path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-08-12 09:28:15 +0200
commit08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (patch)
tree577a29fb579188d16003a209ce2a2e9c5b0aa2bd /tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php
parentcacc939b34e315b85e2d72997811eb6677996cc1 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.1
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 784 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e1e1ce8..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/WikiPageTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-* @group Database
-* ^--- important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database
-* @group medium
-class WikiPageTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase {
- var $pages_to_delete;
- function __construct( $name = null, array $data = array(), $dataName = '' ) {
- parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
- $this->tablesUsed = array_merge ( $this->tablesUsed,
- array( 'page',
- 'revision',
- 'text',
- 'recentchanges',
- 'logging',
- 'page_props',
- 'pagelinks',
- 'categorylinks',
- 'langlinks',
- 'externallinks',
- 'imagelinks',
- 'templatelinks',
- 'iwlinks' ) );
- }
- public function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->pages_to_delete = array();
- }
- public function tearDown() {
- foreach ( $this->pages_to_delete as $p ) {
- /* @var $p WikiPage */
- try {
- if ( $p->exists() ) {
- $p->doDeleteArticle( "testing done." );
- }
- } catch ( MWException $ex ) {
- // fail silently
- }
- }
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- protected function newPage( $title ) {
- if ( is_string( $title ) ) $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
- $p = new WikiPage( $title );
- $this->pages_to_delete[] = $p;
- return $p;
- }
- protected function createPage( $page, $text, $model = null ) {
- if ( is_string( $page ) ) $page = Title::newFromText( $page );
- if ( $page instanceof Title ) $page = $this->newPage( $page );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "testing", EDIT_NEW );
- return $page;
- }
- public function testDoEdit() {
- $title = Title::newFromText( "WikiPageTest_testDoEdit" );
- $page = $this->newPage( $title );
- $text = "[[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam "
- . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.";
- $page->doEdit( $text, "testing 1" );
- $this->assertTrue( $title->exists(), "Title object should indicate that the page now exists" );
- $this->assertTrue( $page->exists(), "WikiPage object should indicate that the page now exists" );
- $id = $page->getId();
- # ------------------------
- $page = new WikiPage( $title );
- $retrieved = $page->getText();
- $this->assertEquals( $text, $retrieved, 'retrieved text doesn\'t equal original' );
- # ------------------------
- $text = "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo [[dolores]] et ea rebum. "
- . "Stet clita kasd [[gubergren]], no sea takimata sanctus est.";
- $page->doEdit( $text, "testing 2" );
- # ------------------------
- $page = new WikiPage( $title );
- $retrieved = $page->getText();
- $this->assertEquals( $text, $retrieved, 'retrieved text doesn\'t equal original' );
- # ------------------------
- $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
- $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', array( 'pl_from' => $id ) );
- $n = $res->numRows();
- $res->free();
- $this->assertEquals( 2, $n, 'pagelinks should contain two links from the page' );
- }
- public function testDoQuickEdit() {
- global $wgUser;
- $page = $this->createPage( "WikiPageTest_testDoQuickEdit", "original text" );
- $text = "quick text";
- $page->doQuickEdit( $text, $wgUser, "testing q" );
- # ---------------------
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertEquals( $text, $page->getText() );
- }
- public function testDoDeleteArticle() {
- $page = $this->createPage( "WikiPageTest_testDoDeleteArticle", "[[original text]] foo" );
- $id = $page->getId();
- $page->doDeleteArticle( "testing deletion" );
- $this->assertFalse( $page->exists(), "WikiPage::exists should return false after page was deleted" );
- $this->assertFalse( $page->getText(), "WikiPage::getText should return false after page was deleted" );
- $t = Title::newFromText( $page->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertFalse( $t->exists(), "Title::exists should return false after page was deleted" );
- # ------------------------
- $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
- $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', array( 'pl_from' => $id ) );
- $n = $res->numRows();
- $res->free();
- $this->assertEquals( 0, $n, 'pagelinks should contain no more links from the page' );
- }
- public function testDoDeleteUpdates() {
- $page = $this->createPage( "WikiPageTest_testDoDeleteArticle", "[[original text]] foo" );
- $id = $page->getId();
- $page->doDeleteUpdates( $id );
- # ------------------------
- $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
- $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', array( 'pl_from' => $id ) );
- $n = $res->numRows();
- $res->free();
- $this->assertEquals( 0, $n, 'pagelinks should contain no more links from the page' );
- }
- public function testGetRevision() {
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetRevision" );
- $rev = $page->getRevision();
- $this->assertNull( $rev );
- # -----------------
- $this->createPage( $page, "some text" );
- $rev = $page->getRevision();
- $this->assertEquals( $page->getLatest(), $rev->getId() );
- $this->assertEquals( "some text", $rev->getText() );
- }
- public function testGetText() {
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetText" );
- $text = $page->getText();
- $this->assertFalse( $text );
- # -----------------
- $this->createPage( $page, "some text" );
- $text = $page->getText();
- $this->assertEquals( "some text", $text );
- }
- public function testGetRawText() {
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetRawText" );
- $text = $page->getRawText();
- $this->assertFalse( $text );
- # -----------------
- $this->createPage( $page, "some text" );
- $text = $page->getRawText();
- $this->assertEquals( "some text", $text );
- }
- public function testExists() {
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testExists" );
- $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() );
- # -----------------
- $this->createPage( $page, "some text" );
- $this->assertTrue( $page->exists() );
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertTrue( $page->exists() );
- # -----------------
- $page->doDeleteArticle( "done testing" );
- $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() );
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() );
- }
- public function dataHasViewableContent() {
- return array(
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testHasViewableContent', false, true ),
- array( 'Special:WikiPageTest_testHasViewableContent', false ),
- array( 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testHasViewableContent', false ),
- array( 'Special:Userlogin', true ),
- array( 'MediaWiki:help', true ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataHasViewableContent
- */
- public function testHasViewableContent( $title, $viewable, $create = false ) {
- $page = $this->newPage( $title );
- $this->assertEquals( $viewable, $page->hasViewableContent() );
- if ( $create ) {
- $this->createPage( $page, "some text" );
- $this->assertTrue( $page->hasViewableContent() );
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertTrue( $page->hasViewableContent() );
- }
- }
- public function dataGetRedirectTarget() {
- return array(
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_1', "hello world", null ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_2', "#REDIRECT [[hello world]]", "Hello world" ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataGetRedirectTarget
- */
- public function testGetRedirectTarget( $title, $text, $target ) {
- $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text );
- # now, test the actual redirect
- $t = $page->getRedirectTarget();
- $this->assertEquals( $target, is_null( $t ) ? null : $t->getPrefixedText() );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataGetRedirectTarget
- */
- public function testIsRedirect( $title, $text, $target ) {
- $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text );
- $this->assertEquals( !is_null( $target ), $page->isRedirect() );
- }
- public function dataIsCountable() {
- return array(
- // any
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- '',
- 'any',
- true
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo',
- 'any',
- true
- ),
- // comma
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo',
- 'comma',
- false
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo, bar',
- 'comma',
- true
- ),
- // link
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo',
- 'link',
- false
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo [[bar]]',
- 'link',
- true
- ),
- // redirects
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- '#REDIRECT [[bar]]',
- 'any',
- false
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- '#REDIRECT [[bar]]',
- 'comma',
- false
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- '#REDIRECT [[bar]]',
- 'link',
- false
- ),
- // not a content namespace
- array( 'Talk:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo',
- 'any',
- false
- ),
- array( 'Talk:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo, bar',
- 'comma',
- false
- ),
- array( 'Talk:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable',
- 'Foo [[bar]]',
- 'link',
- false
- ),
- // not a content namespace, different model
- array( 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable.js',
- 'Foo',
- 'any',
- false
- ),
- array( 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable.js',
- 'Foo, bar',
- 'comma',
- false
- ),
- array( 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable.js',
- 'Foo [[bar]]',
- 'link',
- false
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataIsCountable
- */
- public function testIsCountable( $title, $text, $mode, $expected ) {
- global $wgArticleCountMethod;
- $old = $wgArticleCountMethod;
- $wgArticleCountMethod = $mode;
- $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text );
- $editInfo = $page->prepareTextForEdit( $page->getText() );
- $v = $page->isCountable();
- $w = $page->isCountable( $editInfo );
- $wgArticleCountMethod = $old;
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $v, "isCountable( null ) returned unexpected value " . var_export( $v, true )
- . " instead of " . var_export( $expected, true ) . " in mode `$mode` for text \"$text\"" );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $w, "isCountable( \$editInfo ) returned unexpected value " . var_export( $v, true )
- . " instead of " . var_export( $expected, true ) . " in mode `$mode` for text \"$text\"" );
- }
- public function dataGetParserOutput() {
- return array(
- array("hello ''world''\n", "<p>hello <i>world</i></p>"),
- // @todo: more...?
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataGetParserOutput
- */
- public function testGetParserOutput( $text, $expectedHtml ) {
- $page = $this->createPage( 'WikiPageTest_testGetParserOutput', $text );
- $opt = new ParserOptions();
- $po = $page->getParserOutput( $opt );
- $text = $po->getText();
- $text = trim( preg_replace( '/<!--.*?-->/sm', '', $text ) ); # strip injected comments
- $text = preg_replace( '!\s*(</p>)!sm', '\1', $text ); # don't let tidy confuse us
- $this->assertEquals( $expectedHtml, $text );
- return $po;
- }
- static $sections =
- "Intro
-== stuff ==
-hello world
-== test ==
-just a test
-== foo ==
-more stuff
- public function dataReplaceSection() {
- return array(
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection',
- WikiPageTest::$sections,
- "0",
- "No more",
- null,
- trim( preg_replace( '/^Intro/sm', 'No more', WikiPageTest::$sections ) )
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection',
- WikiPageTest::$sections,
- "",
- "No more",
- null,
- "No more"
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection',
- WikiPageTest::$sections,
- "2",
- "== TEST ==\nmore fun",
- null,
- trim( preg_replace( '/^== test ==.*== foo ==/sm', "== TEST ==\nmore fun\n\n== foo ==", WikiPageTest::$sections ) )
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection',
- WikiPageTest::$sections,
- "8",
- "No more",
- null,
- trim( WikiPageTest::$sections )
- ),
- array( 'WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection',
- WikiPageTest::$sections,
- "new",
- "No more",
- "New",
- trim( WikiPageTest::$sections ) . "\n\n== New ==\n\nNo more"
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataReplaceSection
- */
- public function testReplaceSection( $title, $text, $section, $with, $sectionTitle, $expected ) {
- $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text );
- $text = $page->replaceSection( $section, $with, $sectionTitle );
- $text = trim( $text );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $text );
- }
- /* @todo FIXME: fix this!
- public function testGetUndoText() {
- global $wgDiff3;
- wfSuppressWarnings();
- $haveDiff3 = $wgDiff3 && file_exists( $wgDiff3 );
- wfRestoreWarnings();
- if( !$haveDiff3 ) {
- $this->markTestSkipped( "diff3 not installed or not found" );
- return;
- }
- $text = "one";
- $page = $this->createPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetUndoText", $text );
- $rev1 = $page->getRevision();
- $text .= "\n\ntwo";
- $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), "adding section two");
- $rev2 = $page->getRevision();
- $text .= "\n\nthree";
- $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), "adding section three");
- $rev3 = $page->getRevision();
- $text .= "\n\nfour";
- $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), "adding section four");
- $rev4 = $page->getRevision();
- $text .= "\n\nfive";
- $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), "adding section five");
- $rev5 = $page->getRevision();
- $text .= "\n\nsix";
- $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), "adding section six");
- $rev6 = $page->getRevision();
- $undo6 = $page->getUndoText( $rev6 );
- if ( $undo6 === false ) $this->fail( "getUndoText failed for rev6" );
- $this->assertEquals( "one\n\ntwo\n\nthree\n\nfour\n\nfive", $undo6 );
- $undo3 = $page->getUndoText( $rev4, $rev2 );
- if ( $undo3 === false ) $this->fail( "getUndoText failed for rev4..rev2" );
- $this->assertEquals( "one\n\ntwo\n\nfive", $undo3 );
- $undo2 = $page->getUndoText( $rev2 );
- if ( $undo2 === false ) $this->fail( "getUndoText failed for rev2" );
- $this->assertEquals( "one\n\nfive", $undo2 );
- }
- */
- /**
- * @todo FIXME: this is a better rollback test than the one below, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason.
- */
- public function broken_testDoRollback() {
- $admin = new User();
- $admin->setName("Admin");
- $text = "one";
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testDoRollback" );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "section one", EDIT_NEW, false, $admin );
- $user1 = new User();
- $user1->setName( "" );
- $text .= "\n\ntwo";
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "adding section two", 0, false, $user1 );
- $user2 = new User();
- $user2->setName( "" );
- $text .= "\n\nthree";
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "adding section three", 0, false, $user2 );
- # we are having issues with doRollback spuriously failing. apparently the last revision somehow goes missing
- # or not committed under some circumstances. so, make sure the last revision has the right user name.
- $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
- $this->assertEquals( 3, Revision::countByPageId( $dbr, $page->getId() ) );
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $rev3 = $page->getRevision();
- $this->assertEquals( '', $rev3->getUserText() );
- $rev2 = $rev3->getPrevious();
- $this->assertEquals( '', $rev2->getUserText() );
- $rev1 = $rev2->getPrevious();
- $this->assertEquals( 'Admin', $rev1->getUserText() );
- # now, try the actual rollback
- $admin->addGroup( "sysop" ); #XXX: make the test user a sysop...
- $token = $admin->getEditToken( array( $page->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(), $user2->getName() ), null );
- $errors = $page->doRollback( $user2->getName(), "testing revert", $token, false, $details, $admin );
- if ( $errors ) {
- $this->fail( "Rollback failed:\n" . print_r( $errors, true ) . ";\n" . print_r( $details, true ) );
- }
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertEquals( $rev2->getSha1(), $page->getRevision()->getSha1(), "rollback did not revert to the correct revision" );
- $this->assertEquals( "one\n\ntwo", $page->getText() );
- }
- /**
- * @todo FIXME: the above rollback test is better, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason.
- */
- public function testDoRollback() {
- $admin = new User();
- $admin->setName("Admin");
- $text = "one";
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testDoRollback" );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "section one", EDIT_NEW, false, $admin );
- $rev1 = $page->getRevision();
- $user1 = new User();
- $user1->setName( "" );
- $text .= "\n\ntwo";
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $page->doEdit( $text, "adding section two", 0, false, $user1 );
- # now, try the rollback
- $admin->addGroup( "sysop" ); #XXX: make the test user a sysop...
- $token = $admin->getEditToken( array( $page->getTitle()->getPrefixedText(), $user1->getName() ), null );
- $errors = $page->doRollback( $user1->getName(), "testing revert", $token, false, $details, $admin );
- if ( $errors ) {
- $this->fail( "Rollback failed:\n" . print_r( $errors, true ) . ";\n" . print_r( $details, true ) );
- }
- $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() );
- $this->assertEquals( $rev1->getSha1(), $page->getRevision()->getSha1(), "rollback did not revert to the correct revision" );
- $this->assertEquals( "one", $page->getText() );
- }
- public function dataGetAutosummary( ) {
- return array(
- array(
- 'Hello there, world!',
- '#REDIRECT [[Foo]]',
- 0,
- '/^Redirected page .*Foo/'
- ),
- array(
- null,
- 'Hello world!',
- '/^Created page .*Hello/'
- ),
- array(
- 'Hello there, world!',
- '',
- 0,
- '/^Blanked/'
- ),
- array(
- 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut
- labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et
- ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
- 'Hello world!',
- 0,
- '/^Replaced .*Hello/'
- ),
- array(
- 'foo',
- 'bar',
- 0,
- '/^$/'
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataGetAutoSummary
- */
- public function testGetAutosummary( $old, $new, $flags, $expected ) {
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetAutosummary" );
- $summary = $page->getAutosummary( $old, $new, $flags );
- $this->assertTrue( (bool)preg_match( $expected, $summary ), "Autosummary didn't match expected pattern $expected: $summary" );
- }
- public function dataGetAutoDeleteReason( ) {
- return array(
- array(
- array(),
- false,
- false
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array( "first edit", null ),
- ),
- "/first edit.*only contributor/",
- false
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array( "first edit", null ),
- array( "second edit", null ),
- ),
- "/second edit.*only contributor/",
- true
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array( "first edit", "" ),
- array( "second edit", "" ),
- ),
- "/second edit/",
- true
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array( "first edit: "
- . "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam "
- . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. "
- . "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea "
- . "takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'", null ),
- ),
- '/first edit:.*\.\.\."/',
- false
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array( "first edit", "" ),
- array( "", "" ),
- ),
- "/before blanking.*first edit/",
- true
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataGetAutoDeleteReason
- */
- public function testGetAutoDeleteReason( $edits, $expectedResult, $expectedHistory ) {
- global $wgUser;
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testGetAutoDeleteReason" );
- $c = 1;
- foreach ( $edits as $edit ) {
- $user = new User();
- if ( !empty( $edit[1] ) ) $user->setName( $edit[1] );
- else $user = $wgUser;
- $page->doEdit( $edit[0], "test edit $c", $c < 2 ? EDIT_NEW : 0, false, $user );
- $c += 1;
- }
- $reason = $page->getAutoDeleteReason( $hasHistory );
- if ( is_bool( $expectedResult ) || is_null( $expectedResult ) ) $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $reason );
- else $this->assertTrue( (bool)preg_match( $expectedResult, $reason ), "Autosummary didn't match expected pattern $expectedResult: $reason" );
- $this->assertEquals( $expectedHistory, $hasHistory, "expected \$hasHistory to be " . var_export( $expectedHistory, true ) );
- $page->doDeleteArticle( "done" );
- }
- public function dataPreSaveTransform() {
- return array(
- array( 'hello this is ~~~',
- "hello this is [[Special:Contributions/|]]",
- ),
- array( 'hello \'\'this\'\' is <nowiki>~~~</nowiki>',
- 'hello \'\'this\'\' is <nowiki>~~~</nowiki>',
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider dataPreSaveTransform
- */
- public function testPreSaveTransform( $text, $expected ) {
- $this->hideDeprecated( 'WikiPage::preSaveTransform' );
- $user = new User();
- $user->setName("");
- $page = $this->newPage( "WikiPageTest_testPreloadTransform" );
- $text = $page->preSaveTransform( $text, $user );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $text );
- }