ ### Other tests
+ // slash remain unchanged. %2F seems to break things
+ array( '/', '/' ),
+ // Other 'funnies' chars
+ array( '[]', '%5B%5D' ),
+ array( '<>', '%3C%3E' ),
+ // Apostrophe is encoded
+ array( '\'', '%27' ),
+ );
+ }