path: root/tests/phpunit/maintenance
diff options
authorPierre Schmitz <>2014-04-25 06:26:49 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2014-04-25 06:26:49 +0200
commit2e44b49a2db3026050b136de9b00f749dd3ff939 (patch)
treeef048f4db79a93c25cfc86319264aa7ae2a4ae0b /tests/phpunit/maintenance
parent9441dde8bfb95277df073717ed7817dced40f948 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.22.6
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/phpunit/maintenance')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 2988 deletions
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/DumpTestCase.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/DumpTestCase.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d8c71d..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/DumpTestCase.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
- * Base TestCase for dumps
- */
-abstract class DumpTestCase extends MediaWikiLangTestCase {
- /**
- * exception to be rethrown once in sound PHPUnit surrounding
- *
- * As the current MediaWikiTestCase::run is not robust enough to recover
- * from thrown exceptions directly, we cannot throw frow within
- * self::addDBData, although it would be appropriate. Hence, we catch the
- * exception and store it until we are in setUp and may finally rethrow
- * the exception without crashing the test suite.
- *
- * @var Exception|null
- */
- protected $exceptionFromAddDBData = null;
- /**
- * Holds the xmlreader used for analyzing an xml dump
- *
- * @var XMLReader|null
- */
- protected $xml = null;
- /**
- * Adds a revision to a page, while returning the resuting revision's id
- *
- * @param $page WikiPage: page to add the revision to
- * @param $text string: revisions text
- * @param $text string: revisions summare
- *
- * @throws MWExcepion
- */
- protected function addRevision( Page $page, $text, $summary ) {
- $status = $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), $summary );
- if ( $status->isGood() ) {
- $value = $status->getValue();
- $revision = $value['revision'];
- $revision_id = $revision->getId();
- $text_id = $revision->getTextId();
- if ( ( $revision_id > 0 ) && ( $text_id > 0 ) ) {
- return array( $revision_id, $text_id );
- }
- }
- throw new MWException( "Could not determine revision id (" . $status->getWikiText() . ")" );
- }
- /**
- * gunzips the given file and stores the result in the original file name
- *
- * @param $fname string: filename to read the gzipped data from and stored
- * the gunzipped data into
- */
- protected function gunzip( $fname ) {
- $gzipped_contents = file_get_contents( $fname );
- if ( $gzipped_contents === false ) {
- $this->fail( "Could not get contents of $fname" );
- }
- $contents = gzdecode( $gzipped_contents );
- $this->assertEquals(
- strlen( $contents ),
- file_put_contents( $fname, $contents ),
- '# bytes written'
- );
- }
- /**
- * Default set up function.
- *
- * Clears $wgUser, and reports errors from addDBData to PHPUnit
- */
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- // Check if any Exception is stored for rethrowing from addDBData
- // @see self::exceptionFromAddDBData
- if ( $this->exceptionFromAddDBData !== null ) {
- throw $this->exceptionFromAddDBData;
- }
- $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgUser', new User() );
- }
- /**
- * Checks for test output consisting only of lines containing ETA announcements
- */
- function expectETAOutput() {
- // Newer PHPUnits require assertion about the output using PHPUnit's own
- // expectOutput[...] functions. However, the PHPUnit shipped prediactes
- // do not allow to check /each/ line of the output using /readable/ REs.
- // So we ...
- //
- // 1. ... add a dummy output checking to make PHPUnit not complain
- // about unchecked test output
- $this->expectOutputRegex( '//' );
- // 2. Do the real output checking on our own.
- $lines = explode( "\n", $this->getActualOutput() );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 1, count( $lines ), "Minimal lines of produced output" );
- $this->assertEquals( '', array_pop( $lines ), "Output ends in LF" );
- $timestamp_re = "[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]";
- foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
- $this->assertRegExp( "/$timestamp_re: .* \(ID [0-9]+\) [0-9]* pages .*, [0-9]* revs .*, ETA/", $line );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Step the current XML reader until node end of given name is found.
- *
- * @param $name string: name of the closing element to look for
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" when looking for </mediawiki>)
- *
- * @return bool: true if the end node could be found. false otherwise.
- */
- protected function skipToNodeEnd( $name ) {
- while ( $this->xml->read() ) {
- if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT &&
- $this->xml->name == $name
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Step the current XML reader to the first element start after the node
- * end of a given name.
- *
- * @param $name string: name of the closing element to look for
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" when looking for </mediawiki>)
- *
- * @return bool: true iff new element after the closing of $name could be
- * found. false otherwise.
- */
- protected function skipPastNodeEnd( $name ) {
- $this->assertTrue( $this->skipToNodeEnd( $name ),
- "Skipping to end of $name" );
- while ( $this->xml->read() ) {
- if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Opens an XML file to analyze and optionally skips past siteinfo.
- *
- * @param $fname string: name of file to analyze
- * @param $skip_siteinfo bool: (optional) If true, step the xml reader
- * to the first element after </siteinfo>
- */
- protected function assertDumpStart( $fname, $skip_siteinfo = true ) {
- $this->xml = new XMLReader();
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->open( $fname ),
- "Opening temporary file $fname via XMLReader failed" );
- if ( $skip_siteinfo ) {
- $this->assertTrue( $this->skipPastNodeEnd( "siteinfo" ),
- "Skipping past end of siteinfo" );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at the final closing tag of an xml file and
- * closes the reader.
- *
- * @param $tag string: (optional) the name of the final tag
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for </mediawiki>)
- */
- protected function assertDumpEnd( $name = "mediawiki" ) {
- $this->assertNodeEnd( $name, false );
- if ( $this->xml->read() ) {
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- $this->assertEquals( $this->xml->nodeType, XMLReader::NONE,
- "No proper entity left to parse" );
- $this->xml->close();
- }
- /**
- * Steps the xml reader over white space
- */
- protected function skipWhitespace() {
- $cont = true;
- while ( $cont && ( ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::WHITESPACE )
- || ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE ) ) ) {
- $cont = $this->xml->read();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at an element of given name, and optionally
- * skips past it.
- *
- * @param $name string: the name of the element to check for
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for <mediawiki>)
- * @param $skip bool: (optional) if true, skip past the found element
- */
- protected function assertNodeStart( $name, $skip = true ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $name, $this->xml->name, "Node name" );
- $this->assertEquals( XMLReader::ELEMENT, $this->xml->nodeType, "Node type" );
- if ( $skip ) {
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past start tag" );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at an closing element of given name, and optionally
- * skips past it.
- *
- * @param $name string: the name of the closing element to check for
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for </mediawiki>)
- * @param $skip bool: (optional) if true, skip past the found element
- */
- protected function assertNodeEnd( $name, $skip = true ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $name, $this->xml->name, "Node name" );
- $this->assertEquals( XMLReader::END_ELEMENT, $this->xml->nodeType, "Node type" );
- if ( $skip ) {
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past end tag" );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at an element of given tag that contains a given text,
- * and skips over the element.
- *
- * @param $name string: the name of the element to check for
- * (e.g.: "mediawiki" for <mediawiki>...</mediawiki>)
- * @param $text string|false: If string, check if it equals the elements text.
- * If false, ignore the element's text
- * @param $skip_ws bool: (optional) if true, skip past white spaces that trail the
- * closing element.
- */
- protected function assertTextNode( $name, $text, $skip_ws = true ) {
- $this->assertNodeStart( $name );
- if ( $text !== false ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $text, $this->xml->value, "Text of node " . $name );
- }
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past processed text of " . $name );
- $this->assertNodeEnd( $name );
- if ( $skip_ws ) {
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at the start of a page element and skips over the first
- * tags, after checking them.
- *
- * Besides the opening page element, this function also checks for and skips over the
- * title, ns, and id tags. Hence after this function, the xml reader is at the first
- * revision of the current page.
- *
- * @param $id int: id of the page to assert
- * @param $ns int: number of namespage to assert
- * @param $name string: title of the current page
- */
- protected function assertPageStart( $id, $ns, $name ) {
- $this->assertNodeStart( "page" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "title", $name );
- $this->assertTextNode( "ns", $ns );
- $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id );
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at the page's closing element and skips to the next
- * element.
- */
- protected function assertPageEnd() {
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "page" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the xml reader is at a revision and checks its representation before
- * skipping over it.
- *
- * @param $id int: id of the revision
- * @param $summary string: summary of the revision
- * @param $text_id int: id of the revision's text
- * @param $text_bytes int: # of bytes in the revision's text
- * @param $text_sha1 string: the base36 SHA-1 of the revision's text
- * @param $text string|false: (optional) The revision's string, or false to check for a
- * revision stub
- * @param $model String: the expected content model id (default: CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT)
- * @param $format String: the expected format model id (default: CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT)
- * @param $parentid int|false: (optional) id of the parent revision
- */
- protected function assertRevision( $id, $summary, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text_sha1, $text = false, $parentid = false,
- ) {
- $this->assertNodeStart( "revision" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id );
- if ( $parentid !== false ) {
- $this->assertTextNode( "parentid", $parentid );
- }
- $this->assertTextNode( "timestamp", false );
- $this->assertNodeStart( "contributor" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "ip", false );
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "contributor" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "comment", $summary );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- if ( $this->xml->name == "text" ) {
- // note: <text> tag may occur here or at the very end.
- $text_found = true;
- $this->assertText( $id, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text );
- } else {
- $text_found = false;
- }
- $this->assertTextNode( "sha1", $text_sha1 );
- $this->assertTextNode( "model", $model );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "format", $format );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- if ( !$text_found ) {
- $this->assertText( $id, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text );
- }
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "revision" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- protected function assertText( $id, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text ) {
- $this->assertNodeStart( "text", false );
- if ( $text_bytes !== false ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $this->xml->getAttribute( "bytes" ), $text_bytes,
- "Attribute 'bytes' of revision " . $id );
- }
- if ( $text === false ) {
- // Testing for a stub
- $this->assertEquals( $this->xml->getAttribute( "id" ), $text_id,
- "Text id of revision " . $id );
- $this->assertFalse( $this->xml->hasValue, "Revision has text" );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping text start tag" );
- if ( ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT )
- && ( $this->xml->name == "text" )
- ) {
- $this->xml->read();
- }
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- } else {
- // Testing for a real dump
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping text start tag" );
- $this->assertEquals( $text, $this->xml->value, "Text of revision " . $id );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past text" );
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "text" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/MaintenanceTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/MaintenanceTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 318ce0da..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/MaintenanceTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
-// It would be great if we were able to use PHPUnit's getMockForAbstractClass
-// instead of the MaintenanceFixup hack below. However, we cannot do
-// without changing the visibility and without working around hacks in
-// Maintenance.php
-// For the same reason, we cannot just use FakeMaintenance.
- * makes parts of the API of Maintenance that is hidden by protected visibily
- * visible for testing, and makes up for a stream closing hack in Maintenance.php.
- *
- * This class is solely used for being able to test Maintenance right now
- * without having to apply major refactorings to fix some design issues in
- * Maintenance.php. Before adding more functions here, please consider whether
- * this approach is correct, or a refactoring Maintenance to separate concers
- * is more appropriate.
- *
- * Upon refactoring, keep in mind that besides the maintenance scrits themselves
- * and tests right here, also at least Extension:Maintenance make use of
- * Maintenance.
- *
- * Due to a hack in Maintenance.php using register_shutdown_function, be sure to
- * finally call simulateShutdown on MaintenanceFixup instance before a test
- * ends.
- *
- */
-class MaintenanceFixup extends Maintenance {
- // --- Making up for the register_shutdown_function hack in Maintenance.php
- /**
- * The test case that generated this instance.
- *
- * This member is motivated by allowing the destructor to check whether or not
- * the test failed, in order to avoid unnecessary nags about omitted shutdown
- * simulation.
- * But as it is already available, we also usi it to flagging tests as failed
- *
- * @var MediaWikiTestCase
- */
- private $testCase;
- /**
- * shutdownSimulated === true if simulateShutdown has done it's work
- *
- * @var bool
- */
- private $shutdownSimulated = false;
- /**
- * Simulates what Maintenance wants to happen at script's end.
- */
- public function simulateShutdown() {
- if ( $this->shutdownSimulated ) {
- $this->testCase->fail( __METHOD__ . " called more than once" );
- }
- // The cleanup action.
- $this->outputChanneled( false );
- // Bookkeeping that we simulated the clean up.
- $this->shutdownSimulated = true;
- }
- // Note that the "public" here does not change visibility
- public function outputChanneled( $msg, $channel = null ) {
- if ( $this->shutdownSimulated ) {
- if ( $msg !== false ) {
- $this->testCase->fail( "Already past simulated shutdown, but msg is "
- . "not false. Did the hack in Maintenance.php change? Please "
- . "adapt the test case or Maintenance.php" );
- }
- // The current call is the one registered via register_shutdown_function.
- // We can safely ignore it, as we simulated this one via simulateShutdown
- // before (if we did not, the destructor of this instance will warn about
- // it)
- return;
- }
- return call_user_func_array( array( "parent", __FUNCTION__ ), func_get_args() );
- }
- /**
- * Safety net around register_shutdown_function of Maintenance.php
- */
- public function __destruct() {
- if ( !$this->shutdownSimulated ) {
- // Someone generated a MaintenanceFixup instance without calling
- // simulateShutdown. We'd have to raise a PHPUnit exception to correctly
- // flag this illegal usage. However, we are already in a destruktor, which
- // would trigger undefined behavior. Hence, we can only report to the
- // error output :( Hopefully people read the PHPUnit output.
- $name = $this->testCase->getName();
- fwrite( STDERR, "ERROR! Instance of " . __CLASS__ . " for test $name "
- . "destructed without calling simulateShutdown method. Call "
- . "simulateShutdown on the instance before it gets destructed." );
- }
- // The following guard is required, as PHP does not offer default destructors :(
- if ( is_callable( "parent::__destruct" ) ) {
- parent::__destruct();
- }
- }
- public function __construct( MediaWikiTestCase $testCase ) {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->testCase = $testCase;
- }
- // --- Making protected functions visible for test
- public function output( $out, $channel = null ) {
- // Just to make PHP not nag about signature mismatches, we copied
- // Maintenance::output signature. However, we do not use (or rely on)
- // those variables. Instead we pass to Maintenance::output whatever we
- // receive at runtime.
- return call_user_func_array( array( "parent", __FUNCTION__ ), func_get_args() );
- }
- // --- Requirements for getting instance of abstract class
- public function execute() {
- $this->testCase->fail( __METHOD__ . " called unexpectedly" );
- }
-class MaintenanceTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * The main Maintenance instance that is used for testing.
- *
- * @var MaintenanceFixup
- */
- private $m;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->m = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- }
- protected function tearDown() {
- if ( $this->m ) {
- $this->m->simulateShutdown();
- $this->m = null;
- }
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * asserts the output before and after simulating shutdown
- *
- * This function simulates shutdown of self::m.
- *
- * @param $preShutdownOutput string: expected output before simulating shutdown
- * @param $expectNLAppending bool: Whether or not shutdown simulation is expected
- * to add a newline to the output. If false, $preShutdownOutput is the
- * expected output after shutdown simulation. Otherwise,
- * $preShutdownOutput with an appended newline is the expected output
- * after shutdown simulation.
- */
- private function assertOutputPrePostShutdown( $preShutdownOutput, $expectNLAppending ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $preShutdownOutput, $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation" );
- $this->m->simulateShutdown();
- $this->m = null;
- $postShutdownOutput = $preShutdownOutput . ( $expectNLAppending ? "\n" : "" );
- $this->expectOutputString( $postShutdownOutput );
- }
- // Although the following tests do not seem to be too consistent (compare for
- // example the newlines within the test.*StringString tests, or the
- // test.*Intermittent.* tests), the objective of these tests is not to describe
- // consistent behavior, but rather currently existing behavior.
- function testOutputEmpty() {
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "", false );
- }
- function testOutputString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLStringNLLinewise() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n" );
- $this->m->output( "bar\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLStringNLArbitrary() {
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "\n" );
- $this->m->output( "ba" );
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "r\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "\nb" );
- $this->m->output( "a" );
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "r\n" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelEmpty() {
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->output( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLStringNLLinewise() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", null );
- $this->m->output( "bar\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLStringNLArbitrary() {
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "\n", null );
- $this->m->output( "ba", null );
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "r\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "\nb", null );
- $this->m->output( "a", null );
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "r\n", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLNL() {
- // If this test fails, note that output takes strings with double line
- // endings (although output's implementation in this situation calls
- // outputChanneled with a string ending in a nl ... which is not allowed
- // according to the documentation of outputChanneled)
- $this->m->output( "foo\n\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLString() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLStringNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\nbar\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLStringNLLinewise() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLStringNLArbitrary() {
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "ba", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "r\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "\nb", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "a", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "r\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWMultipleChannelsChannelChange() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "qux", "quuxChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "corge", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\nqux\ncorge", true );
- }
- function testOutputWMultipleChannelsChannelChangeNL() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "qux\n", "quuxChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "corge", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\nqux\ncorge", true );
- }
- function testOutputWAndWOChannelStringStartWO() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "qux" );
- $this->m->output( "quux", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\nquxquux", true );
- }
- function testOutputWAndWOChannelStringStartW() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar" );
- $this->m->output( "qux", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "quux" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbarqux\nquux", false );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelTypeSwitch() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", 1 );
- $this->m->output( "bar", 1.0 );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( "" );
- $this->m->output( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( false );
- $this->m->output( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputIntermittentFalseAfterOtherChannel() {
- $this->m->output( "qux", "quuxChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->output( false );
- $this->m->output( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "qux\nfoobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->output( "", null );
- $this->m->output( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputWNullChannelIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->output( false, null );
- $this->m->output( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- function testOutputWChannelIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( false, "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->output( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- // Note that (per documentation) outputChanneled does take strings that end
- // in \n, hence we do not test such strings.
- function testOutputChanneledEmpty() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledStringString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledStringNLString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo\nbar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "\nb" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "a" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "r" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "\nfoo\n\n\nb\na\n\nr\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelEmpty() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelStringString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelStringNLString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo\nbar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "\nb", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "a", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "r", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "\nfoo\n\n\nb\na\n\nr\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelStringNLString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo\nbar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelStringString() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelStringNLStringNLArbitraryAgain() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "\nb", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "a", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "r", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWMultipleChannelsChannelChange() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "qux", "quuxChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "corge", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\nqux\ncorge", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWMultipleChannelsChannelChangeEnclosedNull() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "qux", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "corge", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\nqux\ncorge", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWMultipleChannelsChannelAfterNullChange() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "qux", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "corge", "quuxChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\nqux\ncorge", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWAndWOChannelStringStartWO() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "qux" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "quux", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\nqux\nquux", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWAndWOChannelStringStartW() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "qux", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "quux" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\nqux\nquux\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelTypeSwitch() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", 1 );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", 1.0 );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWOChannelIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWOChannelIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( false );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWNullChannelIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( false, null );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelIntermittentEmpty() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", true );
- }
- function testOutputChanneledWChannelIntermittentFalse() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( false, "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar", true );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledClean() {
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutput() {
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutputWNullChannel() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutputWChannel() {
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterNLOutput() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterNLOutputWNullChannel() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", null );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterNLOutputWChannel() {
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutputChanneledWOChannel() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutputChanneledWNullChannel() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testCleanupChanneledAfterOutputChanneledWChannel() {
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\n", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutput() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->output( "foo" );
- $m2->output( "bar" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputWNullChannel() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->output( "foo", null );
- $m2->output( "bar", null );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputWChannel() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->output( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $m2->output( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\n", true );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputWNullChannelNL() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", null );
- $m2->output( "bar\n", null );
- $this->assertEquals( "foo\nbar\n", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputWChannelNL() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->output( "foo\n", "bazChannel" );
- $m2->output( "bar\n", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\n", true );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputChanneled() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo" );
- $m2->outputChanneled( "bar" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foo\nbar\n", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputChanneledWNullChannel() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", null );
- $m2->outputChanneled( "bar", null );
- $this->assertEquals( "foo\nbar\n", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foo\nbar\n", false );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionOutputChanneledWChannel() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $m2->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before shutdown simulation (m2)" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\n", true );
- }
- function testMultipleMaintenanceObjectsInteractionCleanupChanneledWChannel() {
- $m2 = new MaintenanceFixup( $this );
- $this->m->outputChanneled( "foo", "bazChannel" );
- $m2->outputChanneled( "bar", "bazChannel" );
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output before first cleanup" );
- $this->m->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar\n", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output after first cleanup" );
- $m2->cleanupChanneled();
- $this->assertEquals( "foobar\n\n", $this->getActualOutput(),
- "Output after second cleanup" );
- $m2->simulateShutdown();
- $this->assertOutputPrePostShutdown( "foobar\n\n", false );
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupPrefetchTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupPrefetchTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2d7375..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupPrefetchTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../maintenance/";
- * Tests for BaseDump
- *
- * @group Dump
- */
-class BaseDumpTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * @var BaseDump the BaseDump instance used within a test.
- *
- * If set, this BaseDump gets automatically closed in tearDown.
- */
- private $dump = null;
- protected function tearDown() {
- if ( $this->dump !== null ) {
- $this->dump->close();
- }
- // Bug 37458, parent teardown need to be done after closing the
- // dump or it might cause some permissions errors.
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * asserts that a prefetch yields an expected string
- *
- * @param $expected string|null: the exepcted result of the prefetch
- * @param $page int: the page number to prefetch the text for
- * @param $revision int: the revision number to prefetch the text for
- */
- private function assertPrefetchEquals( $expected, $page, $revision ) {
- $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->dump->prefetch( $page, $revision ),
- "Prefetch of page $page revision $revision" );
- }
- function testSequential() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", 1, 1 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", 2, 5 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", 4, 8 );
- }
- function testSynchronizeRevisionMissToRevision() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 2, 3 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", 2, 5 );
- }
- function testSynchronizeRevisionMissToPage() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 2, 40 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", 4, 8 );
- }
- function testSynchronizePageMiss() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 3, 40 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", 4, 8 );
- }
- function testPageMissAtEnd() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 6, 40 );
- }
- function testRevisionMissAtEnd() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 4, 40 );
- }
- function testSynchronizePageMissAtStart() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 0, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- }
- function testSynchronizeRevisionMissAtStart() {
- $fname = $this->setUpPrefetch();
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( null, 1, -2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- }
- function testSequentialAcrossFiles() {
- $fname1 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 1 ) );
- $fname2 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 2, 4 ) );
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname1 . ";" . $fname2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", 1, 1 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", 2, 5 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", 4, 8 );
- }
- function testSynchronizeSkipAcrossFile() {
- $fname1 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 1 ) );
- $fname2 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 2 ) );
- $fname3 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 4 ) );
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname1 . ";" . $fname2 . ";" . $fname3 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", 1, 1 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1", 4, 8 );
- }
- function testSynchronizeMissInWholeFirstFile() {
- $fname1 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 1 ) );
- $fname2 = $this->setUpPrefetch( array( 2 ) );
- $this->dump = new BaseDump( $fname1 . ";" . $fname2 );
- $this->assertPrefetchEquals( "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", 2, 2 );
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a temporary file that can be used for prefetching
- *
- * The temporary file is removed by DumpBackup upon tearDown.
- *
- * @param $requested_pages Array The indices of the page parts that should
- * go into the prefetch file. 1,2,4 are available.
- * @return String The file name of the created temporary file
- */
- private function setUpPrefetch( $requested_pages = array( 1, 2, 4 ) ) {
- // The file name, where we store the prepared prefetch file
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- // The header of every prefetch file
- $header = '<mediawiki xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.7" xml:lang="en">
- <siteinfo>
- <sitename>wikisvn</sitename>
- <base>http://localhost/wiki-svn/index.php/Main_Page</base>
- <generator>MediaWiki 1.21alpha</generator>
- <case>first-letter</case>
- <namespaces>
- <namespace key="-2" case="first-letter">Media</namespace>
- <namespace key="-1" case="first-letter">Special</namespace>
- <namespace key="0" case="first-letter" />
- <namespace key="1" case="first-letter">Talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="2" case="first-letter">User</namespace>
- <namespace key="3" case="first-letter">User talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="4" case="first-letter">Wikisvn</namespace>
- <namespace key="5" case="first-letter">Wikisvn talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="6" case="first-letter">File</namespace>
- <namespace key="7" case="first-letter">File talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="8" case="first-letter">MediaWiki</namespace>
- <namespace key="9" case="first-letter">MediaWiki talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="10" case="first-letter">Template</namespace>
- <namespace key="11" case="first-letter">Template talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="12" case="first-letter">Help</namespace>
- <namespace key="13" case="first-letter">Help talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="14" case="first-letter">Category</namespace>
- <namespace key="15" case="first-letter">Category talk</namespace>
- </namespaces>
- </siteinfo>
- // An array holding the pages that are available for prefetch
- $available_pages = array();
- // Simple plain page
- $available_pages[1] = ' <page>
- <title>BackupDumperTestP1</title>
- <ns>0</ns>
- <id>1</id>
- <revision>
- <id>1</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP1Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87</sha1>
- <text xml:space="preserve">BackupDumperTestP1Text1</text>
- <model name="wikitext">1</model>
- <format mime="text/x-wiki">1</format>
- </revision>
- </page>
- // Page with more than one revisions. Hole in rev ids.
- $available_pages[2] = ' <page>
- <title>BackupDumperTestP2</title>
- <ns>0</ns>
- <id>2</id>
- <revision>
- <id>2</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2</sha1>
- <text xml:space="preserve">BackupDumperTestP2Text1</text>
- <model name="wikitext">1</model>
- <format mime="text/x-wiki">1</format>
- </revision>
- <revision>
- <id>5</id>
- <parentid>2</parentid>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra</comment>
- <sha1>6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv</sha1>
- <text xml:space="preserve">BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text</text>
- <model name="wikitext">1</model>
- <format mime="text/x-wiki">1</format>
- </revision>
- </page>
- // Page with id higher than previous id + 1
- $available_pages[4] = ' <page>
- <title>Talk:BackupDumperTestP1</title>
- <ns>1</ns>
- <id>4</id>
- <revision>
- <id>8</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe</sha1>
- <model name="wikitext">1</model>
- <format mime="text/x-wiki">1</format>
- <text xml:space="preserve">Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
- // The common ending for all files
- $tail = '</mediawiki>
- // Putting together the content of the prefetch files
- $content = $header;
- foreach ( $requested_pages as $i ) {
- $this->assertTrue( array_key_exists( $i, $available_pages ),
- "Check for availability of requested page " . $i );
- $content .= $available_pages[$i];
- }
- $content .= $tail;
- $this->assertEquals( strlen( $content ), file_put_contents(
- $fname, $content ), "Length of prepared prefetch" );
- return $fname;
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupTextPassTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupTextPassTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 653a1145..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupTextPassTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../maintenance/";
- * Tests for page dumps of BackupDumper
- *
- * @group Database
- * @group Dump
- */
-class TextPassDumperTest extends DumpTestCase {
- // We'll add several pages, revision and texts. The following variables hold the
- // corresponding ids.
- private $pageId1, $pageId2, $pageId3, $pageId4;
- private static $numOfPages = 4;
- private $revId1_1, $textId1_1;
- private $revId2_1, $textId2_1, $revId2_2, $textId2_2;
- private $revId2_3, $textId2_3, $revId2_4, $textId2_4;
- private $revId3_1, $textId3_1, $revId3_2, $textId3_2;
- private $revId4_1, $textId4_1;
- private static $numOfRevs = 8;
- function addDBData() {
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'page';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'revision';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'text';
- $ns = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS();
- try {
- // Simple page
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $ns );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- list( $this->revId1_1, $this->textId1_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1" );
- $this->pageId1 = $page->getId();
- // Page with more than one revision
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP2', $ns );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- list( $this->revId2_1, $this->textId2_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
- list( $this->revId2_2, $this->textId2_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
- list( $this->revId2_3, $this->textId2_3 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3" );
- list( $this->revId2_4, $this->textId2_4 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text ",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra " );
- $this->pageId2 = $page->getId();
- // Deleted page.
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP3', $ns );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- list( $this->revId3_1, $this->textId3_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP3Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
- list( $this->revId3_2, $this->textId3_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP3Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
- $this->pageId3 = $page->getId();
- $page->doDeleteArticle( "Testing ;)" );
- // Page from non-default namespace
- if ( $ns === NS_TALK ) {
- // @todo work around this.
- throw new MWException( "The default wikitext namespace is the talk namespace. "
- . " We can't currently deal with that." );
- }
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', NS_TALK );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- list( $this->revId4_1, $this->textId4_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1",
- "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1" );
- $this->pageId4 = $page->getId();
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
- // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see
- // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in
- // DumpTestCase
- $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e;
- }
- }
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- // Since we will restrict dumping by page ranges (to allow
- // working tests, even if the db gets prepopulated by a base
- // class), we have to assert, that the page id are consecutively
- // increasing
- $this->assertEquals(
- array( $this->pageId2, $this->pageId3, $this->pageId4 ),
- array( $this->pageId1 + 1, $this->pageId2 + 1, $this->pageId3 + 1 ),
- "Page ids increasing without holes" );
- }
- function testPlain() {
- // Setting up the dump
- $nameStub = $this->setUpStub();
- $nameFull = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new TextPassDumper( array( "--stub=file:" . $nameStub,
- "--output=file:" . $nameFull ) );
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- // Checking for correctness of the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $nameFull );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
- "BackupDumperTestP1Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP2" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", $this->revId2_2 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, NS_TALK, "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testPrefetchPlain() {
- // The mapping between ids and text, for the hits of the prefetch mock
- $prefetchMap = array(
- array( $this->pageId1, $this->revId1_1, "Prefetch_________1Text1" ),
- array( $this->pageId2, $this->revId2_3, "Prefetch_________2Text3" )
- );
- // The mock itself
- $prefetchMock = $this->getMock( 'BaseDump', array( 'prefetch' ), array(), '', false );
- $prefetchMock->expects( $this->exactly( 6 ) )
- ->method( 'prefetch' )
- ->will( $this->returnValueMap( $prefetchMap ) );
- // Setting up of the dump
- $nameStub = $this->setUpStub();
- $nameFull = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new TextPassDumper( array( "--stub=file:"
- . $nameStub, "--output=file:" . $nameFull ) );
- $dumper->prefetch = $prefetchMock;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- // Checking for correctness of the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $nameFull );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP1" );
- // Prefetch kicks in. This is still the SHA-1 of the original text,
- // But the actual text (with different SHA-1) comes from prefetch.
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
- "Prefetch_________1Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP2" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 );
- // Prefetch kicks in. This is still the SHA-1 of the original text,
- // But the actual text (with different SHA-1) comes from prefetch.
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
- "Prefetch_________2Text3", $this->revId2_2 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, NS_TALK, "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- /**
- * Ensures that checkpoint dumps are used and written, by successively increasing the
- * stub size and dumping until the duration crosses a threshold.
- *
- * @param $checkpointFormat string: Either "file" for plain text or "gzip" for gzipped
- * checkpoint files.
- */
- private function checkpointHelper( $checkpointFormat = "file" ) {
- // Getting temporary names
- $nameStub = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $nameOutputDir = $this->getNewTempDirectory();
- $stderr = fopen( 'php://output', 'a' );
- if ( $stderr === false ) {
- $this->fail( "Could not open stream for stderr" );
- }
- $iterations = 32; // We'll start with that many iterations of revisions in stub
- $lastDuration = 0;
- $minDuration = 2; // We want the dump to take at least this many seconds
- $checkpointAfter = 0.5; // Generate checkpoint after this many seconds
- // Until a dump takes at least $minDuration seconds, perform a dump and check
- // duration. If the dump did not take long enough increase the iteration
- // count, to generate a bigger stub file next time.
- while ( $lastDuration < $minDuration ) {
- // Setting up the dump
- wfRecursiveRemoveDir( $nameOutputDir );
- $this->assertTrue( wfMkdirParents( $nameOutputDir ),
- "Creating temporary output directory " );
- $this->setUpStub( $nameStub, $iterations );
- $dumper = new TextPassDumper( array( "--stub=file:" . $nameStub,
- "--output=" . $checkpointFormat . ":" . $nameOutputDir . "/full",
- "--maxtime=1" /*This is in minutes. Fixup is below*/,
- "--checkpointfile=checkpoint-%s-%s.xml.gz" ) );
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- $dumper->maxTimeAllowed = $checkpointAfter; // Patching maxTime from 1 minute
- $dumper->stderr = $stderr;
- // The actual dump and taking time
- $ts_before = microtime( true );
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- $ts_after = microtime( true );
- $lastDuration = $ts_after - $ts_before;
- // Handling increasing the iteration count for the stubs
- if ( $lastDuration < $minDuration ) {
- $old_iterations = $iterations;
- if ( $lastDuration > 0.2 ) {
- // lastDuration is big enough, to allow an educated guess
- $factor = ( $minDuration + 0.5 ) / $lastDuration;
- if ( ( $factor > 1.1 ) && ( $factor < 100 ) ) {
- // educated guess is reasonable
- $iterations = (int)( $iterations * $factor );
- }
- }
- if ( $old_iterations == $iterations ) {
- // Heuristics were not applied, so we just *2.
- $iterations *= 2;
- }
- $this->assertLessThan( 50000, $iterations,
- "Emergency stop against infinitely increasing iteration "
- . "count ( last duration: $lastDuration )" );
- }
- }
- // The dump (hopefully) did take long enough to produce more than one
- // checkpoint file.
- //
- // We now check all the checkpoint files for validity.
- $files = scandir( $nameOutputDir );
- $this->assertTrue( asort( $files ), "Sorting files in temporary directory" );
- $fileOpened = false;
- $lookingForPage = 1;
- $checkpointFiles = 0;
- // Each run of the following loop body tries to handle exactly 1 /page/ (not
- // iteration of stub content). $i is only increased after having treated page 4.
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; ) {
- // 1. Assuring a file is opened and ready. Skipping across header if
- // necessary.
- if ( !$fileOpened ) {
- $this->assertNotEmpty( $files, "No more existing dump files, "
- . "but not yet all pages found" );
- $fname = array_shift( $files );
- while ( $fname == "." || $fname == ".." ) {
- $this->assertNotEmpty( $files, "No more existing dump"
- . " files, but not yet all pages found" );
- $fname = array_shift( $files );
- }
- if ( $checkpointFormat == "gzip" ) {
- $this->gunzip( $nameOutputDir . "/" . $fname );
- }
- $this->assertDumpStart( $nameOutputDir . "/" . $fname );
- $fileOpened = true;
- $checkpointFiles++;
- }
- // 2. Performing a single page check
- switch ( $lookingForPage ) {
- case 1:
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_MAIN,
- "BackupDumperTestP1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
- "BackupDumperTestP1Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $lookingForPage = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_MAIN,
- "BackupDumperTestP2" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4 + $i * self::$numOfRevs,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text",
- $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $lookingForPage = 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_TALK,
- "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs,
- "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $lookingForPage = 1;
- // We dealt with the whole iteration.
- $i++;
- break;
- default:
- $this->fail( "Bad setting for lookingForPage ($lookingForPage)" );
- }
- // 3. Checking for the end of the current checkpoint file
- if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT
- && $this->xml->name == "mediawiki"
- ) {
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- $fileOpened = false;
- }
- }
- // Assuring we completely read all files ...
- $this->assertFalse( $fileOpened, "Currently read file still open?" );
- $this->assertEmpty( $files, "Remaining unchecked files" );
- // ... and have dealt with more than one checkpoint file
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 1, $checkpointFiles, "expected more than 1 checkpoint to have been created. Checkpoint interval is $checkpointAfter seconds, maybe your computer is too fast?" );
- $this->expectETAOutput();
- }
- /**
- * @group large
- */
- function testCheckpointPlain() {
- $this->checkpointHelper();
- }
- /**
- * tests for working checkpoint generation in gzip format work.
- *
- * We keep this test in addition to the simpler self::testCheckpointPlain, as there
- * were once problems when the used sinks were DumpPipeOutputs.
- *
- * xmldumps-backup typically uses bzip2 instead of gzip. However, as bzip2 requires
- * PHP extensions, we go for gzip instead, which triggers the same relevant code
- * paths while still being testable on more systems.
- *
- * @group large
- */
- function testCheckpointGzip() {
- $this->checkHasGzip();
- $this->checkpointHelper( "gzip" );
- }
- /**
- * Creates a stub file that is used for testing the text pass of dumps
- *
- * @param $fname string: (Optional) Absolute name of the file to write
- * the stub into. If this parameter is null, a new temporary
- * file is generated that is automatically removed upon
- * tearDown.
- * @param $iterations integer: (Optional) specifies how often the block
- * of 3 pages should go into the stub file. The page and
- * revision id increase further and further, while the text
- * id of the first iteration is reused. The pages and revision
- * of iteration > 1 have no corresponding representation in the
- * database.
- * @return string absolute filename of the stub
- */
- private function setUpStub( $fname = null, $iterations = 1 ) {
- if ( $fname === null ) {
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- }
- $header = '<mediawiki xmlns="" '
- . 'xmlns:xsi="" '
- . 'xsi:schemaLocation=" '
- . '" version="0.7" xml:lang="en">
- <siteinfo>
- <sitename>wikisvn</sitename>
- <base>http://localhost/wiki-svn/index.php/Main_Page</base>
- <generator>MediaWiki 1.21alpha</generator>
- <case>first-letter</case>
- <namespaces>
- <namespace key="-2" case="first-letter">Media</namespace>
- <namespace key="-1" case="first-letter">Special</namespace>
- <namespace key="0" case="first-letter" />
- <namespace key="1" case="first-letter">Talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="2" case="first-letter">User</namespace>
- <namespace key="3" case="first-letter">User talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="4" case="first-letter">Wikisvn</namespace>
- <namespace key="5" case="first-letter">Wikisvn talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="6" case="first-letter">File</namespace>
- <namespace key="7" case="first-letter">File talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="8" case="first-letter">MediaWiki</namespace>
- <namespace key="9" case="first-letter">MediaWiki talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="10" case="first-letter">Template</namespace>
- <namespace key="11" case="first-letter">Template talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="12" case="first-letter">Help</namespace>
- <namespace key="13" case="first-letter">Help talk</namespace>
- <namespace key="14" case="first-letter">Category</namespace>
- <namespace key="15" case="first-letter">Category talk</namespace>
- </namespaces>
- </siteinfo>
- $tail = '</mediawiki>
- $content = $header;
- $iterations = intval( $iterations );
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ ) {
- $page1 = ' <page>
- <title>BackupDumperTestP1</title>
- <ns>0</ns>
- <id>' . ( $this->pageId1 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId1_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP1Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId1_1 . '" bytes="23" />
- </revision>
- </page>
- $page2 = ' <page>
- <title>BackupDumperTestP2</title>
- <ns>0</ns>
- <id>' . ( $this->pageId2 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId2_1 . '" bytes="23" />
- </revision>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary2</comment>
- <sha1>b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId2_2 . '" bytes="23" />
- </revision>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary3</comment>
- <sha1>jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId2_3 . '" bytes="23" />
- </revision>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId2_4 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra</comment>
- <sha1>6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId2_4 . '" bytes="44" />
- </revision>
- </page>
- // page 3 not in stub
- $page4 = ' <page>
- <title>Talk:BackupDumperTestP1</title>
- <ns>1</ns>
- <id>' . ( $this->pageId4 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
- <revision>
- <id>' . ( $this->revId4_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
- <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <ip></ip>
- </contributor>
- <comment>Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1</comment>
- <sha1>nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe</sha1>
- <model>wikitext</model>
- <format>text/x-wiki</format>
- <text id="' . $this->textId4_1 . '" bytes="35" />
- </revision>
- </page>
- $content .= $page1 . $page2 . $page4;
- }
- $content .= $tail;
- $this->assertEquals( strlen( $content ), file_put_contents(
- $fname, $content ), "Length of prepared stub" );
- return $fname;
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_LogTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_LogTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d81653..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_LogTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * Tests for log dumps of BackupDumper
- *
- * @group Database
- * @group Dump
- */
-class BackupDumperLoggerTest extends DumpTestCase {
- // We'll add several log entries and users for this test. The following
- // variables hold the corresponding ids.
- private $userId1, $userId2;
- private $logId1, $logId2, $logId3;
- /**
- * adds a log entry to the database.
- *
- * @param $type string: type of the log entry
- * @param $subtype string: subtype of the log entry
- * @param $user User: user that performs the logged operation
- * @param $ns int: number of the namespace for the entry's target's title
- * @param $title string: title of the entry's target
- * @param $comment string: comment of the log entry
- * @param $parameters Array: (optional) accompanying data that is attached
- * to the entry
- *
- * @return int id of the added log entry
- */
- private function addLogEntry( $type, $subtype, User $user, $ns, $title,
- $comment = null, $parameters = null
- ) {
- $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( $type, $subtype );
- $logEntry->setPerformer( $user );
- $logEntry->setTarget( Title::newFromText( $title, $ns ) );
- if ( $comment !== null ) {
- $logEntry->setComment( $comment );
- }
- if ( $parameters !== null ) {
- $logEntry->setParameters( $parameters );
- }
- return $logEntry->insert();
- }
- function addDBData() {
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'logging';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'user';
- try {
- $user1 = User::newFromName( 'BackupDumperLogUserA' );
- $this->userId1 = $user1->getId();
- if ( $this->userId1 === 0 ) {
- $user1->addToDatabase();
- $this->userId1 = $user1->getId();
- }
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->userId1 );
- $user2 = User::newFromName( 'BackupDumperLogUserB' );
- $this->userId2 = $user2->getId();
- if ( $this->userId2 === 0 ) {
- $user2->addToDatabase();
- $this->userId2 = $user2->getId();
- }
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->userId2 );
- $this->logId1 = $this->addLogEntry( 'type', 'subtype',
- $user1, NS_MAIN, "PageA" );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId1 );
- $this->logId2 = $this->addLogEntry( 'supress', 'delete',
- $user2, NS_TALK, "PageB", "SomeComment" );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId2 );
- $this->logId3 = $this->addLogEntry( 'move', 'delete',
- $user2, NS_MAIN, "PageA", "SomeOtherComment",
- array( 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ) );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $this->logId3 );
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
- // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see
- // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in
- // DumpTestCase
- $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e;
- }
- }
- /**
- * asserts that the xml reader is at the beginning of a log entry and skips over
- * it while analyzing it.
- *
- * @param $id int: id of the log entry
- * @param $user_name string: user name of the log entry's performer
- * @param $user_id int: user id of the log entry 's performer
- * @param $comment string|null: comment of the log entry. If null, the comment
- * text is ignored.
- * @param $type string: type of the log entry
- * @param $subtype string: subtype of the log entry
- * @param $title string: title of the log entry's target
- * @param $parameters array: (optional) unserialized data accompanying the log entry
- */
- private function assertLogItem( $id, $user_name, $user_id, $comment, $type,
- $subtype, $title, $parameters = array()
- ) {
- $this->assertNodeStart( "logitem" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "id", $id );
- $this->assertTextNode( "timestamp", false );
- $this->assertNodeStart( "contributor" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertTextNode( "username", $user_name );
- $this->assertTextNode( "id", $user_id );
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "contributor" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- if ( $comment !== null ) {
- $this->assertTextNode( "comment", $comment );
- }
- $this->assertTextNode( "type", $type );
- $this->assertTextNode( "action", $subtype );
- $this->assertTextNode( "logtitle", $title );
- $this->assertNodeStart( "params" );
- $parameters_xml = unserialize( $this->xml->value );
- $this->assertEquals( $parameters, $parameters_xml );
- $this->assertTrue( $this->xml->read(), "Skipping past processed text of params" );
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "params" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- $this->assertNodeEnd( "logitem" );
- $this->skipWhitespace();
- }
- function testPlain() {
- global $wgContLang;
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=file:" . $fname ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->logId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->logId3 + 1;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::LOGS, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- // Analyzing the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId1, "BackupDumperLogUserA",
- $this->userId1, null, "type", "subtype", "PageA" );
- $this->assertNotNull( $wgContLang, "Content language object validation" );
- $namespace = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_TALK );
- $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $namespace );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, strlen( $namespace ) );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId2, "BackupDumperLogUserB",
- $this->userId2, "SomeComment", "supress", "delete",
- $namespace . ":PageB" );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId3, "BackupDumperLogUserB",
- $this->userId2, "SomeOtherComment", "move", "delete",
- "PageA", array( 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ) );
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testXmlDumpsBackupUseCaseLogging() {
- global $wgContLang;
- $this->checkHasGzip();
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=gzip:" . $fname,
- "--reporting=2" ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->logId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->logId3 + 1;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // xmldumps-backup demands reporting, although this is currently not
- // implemented in BackupDumper, when dumping logging data. We
- // nevertheless capture the output of the dump process already now,
- // to be able to alert (once dumping produces reports) that this test
- // needs updates.
- $dumper->stderr = fopen( 'php://output', 'a' );
- if ( $dumper->stderr === false ) {
- $this->fail( "Could not open stream for stderr" );
- }
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::LOGS, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- $this->assertTrue( fclose( $dumper->stderr ), "Closing stderr handle" );
- // Analyzing the dumped data
- $this->gunzip( $fname );
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId1, "BackupDumperLogUserA",
- $this->userId1, null, "type", "subtype", "PageA" );
- $this->assertNotNull( $wgContLang, "Content language object validation" );
- $namespace = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_TALK );
- $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $namespace );
- $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, strlen( $namespace ) );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId2, "BackupDumperLogUserB",
- $this->userId2, "SomeComment", "supress", "delete",
- $namespace . ":PageB" );
- $this->assertLogItem( $this->logId3, "BackupDumperLogUserB",
- $this->userId2, "SomeOtherComment", "move", "delete",
- "PageA", array( 'key1' => 1, 3 => 'value3' ) );
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- // Currently, no reporting is implemented. Alert via failure, once
- // this changes.
- // If reporting for log dumps has been implemented, please update
- // the following statement to catch good output
- $this->expectOutputString( '' );
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_PageTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_PageTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 99bd2700..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/backup_PageTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
- * Tests for page dumps of BackupDumper
- *
- * @group Database
- * @group Dump
- */
-class BackupDumperPageTest extends DumpTestCase {
- // We'll add several pages, revision and texts. The following variables hold the
- // corresponding ids.
- private $pageId1, $pageId2, $pageId3, $pageId4, $pageId5;
- private $pageTitle1, $pageTitle2, $pageTitle3, $pageTitle4, $pageTitle5;
- private $revId1_1, $textId1_1;
- private $revId2_1, $textId2_1, $revId2_2, $textId2_2;
- private $revId2_3, $textId2_3, $revId2_4, $textId2_4;
- private $revId3_1, $textId3_1, $revId3_2, $textId3_2;
- private $revId4_1, $textId4_1;
- private $namespace, $talk_namespace;
- function addDBData() {
- // be sure, titles created here using english namespace names
- $this->setMwGlobals( array(
- 'wgLanguageCode' => 'en',
- 'wgContLang' => Language::factory( 'en' ),
- ) );
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'page';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'revision';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'text';
- try {
- $this->namespace = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS();
- $this->talk_namespace = NS_TALK;
- if ( $this->namespace === $this->talk_namespace ) {
- // @todo work around this.
- throw new MWException( "The default wikitext namespace is the talk namespace. "
- . " We can't currently deal with that." );
- }
- $this->pageTitle1 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $this->namespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle1 );
- list( $this->revId1_1, $this->textId1_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1" );
- $this->pageId1 = $page->getId();
- $this->pageTitle2 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP2', $this->namespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle2 );
- list( $this->revId2_1, $this->textId2_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
- list( $this->revId2_2, $this->textId2_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
- list( $this->revId2_3, $this->textId2_3 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3" );
- list( $this->revId2_4, $this->textId2_4 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text ",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra " );
- $this->pageId2 = $page->getId();
- $this->pageTitle3 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP3', $this->namespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle3 );
- list( $this->revId3_1, $this->textId3_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP3Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
- list( $this->revId3_2, $this->textId3_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "BackupDumperTestP3Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
- $this->pageId3 = $page->getId();
- $page->doDeleteArticle( "Testing ;)" );
- $this->pageTitle4 = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $this->talk_namespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $this->pageTitle4 );
- list( $this->revId4_1, $this->textId4_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1",
- "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1" );
- $this->pageId4 = $page->getId();
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
- // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see
- // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in
- // DumpTestCase
- $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e;
- }
- }
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- // Since we will restrict dumping by page ranges (to allow
- // working tests, even if the db gets prepopulated by a base
- // class), we have to assert, that the page id are consecutively
- // increasing
- $this->assertEquals(
- array( $this->pageId2, $this->pageId3, $this->pageId4 ),
- array( $this->pageId1 + 1, $this->pageId2 + 1, $this->pageId3 + 1 ),
- "Page ids increasing without holes" );
- }
- function testFullTextPlain() {
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=file:" . $fname ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->pageId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->pageId4 + 1;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
- // Checking the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
- "BackupDumperTestP1Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, 23, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, 23, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, 23, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", $this->revId2_2 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
- "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
- "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testFullStubPlain() {
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=file:" . $fname ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->pageId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->pageId4 + 1;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::STUB );
- // Checking the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, 23, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, 23, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95", false, $this->revId2_1 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, 23, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r", false, $this->revId2_2 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testCurrentStubPlain() {
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=file:" . $fname ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->pageId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->pageId4 + 1;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::CURRENT, WikiExporter::STUB );
- // Checking the dumped data
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testCurrentStubGzip() {
- $this->checkHasGzip();
- // Preparing the dump
- $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=gzip:" . $fname ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->pageId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->pageId4 + 1;
- $dumper->reporting = false;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::CURRENT, WikiExporter::STUB );
- // Checking the dumped data
- $this->gunzip( $fname );
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fname );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- }
- function testXmlDumpsBackupUseCase() {
- // xmldumps-backup typically performs a single dump that that writes
- // out three files
- // * gzipped stubs of everything (meta-history)
- // * gzipped stubs of latest revisions of all pages (meta-current)
- // * gzipped stubs of latest revisions of all pages of namespage 0
- // (articles)
- //
- // We reproduce such a setup with our mini fixture, although we omit
- // chunks, and all the other gimmicks of xmldumps-backup.
- //
- $this->checkHasGzip();
- $fnameMetaHistory = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $fnameMetaCurrent = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $fnameArticles = $this->getNewTempFile();
- $dumper = new BackupDumper( array( "--output=gzip:" . $fnameMetaHistory,
- "--output=gzip:" . $fnameMetaCurrent, "--filter=latest",
- "--output=gzip:" . $fnameArticles, "--filter=latest",
- "--filter=notalk", "--filter=namespace:!NS_USER",
- "--reporting=1000" ) );
- $dumper->startId = $this->pageId1;
- $dumper->endId = $this->pageId4 + 1;
- $dumper->setDb( $this->db );
- // xmldumps-backup uses reporting. We will not check the exact reported
- // message, as they are dependent on the processing power of the used
- // computer. We only check that reporting does not crash the dumping
- // and that something is reported
- $dumper->stderr = fopen( 'php://output', 'a' );
- if ( $dumper->stderr === false ) {
- $this->fail( "Could not open stream for stderr" );
- }
- // Performing the dump
- $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::STUB );
- $this->assertTrue( fclose( $dumper->stderr ), "Closing stderr handle" );
- // Checking meta-history -------------------------------------------------
- $this->gunzip( $fnameMetaHistory );
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fnameMetaHistory );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
- $this->textId2_1, 23, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2" );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
- $this->textId2_2, 23, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95", false, $this->revId2_1 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
- $this->textId2_3, 23, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r", false, $this->revId2_2 );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- // Checking meta-current -------------------------------------------------
- $this->gunzip( $fnameMetaCurrent );
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fnameMetaCurrent );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, $this->talk_namespace, $this->pageTitle4->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
- $this->textId4_1, 35, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- // Checking articles -------------------------------------------------
- $this->gunzip( $fnameArticles );
- $this->assertDumpStart( $fnameArticles );
- // Page 1
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle1->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
- $this->textId1_1, 23, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87" );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 2
- $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, $this->namespace, $this->pageTitle2->getPrefixedText() );
- $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
- $this->textId2_4, 44, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv", false, $this->revId2_3 );
- $this->assertPageEnd();
- // Page 3
- // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
- // Page 4
- // -> Page is not in $this->namespace. Hence not visible
- $this->assertDumpEnd();
- $this->expectETAOutput();
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/fetchTextTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/fetchTextTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e8df199e..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/fetchTextTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../maintenance/fetchText.php";
- * Mock for the input/output of FetchText
- *
- * FetchText internally tries to access stdin and stdout. We mock those aspects
- * for testing.
- */
-class SemiMockedFetchText extends FetchText {
- /**
- * @var String|null Text to pass as stdin
- */
- private $mockStdinText = null;
- /**
- * @var bool Whether or not a text for stdin has been provided
- */
- private $mockSetUp = false;
- /**
- * @var Array Invocation counters for the mocked aspects
- */
- private $mockInvocations = array( 'getStdin' => 0 );
- /**
- * Data for the fake stdin
- *
- * @param $stdin String The string to be used instead of stdin
- */
- function mockStdin( $stdin ) {
- $this->mockStdinText = $stdin;
- $this->mockSetUp = true;
- }
- /**
- * Gets invocation counters for mocked methods.
- *
- * @return Array An array, whose keys are function names. The corresponding values
- * denote the number of times the function has been invoked.
- */
- function mockGetInvocations() {
- return $this->mockInvocations;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Mocked functions from FetchText follow.
- function getStdin( $len = null ) {
- $this->mockInvocations['getStdin']++;
- if ( $len !== null ) {
- throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException(
- "Tried to get stdin with non null parameter" );
- }
- if ( !$this->mockSetUp ) {
- throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException(
- "Tried to get stdin before setting up rerouting" );
- }
- return fopen( 'data://text/plain,' . $this->mockStdinText, 'r' );
- }
- * TestCase for FetchText
- *
- * @group Database
- * @group Dump
- */
-class FetchTextTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- // We add 5 Revisions for this test. Their corresponding text id's
- // are stored in the following 5 variables.
- private $textId1;
- private $textId2;
- private $textId3;
- private $textId4;
- private $textId5;
- /**
- * @var Exception|null As the current MediaWikiTestCase::run is not
- * robust enough to recover from thrown exceptions directly, we cannot
- * throw frow within addDBData, although it would be appropriate. Hence,
- * we catch the exception and store it until we are in setUp and may
- * finally rethrow the exception without crashing the test suite.
- */
- private $exceptionFromAddDBData;
- /**
- * @var FetchText the (mocked) FetchText that is to test
- */
- private $fetchText;
- /**
- * Adds a revision to a page, while returning the resuting text's id
- *
- * @param $page WikiPage The page to add the revision to
- * @param $text String The revisions text
- * @param $text String The revisions summare
- *
- * @throws MWExcepion
- */
- private function addRevision( $page, $text, $summary ) {
- $status = $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle() ), $summary );
- if ( $status->isGood() ) {
- $value = $status->getValue();
- $revision = $value['revision'];
- $id = $revision->getTextId();
- if ( $id > 0 ) {
- return $id;
- }
- }
- throw new MWException( "Could not determine text id" );
- }
- function addDBData() {
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'page';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'revision';
- $this->tablesUsed[] = 'text';
- $wikitextNamespace = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS();
- try {
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'FetchTextTestPage1', $wikitextNamespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- $this->textId1 = $this->addRevision( $page, "FetchTextTestPage1Text1", "FetchTextTestPage1Summary1" );
- $title = Title::newFromText( 'FetchTextTestPage2', $wikitextNamespace );
- $page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
- $this->textId2 = $this->addRevision( $page, "FetchTextTestPage2Text1", "FetchTextTestPage2Summary1" );
- $this->textId3 = $this->addRevision( $page, "FetchTextTestPage2Text2", "FetchTextTestPage2Summary2" );
- $this->textId4 = $this->addRevision( $page, "FetchTextTestPage2Text3", "FetchTextTestPage2Summary3" );
- $this->textId5 = $this->addRevision( $page, "FetchTextTestPage2Text4 some additional Text ", "FetchTextTestPage2Summary4 extra " );
- } catch ( Exception $e ) {
- // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see
- // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData
- $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e;
- }
- }
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- // Check if any Exception is stored for rethrowing from addDBData
- if ( $this->exceptionFromAddDBData !== null ) {
- throw $this->exceptionFromAddDBData;
- }
- $this->fetchText = new SemiMockedFetchText();
- }
- /**
- * Helper to relate FetchText's input and output
- */
- private function assertFilter( $input, $expectedOutput ) {
- $this->fetchText->mockStdin( $input );
- $this->fetchText->execute();
- $invocations = $this->fetchText->mockGetInvocations();
- $this->assertEquals( 1, $invocations['getStdin'],
- "getStdin invocation counter" );
- $this->expectOutputString( $expectedOutput );
- }
- // Instead of the following functions, a data provider would be great.
- // However, as data providers are evaluated /before/ addDBData, a data
- // provider would not know the required ids.
- function testExistingSimple() {
- $this->assertFilter( $this->textId2,
- $this->textId2 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text1" );
- }
- function testExistingSimpleWithNewline() {
- $this->assertFilter( $this->textId2 . "\n",
- $this->textId2 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text1" );
- }
- function testExistingSeveral() {
- $this->assertFilter( "$this->textId1\n$this->textId5\n"
- . "$this->textId3\n$this->textId3",
- implode( "", array(
- $this->textId1 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage1Text1",
- $this->textId5 . "\n44\nFetchTextTestPage2Text4 "
- . "some additional Text",
- $this->textId3 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text2",
- $this->textId3 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text2"
- ) ) );
- }
- function testEmpty() {
- $this->assertFilter( "", null );
- }
- function testNonExisting() {
- $this->assertFilter( $this->textId5 + 10, ( $this->textId5 + 10 ) . "\n-1\n" );
- }
- function testNegativeInteger() {
- $this->assertFilter( "-42", "-42\n-1\n" );
- }
- function testFloatingPointNumberExisting() {
- // float -> int -> revision
- $this->assertFilter( $this->textId3 + 0.14159,
- $this->textId3 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text2" );
- }
- function testFloatingPointNumberNonExisting() {
- $this->assertFilter( $this->textId5 + 3.14159,
- ( $this->textId5 + 3 ) . "\n-1\n" );
- }
- function testCharacters() {
- $this->assertFilter( "abc", "0\n-1\n" );
- }
- function testMix() {
- $this->assertFilter( "ab\n" . $this->textId4 . ".5cd\n\nefg\n" . $this->textId2
- . "\n" . $this->textId3,
- implode( "", array(
- "0\n-1\n",
- $this->textId4 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text3",
- "0\n-1\n",
- "0\n-1\n",
- $this->textId2 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text1",
- $this->textId3 . "\n23\nFetchTextTestPage2Text2"
- ) ) );
- }
diff --git a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/getSlaveServerTest.php b/tests/phpunit/maintenance/getSlaveServerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c848862..00000000
--- a/tests/phpunit/maintenance/getSlaveServerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../maintenance/getSlaveServer.php";
- * Tests for getSlaveServer
- *
- * @group Database
- */
-class GetSlaveServerTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
- /**
- * Yields a regular expression that matches a good DB server name
- *
- * It matches IPs or hostnames, both optionally followed by a
- * port specification
- *
- * @return String the regular expression
- */
- private function getServerRE() {
- if ( $this->db->getType() === 'sqlite' ) {
- // for SQLite, only the empty string is a good server name
- return '';
- }
- $octet = '([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])';
- $ip = "(($octet\.){3}$octet)";
- $label = '([a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)';
- $hostname = "($label(\.$label)*)";
- return "($ip|$hostname)(:[0-9]{1,5})?";
- }
- function testPlain() {
- $gss = new GetSlaveServer();
- $gss->execute();
- $this->expectOutputRegex( "/^" . self::getServerRE() . "\n$/D" );
- }
- function testXmlDumpsBackupUseCase() {
- global $wgDBprefix;
- global $argv;
- $argv = array( null, "--globals" );
- $gss = new GetSlaveServer();
- $gss->loadParamsAndArgs();
- $gss->execute();
- $gss->globals();
- // The main answer
- $output = $this->getActualOutput();
- $firstLineEndPos = strpos( $output, "\n" );
- if ( $firstLineEndPos === false ) {
- $this->fail( "Could not find end of first line of output" );
- }
- $firstLine = substr( $output, 0, $firstLineEndPos );
- $this->assertRegExp( "/^" . self::getServerRE() . "$/D",
- $firstLine, "DB Server" );
- // xmldumps-backup relies on the wgDBprefix in the output.
- $this->expectOutputRegex( "/^[[:space:]]*\[wgDBprefix\][[:space:]]*=> "
- . $wgDBprefix . "$/m" );
- }