path: root/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js
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authorLuke Shumaker <>2014-05-05 15:30:48 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2014-05-05 15:30:48 -0400
commit3d86add3dfa5e0b3ead9859593d4a52cf7555a34 (patch)
tree453d8bd3fda4dbb3020017ea1a469291da5cdc71 /tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js
parent064cec79ca4c8201de0d06bbca6cb7a5345d11be (diff)
parent2e44b49a2db3026050b136de9b00f749dd3ff939 (diff)
Merge branch 'archwiki'
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js b/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9216f0af..00000000
--- a/tests/qunit/suites/resources/mediawiki/mediawiki.util.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-( function ( mw, $ ) {
- QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.util', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( {
- setup: function () {
- this.taPrefix = mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix;
- mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-alt-';
- },
- teardown: function () {
- mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = this.taPrefix;
- }
- } ) );
- QUnit.test( 'rawurlencode', 1, function ( assert ) {
- assert.equal( mw.util.rawurlencode( 'Test:A & B/Here' ), 'Test%3AA%20%26%20B%2FHere' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'wikiUrlencode', 1, function ( assert ) {
- assert.equal( mw.util.wikiUrlencode( 'Test:A & B/Here' ), 'Test:A_%26_B/Here' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'getUrl', 4, function ( assert ) {
- // Not part of startUp module
- mw.config.set( 'wgArticlePath', '/wiki/$1' );
- mw.config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Foobar' );
- var href = mw.util.getUrl( 'Sandbox' );
- assert.equal( href, '/wiki/Sandbox', 'Simple title; Get link for "Sandbox"' );
- href = mw.util.getUrl( 'Foo:Sandbox ? 5+5=10 ! (test)/subpage' );
- assert.equal( href, '/wiki/Foo:Sandbox_%3F_5%2B5%3D10_%21_%28test%29/subpage',
- 'Advanced title; Get link for "Foo:Sandbox ? 5+5=10 ! (test)/subpage"' );
- href = mw.util.getUrl();
- assert.equal( href, '/wiki/Foobar', 'Default title; Get link for current page ("Foobar")' );
- href = mw.util.getUrl( 'Sandbox', { action: 'edit' } );
- assert.equal( href, '/wiki/Sandbox?action=edit',
- 'Simple title with query string; Get link for "Sandbox" with action=edit' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'wikiScript', 4, function ( assert ) {
- mw.config.set( {
- 'wgScript': '/w/i.php', // customized wgScript for bug 39103
- 'wgLoadScript': '/w/l.php', // customized wgLoadScript for bug 39103
- 'wgScriptPath': '/w',
- 'wgScriptExtension': '.php'
- } );
- assert.equal( mw.util.wikiScript(), mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ),
- 'wikiScript() returns wgScript'
- );
- assert.equal( mw.util.wikiScript( 'index' ), mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ),
- 'wikiScript( index ) returns wgScript'
- );
- assert.equal( mw.util.wikiScript( 'load' ), mw.config.get( 'wgLoadScript' ),
- 'wikiScript( load ) returns wgLoadScript'
- );
- assert.equal( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), '/w/api.php', 'API path' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'addCSS', 3, function ( assert ) {
- var $el, style;
- $el = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'mw-addcsstest' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
- style = mw.util.addCSS( '#mw-addcsstest { visibility: hidden; }' );
- assert.equal( typeof style, 'object', 'addCSS returned an object' );
- assert.strictEqual( style.disabled, false, 'property "disabled" is available and set to false' );
- assert.equal( $el.css( 'visibility' ), 'hidden', 'Added style properties are in effect' );
- // Clean up
- $( style.ownerNode ).remove();
- } );
- QUnit.asyncTest( 'toggleToc', 4, function ( assert ) {
- var tocHtml, $toggleLink;
- function actionC() {
- QUnit.start();
- }
- function actionB() {
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.toggleToc( $toggleLink, actionC ), true, 'Return boolean true if the TOC is now visible.' );
- }
- function actionA() {
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.toggleToc( $toggleLink, actionB ), false, 'Return boolean false if the TOC is now hidden.' );
- }
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.toggleToc(), null, 'Return null if there is no table of contents on the page.' );
- tocHtml = '<div id="toc" class="toc">' +
- '<div id="toctitle">' +
- '<h2>Contents</h2>' +
- '<span class="toctoggle">&nbsp;[<a href="#" class="internal" id="togglelink">Hide</a>&nbsp;]</span>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<ul><li></li></ul>' +
- '</div>';
- $( tocHtml ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
- $toggleLink = $( '#togglelink' );
- assert.strictEqual( $toggleLink.length, 1, 'Toggle link is appended to the page.' );
- actionA();
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'getParamValue', 5, function ( assert ) {
- var url;
- url = '';
- assert.equal( mw.util.getParamValue( 'foo', url ), 'right', 'Use latest one, ignore hash' );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.getParamValue( 'bar', url ), null, 'Return null when not found' );
- url = '';
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.getParamValue( 'foo', url ), null, 'Ignore hash if param is not in querystring but in hash (bug 27427)' );
- url = '' + $.param( { 'TEST': 'a b+c' } );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.getParamValue( 'TEST', url ), 'a b+c', 'Bug 30441: getParamValue must understand "+" encoding of space' );
- url = '' + $.param( { 'TEST': 'a b+c d' } ); // check for sloppy code from r95332 :)
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.getParamValue( 'TEST', url ), 'a b+c d', 'Bug 30441: getParamValue must understand "+" encoding of space (multiple spaces)' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'tooltipAccessKey', 4, function ( assert ) {
- assert.equal( typeof mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix, 'string', 'tooltipAccessKeyPrefix must be a string' );
- assert.equal( $.type( mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp ), 'regexp', 'tooltipAccessKeyRegexp is a regexp' );
- assert.ok( mw.util.updateTooltipAccessKeys, 'updateTooltipAccessKeys is non-empty' );
- 'Example [a]'.replace( mw.util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp, function ( sub, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 ) {
- assert.equal( m6, 'a', 'tooltipAccessKeyRegexp finds the accesskey hint' );
- } );
- } );
- QUnit.test( '$content', 2, function ( assert ) {
- assert.ok( mw.util.$content instanceof jQuery, 'mw.util.$content instance of jQuery' );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.$content.length, 1, 'mw.util.$content must have length of 1' );
- } );
- /**
- * Portlet names are prefixed with 'p-test' to avoid conflict with core
- * when running the test suite under a wiki page.
- * Previously, test elements where invisible to the selector since only
- * one element can have a given id.
- */
- QUnit.test( 'addPortletLink', 13, function ( assert ) {
- var pTestTb, pCustom, vectorTabs, tbRL, cuQuux, $cuQuux, tbMW, $tbMW, tbRLDM, caFoo,
- addedAfter, tbRLDMnonexistentid, tbRLDMemptyjquery;
- pTestTb = '\
- <div class="portlet" id="p-test-tb">\
- <h3>Toolbox</h3>\
- <ul class="body"></ul>\
- </div>';
- pCustom = '\
- <div class="portlet" id="p-test-custom">\
- <h3>Views</h3>\
- <ul class="body">\
- <li id="c-foo"><a href="#">Foo</a></li>\
- <li id="c-barmenu">\
- <ul>\
- <li id="c-bar-baz"><a href="#">Baz</a></a>\
- </ul>\
- </li>\
- </ul>\
- </div>';
- vectorTabs = '\
- <div id="p-test-views" class="vectorTabs">\
- <h3>Views</h3>\
- <ul></ul>\
- </div>';
- $( '#qunit-fixture' ).append( pTestTb, pCustom, vectorTabs );
- tbRL = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '//',
- 'ResourceLoader', 't-rl', 'More info about ResourceLoader on ', 'l'
- );
- assert.ok( $.isDomElement( tbRL ), 'addPortletLink returns a valid DOM Element according to $.isDomElement' );
- tbMW = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '//',
- '', 't-mworg', 'Go to ', 'm', tbRL );
- $tbMW = $( tbMW );
- assert.propEqual(
- $tbMW.getAttrs(),
- {
- id: 't-mworg'
- },
- 'Validate attributes of created element'
- );
- assert.propEqual(
- $tbMW.find( 'a' ).getAttrs(),
- {
- href: '//',
- title: 'Go to [ctrl-alt-m]',
- accesskey: 'm'
- },
- 'Validate attributes of anchor tag in created element'
- );
- assert.equal( $tbMW.closest( '.portlet' ).attr( 'id' ), 'p-test-tb', 'Link was inserted within correct portlet' );
- assert.strictEqual( $[0], tbRL, 'Link is in the correct position (by passing nextnode)' );
- cuQuux = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-custom', '#', 'Quux', null, 'Example [shift-x]', 'q' );
- $cuQuux = $( cuQuux );
- assert.equal( $cuQuux.find( 'a' ).attr( 'title' ), 'Example [ctrl-alt-q]', 'Existing accesskey is stripped and updated' );
- assert.equal(
- $( '#p-test-custom #c-barmenu ul li' ).length,
- 1,
- 'addPortletLink did not add the item to all <ul> elements in the portlet (bug 35082)'
- );
- tbRLDM = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '//',
- 'Default modules', 't-rldm', 'List of all default modules ', 'd', '#t-rl' );
- assert.equal( $( tbRLDM ).next().attr( 'id' ), 't-rl', 'Link is in the correct position (by passing CSS selector)' );
- caFoo = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-views', '#', 'Foo' );
- assert.strictEqual( $tbMW.find( 'span' ).length, 0, 'No <span> element should be added for porlets without vectorTabs class.' );
- assert.strictEqual( $( caFoo ).find( 'span' ).length, 1, 'A <span> element should be added for porlets with vectorTabs class.' );
- addedAfter = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '#', 'After foo', 'post-foo', 'After foo', null, $( tbRL ) );
- assert.strictEqual( $( addedAfter ).next()[0], tbRL, 'Link is in the correct position (by passing a jQuery object as nextnode)' );
- // test case - nonexistent id as next node
- tbRLDMnonexistentid = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '//',
- 'Default modules', 't-rldm-nonexistent', 'List of all default modules ', 'd', '#t-rl-nonexistent' );
- assert.equal( tbRLDMnonexistentid, $( '#p-test-tb li:last' )[0], 'Nonexistent id as nextnode adds the portlet at end' );
- // test case - empty jquery object as next node
- tbRLDMemptyjquery = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-test-tb', '//',
- 'Default modules', 't-rldm-empty-jquery', 'List of all default modules ', 'd', $( '#t-rl-nonexistent' ) );
- assert.equal( tbRLDMemptyjquery, $( '#p-test-tb li:last' )[0], 'Empty jquery as nextnode adds the portlet at end' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'jsMessage', 1, function ( assert ) {
- var a = mw.util.jsMessage( 'MediaWiki is <b>Awesome</b>.' );
- assert.ok( a, 'Basic checking of return value' );
- // Clean up
- $( '#mw-js-message' ).remove();
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'validateEmail', 6, function ( assert ) {
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( '' ), null, 'Should return null for empty string ' );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( 'user@localhost' ), true, 'Return true for a valid e-mail address' );
- // testEmailWithCommasAreInvalids
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( 'user,' ), false, 'Emails with commas are invalid' );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( 'userfoo@ex,' ), false, 'Emails with commas are invalid' );
- // testEmailWithHyphens
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( '' ), true, 'Emails may contain a hyphen' );
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.validateEmail( '' ), true, 'Emails may contain a hyphen' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'isIPv6Address', 40, function ( assert ) {
- // Shortcuts
- function assertFalseIPv6( addy, summary ) {
- return assert.strictEqual( mw.util.isIPv6Address( addy ), false, summary );
- }
- function assertTrueIPv6( addy, summary ) {
- return assert.strictEqual( mw.util.isIPv6Address( addy ), true, summary );
- }
- // Based on IPTest.php > testisIPv6
- assertFalseIPv6( ':fc:100::', 'IPv6 starting with lone ":"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:100:::', 'IPv6 ending with a ":::"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:300', 'IPv6 with only 2 words' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:100:300', 'IPv6 with only 3 words' );
- $.each(
- ['fc:100::',
- 'fc:100:a::',
- 'fc:100:a:d::',
- 'fc:100:a:d:1::',
- 'fc:100:a:d:1:e::',
- 'fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac::'], function ( i, addy ) {
- assertTrueIPv6( addy, addy + ' is a valid IP' );
- } );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac:0::', 'IPv6 with 8 words ending with "::"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac:0:1::', 'IPv6 with 9 words ending with "::"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( ':::' );
- assertFalseIPv6( '::0:', 'IPv6 ending in a lone ":"' );
- assertTrueIPv6( '::', 'IPv6 zero address' );
- $.each(
- ['::0',
- '::fc',
- '::fc:100',
- '::fc:100:a',
- '::fc:100:a:d',
- '::fc:100:a:d:1',
- '::fc:100:a:d:1:e',
- '::fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac',
- 'fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac:0'], function ( i, addy ) {
- assertTrueIPv6( addy, addy + ' is a valid IP' );
- } );
- assertFalseIPv6( '::fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac:0', 'IPv6 with "::" and 8 words' );
- assertFalseIPv6( '::fc:100:a:d:1:e:ac:0:1', 'IPv6 with 9 words' );
- assertFalseIPv6( ':fc::100', 'IPv6 starting with lone ":"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc::100:', 'IPv6 ending with lone ":"' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc:::100', 'IPv6 with ":::" in the middle' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100', 'IPv6 with "::" and 2 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100:a', 'IPv6 with "::" and 3 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d', 'IPv6 with "::" and 4 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d:1', 'IPv6 with "::" and 5 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d:1:e', 'IPv6 with "::" and 6 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d:1:e:ac', 'IPv6 with "::" and 7 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( '2001::df', 'IPv6 with "::" and 2 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( '2001:5c0:1400:a::df', 'IPv6 with "::" and 5 words' );
- assertTrueIPv6( '2001:5c0:1400:a::df:2', 'IPv6 with "::" and 6 words' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d:1:e:ac:0', 'IPv6 with "::" and 8 words' );
- assertFalseIPv6( 'fc::100:a:d:1:e:ac:0:1', 'IPv6 with 9 words' );
- } );
- QUnit.test( 'isIPv4Address', 11, function ( assert ) {
- // Shortcuts
- function assertFalseIPv4( addy, summary ) {
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.isIPv4Address( addy ), false, summary );
- }
- function assertTrueIPv4( addy, summary ) {
- assert.strictEqual( mw.util.isIPv4Address( addy ), true, summary );
- }
- // Based on IPTest.php > testisIPv4
- assertFalseIPv4( false, 'Boolean false is not an IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( true, 'Boolean true is not an IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( '', 'Empty string is not an IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( 'abc', '"abc" is not an IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( ':', 'Colon is not an IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( '124.24.52', 'IPv4 not enough quads' );
- assertFalseIPv4( '24.324.52.13', 'IPv4 out of range' );
- assertFalseIPv4( '.24.52.13', 'IPv4 starts with period' );
- assertTrueIPv4( '', ' is a valid IP' );
- assertTrueIPv4( '', ' is a valid IP' );
- assertFalseIPv4( '', 'IPv4 ranges are not recogzized as valid IPs' );
- } );
-}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );