path: root/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-01-18 16:46:04 +0100
commit63601400e476c6cf43d985f3e7b9864681695ed4 (patch)
treef7846203a952e38aaf66989d0a4702779f549962 /tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php
parent8ff01378c9e0207f9169b81966a51def645b6a51 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.20.2
this update includes: * adjusted Arch Linux skin * updated FluxBBAuthPlugin * patch for
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php b/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php
index d2bfeedf..f121b018 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/includes/libs/JavaScriptMinifierTest.php
@@ -4,9 +4,18 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
function provideCases() {
return array(
- // Basic tokens
+ // Basic whitespace and comments that should be stripped entirely
array( "\r\t\f \v\n\r", "" ),
array( "/* Foo *\n*bar\n*/", "" ),
+ /**
+ * Slashes used inside block comments (bug 26931).
+ * At some point there was a bug that caused this comment to be ended at '* /',
+ * causing /M... to be left as the beginning of a regex.
+ */
+ array( "/**\n * Foo\n * {\n * 'bar' : {\n * //Multiple rules with configurable operators\n * 'baz' : false\n * }\n */", ""),
* ' Foo \' bar \
* baz \' quox ' .
@@ -15,11 +24,13 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
array( "\" Foo \\\" bar \\\n baz \\\" quox \" .length", "\" Foo \\\" bar \\\n baz \\\" quox \".length" ),
array( "// Foo b/ar baz", "" ),
array( "/ Foo \\/ bar [ / \\] / ] baz / .length", "/ Foo \\/ bar [ / \\] / ] baz /.length" ),
// HTML comments
array( "<!-- Foo bar", "" ),
array( "<!-- Foo --> bar", "" ),
array( "--> Foo", "" ),
array( "x --> y", "x-->y" ),
// Semicolon insertion
array( "(function(){return\nx;})", "(function(){return\nx;})" ),
array( "throw\nx;", "throw\nx;" ),
@@ -35,12 +46,19 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
array( "5.\nx;", "5.\nx;" ),
array( "0xFF.\nx;", "0xFF.x;" ),
array( "5.3.\nx;", "5.3.x;" ),
+ // Semicolon insertion between an expression having an inline
+ // comment after it, and a statement on the next line (bug 27046).
+ array( "var a = this //foo bar \n for ( b = 0; c < d; b++ ) {}", "var a=this\nfor(b=0;c<d;b++){}" ),
// Token separation
array( "x in y", "x in y" ),
array( "/x/g in y", "/x/g in y" ),
array( "x in 30", "x in 30" ),
array( "x + ++ y", "x+ ++y" ),
+ array( "x ++ + y", "x++ +y" ),
array( "x / /y/.exec(z)", "x/ /y/.exec(z)" ),
// State machine
array( "/ x/g", "/ x/g" ),
array( "(function(){return/ x/g})", "(function(){return/ x/g})" ),
@@ -63,15 +81,18 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
array( "function x(){}/ x/g", "function x(){}/ x/g" ),
array( "+function x(){}/ x/g", "+function x(){}/x/g" ),
- // Tests for things that broke in the past
// Multiline quoted string
array( "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";", "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";" ),
// Multiline quoted string followed by string with spaces
array( "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";\nvar baz = \" foo \";\n", "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";var baz=\" foo \";" ),
// URL in quoted string ( // is not a comment)
array( "aNode.setAttribute('href','');", "aNode.setAttribute('href','');" ),
// URL in quoted string after multiline quoted string
array( "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";\naNode.setAttribute('href','');", "var foo=\"\\\nblah\\\n\";aNode.setAttribute('href','');" ),
// Division vs. regex nastiness
array( "alert( (10+10) / '/'.charCodeAt( 0 ) + '//' );", "alert((10+10)/'/'.charCodeAt(0)+'//');" ),
array( "if(1)/a /g.exec('Pa ss');", "if(1)/a /g.exec('Pa ss');" ),
@@ -81,11 +102,12 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
// Unicode letter characters should pass through ok in identifiers (bug 31187)
array( "var KaŝSkatolVal = {}", 'var KaŝSkatolVal={}'),
- // And also per spec unicode char escape values should work in identifiers,
+ // Per spec unicode char escape values should work in identifiers,
// as long as it's a valid char. In future it might get normalized.
array( "var Ka\\u015dSkatolVal = {}", 'var Ka\\u015dSkatolVal={}'),
- /* Some structures that might look invalid at first sight */
+ // Some structures that might look invalid at first sight
array( "var a = 5.;", "var a=5.;" ),
array( "5.0.toString();", "5.0.toString();" ),
array( "5..toString();", "5..toString();" ),
@@ -110,24 +132,6 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
$this->assertEquals( $expectedOutput, $minified, "Minified output should be in the form expected." );
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideBug32548
- */
- function testBug32548Exponent($num) {
- // Long line breaking was being incorrectly done between the base and
- // exponent part of a number, causing a syntax error. The line should
- // instead break at the start of the number.
- $prefix = 'var longVarName' . str_repeat('_', 973) . '=';
- $suffix = ',shortVarName=0;';
- $input = $prefix . $num . $suffix;
- $expected = $prefix . "\n" . $num . $suffix;
- $minified = JavaScriptMinifier::minify( $input );
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $minified, "Line breaks must not occur in middle of exponent");
- }
function provideBug32548() {
return array(
@@ -145,4 +149,22 @@ class JavaScriptMinifierTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideBug32548
+ */
+ function testBug32548Exponent( $num ) {
+ // Long line breaking was being incorrectly done between the base and
+ // exponent part of a number, causing a syntax error. The line should
+ // instead break at the start of the number.
+ $prefix = 'var longVarName' . str_repeat( '_', 973 ) . '=';
+ $suffix = ',shortVarName=0;';
+ $input = $prefix . $num . $suffix;
+ $expected = $prefix . "\n" . $num . $suffix;
+ $minified = JavaScriptMinifier::minify( $input );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $minified, "Line breaks must not occur in middle of exponent");
+ }