path: root/tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2013-09-04 05:51:59 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2013-09-04 05:51:59 +0200
commit91e194556c52d2f354344f930419eef2dd6267f0 (patch)
tree0cd12490d3cd3499274017c9b799d0f738d3719e /tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js
parent08aa4418c30cfc18ccc69a0f0f9cb9e17be6c196 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.21.2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js')
1 files changed, 1128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js b/tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..307b0440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qunit/suites/resources/jquery/jquery.tablesorter.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+( function ( $, mw ) {
+ /*jshint onevar: false */
+ var config = {
+ wgMonthNames: ['', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
+ wgMonthNamesShort: ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
+ wgDefaultDateFormat: 'dmy',
+ wgContentLanguage: 'en'
+ };
+ QUnit.module( 'jquery.tablesorter', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { config: config } ) );
+ /**
+ * Create an HTML table from an array of row arrays containing text strings.
+ * First row will be header row. No fancy rowspan/colspan stuff.
+ *
+ * @param {String[]} header
+ * @param {String[][]} data
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+ function tableCreate( header, data ) {
+ var i,
+ $table = $( '<table class="sortable"><thead></thead><tbody></tbody></table>' ),
+ $thead = $table.find( 'thead' ),
+ $tbody = $table.find( 'tbody' ),
+ $tr = $( '<tr>' );
+ $.each( header, function ( i, str ) {
+ var $th = $( '<th>' );
+ $th.text( str ).appendTo( $tr );
+ } );
+ $tr.appendTo( $thead );
+ for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
+ /*jshint loopfunc: true */
+ $tr = $( '<tr>' );
+ $.each( data[i], function ( j, str ) {
+ var $td = $( '<td>' );
+ $td.text( str ).appendTo( $tr );
+ } );
+ $tr.appendTo( $tbody );
+ }
+ return $table;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract text from table.
+ *
+ * @param {jQuery} $table
+ * @return String[][]
+ */
+ function tableExtract( $table ) {
+ var data = [];
+ $table.find( 'tbody' ).find( 'tr' ).each( function ( i, tr ) {
+ var row = [];
+ $( tr ).find( 'td,th' ).each( function ( i, td ) {
+ row.push( $( td ).text() );
+ } );
+ data.push( row );
+ } );
+ return data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a table test by building a table with the given data,
+ * running some callback on it, then checking the results.
+ *
+ * @param {String} msg text to pass on to qunit for the comparison
+ * @param {String[]} header cols to make the table
+ * @param {String[][]} data rows/cols to make the table
+ * @param {String[][]} expected rows/cols to compare against at end
+ * @param {function($table)} callback something to do with the table before we compare
+ */
+ function tableTest( msg, header, data, expected, callback ) {
+ QUnit.test( msg, 1, function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = tableCreate( header, data );
+ // Give caller a chance to set up sorting and manipulate the table.
+ callback( $table );
+ // Table sorting is done synchronously; if it ever needs to change back
+ // to asynchronous, we'll need a timeout or a callback here.
+ var extracted = tableExtract( $table );
+ assert.deepEqual( extracted, expected, msg );
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a table test by building a table with the given HTML,
+ * running some callback on it, then checking the results.
+ *
+ * @param {String} msg text to pass on to qunit for the comparison
+ * @param {String} HTML to make the table
+ * @param {String[][]} expected rows/cols to compare against at end
+ * @param {function($table)} callback something to do with the table before we compare
+ */
+ function tableTestHTML( msg, html, expected, callback ) {
+ QUnit.test( msg, 1, function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = $( html );
+ // Give caller a chance to set up sorting and manipulate the table.
+ if ( callback ) {
+ callback( $table );
+ } else {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '#sortme' ).click();
+ }
+ // Table sorting is done synchronously; if it ever needs to change back
+ // to asynchronous, we'll need a timeout or a callback here.
+ var extracted = tableExtract( $table );
+ assert.deepEqual( extracted, expected, msg );
+ } );
+ }
+ function reversed( arr ) {
+ // Clone array
+ var arr2 = arr.slice( 0 );
+ arr2.reverse();
+ return arr2;
+ }
+ // Sample data set using planets named and their radius
+ var header = [ 'Planet' , 'Radius (km)'],
+ mercury = [ 'Mercury', '2439.7' ],
+ venus = [ 'Venus' , '6051.8' ],
+ earth = [ 'Earth' , '6371.0' ],
+ mars = [ 'Mars' , '3390.0' ],
+ jupiter = [ 'Jupiter', '69911' ],
+ saturn = [ 'Saturn' , '58232' ];
+ // Initial data set
+ var planets = [mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn];
+ var ascendingName = [earth, jupiter, mars, mercury, saturn, venus];
+ var ascendingRadius = [mercury, mars, venus, earth, saturn, jupiter];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: sorting initially - ascending by name',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ ascendingName,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter( { sortList: [
+ { 0: 'asc' }
+ ] } );
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: sorting initially - descending by radius',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ reversed( ascendingRadius ),
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter( { sortList: [
+ { 1: 'desc' }
+ ] } );
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: ascending by name',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ ascendingName,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: ascending by name a second time',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ ascendingName,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: descending by name',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ reversed( ascendingName ),
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click().click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: ascending radius',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ ascendingRadius,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(1)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: descending radius',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ reversed( ascendingRadius ),
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(1)' ).click().click();
+ }
+ );
+ // Sample data set to test multiple column sorting
+ header = [ 'column1' , 'column2'];
+ var
+ a1 = [ 'A', '1' ],
+ a2 = [ 'A', '2' ],
+ a3 = [ 'A', '3' ],
+ b1 = [ 'B', '1' ],
+ b2 = [ 'B', '2' ],
+ b3 = [ 'B', '3' ];
+ var initial = [a2, b3, a1, a3, b2, b1];
+ var asc = [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3];
+ var descasc = [b1, b2, b3, a1, a2, a3];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Sorting multiple columns by passing sort list',
+ header,
+ initial,
+ asc,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter(
+ { sortList: [
+ { 0: 'asc' },
+ { 1: 'asc' }
+ ] }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Sorting multiple columns by programmatically triggering sort()',
+ header,
+ initial,
+ descasc,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $ 'tablesorter' ).sort(
+ [
+ { 0: 'desc' },
+ { 1: 'asc' }
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Reset to initial sorting by triggering sort() without any parameters',
+ header,
+ initial,
+ asc,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter(
+ { sortList: [
+ { 0: 'asc' },
+ { 1: 'asc' }
+ ] }
+ );
+ $ 'tablesorter' ).sort(
+ [
+ { 0: 'desc' },
+ { 1: 'asc' }
+ ]
+ );
+ $ 'tablesorter' ).sort();
+ }
+ );
+ QUnit.test( 'Reset sorting making table appear unsorted', 3, function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = tableCreate( header, initial );
+ $table.tablesorter(
+ { sortList: [
+ { 0: 'desc' },
+ { 1: 'asc' }
+ ] }
+ );
+ $ 'tablesorter' ).sort( [] );
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'th.headerSortUp' ).length + $table.find( 'th.headerSortDown' ).length,
+ 0,
+ 'No sort specific sort classes addign to header cells'
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'th' ).first().attr( 'title' ),
+ mw.msg( 'sort-ascending' ),
+ 'First header cell has default title'
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'th' ).first().attr( 'title' ),
+ $table.find( 'th' ).last().attr( 'title' ),
+ 'Both header cells\' titles match'
+ );
+ } );
+ // Sorting with colspans
+ header = [ 'column1a' , 'column1b', 'column1c', 'column2' ];
+ var
+ aaa1 = [ 'A', 'A', 'A', '1' ],
+ aab5 = [ 'A', 'A', 'B', '5' ],
+ abc3 = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', '3' ],
+ bbc2 = [ 'B', 'B', 'C', '2' ],
+ caa4 = [ 'C', 'A', 'A', '4' ];
+ // initial is already declared above
+ initial = [ aab5, aaa1, abc3, bbc2, caa4 ];
+ tableTest( 'Sorting with colspanned headers: spanned column',
+ header,
+ initial,
+ [ aaa1, aab5, abc3, bbc2, caa4 ],
+ function ( $table ) {
+ // Make colspanned header for test
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(0) th:eq(1), tr:eq(0) th:eq(2)' ).remove();
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)' ).prop( 'colspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest( 'Sorting with colspanned headers: subsequent column',
+ header,
+ initial,
+ [ aaa1, bbc2, abc3, caa4, aab5 ],
+ function ( $table ) {
+ // Make colspanned header for test
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(0) th:eq(1), tr:eq(0) th:eq(2)' ).remove();
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(0) th:eq(0)' ).prop( 'colspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(1)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ // Regression tests!
+ tableTest(
+ 'Bug 28775: German-style (dmy) short numeric dates',
+ ['Date'],
+ [
+ // German-style dates are day-month-year
+ ['11.11.2011'],
+ ['01.11.2011'],
+ ['02.10.2011'],
+ ['03.08.2011'],
+ ['09.11.2011']
+ ],
+ [
+ // Sorted by ascending date
+ ['03.08.2011'],
+ ['02.10.2011'],
+ ['01.11.2011'],
+ ['09.11.2011'],
+ ['11.11.2011']
+ ],
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'wgDefaultDateFormat', 'dmy' );
+ mw.config.set( 'wgContentLanguage', 'de' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Bug 28775: American-style (mdy) short numeric dates',
+ ['Date'],
+ [
+ // American-style dates are month-day-year
+ ['11.11.2011'],
+ ['01.11.2011'],
+ ['02.10.2011'],
+ ['03.08.2011'],
+ ['09.11.2011']
+ ],
+ [
+ // Sorted by ascending date
+ ['01.11.2011'],
+ ['02.10.2011'],
+ ['03.08.2011'],
+ ['09.11.2011'],
+ ['11.11.2011']
+ ],
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'wgDefaultDateFormat', 'mdy' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ var ipv4 = [
+ // Some randomly generated fake IPs
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ ['']
+ ];
+ var ipv4Sorted = [
+ // Sort order should go octet by octet
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ [''],
+ ['']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Bug 17141: IPv4 address sorting',
+ ['IP'],
+ ipv4,
+ ipv4Sorted,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Bug 17141: IPv4 address sorting (reverse)',
+ ['IP'],
+ ipv4,
+ reversed( ipv4Sorted ),
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click().click();
+ }
+ );
+ var umlautWords = [
+ // Some words with Umlauts
+ ['Günther'],
+ ['Peter'],
+ ['Björn'],
+ ['Bjorn'],
+ ['Apfel'],
+ ['Äpfel'],
+ ['Strasse'],
+ ['Sträßschen']
+ ];
+ var umlautWordsSorted = [
+ // Some words with Umlauts
+ ['Äpfel'],
+ ['Apfel'],
+ ['Björn'],
+ ['Bjorn'],
+ ['Günther'],
+ ['Peter'],
+ ['Sträßschen'],
+ ['Strasse']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Accented Characters with custom collation',
+ ['Name'],
+ umlautWords,
+ umlautWordsSorted,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'tableSorterCollation', {
+ 'ä': 'ae',
+ 'ö': 'oe',
+ 'ß': 'ss',
+ 'ü': 'ue'
+ } );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ QUnit.test( 'Rowspan not exploded on init', 1, function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = tableCreate( header, planets );
+ // Modify the table to have a multiple-row-spanning cell:
+ // - Remove 2nd cell of 4th row, and, 2nd cell or 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(3) td:eq(1), tr:eq(4) td:eq(1)' ).remove();
+ // - Set rowspan for 2nd cell of 3rd row to 3.
+ // This covers the removed cell in the 4th and 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)' ).prop( 'rowspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)' ).prop( 'rowspan' ),
+ 3,
+ 'Rowspan not exploded'
+ );
+ } );
+ var planetsRowspan = [
+ [ 'Earth', '6051.8' ],
+ jupiter,
+ [ 'Mars', '6051.8' ],
+ mercury,
+ saturn,
+ venus
+ ];
+ var planetsRowspanII = [ jupiter, mercury, saturn, venus, [ 'Venus', '6371.0' ], [ 'Venus', '3390.0' ] ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: same value for multiple rows via rowspan',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ planetsRowspan,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ // Modify the table to have a multiple-row-spanning cell:
+ // - Remove 2nd cell of 4th row, and, 2nd cell or 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(3) td:eq(1), tr:eq(4) td:eq(1)' ).remove();
+ // - Set rowspan for 2nd cell of 3rd row to 3.
+ // This covers the removed cell in the 4th and 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)' ).prop( 'rowspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: same value for multiple rows via rowspan (sorting initially)',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ planetsRowspan,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ // Modify the table to have a multiple-row-spanning cell:
+ // - Remove 2nd cell of 4th row, and, 2nd cell or 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(3) td:eq(1), tr:eq(4) td:eq(1)' ).remove();
+ // - Set rowspan for 2nd cell of 3rd row to 3.
+ // This covers the removed cell in the 4th and 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)' ).prop( 'rowspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter( { sortList: [
+ { 0: 'asc' }
+ ] } );
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest(
+ 'Basic planet table: Same value for multiple rows via rowspan II',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ planetsRowspanII,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ // Modify the table to have a multiple-row-spanning cell:
+ // - Remove 1st cell of 4th row, and, 1st cell or 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(3) td:eq(0), tr:eq(4) td:eq(0)' ).remove();
+ // - Set rowspan for 1st cell of 3rd row to 3.
+ // This covers the removed cell in the 4th and 5th row.
+ $table.find( 'tr:eq(2) td:eq(0)' ).prop( 'rowspan', '3' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ var complexMDYDates = [
+ // Some words with Umlauts
+ ['January, 19 2010'],
+ ['April 21 1991'],
+ ['04 22 1991'],
+ ['5.12.1990'],
+ ['December 12 \'10']
+ ];
+ var complexMDYSorted = [
+ ['5.12.1990'],
+ ['April 21 1991'],
+ ['04 22 1991'],
+ ['January, 19 2010'],
+ ['December 12 \'10']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Complex date parsing I',
+ ['date'],
+ complexMDYDates,
+ complexMDYSorted,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'wgDefaultDateFormat', 'mdy' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ var currencyUnsorted = [
+ ['1.02 $'],
+ ['$ 3.00'],
+ ['€ 2,99'],
+ ['$ 1.00'],
+ ['$3.50'],
+ ['$ 1.50'],
+ ['€ 0.99']
+ ];
+ var currencySorted = [
+ ['€ 0.99'],
+ ['$ 1.00'],
+ ['1.02 $'],
+ ['$ 1.50'],
+ ['$ 3.00'],
+ ['$3.50'],
+ // Comma's sort after dots
+ // Not intentional but test to detect changes
+ ['€ 2,99']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Currency parsing I',
+ ['currency'],
+ currencyUnsorted,
+ currencySorted,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ var ascendingNameLegacy = ascendingName.slice( 0 );
+ ascendingNameLegacy[4] = ascendingNameLegacy[5];
+ ascendingNameLegacy.pop();
+ tableTest(
+ 'Legacy compat with .sortbottom',
+ header,
+ planets,
+ ascendingNameLegacy,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.find( 'tr:last' ).addClass( 'sortbottom' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ QUnit.test( 'Test detection routine', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table;
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<caption>CAPTION</caption>' +
+ '<tr><th>THEAD</th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr class="sortbottom"><td>text</td></tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ assert.equal(
+ $ 'tablesorter' ).config.parsers[0].id,
+ 'number',
+ 'Correctly detected column content skipping sortbottom'
+ );
+ } );
+ /** FIXME: the diff output is not very readeable. */
+ QUnit.test( 'bug 32047 - caption must be before thead', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table;
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<caption>CAPTION</caption>' +
+ '<tr><th>THEAD</th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>A</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>B</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr class="sortbottom"><td>TFOOT</td></tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.children().get( 0 ).nodeName,
+ 'First element after <thead> must be <caption> (bug 32047)'
+ );
+ } );
+ QUnit.test( 'data-sort-value attribute, when available, should override sorting position', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table, data;
+ // Example 1: All cells except one cell without data-sort-value,
+ // which should be sorted at it's text content value.
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable"><thead><tr><th>Data</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>Cheetah</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="Apple">Bird</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="Bananna">Ferret</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="Drupe">Elephant</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="Cherry">Dolphin</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter().find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ data = [];
+ $table.find( 'tbody > tr' ).each( function ( i, tr ) {
+ $( tr ).find( 'td' ).each( function ( i, td ) {
+ data.push( {
+ data: $( td ).data( 'sortValue' ),
+ text: $( td ).text()
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ assert.deepEqual( data, [
+ {
+ data: 'Apple',
+ text: 'Bird'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 'Bananna',
+ text: 'Ferret'
+ },
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'Cheetah'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 'Cherry',
+ text: 'Dolphin'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 'Drupe',
+ text: 'Elephant'
+ }
+ ], 'Order matches expected order (based on data-sort-value attribute values)' );
+ // Example 2
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable"><thead><tr><th>Data</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>D</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="E">A</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>B</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>G</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="F">C</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter().find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ data = [];
+ $table.find( 'tbody > tr' ).each( function ( i, tr ) {
+ $( tr ).find( 'td' ).each( function ( i, td ) {
+ data.push( {
+ data: $( td ).data( 'sortValue' ),
+ text: $( td ).text()
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ assert.deepEqual( data, [
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'B'
+ },
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'D'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 'E',
+ text: 'A'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 'F',
+ text: 'C'
+ },
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'G'
+ }
+ ], 'Order matches expected order (based on data-sort-value attribute values)' );
+ // Example 3: Test that live changes are used from data-sort-value,
+ // even if they change after the tablesorter is constructed (bug 38152).
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable"><thead><tr><th>Data</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>D</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="1">A</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>B</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td data-sort-value="2">G</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>C</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>'
+ );
+ // initialize table sorter and sort once
+ $table
+ .tablesorter()
+ .find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ // Change the sortValue data properties (bug 38152)
+ // - change data
+ $table.find( 'td:contains(A)' ).data( 'sortValue', 3 );
+ // - add data
+ $table.find( 'td:contains(B)' ).data( 'sortValue', 1 );
+ // - remove data, bring back attribute: 2
+ $table.find( 'td:contains(G)' ).removeData( 'sortValue' );
+ // Now sort again (twice, so it is back at Ascending)
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ data = [];
+ $table.find( 'tbody > tr' ).each( function ( i, tr ) {
+ $( tr ).find( 'td' ).each( function ( i, td ) {
+ data.push( {
+ data: $( td ).data( 'sortValue' ),
+ text: $( td ).text()
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ assert.deepEqual( data, [
+ {
+ data: 1,
+ text: 'B'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 2,
+ text: 'G'
+ },
+ {
+ data: 3,
+ text: 'A'
+ },
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'C'
+ },
+ {
+ data: undefined,
+ text: 'D'
+ }
+ ], 'Order matches expected order, using the current sortValue in $.data()' );
+ } );
+ var numbers = [
+ [ '12' ],
+ [ '7' ],
+ [ '13,000'],
+ [ '9' ],
+ [ '14' ],
+ [ '8.0' ]
+ ];
+ var numbersAsc = [
+ [ '7' ],
+ [ '8.0' ],
+ [ '9' ],
+ [ '12' ],
+ [ '14' ],
+ [ '13,000']
+ ];
+ tableTest( 'bug 8115: sort numbers with commas (ascending)',
+ ['Numbers'], numbers, numbersAsc,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ tableTest( 'bug 8115: sort numbers with commas (descending)',
+ ['Numbers'], numbers, reversed( numbersAsc ),
+ function ( $table ) {
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click().click();
+ }
+ );
+ // TODO add numbers sorting tests for bug 8115 with a different language
+ QUnit.test( 'bug 32888 - Tables inside a tableheader cell', 2, function ( assert ) {
+ var $table;
+ $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable" id="mw-bug-32888">' +
+ '<tr><th>header<table id="mw-bug-32888-2">' +
+ '<tr><th>1</th><th>2</th></tr>' +
+ '</table></th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>A</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>B</td></tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( '> thead:eq(0) > tr > th.headerSort' ).length,
+ 1,
+ 'Child tables inside a headercell should not interfere with sortable headers (bug 32888)'
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ $( '#mw-bug-32888-2' ).find( 'th.headerSort' ).length,
+ 0,
+ 'The headers of child tables inside a headercell should not be sortable themselves (bug 32888)'
+ );
+ } );
+ var correctDateSorting1 = [
+ ['01 January 2010'],
+ ['05 February 2010'],
+ ['16 January 2010']
+ ];
+ var correctDateSortingSorted1 = [
+ ['01 January 2010'],
+ ['16 January 2010'],
+ ['05 February 2010']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Correct date sorting I',
+ ['date'],
+ correctDateSorting1,
+ correctDateSortingSorted1,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'wgDefaultDateFormat', 'mdy' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ var correctDateSorting2 = [
+ ['January 01 2010'],
+ ['February 05 2010'],
+ ['January 16 2010']
+ ];
+ var correctDateSortingSorted2 = [
+ ['January 01 2010'],
+ ['January 16 2010'],
+ ['February 05 2010']
+ ];
+ tableTest(
+ 'Correct date sorting II',
+ ['date'],
+ correctDateSorting2,
+ correctDateSortingSorted2,
+ function ( $table ) {
+ mw.config.set( 'wgDefaultDateFormat', 'dmy' );
+ $table.tablesorter();
+ $table.find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ }
+ );
+ QUnit.test( 'Sorting images using alt text', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<tr><th>THEAD</th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><img alt="2"/></td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td></tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter().find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'td' ).first().text(),
+ '1',
+ 'Applied correct sorting order'
+ );
+ } );
+ QUnit.test( 'Sorting images using alt text (complex)', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<tr><th>THEAD</th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><img alt="D" />A</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>CC</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><a><img alt="A" /></a>F</tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><img alt="A" /><strong>E</strong></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><strong><img alt="A" />D</strong></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><img alt="A" />C</tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter().find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'td' ).text(),
+ 'Applied correct sorting order'
+ );
+ } );
+ QUnit.test( 'Sorting images using alt text (with format autodetection)', function ( assert ) {
+ var $table = $(
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<tr><th>THEAD</th></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td><img alt="1" />7</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>1<img alt="6" /></td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>5</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>4</td></tr>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ $table.tablesorter().find( '.headerSort:eq(0)' ).click();
+ assert.equal(
+ $table.find( 'td' ).text(),
+ '4517',
+ 'Applied correct sorting order'
+ );
+ } );
+ // bug 41889 - exploding rowspans in more complex cases
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with row headers',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><th rowspan="2">foo</th><td rowspan="2">bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '2', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with colspanned cells',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td>foo</td><td>bar</td><td rowspan="2">baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td colspan="2">foobar</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '2', 'foobar', 'baz' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with colspanned cells (2)',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th><th>quux</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td>foo</td><td>bar</td><td rowspan="2">baz</td><td>quux</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td colspan="2">foobar</td><td>quux</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux' ],
+ [ '2', 'foobar', 'baz', 'quux' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with rightmost rows spanning most',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo</th><th>bar</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td rowspan="2">foo</td><td rowspan="4">bar</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>3</td><td rowspan="2">foo</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>4</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo', 'bar' ],
+ [ '2', 'foo', 'bar' ],
+ [ '3', 'foo', 'bar' ],
+ [ '4', 'foo', 'bar' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with rightmost rows spanning most (2)',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td rowspan="2">foo</td><td rowspan="4">bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>3</td><td rowspan="2">foo</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>4</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '2', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '3', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '4', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with row-and-colspanned cells',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo1</th><th>foo2</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td rowspan="2">foo1</td><td rowspan="2">foo2</td><td rowspan="4">bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>3</td><td colspan="2" rowspan="2">foo</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>4</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '2', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '3', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '4', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
+ ]
+ );
+ tableTestHTML(
+ 'Rowspan exploding with uneven rowspan layout',
+ '<table class="sortable">' +
+ '<thead><tr><th id="sortme">n</th><th>foo1</th><th>foo2</th><th>foo3</th><th>bar</th><th>baz</th></tr></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr><td>1</td><td rowspan="2">foo1</td><td rowspan="2">foo2</td><td rowspan="2">foo3</td><td>bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>2</td><td rowspan="3">bar</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>3</td><td rowspan="2">foo1</td><td rowspan="2">foo2</td><td rowspan="2">foo3</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '<tr><td>4</td><td>baz</td></tr>' +
+ '</tbody></table>',
+ [
+ [ '1', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '2', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '3', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'bar', 'baz' ],
+ [ '4', 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'bar', 'baz' ]
+ ]
+ );
+}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );